LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24
Kamala Harris Comes To Johnstown
Well over 100 supporters and lobbyists showed up but no Josh Shapiro. He's getting ready for the abortion bus tour with Harris’ campaign’s “Fighting for Reproductive Freedom” in Philadelphia starting at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules absentee ballots must have correct date.
Pennsylvanians who vote by mail must write a proper date on their ballot envelopes for their votes to be counted, under a decision Friday from the state Supreme Court that could affect thousands of voters this November.
The decision voids an Aug. 30 Commonwealth Court ruling that enforcing the requirement on ballot dating violated voters’ rights under the state constitution. The Supreme Court’s 4–3 decision was based on whether the lower court had jurisdiction in the case, not on the merits of the underlying claim, meaning that the constitutional argument could be made again in court.
This excerpt on your soul becoming a sun is from the 2013 Pearl of Wisdom by Archangel Gabriel. (Vol. 56 No. 21.)
Become a Magnet for the Release of Sun Energy
You know of all those things that have been predicted and of all those dark manifestations supposedly coming upon the earth and so many centers of conflict. It is as though mankind had kicked over a giant anthill and now were trying to stomp out the ants, one by one fleeing, scurrying hither and yon. Here a crisis. There a crisis. And how can mankind cope when crisis reaches dizzying proportions? And mankind sink back in uselessness, hopelessness, and they cry out to the living God, “What can we do? What can we do? How long, O Lord? How long, O Lord? How long?”
Now I come to tell you the mystery of the Sun and of the energy of the Sun. For, you see, only a minute increment of light from the heart center of your own solar system is required for the balancing action of the planet.
Do you know that, by comparison in your own world, that portion of the Sun’s energy which could be for the exaltation, the balancing and the bringing in of a golden age is microscopic? Think of that, precious hearts! Think of what a grain of spiritual light from the altars of your own God-center, your own atom, could do for Terra.
Dictation by Saint Joseph (excerpt)
I come to you out of the heart of God—thy God and my God—for there is but one. I come to you containing in my Causal Body long ages of preparation for the age of Pisces. From the hour of the Lord Jesus' reign 35,000 years ago on Atlantis unto the hour of the betrayal of his reign by the dark forces, through the aeons that have descended, the preparation of the age of Pisces and the coming of that Son of God was ongoing…
Your Holy Christ Self is indeed the Lamb of God. And as you allow this Christ to be “formed and re-formed in you” in the likeness of the Holy One of God, so you shall know the experience of the slaying of the Lamb and the attempt of the fallen angels to pierce to the very soul of your being in order to snuff out the candle of the living Christ in the earth…
And so I was chosen to father the Son of God in his final incarnation and in so doing to father the Piscean age, as I said, by long preparation beforehand. All the players in that scene of the family and all whom we met and worked with, aye, John the Baptist and great adepts of the East and those with whom we were in contact whose names are not recorded—all those players to the scene, including disciples and the multitudes, descended knowing that they would act out the greatest pageant of all history. And in acting it out, I say to you, beloved, they were counseled and trained to play their role of individual Christhood and to play it to its fullest…
Yes, the day must dawn when you find yourself as the mirror image of your own beloved Holy Christ Self. And therefore, the separation will be slight and as that rapprochement occurs wherein the soul no longer fears to enter into complete union, no longer fears the wedding day or the wedding garment, I say, beloved, you shall walk the earth again as Christed ones as you did in that ancient golden-age civilization on Atlantis when you had balanced 51 percent of your karma. And many did ascend who went on to balance 100 percent of their karma in that time and dispensation, while others, some among you included, did lose ground and therefore did lose the 51 percent they had gained…
Yes, I AM Saint Joseph, and I walk in the full mantle of my office as protector of Mary and of every mother and every woman and of every child in the earth. And I tell you, beloved, that I play that role. As many in the earth call to me as Saint Joseph, so I respond to that name. Knowing who I am, therefore, I can be called by any name, any key of any name of any past incarnation. Thus, I have rolled them into one and determined to be called by you merely “Holy Brother,” Saint Germain….
Yes, beloved, civilization will stand or fall. It will stand only if you determine to bind the force of Antichrist that was in the heart of Herod whereby he sent out his henchmen to slaughter the male babies in order to be sure to destroy the living Christ Jesus. And therefore, the angels of the Seventh Ray led us in the flight into Egypt and it was indeed a flight from the terror of the powers-that-be of the time.
And do not think that it was not a challenge for me and for Mary. Yes, it was indeed! For we were in the form that you are in this day, we were in the times and we knew exactly what could happen if we did not play our role…
I say, this place is indeed the cradle of a new civilization of Lightbearers! And I, Saint Joseph, am on hand as always to inaugurate cycles and dispensations by the power of the Seventh Ray. Therefore, I come to you in the great glory of God and I tell you that the mission of Jesus Christ was an absolute God-success for those who did receive it and who did, therefore, by the power of his mouth-to-mouth, heart-to-heart resuscitation come into their own victory in the Light.
But very quickly the fallen angels, the wolves in sheep's clothing, did come along, did distort the doctrine, did destroy the works of Origen and others. And therefore the perversion of the teachings of my Son are in the earth today, entrenched in doctrine and dogma and inciting fear in the many hearts of Light who should have gathered in this tent for this convocation upon the coming of Alpha and Omega—blessed be the holy names of our Father-Mother God….
I come to you to place my mantle and Presence of Saint Joseph over you so that you may go and do the work and be our hands and feet, our hearts and our chakras in the earth. Blessed ones, if you will spend your life and time and hours in this endeavor, I assure you that to have my Presence over you will ultimately manifest in you as the regaining of your strength, your health, your youth.
Beloved, if I may work through you, I will raise you up. But you must give attention to me.
Remember me as I walked by the child Jesus, as I walked with Mary and as I guided them until the hour of my transition. Remember, then, how Jesus did go alone, joining the caravan to the East. Yes, beloved, the Son of God was overshadowed by angels and by the hierarchy of the dispensation of the Piscean age and by myself when I was no longer in embodiment.
Yes, beloved, we have work to do! We have some unfinished business with the fallen ones who have moved against my Son and against you as my sons and daughters in every age, lifetime after lifetime…
Now I say to you, beloved, the fallen ones have been working overtime on you and many others of your companions who are not here for one reason or another. And they have sought to move you this way and that way. They have worked hard to insert into your mind thoughts that are not your own, interpretations of life, inserting desires in the mind and in the desire body…
And then you have gone another way and a-this-way and a-that-way instead of first seating yourself in the place of the Holy of holies of your heart chakra with your Holy Christ Self and simply saying:Be still and know that I AM God and that the I AM THAT I AM within me is that God! And I will not be moved from my course of service to my God…
The vaccines injected synthetic biology, now activated, after nearly 2 years of incubation
Dr Jane Ruby, US pharmaceutical researcher and health economist, interviews Dr Young Mi Lee, a south Korean gynaecologist, and researcher with the International Team of Inter-disciplinary Research. Two researchers from Korea and Japan disclosed results after they incubated material from the vials of the Pfizer and Moderna jab for Covid-19. What they discovered has shocked the world. These injections deposit a pre-programmed self-assembled set of three-dimensional functional structures inside the body. We are discovering the forced fusion of human life with micro-machines inside our own body, without out consent. They are killing people or sterilising them worldwide. This is transhumanism, which continues without respite.
It’s not just Springfield — Pennsylvania town has the same problem.
Charleroi south of Pittsburgh that Governor Shapiro ignores because the Dems are financing immigration it as a means to get more warm bodied Dem voters in time for the election.
Florida Updated Guidance For Covid Vaccines - DO NOT USE
Florida Department of Health sent this bulletin at 09/12/2024 05:19 PM EDT
on the high rate of global immunity and currently available data, the
State Surgeon General advises against the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Any provider concerned about the health risks associated with COVID-19
for patients over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions
should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and
(The current Flu and RSV vaccines are also made with mRNA technology.)
Images of neatly lined up animal carcasses at a local dog park are circulating online.
Flight Of United 93. Witness Location. Visit for more information.
There is a simple explanation for all of the things that don't add up with the FBI's Flight 93 narrative. They lied.
What independent investigators believe Susan saw was a JASSM type missile fired from an F-16. It's about the size of her minivan with wings like a plane. This is what made the hole in the ground where the FBI said the plane crashed. The FBI told her she didn't know what a 757 looks like because they were gaslighting her. The JASSM missile is believed to be the same type used on the Pentagon on 9/11. This video has one frame of it at the 25 second mark here.
Corrected Flight 93 Flight path and crash site:
Further confirmation comes in the form of latitude and longitude positions reported by ATC. N39 51 -W78 46 were reported as the last known radar position of United 93. This is over 20 miles from the FBI's claimed crash site on top of a mountain behind Hyndman on PA State Game Lands precisely at this patch of downed trees.
See Pilots For 911 Truth: United 93 Still Airborne After Alleged Crash - According To ATC/Radar
(This would be a great new 9/11 site for a PA State Game lands hiking adventure. We don't even need the Feds approval on this one. We need Somerset county Sheriff's office to get a crew up there since it's on their side of the county line. They will need metal detectors to check for crash debris.)
Record Anti-Netanyahu Protests, Labor Strikes, Bring Israel To A Standstill
The last Trumpet is nearing.
Children born alive after failed abortions are left for hours, to die without medical attention
Australian Senator Ralph Babet claims that in Australia, at least one baby is born alive every week after a failed abortion. In some states and territories, there is no legal requirement for that living human being to receive any medical care.
Often, the baby is placed on a metal tray and left to die slowly. ‘President, try as I might, I do not understand how we harp on daily, in this place, about the importance of human rights, while we allow the most vulnerable human beings to be treated like dirt.
I hope fellow senators will join me in condemning the practice of abortion. It is tragic, horrible, evil and disgusting, and it is something I will never agree with,’ he stressed.
(This is where the aborted baby sawdust comes from to make the vaccines. Even the Pope used to be against these atrocities!)
U.S. announces $700 million in aid for Ukraine's energy grid
Hunter Biden reportedly sought US government help for Ukrainian gas company Burisma
Governor Josh Shapiro - Pennsylvania stands with Ukraine. We know.
$700 million is enough to build a Liquid natural gas terminal. The one proposed for PA is being blocked by the Biden admin. See Chester LNG Penn America. Shapiro is more worried about Ukraine and Israel than his home state. Natural gas is only half as polluting as coal and oil but these energy monopoly experts are holding everyone else back.
Trump was Right: Countless Lives Could have been saved with Hydroxychloroquine
brand-new study published by the Brownstowne Institute makes it clear:
President Donald Trump was right about the early treatment of COVID
with Hydroxychloroquine.
Early in the pandemic, President Donald Trump and White House senior official Peter Navarro arranged the donation of 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to America’s strategic drug stockpile to combat Covid-19. The government began securing HCQ in March 2020, after Trump, on the advice of his medical and scientific advisors, lauded HCQ as “very encouraging,” “very powerful,” and a “game-changer.”
Sadly, instead of embracing President Trump’s HCQ proposal, the medical establishment and the media undertook an unprecedented attack on HCQ:
Following Trump’s proposal, HCQ suddenly came under an unwarranted full-scale attack from federal officials, the press, so-called “fact-checkers,” and university professors. Many of the attacks contained outright falsehoods about HCQ’s pharmacology and safety or Trump’s endeavor to make HCQ available to eligible patients.
(Hydroxychloroquine is also commonly prescribed for arthritis. It is similar to Ivermectin as it kills paracites. It is also prescribed for malaria which is why Africa escaped covid because they take Hydroxychloroquine often to prevent malaria.)
US stockpile stuck with 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine
(CNN) — The federal government is stuck with 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine now that the US Food and Drug Administration has revoked permission for the drug to be distributed to treat coronavirus patients.
The government started stockpiling donated hydroxychloroquine in late March, after President Trump touted it as "very encouraging" and "very powerful" and a "game-changer."
But the FDA revoked its emergency use authorization to use the drug to treat Covid-19, saying there was "no reason to believe" the drug was effective against the virus, and that it increased the risk of side effects, including heart problems.
FBI Found Only One Case of Voter Fraud Since 2017 :His Name Was John Doe. He got 42 Months in jail.
If you go to the Dept of Justice web site and search for voter fraud you will find only one person charged with voter fraud and that was John Doe on Friday November 17, of 2017.
Alcyon Pleiades Special 67: Kamala Harris-US presidency, Puppet, Elite paedophiles abortionists LGBT
In this new video special, we will explore the reality that lies behind American Vice President Kamala Harris, who is running for president of the United States. She is a new pawn manipulated by the powers in the shadows, and were she to win, she would lead the land of freedom to the opposite side of the spectrum, into slavery and bankruptcy. For many Americans, President Biden was merely a decorative piece, and Kamala, if she is elected, will be even more of one. The Democratic National Committee has been completely hijacked by the billionaire class and the presidency is no longer an institution of vital importance.
At present, it is managed by a corporation. It is not that we are in favour of the Republican candidate either, because both form part of the political game, and those pulling the strings are well-hidden in the shadows. From there, they put governing officials in office or have them ousted, based on their own interests and agenda. This explains why Vice President Kamala Harris is promoting gender ideology and the LGBT agenda, advocating abortion, inclusion and equality. At the same time, she is striking out against traditional values, like life, family, freedom and the rights that always used to exist and give meaning to the American nation.
Behind the motto of ‘progressivism’, they are hiding a radical leftist anti-human agenda aimed at total control, and as we will see in this documentary, Harris’ disastrous economic plan strives to collapse the country, and ultimately, to destroy the ever-weakened economy for Americans. In this video, we shall explore the background of the worst candidate running for the US presidency. Video by Alcyon Pleiades
The VA is ignoring all these safety signals and not warning veterans about the possibility the shots could be unsafe. Instead, the VA is blindly trusting the CDC and ignoring their own data. They should be held accountable because by refusing to look at their own data, they are killing people.
Elevated by 5X or more from baseline rates:
The following adverse events were elevated by less than 5X over baseline:
Recently-updated Penn State bylaws cited in recommendation to remove Fenchak. What’s next?
He just wanted to see the books. If it was about Gricar he would have been gone a long time ago.
How to Turn Your Old iPhone Into an A.I. Phone (and Skip the Upgrade)
(The main thing to look for is Golden Age programming. It must have golden rule origins. Then all you need are PI police to keep things on track.)
Athens during its golden age
The golden age of Pericles in Athens was one of the richest eras in the history of the entire world. The construction of the Parthenon, the finest talents of art, of government and drama came forth in that period. It was a flowering of genius.
Serapis Bey was embodied as the sculptor Phidias. He was regarded as the greatest of all the Greek sculptors. His most famous work was the forty-foot high statue of Pallas Athena in gold and ivory that stood inside the Parthenon in Athens. He was also the architect of the Parthenon itself and supervised its exquisitely masterful construction. He lived as the ultimate personification of the golden age, a Grecian master artist who had an enduring influence on all subsequent Western art.
There was something very special about Greece—it was a mandala, a pattern of a golden-age society, which the masters of the Great White Brotherhood attempted to outpicture at that time. They sought to restore from ancient Lemuria and Atlantis some of the great works of art and science and the understanding of God-government.
Moderation in all things, the Greek ideal, reminds us of the Middle Way of Buddha and the Eightfold Path.
El Morya was instrumental in bringing forth Greek culture in that age, which came to an end in the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta and the warring of the Greek city-states, vying for power, their great jealousy and envy of Athens. During the war, the karma of division descended: a plague carried away a third of the population of Athens. The rest lost the will to fight.
The purpose of the Greek city-states was to bring forth the perfect government, perfect science and art, perfect literature; and their initiation was to unite the city-states in the fiery core of the energies of Alpha and Omega, the perfect balance of Father-Mother, of the T’ai Chi. When it came time to unite, instead of going within, they rebelled, and the separation of the Greek city-states marked an initiation failed.
Golden Age In The Sahara Desert 50,000 years Ago
Saint Germain’s rule
More than fifty thousand years ago, a golden-age civilization thrived in a fertile country with a semitropical climate where the Sahara Desert now is. It was filled with great peace, happiness and prosperity and ruled with supreme justice and wisdom by Saint Germain.
The majority of his subjects retained full, conscious use of the wisdom and power of God. They possessed abilities that today would seem superhuman or miraculous. They knew they were extensions of the Central Sun—Life-streams issuing from the Great Hub of the Spirit/Matter cosmos. For their wise ruler had charted for them on a great mural in the center of the capital city their cosmic history—that they should not forget the Source whence they had come nor their reason for being: To become sun-centers in this distant galaxy they now called home, extensions of the Law of the One. For they were part of an expanding universe. And their sense of co-measurement with the One sustained an ever-present cognition of the I AM THAT I AM.
Saint Germain was a master of the ancient wisdom and of the knowledge of the Matter spheres. He ruled by light every area of life; his empire reached a height of beauty, symmetry and perfection unexceeded in the physical octave. Truly the heavenly patterns were outpictured in the crystal chalice of the earth. And elemental life served to maintain the purity of the Matter quadrants.
The people regarded their hierarch as the highest expression of God whom they desired to emulate, and great was their love for his presence. He was the embodiment of the archetype of universal Christhood for that dispensation—to whom they could look as the standard for their own emerging Godhood.
Guy and Edna Ballard (now the ascended masters Godfre and Lotus) and their son, Donald, were embodied as the children of Saint Germain. (Like the Trump family today) Under his enlightened reign, the entire civilization knew an era of peace, abundance, and accomplishment in commerce, education, and the arts and sciences. No government since that time has even approached the achievements of this divinely directed administration.
For hundreds of years, harmony among peoples was the law of the land without the need for enforcement by any armed forces. The authority of the affairs of state was vested in fourteen ascended masters, two governing on each of the seven rays of the Christ light, with fourteen lesser masters in charge of the seven departments of government.
Gold was in widespread use among the people for its vitalizing energy and its purifying and balancing electronic force. It was never hoarded but widely distributed because, as precipitated sunlight, its radiant energy served to purify and elevate the spiritual consciousness of the people and balance the natural forces of the earth.
Many of the more advanced souls had full conscious use of the powers vested in them as sons of God, and they were able to directly precipitate gold and precious jewels in large quantities for use as focuses of light.
However, a portion of the people gradually became more interested in the gratification of the outer senses than in fulfilling the divine plan of the golden age, causing them to lose their powers of God-mastery. The king was instructed by the Ancient of Days to give a banquet and to announce his decision to withdraw.
Trump Celebrates The Birthday of Jesus Christ’s Mother With Image of ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’
Former President Donald Trump celebrated the birthday of Mary, venerated by Christians as the mother of Jesus Christ, in a TruthSocial post Sunday.
“Happy Birthday Mary!” the presidential candidate posted on his social media platform, alongside a photo of “Our Lady of Guadalupe.”
The image bears particular significance to Catholics in Mexico, where an Aztec man named Juan Diego said that Mary appeared to him several times in visions in 1531. Mary purportedly asked in these visions that a shrine be built to her on Tepayac Hill, which is now a suburb of Mexico City.
Mother Mary was embodied on Atlantis, where she served in the Temple of Truth as a priestess of the Most High God. There she tended the fires of the fifth ray and brought forth into the planes of Matter her soul's inner attainment, which she had achieved through thousands and thousands of years of service in heaven.
As she worked with the laws governing the flow of God's energy from the planes of Spirit to the planes of Matter, she learned in her outer consciousness what her soul already knew—that disease, decay and death are caused by an arresting of the flow of light at some point in the four lower bodies and that this clogging of energy may result from man's misuse of the sacred fire with its attendant karma.
She also learned by her own experimentation in this laboratory of truth—for such was the ancient temple of Atlantis—that the cure for disease is the harmonization of the flow through the light centers in the lower bodies. She saw that the reversal of the processes of death and decay is effected by the initiation of spirals of the resurrection flame within the chalice of the heart.
In the lifetime that Mother Mary was to be the mother of Jesus, she was born to Anna and Joachim. Anna and Joachim followed many of the teachings of the Essene community and had consecrated their lives to God. They were vegetarians and were schooled in the disciplines of the inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood.
In their old age, after having prayed many years for a child, Anna and Joachim received a visitation from an angel of the LORD. He appeared to each one to tell them that they would give birth to this blessed child, a daughter who in turn would become the mother of the Christed One, the avatar of the age.
So Mary was born to them and when she was three years old she was consecrated in the temple, there to become a student of the sacred mysteries. It is said that her parents placed her on the first of fifteen stairs representing the initiations of the psalms of degrees (Psalms 120-134). She climbed the fifteen stairs one right after the other, showing that her soul had already passed these initiations in other lifetimes.
The rosary is a balanced meditation on the masculine and feminine principles of life, on the Father and Mother energies within us, and thus it is a meditation on the cosmic caduceus. The goal of prayer and of the ritual of the rosary is to balance these energies, these cosmic forces within man and woman.
When we succeed in balancing these forces, we can attain to a state of wholeness; and in wholeness we can contact our Father-Mother God. No matter what our religion, the prayers of East and West, of every church and every calling are for this goal: the return to oneness, to wholeness.
She also said the US bore responsibility for the violence in Gaza, fueled by the perceived pro-Israel bias in the media and by politicians who received millions in campaign donations from pro-Israel political action committees to support the war.
“Half of the Congressional budget is being spent on the endless war machine,” she said, referring to legislation providing $12.5 billion in military aid to Israel, which includes $3.8 billion from a bill in March and $8.7 billion from a supplemental appropriations act in April.
Although this is in no way half of the Congressional budget, which is worth $6.8 trillion, Stein said the outlay nonetheless meant “we are not meeting the emergencies that we have on healthcare, housing, education and the environment.”
Nazis just want to have fascism.
Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer
By Frank Bergman,
A celebrated medical professor has confirmed that the “wonder drug” ivermectin has successfully been used to treat and cure terminally ill cancer patients.
The bombshell announcement was made by Dr. Paul Marik, an American physician and revered professor of medicine.
Speaking about the breakthrough during a new interview, Marik revealed that doctors have been stunned after seeing that cancer had “disappeared” in patients who received ivermectin.
Marik, a former critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital who also served as chair of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, revealed that severely ill cancer patients made a complete recovery after they were given ivermectin.
Second to penicillin, Ivermectin is often recognized for having the greatest impact on human health.
Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize.
However, when it was found to treat Covid patients and threatened the rollout of mRNA shots, corporate media propagandists scrambled to convince the public that the wonder drug is nothing more than a “dangerous horse dewormer.”
Yet, major breakthroughs have emerged in recent weeks showing that ivermectin is “very effective against certain cancers.”
Dr. Marik revealed that ivermectin was given to patients as part of a “combination approach” alongside other drugs. –
He revealed that the introduction of ivermectin provided astonishing results.
During the new interview with the Epoch Times, Marik announced:
“Patients who had solid tumors, who were given the horse dewormer (ivermectin), and together with some other drugs … the cancer disappeared.”
Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer
RFK Jr’s 12-part plan to make America Healthy again
Guest Post by Steve Kirsch
Kamala Harris has absolutely no interest in doing any of these recommendations. Maybe she’ll adopt my plan instead? What do you think? Executive summary My plan
On September 5, RFK Jr. published a 12 step plan in the WSJ on how to make America healthy again.
I’ll offer my plan too.
Let me know which plan you like better.
(President Trump should get Steve Kirsch to help RFK JR defang big pharma.)
The health policy mandated during the pandemic was reckless, managed by inept and incompetent people
Still pushing vaccines to get ahead.
New report says vast majority of Pa. schools have lead in their drinking water
Masur says in Harrisburg, the district does test for lead in some of its drinking water, but “they did not share the results with the Pennsylvania Department of Education to be publicly posted. This is critical since the lead and drinking water testing results were not published by the Harrisburg School District.”
(This might explain the madness of the PSEA to keep voting democrat.)
Alex Jones is joining Tucker Carlson LIVE September 23rd at Santander Arena in Reading, Pennsylvania!
The highly anticipated gathering is part of Tucker Carlson’s nationwide tour. Get your tickets HERE at
(This is the last day of the tribulation if we count seven years from September 23, 2017.)
Revelation 12 Sign on September 23, 2017
After 9 ½ months, Jupiter exits out of the womb of Virgo. Upon Jupiter’s exit (birth), on September 23, 2017, we see the constellation Virgo with the sun rise directly behind it (the woman clothed with the sun). At the feet of Virgo, we find the moon. And upon her head we find a crown of twelve stars, formed by the usual nine stars of the constellation Leo with the addition of the planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
It just so happens that these events transpire during the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of “the woman clothed in the sun,” Our Lady at Fatima in 1917. The culmination of these astronomical events occurs just 3 weeks before the 100th anniversary of the great miracle of Fatima, in which the sun “danced” (another heavenly sign), an event that was witnessed by many thousands.
Jesus spoke of a coming “abomination of desolation” in the Olivet Discourse as He referenced a future event mentioned in Daniel 9:27. In Matthew 24:15–16, Jesus says, “So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place . . . then those in Judea must flee to the mountains” (CSB).
Those who are alive during the tribulation
should be watchful and recognize that the breaking of the covenant with
Israel and the abomination of desolation will herald the beginning of
the worst 3½ years in history (see Matthew 24:21).
“Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all
that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the
Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).
3/3/2021 is the halfway point between 9/23/2017 and 9/23/2024. The halfway point of the seven year tribulation is known as the abomination of desolation. This coincides with the the beginning of the Biden Presidency, the release of the covid 19 vaccines and America running out of water.
Consecration of the Election to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mother Mary is currently a member of The Darjeeling Council: A council of the Great White Brotherhood consisting of ascended masters and unascended chelas headed up by El Morya, its chief, headquartered in Darjeeling, India, at the master’s etheric retreat.
Members include Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Archangel Michael, the Great Divine Director, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Djwal Kul and numerous others whose objective is to train souls for world service in God-government and the economy, through international relations and the establishment of the inner Christ as the foundation for religion, education, and a return to golden-age culture in music and the arts.
El Morya explains:
There are, then, one hundred and forty-four sealed members of the Darjeeling Council. And there are other members and members’ assistants whom we hold in high esteem who serve with the one hundred and forty-four and whose numbers extend beyond that circle. Many of these are attaches, research assistants and those who move with us to search the files of akasha so that we may lead this civilization to the advancements that have not been made in previous civilizations because of the blindness of the people or their selfishness or their karma.
Thus, beloved, you recognize the names of certain ones who are part of the inner circle of the one hundred and forty-four—the Great Divine Director, the blessed Mother Mary, Mighty Victory, your own beloved Lanello, those who have come from the chohans’ retreats and the chohans themselves. There are also archangels who serve on the Council.
And this body, as each member multiplies his or her Electronic Presence, does reach out and touch the souls of earth—each soul in her time and in her due....
The hundred and forty-four members who form the nucleus of the Darjeeling Council have contacts with many souls on earth, and this is a major reason for their having been selected to be on the Council. Prior to their ascension, these Ascended Masters and angelic beings had personal contact, sustained over the centuries, with individuals who are still in embodiment, many of whom are now ready to take responsibility for the fate of earth’s evolutions....
I speak to you, then, of the sponsorship by the Darjeeling Council of individuals who are in leadership positions in their nations, whether in government, the economy, education or the arts and sciences. We have many, many representatives, beloved, and we also count you among them.
We ask you to come to Darjeeling and to knock on the door of our Darjeeling retreat this night, to present yourselves and make known to us your professions, your callings and how you will lend your talents to this endeavor. For there are five and a half billion souls, more or less, in embodiment and many out of embodiment seeking entrée into this world. And we must tend them as we would tend the flocks of the Lord.
Therefore, we would deal with you according to your abilities and we would advance you in those disciplines in which you have already qualified yourselves, having concentrated in certain areas of life for thousands of years. Each one has a great contribution to make; and if you decide to make that contribution, you shall earn your ascension in the Light.
The Temple of Good Will is the etheric retreat of the master El Morya.
It is located in the etheric realm in the foothills of the Himalayas
above the city of Darjeeling, India. Magnificent, radiant currents of
light pour from his retreat, which also has a physical focus in the
hills surrounding the city.
The etheric retreat is a glistening white building in Moorish architecture, square with minarets at the four corners and a large central flame-shaped dome. The walls are as thick as a medieval castle. The apertures are also flame or dome-shaped, delicately shaded in a pale blue as are the doorways, the apertures atop the minarets, and the carvings that mark the divisions of the four stories of the retreat.
As we enter this headquarters of the inner-world government, on the first floor, we are shown the main auditorium. At the far end is the focus of the diamond heart, ministered unto by the devas and Brothers of the Diamond Heart. On a raised altar there is a pale-blue diamond with a delicate blue flame encompassing the white flame that is visible in the center of the diamond.
The Brothers of the Diamond Heart who serve at this retreat under the master El Morya assist humanity’s endeavors by organizing, developing, directing and implementing the will of God as the foundation for all successful organized movements. Within this main auditorium and the adjoining council rooms, the brothers, in their royal-blue robes of oriental design finished with light blue sashes, meet to discuss the plans of the Brotherhood for the most effective release of the flame of the will of God into the arena of action. Their great love for the will of God emanates the feeling of great compassion for humanity and of concern for their welfare, that they go not astray as they attempt in good faith to carry out the vows they have made at inner levels to further the divine plan and the onward-moving tide of the Father’s will for the coming golden age.
The diamond-shining mind of God is the focus, the very heart, of any endeavor. Thus, these servants of the will of God, through their devotion to the diamond in the Great Hub and its focus here on the altar at Darjeeling, assist the Holy Christ Selves of any group who come together for service in maintaining a focus of that diamond as a magnet that will draw to the group the energies required for the completion of a particular project or community service. These brothers direct the angel ministrants of the flame, the devas and the angels of white fire and blue lightning to go forth with the creative essence of the sacred fire focused here to carry it daily to the many centers of action across the face of the earth.
In rooms adjoining the main auditorium, public servants, world and community leaders and holders of public office are schooled between embodiments and in their finer bodies during sleep. All lifestreams on the first ray come here at one point or another in their embodiments, as well as between embodiments, to renew the charge of Morya’s thrust for a purpose in the world of form and to refresh their own understanding of the intricacies of the will of God in politics, in religion, in business, in finance and in education.
Past golden ages The dream of future golden ages Characteristics of the golden ages:
A cycle of enlightenment, peace, and harmony wherein the souls of mankind merge in the Christ Flame for the fulfillment of the divine plan “as Above, so below.” Through the convergence of the etheric plane and sheath with the three lower vehicles of the earth body and her evolutions, the heavenly kingdom will come into manifestation on earth as it is even now in the etheric octave.
The outer memory of past golden ages has long faded in the race consciousness, but the desire of the people for social progress and good government points to the inner memory of souls who know that there is a better way because they have experienced that way firsthand. The records of golden-age civilizations have been buried not only with the continents that sank beneath the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and with the remains of other civilizations that have been destroyed through cataclysm, but also in the subconscious recesses of all evolving on this planet; in addition, these records have been impressed upon the ethers, upon that substance and dimension known as akasha, where they can be read and studied by the clairvoyant.
It was the dream of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to create the golden-age society which Plato had dreamed of, Francis Bacon later wrote about and also Thomas More and his Utopia (El Morya - Sir Thomas More - Defender of the Faith.)
And we in our childhood dreams have also longed for this ideal society—we speak of the idealism of youth, the reaching out for that which is perhaps unrealistic, impractical, but it is that surge of creative energy that is not yet stagnated, that flow of life—as Above so below. The dream is also recorded in the prophecy of John in the Book of Revelation. “And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof.”
The leaders of the ideal society are priest-king-scientists; for there is no separation between government, science and religion, which are seen as a manifestation of the tripartite flame of power, wisdom and love. Positions of authority in the temples and in governmental, educational and scientific institutions are awarded to those initiates who have passed certain degrees of self-mastery and who are thereby qualified to rule and make decisions on behalf of those still going through the tests and initiations that all must eventually pass in order to win their immortality.
The laws of the ideal society are based on that cosmic law that the Creator put in the “inward parts” of man, carefully wrote in his heart, and then sent his angels to record in the archives of universal Truth. These have been guarded to the present hour in the retreats of the brotherhood of ascended masters who have already passed through this or other planetary schoolrooms.
Those who acknowledge the authority of God over man thus have the right to rule as God’s overmen in the ideal society; and this is the twofold meaning of the word government. Thus, as the Christ is the head of every man and the chief cornerstone in the temple of Being, so is he the head of the ideal society. And whoso embodies the greatest measure of the Christ consciousness is most qualified to rule. Therefore, the manifestation of the Universal Christ is recognized as the highest goal of all members of the society. Without common adherence to that goal, a golden-age civilization cannot endure. Because the people of earth do not presently share this goal, the ideal society does not exist upon the earth today.
Ukraine conflict must end ‘this fall’ – Zelensky
Kiev has asked its Western helpers to redouble their pressure on Moscow
The golden age on the etheric plane
If we look up in the sense of looking into the etheric plane, we will find that the golden age as a mandala and as a blueprint for our planet is a reality now. There is a blueprint for a golden age waiting to be fulfilled. We are at that point now where we have a choice as to whether we will we go into a golden age society or will we accelerate the spirals of disintegration, decay, schism that have begun in America and in the world. The teachings of the ascended masters are step-by-step outlining of how we can realize this golden-age consciousness. Individual golden ages
Golden age of the first three root races
Golden age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis
Golden age of the Snow King and Snow Queen, where Greenland now is
Golden age in the Sahara Desert
Golden age of the Incas
Golden age of Casimir Poseidon, where the Amazon now is
He has a serious conflict of interest appearing on MSNBC where his partner in crime Sam the Ripper is a golf producer.
Shapiro appears to be living in a pretend world where he doesn't intend to respond to the DA Gricar murder or the Greenburg murder. Not to mention the murder and maining of numerous innocent people who were mandated to take the vaccine under his direction. And now there is only a blank page from him on dealing with the outcomes of the mRNA vaccines.
Shapiro is a serial murder cover upper. He needs to turn over Gricar's last fax being held under guard at Troop G along with the rest of the evidence and resign from office. See
Children Of Big Brother: What It Means To Go Back-To-School In The American Police State
Instead of being taught the three R’s of education (reading, writing and arithmetic), young people are being drilled in the three I’s of life in the American police state: indoctrination, intimidation and intolerance...School teacher unions like the PSEA need to get out of politics altogether and get back to the basics of education.
Pfizer Insiders Admit Vaccinated Men Are Being 'Chemically Castrated'
You know it’s bad for Kamala when the entire hood is voting for Trump
Courts protect Big Pharma and the healthcare system ahead of the rights of 6-year-old children.
Dr Michael Nevradakis, a Greek researcher and journalist, teams up with American lawyer and writer John Klar, to expose the PREP Act (Public Emergency Preparedness Act) as having potentially dangerous implications for medical freedom, bodily autonomy and informed consent. A 6-year-old boy whose parents had told the school that they did not want their child to get the jab was vaccinated anyway. The Vermont Court has ruled that because the PREP Act is a federal law that pre-empts state law, any parental consent or other right that a person may have is forever precluded by this law.
Major Study Discovers ‘Off Switch’ for Covid mRNA Shots
Good news for the jabbed?
mRNA shots are believed to be responsible for surging cases of turbo
cancers, heart failure, strokes, blood clots, and damaged immune
However, the groundbreaking new discovery gives hope for
approximately 5.5 billion people to “inactivate” what they put into
their bodies.
The new study was led by renowned American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.
and his team presented a novel approach using small interfering
messenger RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) to
bind and deactivate the mRNA from these vaccines.
The process allows the body to clear out the mRNA from the injections.
“We use these small interfering RNAs already in practice,” McCullough stated.
“There’s one called Patisiran, the other one, Inclisiran.
“I use them in my practice.
(Note that current RSV and Flu shots are mRNA products. The goal is natural immunity against all disease through nutrition and hygiene not scrambled immunity with a shot for every disease.)
Supporting Trump’s main task of bringing down the cabal of traitors.
This includes the Rothschilds, who plundered and financially ruled Europe for more than two centuries, as they continue to do today by dominating the global financial system.
Team Harris unveils new plan to beat men into voting submission…
“We've got to win women by more than we lose men,” says Democratic pollster Celinda Lake of the Harris campaign. “That's really the formula for success … But it's real Whac-A-Mole. You’ve got to keep men sullen but not mutinous, and you've got to win women enthusiastically.”…
CBS has reported illegals are receiving Social Security cards which allow them to vote in the US because voter registration forms have no proof of citizenship requirement.
Ukraine has run out of ‘combat pay’ for troops – top MP
The fed already took most of the country's real wealth when they stole from the gold reserves in 2014. Now all that's left for them is to try to get rid of the people and steal the natural gas reserves.
Ukrainian governments since 2014 illegitimate
This isn't counting when Obama and Lugar went in to fund biolabs after the Ukranian president was poisoned by the CIA. See Photo from 2006 when Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko (L) warmly received Lugar and Obama in Kiev.
Threat Reduction Program Extends Reach to Ukrainian Biological Facilities
In 2005 U.S. cooperation with Ukraine under the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) program was expanded Aug. 29 with an agreement to use U.S. CTR funds to improve security for pathogens stored at biological research and health facilities in the former Soviet republic.
Pennsylvania Senate Race poll finds Bob Casey, Dave McCormick tied for the first time
McCormick was behind by 11 points at one point. Casey's portrait might have to come down from the Masonic hall in Scranton if this keeps up. Plus theres the 155MM shell business at stake if theres a slowdown in the Ukraine and Gaza wars. Many have heard McCormick for the first time in PA at the massive Trump rallies.
"I cannot, in good conscience, support policies like promoting sex changes
for vulnerable children, and dismantling Title IX protections.
Russian propaganda!
Former Penn State students may receive slice of $17 Million settlement over COVID restrictions
Those eligible could expect to receive about $155
Lawyers to get up to $5.7 Million
Penn State agreed to pay $17 million to settle a lawsuit brought by students and parents after the university shut down in-person learning during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
How much is the payment? The total value of the proposed settlement is $17 million, but that number will dwindle. Attorneys for the former students and parents who brought the lawsuit could apply to receive upward of one-third of the settlement, dropping the number for members to about $11.34 million. Taxes, fees, litigation costs, contribution awards and expenses for the settlement administrator would further reduce the amount that would be split among an estimated 72,000 people. Those eligible could expect to receive about $155 before taxes and other costs.
Read more at:
(A tuition refund would have been more fair for the students.)
Entire Family Of Tim Walz Endorses Trump
Restaurants Are Dropping Like Flies and It’s Not Hard to Figure Out Why
Even dollar tree is becoming unafordable with stock down to a third of it's former value.
The Final Depressing Chapters For The Late, Great US Economy
Big US National Banks Shut 41 Branches In 2 Weeks
Is YOUR local branch affected?
G7 leaders are tying themselves in knots over Ukraine loan
Engineering a $50bn advance from the profits of frozen Russian assets is presenting a challenge
Remember: The way the Rothschilds do loans is to first steal the country's gold.
Ukraine gold reserves confiscated by New York Federal Reserve in 2014 ...
Mar 15, 2014 — This alleged airlift and confiscation of Ukraine's gold reserves by the New York Federal Reserve has not been confirmed by the Western media.
Note the 20 ton drop of gold reserves in 2014 right after the CIA finished the takeover.
The Russians kicked the Rothschild bankers out of their country. Can you blame them? This is what the Ukraine war is really about. The Russians have done the world a favor by stopping the biological warfare coming out of the Ukraine as well as many other atrocities run by the Bolshevics.
Full List of Vaccines Containing ‘Aborted Fetal Cell Lines’
This is what drives the aborted baby business. Where's the Pope when you need him?
Amyloids injected into animals gets passed on to offspring!
Vaccinating the deer is just introducing the spike protein which causes prion disease similar to Alzheimer's!
Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach sues Pfizer over marketing of COVID-19 vaccine
PA Governor Shapiro needs to be told to do this as well. The days of these companies running government agencies are over with RFK JR waiting in the wings!
You had a lot of questions about Beaver Stadium renovations. Penn State’s AD answered them
Except how they are going to make payments of $4 million a month for 30 years whenever the total profit in 2023 was less than $170,000. They know it's impossible and will have to be paid out of other accounts. The hospital division is losing $100 million a year on transgender promotions so that means cuts from other programs will be needed. With enrollment down 50% at some branch campuses ruined by woke policies, it's easy to see the handwriting on the wall.
In addition there is still no mention of field naming for the winningest coach in college football history. Nor do we have any mention of the case of DA Ray Gricar who was martyered over the Sandusky investigation and thrown down an abandoned mine shaft believed to be near Shamokin Creek.
Since the state has already covered up it's crime with an acid mine drainage reclamation site, there is another area close by that could serve as Ray's memorial and it wouldn't cost a dime. Just rename State Game Lands 165 the "Ray Gricar State Game Lands 165".
An informant mentioned that Ray was left at an abandoned mineshaft on State Game Lands. There used to be two industrial waste ponds near Shamokin Creek
at the entrance to Game lands 165 near Shamokin that have been covered over with state grants.
At least people would be able to pay their proper respects to Ray and the law enforcement process if there was a marker. See
Senator Bob Casey Secures $244.7 Million from Infrastructure Law to Clean Up Abandoned Mine Lands (Spoke in Coal Township, Shamokin)
Apr 3, 2024 — Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) secured $244,786,476 from the U.S. Department of the Interior for abandoned mine land ...
This one has the golden mean spirals intact bringing in the new codes from the Suns and the Sons of Mankind.
(The hope of Camelot: JFK JR, perhaps on the last day of the Tribulation on 9/23/24, to join President Trump and declare the return of God Centered Government kicking off the Golden age once and for all! )
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life! Looking forward to Camelot!
Pleiadian Message September 2024 Article
(This is from Christine Day's Pleiadian Academy. They are always talking about crystal heart light circulating upgrades which can change whole planets for the better. This must be it!)
Beloved ones we greet you,
Great energetic forces are at work across your planet and the winds of change are heralding in a next phase cycle of the New Dawning prophecies. The higher realms of light are being anchored throughout the Earth. Light codes are to being released onto the planet accelerating the energetic Timelines throughout the earth plane while creating pure spaces of consciousness for you to realign and awaken now.
As your Earth enters this next phase of the New Dawning the cosmic energy is designed to begin to flow and anchor between the physical body and the spiritual realms. This happening is designed to herald in a next step process of self-empowerment as you are being reinstated once more to embody your unique divinity.
A series of higher frequency light code waves are to be released across the earth plane. These light codes carry your unique design of higher consciousness enabling you to self-launch. This is the moment for you to reopen the doorway of the Heart through re-accessing a multidimensional aspect of the sacred Heart, enabling you to access your higher-self frequency.
These spaces of the sacred Heart embody an elemental of pure consciousness love, an aspect of your natural multidimensional makeup that is ready to be self-realized within you. This frequency of pure consciousness then naturally flows and blends, becoming infused through every cell of your body for a complete physical and energetic rejuvenation. The light code frequency is designed to begin to arise and flow within every cell, which awakens a pure transmission from within your crystalline structure that exists between the cells.
Like a light switch being turned on you will begin to resonate from within your crystalline structure that is housed within your brain cells, brain synapses, thyroid, spinal column and Heart. Illumination, rejuvenation alignment to the vast joy and love will begin to arise within and simultaneously begin to pulse, flow outwards across the earth plane. A natural by- product of this is because you are part of the god consciousness state, you will realign to Universal authenticity, wisdom and knowing.
This is your time to remember your sacred connections that has always existed within the Universal God consciousness state. This is a pure place of stillness, a link to an unlimited knowing, a vast space of unconditional love. Your multidimensional Heart has always been your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times. Now you utilize these sacred connections consciously in your day-to-day life.
As the amplified cosmic light is reinstated through you, you simply are required to let go and allow this transmutation process. There are essential moments to claim ownership of your vast light, and there will be a continual re-emergence of you as your crystalline structure upgrades. Throughout this process you will have access to Universal integrity within the link of your Heart.
As you utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, you will feel a shift. These words create a resonance, an opening that is activated by you, flowing within your entire crystalline systems. Allow these words to be the tool for a re-orientation of this sacred frequency being re-instated through you. You can really let go and trust this unfolding of you, allowing a fully energetic shift of consciousness to naturally unfold within you. The conscious letting go will allow you to fully embody the frequency of divinity within your cells.
These series of energetic cosmic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not align to Truth on your planet, all corruption within countries and within individuals will be unearthed. Expect an intensification of the 3rd dimensional drama as truth unfolds. There is going to be an energetic shaking of Earth as the old dense patterns crumble, the old, limited structures within society fall.
The breaking down of the structures will create a vast, lasting shift within the consciousness of humanity. Those of you on the path will play an ongoing role holding an energetic platform within your Heart’s to support an ongoing life changing process for humanity. The ‘New Dawning’ prophecy states: This is the time for great change to be unveiled as Earth is moved, realigned within the sacred alternate reality spaces within the Universal realms and begins to reposition itself within a higher consciousness paradigm of the “New Dawning” era.
Be not blinded by the density as it arises, by the drama that is to come. Refer only to the Platform of own Heart’s space. Aligning to integrity moment by moment. The misperception of your Ego mind cannot interfere with your unfolding path at this juncture. Heart focus is required as you maintain a commitment to authenticity and truth. Claim your moments within your Heart by utilizing the words, “I AM”, like a mantra of Truth.
This is a sacred process of your returning. Assisting you in harnessing the amplified cosmic flow that is entering Earth, to awaken your Heart and crystalline structure and upgrade your energetic systems. Let go and allow, be still, let go….
Utilize the Conscious breath, which is a breath taken in the mouth and then released out the mouth. The Conscious breath says two things, “Yes, I am willing to let go and Yes, I am willing to receive my light!” By consciously choosing to utilize the Conscious breath once an hour throughout the day, you begin a natural shedding process of letting go of the old density, old sabotaging and belief systems held in your body.
NOTE: The Conscious breath does not replace the normal breathing cycle.
SACRED SOUND: ENTAH NAE SUNNN… (pronounced entar nay sun)
The sacred sound is designed to link you into the Cosmic flow, allowing the flow to enter your Heart space. The sacred sound that you make is unique, the sacred sound acts like a key to opening a door. Each time you utilize the sacred sound, there is a further opening of the doorway to your Heart. You are birthing the amplification of the Cosmic flow in your Heart through your sacred sound!
Health workers sue France over vaccine mandates at the European Court of Human Rights
French lawyer David Guyon, announces that the Association for the Defence of Fundamental Freedoms (ADLF) has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights, asking for the 5 August 2021 law requiring health workers to be vaccinated to be repealed. If France is found guilty, we must seek compensation and choose the society we want to live in, and never reinstate the vaccine mandate, since it opens the door to social engineering and eugenics for human beings.
Cancer Researcher: Ivermectin Can Overcome Chemotherapy Resistance of Turbo Cancers Caused by mRNA Jabs
oncologist, cancer researcher and author recently shared a study that
chemotherapy-resistant turbo cancers caused by Pfizer and Moderna Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines can be overcome by ivermectin, a
controversial anti-parasitic drug known to ease symptoms of viruses such
as coronavirus. Health authorities have been debunking this information
and have not authorized or approved its use in humans for this purpose.
a Substack newsletter, Dr. William Makis cited a paper from 2020 (by
Juarez et al) on the antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically
feasible concentrations where it was found to support its clinical
development as a repositioned cancer drug.
According to the
study, at a human dose of two mg/kg, ivermectin can achieve anti-cancer
effects such as cell cycle arrest (inhibit proliferation), preferential
inhibition of cancer stem-like cells, synergize with several
chemotherapy drugs and inhibit tumor growth in a breast cancer mouse
Ivermectin was tested at two mg/kg/day, translating to
roughly 5uM in vitro concentration. They found that the drug goes after
cancer stem cells, which tend to be resistant to chemotherapy.
has a preferential depletion effect on the cancer stem-like cell
population,” the authors included in the research. “We observed that
among all the evaluated cell lines, a decrease in cell viability and
clonogenicity is more evident in the cancer stem-like cells than in
their parental population.”
It also found that the most sensitive
cancer cell lines were the ovarian, breast, glioblastoma (brain), lung,
colon, uterine squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), hepatocellular,
triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), pancreatic and endometrial.
Meanwhile, the least sensitive were osteosarcoma, gastric and melanoma.
lymphoma and leukemia cell lines appear to be more resistant to
Ivermectin but the drug has a significant impact on those cells’ ability
to form colonies, according to the study. (Related: Ivermectin can
“kill cancer cells” and boost immune response, suggest health experts.)
further highlighted that this was the first study he had ever seen that
had tested as many as 28 cancer types with ivermectin.
“No wonder it’s hidden from the public,” he commented.
(Ivermectin should be a standard issue medicine by doctors since almost everybody has paracites. Veterinarians except the Pfizer CEO recommend treating horses twice a year and dogs once a month.)
The dogma of the Assumption teaches that at the end of her time on earth, Mary was taken up—body and soul—into heaven. There, she sits at her Son’s right hand, as Queen of Heaven and Earth. The foundation for the teaching is rooted in Scripture, specifically in John’s mysterious and apocalyptic vision recorded in Revelation 12.
First and foremost, the woman of Revelation 12 is identified as Mary, the one “who brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron . . . [the one] caught up to God and his throne” (Rev 12:5). Revelation 12, however, also uses imagery that reveals the woman to be Daughter Zion, the Queen-Bride of Israel, and the Mother of the Church.
In likening the woman to the Queen Bride of Israel, his description of her echoes Isaiah, who said that Israel would be arrayed like a radiant Queen Bride (Is 60:19–20, 62:3–5). Solomon’s bride in the Song of Solomon is similarly described (Songs 6:10). John drives this point home by telling us that the woman wears a crown of twelve stars, an obvious symbol of the twelve tribes of Israel.
But, throughout Revelation, the twelve tribes are also reckoned as signs of the twelve Apostles, the representatives of the new Israel, the Church (Rev 7:4–8, 21:12–14). So, just as Daughter Zion was a symbol of the chosen people of God—Israel—the woman in Revelation is also a symbol of the new people of God, the Church. Paul, in language similar to that of Revelation, called the Church “the Jerusalem above . . . our mother.” He also spoke of the Church as the Bride of Christ (Gal 4:26; Eph 5:31–32). Likewise, John referred to the Church as a “Lady” (2 Jn, v. 5). The woman of Revelation, however, is more than a symbol for the Church. She is also its mother with “offspring” in addition to the one male child to whom she gives birth. And those children are described in Revelation as those who believe in Jesus.
In Revelation 12 we see a great battle which is a dramatic portrayal of the fulfillment of God’s promise in the Garden of Eden. The serpent lies in wait beneath the woman, preparing to devour her off spring. (covid vaccine) The birth of her son becomes the occasion for mortal combat. During the battle, the woman flees into the desert—to a place especially prepared for her by God. Later, after the devil’s defeat, John sees the woman given eagle’s wings to fly to a place in the desert where she would be nourished by God. John’s language recalls Jesus’ words to his Apostles in John 14:1–3. The language of preparing a place is also often used in the New Testament to describe the destiny God has planned for his children (Mt 20:23, 25:34; 1 Pet 1:5; 1 Cor 2:9). John’s words also evoke God’s care for Israel in the wilderness (Ex 19:4; Deut 1:31–33, 32:10–12, 8:2–3).
The picture Revelation paints serves as the biblical outline for the Church’s dogma of Mary’s Assumption. Mary is Daughter Zion, the woman who gave birth to the world’s Savior. Because she is the New Eve, she is free from the shadow of sin and its consequences. This includes the long-term separation of soul and body that exists for the rest of us as we wait for the resurrection of the body at the end of time. Mary has been taken up into heaven by God to join her Son in the place He prepared for her. And in that place, as Christ the King’s mother, she sits at His right hand, wearing the crown of the Queen Mother. Additional scriptural evidence for Mary’s Assumption lies in the fact that there are at least two foreshadowings of it in the Old Testament as seen with Enoch and Elijah.
Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold
The Golden Solar Discs convey the Golden Mean. The Code of Life and Light
They are a plasma networking system - a communication array
Distributed around the planet - in 12 power node locations
For Earthkeepers to interface with.
The Golden Solar Discs activate within each of us - up and down the spine - and this activation awakens this ancient knowing.
interfacing and working with planetary energy grids. The plasma flows
and webbing that convey electromagnetic energies. And distribute this
energy through the fields. Fields of GOLD!
Ascension is the “on purpose” act of us reaching and rising up to meet the descending/incoming light.
It is our human cells raising their vibration to meet the incoming stream of photons to match their frequency.
Ascension happens individually for humans, collectively for the human collective consciousness.
And the Earth, as an aware alive being also undergoes this process.
It is a choice, moment by moment, day by day to vibrate higher, to reach up to receive the light.
Golden Mean Fields of Gold, Golden Sun Discs lighting up the Golden Age!
Neil Diamond - September Morning
Harley Davidson Went Woke! So I Destroyed My Bike!!!
1.1 million views in two weeks. This is destined to be one of the greatest epic motorcycle movies ever made! Right up there with "On Any Sunday".
Jesus in the Detail During Sturgis Rally
Bikers got their motorcycles washed, detailed, and prayed over for free through a unique outreach during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Hubbell says it’s important for bikers to know that the free bike wash is a safe place — they don’t even take donations for their efforts. “We build relationships as we wash and detail their bikes,” Hubbell says. “We may not see the harvest, but we are planting seeds.”
33 nurses "died suddenly" in the US this past week
No reported cause of death. Whats is going on? List by @mcrispinmiller
IVERMECTIN should be given to ALL Advanced Breast Cancer patients - outperforms chemo Paclitaxel and kills Cancer Stem Cells! A 2017 bombshell study by Mexican researchers should have changed how Breast Cancer is treated. Forever. In the 2017 paper "Ivermectin as an inhibitor of Cancer Stem Cells", researchers from Mexico City take on a theory that Ivermectin could annihilate Breast Cancer Stem Cells.
How long has it been known that Ivermectin can be used to treat cancer? Since 1996! What are Cancer Stem Cells? "Although the largest cell burden of a tumor is formed by the so-called bulk tumor cells, a small subpopulation of cells within the tumor has recently been identified, which presents a stem cell phenotype, due to the similarities to these cells have been called “cancer stem-like cells” (CSCs)"
Former YouTube CEO dies of turbo cancer, aged 56. She censored alternative information
US investigative journalist Stew Peters reports that Susan Wojcicki, former YouTube CEO, has died of turbo cancer. Six months ago, her son died suddenly at the University of California. She was a Covid vaccine proponent and propagandist, and she de-platformed channels for telling the truth about these deadly bioweapons.
For this reason, on this occasion, we are going to present our viewers with detailed case-studies of those considered responsible for global genocide, on a scale never seen before in human history. However, no judge or court has dared to prosecute and convict these soul-less individuals, or to sentence them to life imprisonment. Nonetheless, we hope that with this new documentary, everything will come to the fore, so that the Nuremburg 2.0 trials can take place very soon. Innumerable atrocities were committed against the populace, using the pandemic as an excuse, when, in reality, it was carefully planned and prepared years in advance by the satanic elite. There was no open public debate about this issue; on the contrary, drastic and absolute censorship was adopted in almost every country.
How is it possible that all nations agreed to prescribe to the very same plan, for the first time in history? The time has come for these perpetrators to be arrested, put to trial and sentenced to life imprisonment, in order for them to pay for their horrible crimes against humanity. Incidentally, these crimes were committed as part of a general and systematic attack against civilians in times of peace or war, which includes torture, arrest, enforced disappearances (as we saw with Covid quarantine camp lockdowns, which were akin to Nazi concentration camps) murder, enslavement, deportation and widespread acts of violence. Video by Alcyon Pleiades.
According to The Informant, the cellmate and this other man, who is still alive, were contracted to kidnap and murder Ray as a means of slowing down a drug investigation.
(It was really to slow down the Sandusky Second Mile investigation.)
In 2005, Ray and then-Attorney General Tom Corbett were investigating a massive drug ring based in and around State College, which was announced one month prior to Ray’s disappearance. Based on The Informant’s recollections, though, it’s not clear if this investigation and the one that may have prompted Ray’s murder were the same.
A female acquaintance of the two men were paid to lure Ray to the Street of Shops with the promise of connecting him with information about the drug ring. (The mystery woman,) The Informant said Ray and this woman drove to a nearby motel — the cellmate didn’t specify which — where the partner surprised Ray, broke his neck and hauled his body into the trunk of a waiting car.
as his story goes, the two men drove Ray’s body to a remote game land
and dumped his body down an abandoned mine shaft submerged in water. (Shamokin abandoned mines are 26 miles away.)
Bob Buehner wonders why there was hardly any effort to find Ray Gricar. (video.)
Bob couldn't understand why investigators wouldn't check the local hotel registers for clues.
Alcyon Pleiades Special 64: Nuremberg 2.0, Culprits Covid Genocide, Pfizergate, PCR, Prison, WHO
Irrational though it may seem, we are currently experiencing a war against food, as hundreds of millions of people grapple with poverty and hunger, due to today’s policies, which are designed to manufacture a food-and-debt crisis. The goal is not solely to target poorer nations, but to orchestrate a famine on a global scale. In fact, if we do nothing to stop it, if we refuse to prepare ourselves, we will all feel its effects. Food prices are on the rise and farmers are being pressured to stop farming their land. Livestock farms are going out of business and supermarkets are closing their doors, whilst fabricated wars trigger the collapse of the supply chain.
It is important to know that the problem is not a shortage of food. One of its real causes lies with the policies the elite want to impose upon us through their Agenda 2030. These measures are based on false climate change, and they involve a land grab by corrupt billionaires and big corporations, which are taking over arable lands and aqueducts. The elite is planning to trigger food shortages throughout Europe, which, historically, has been one of the most well-fed regions in the world.
When the dominos start to fall and the rest of the world begins to face the consequences of this situation, the entire planet will be submersed in a devastating famine. We are already seeing these scenarios play out quietly in a number of developed nations. Many activists are speaking out, as they try to stop it, whilst seeking to raise our awareness of what is happening before it is too late. Video by Alcyon Pleiades
The Golden Sun Discs
(The 12 Golden Sun Discs are increasing in output accelerating evolution from carbon to crystaline DNA.)
Lake Titicaca lies the greatest of the ‘Golden Sun Disc’. It is
omnipotent and is in turn activating all of the others. These discs are
being programmed & activated into twelve-strand helix- spirals. They
are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of unconditional love, a
light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above in
crystalline Mer-Ka-Na realm.
The Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time
of LeMuria. It was of Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian construct and was for
the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: a living
composite library of the ‘Perfection’ prototype. The Golden Sun Disc
was (and is) the capacitor of dynamic expanding DNA coding for the
planet. And there were indeed 12 composite frequencies that activated in
2012, and are now increasing into great & greater flow as 2038
approaches. The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral
than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed. And Masters you
have a role to play in this process, and we will speak more on this
later in this channel.
The Golden Temple of MU
discs were once displayed in MU in a magnificent Temple. They were
objects of magnificence and perfection; beautiful, but not an object of
art or worship, but rather a complex scientific ‘computeresque’ tool.
They glowed in a golden spiraling translucent sheen, maintaining,
interfacing and regulating the dimensional synergy of the natural
telluric forces of Earth with that of mankind and celestial realms. Thus
forming & benevolently incurring a celestial weave that balanced
all components & energies.
(This makes sense since DNA is affected by sound and vibration. 12 base math laws of nature assimilation.)
the 12 golden sun discs
"The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blueprint for the crystalline field... indeed for the Crystalline 144 Grid! The Golden Sun Disc discs are now emitting a 12-strand helix, in a spiraling energy that will serve, as the prototype of the DNA for the planetary grids. Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the DNA of the Earth itself. They are energetic spirals.
Many of your metaphysicians tell you that there are 12 such discs on the planet. To clarify this we tell you rather, that there are twelve distinct frequencial patterns of integral sun disc." - James Tyberonn,
SD1 Pinnacle Mountain State Park, Arkansas, USA (L. 35° 9'46.10"N, L. 93°38'2.08"W)
SD2 Lake Titicaca (near isla del sol), Bolivia (L. 15°48'35.77"S, L. 69° 3'0.40"W)
SD3 São Thomé das Letras - Minas Gerais, Brazil (L. 21°43'25.25"S, L. 44°58'53.01"W)
SD4 Roslyn Chapel, Scotland (L. 55°51'19.24"N, L. 3° 9'35.11"W)
SD5 Great Pyramids, Giza (L. 29°58'48.56"N, L. 31° 8'3.01"E)
SD6 Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (L. 3° 3'59.27"S, L. 37°21'2.40"E)
SD7 Ural Mountains, Russia (L. 61°22'52.40"N, L. 57°17'56.02"E)
SD8 Sri Lanka (L. 8°10'43.77"N, L. 79°49'16.24"E)
SD9 Lake Baikal, Russia (L. 53°56'54.49"N, L. 108°16'44.22"E)
SD10 Xi-an, China (L. 33°50'20.83"N, L. 108°30'57.18"E)
SD11 Uluru, Australia (L. 25°21'5.91"S, L. 131° 1'59.04"E)
SD12 Moorea, French Polynesia (L. 17°33'2.12"S, L. 149°49'21.02"W)
Music Atmastakam-10124 Singers of the Art of Living Sacred Chants of Shiva.
Secret of the Andes And The Golden Sun Disc of MU Paperback – December 10, 2008 by Brother Philip (Author), Timothy Beckley (Author), Brent Raynes (Author), & 5 more
The Golden Sun Disc of MU was not made of ordinary gold, but was transmuted gold and unusual in its qualities in that it was a translucent metal similar, evidently, to the "metal you can almost look through" of the UFOs. Held by ropes of pure gold in a shrine in the greatest Temple of the Divine Light of the Motherland of MU, the gigantic Golden Disc of the Sun was placed on an altar, which was a pillar carved out of solid stone. There blazed the eternal White Light of the crystalline Maxin Flame, the Divine Limitless Light of Creation. About 30,000 BC, the Maxin Light went out on the altar because of the evil of some of the priest-scientists of MU.
The Sun Disc remained in its shrine, however, until the time of the final destruction and submergence of 10-12,000 BC. The Disc eventually found its way to Lake Titicaca and was placed in a subterranean temple of the Monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays. Here it was used not only by the students of life daily, but also by the Masters and the Saints from the Mystery Schools throughout the world so that they might be teleported back and forth to sit in Council or to partake of some Transmission Ceremony. When the spiritually advanced Incas came to Peru they placed the Disc of the Sun in a specially constructed Garden of Gold where it will remain until the day "when man is spiritually ready" to receive it and use it once again. On that day the Golden Disc will be taken out of its subterranean chamber and placed high above the Monastery of the Brotherhood. For many miles the pilgrims of the New Dawn will see it once again reflecting the glorious rays of the Sun. Coming from it will be an undeniable tone of purest harmony that will bring many followers of light up the foot-worn path to the ancient gate of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and they shall enter the Valley of the Blue Moon for fellowship. This book details the extraordinary spiritual adventures of Brother Philip in this lofty ashram high above the world, out of sight of prying eyes who would like to capture the Sun Disc for less than beneficial purposes. If is a fascinating story of good versus evil that is all the more relevant in these End Days.
National Museum of Denmark: The Sun Chariot
This is a real sun disc of Nordic origin. Possibly from inner earth at the North Pole opening.
The sun interacts with the sun discs coming on line in the Alcyon photon band. Base 12 math is found in nature and in the original 12 strand DNA design.
Quakes, Grids, Crysto Coding the Sun Disc
Shared posthumously with great gratitude for Soluntra's path and her decades of service and sharing. May we continue in LIGHT as the BEAMs.
Golden Solar Discs hold the light codes of the Living Library of
Light at the level of the Great Central Sun. The living library of light
is the creation story that we are experiencing. As we make the shift
into the next root race and being our light in a body, multi-dimensional
selves all merged as we become the Creator Goddess God. We are creating
Heaven on Earth in our body, our body of Light.
Since the Solar
Eclipse higher frequencies of light have able to ground through those
who are clear vessels, previously the Golden Solar Discs vibrated at the
Central Sun creation codes.
As we unify and thereby vibrate at
higher octaves of light so too do the discs as it is now possible for
the higher light codes to come through us. Awareness of being in the
Council of Light, remembering who you are and aware of other worlds and
dimensions, all one with the physical earth world, no separation, only
oneness is experienced as one goes deeper within to the stillness.
Golden Solar Discs are beautiful to see on the inner and we each have
one pulsating within us, we are the Golden Solar being illuminating
Light. The Golden Solar Discs are of very high vibrational, divine
energy and aligned through the Greater Central Sun. They hold the
codings of the Divine Plan and living library, Solar Beings and Prime
Creator. They are in a higher dimensional frequency, and so at present
not seen or felt if we are operating on lower frequencies of fear. There
are many of these world wide, that had been established from previous
cycles, in the Andes, Himalayas and various other power places. Some
were already active as I had personally experienced, once many years
ago, living in the Himalayas, in one of their energy fields. It had
completely transformed me, and it had activated me into more of my
divinity and purpose in life.
Some Golden Solar Discs needed to be
reactivated and other Discs that needed to be anchored at certain
places. They are all connected with tunnels of Light into the Light Grid
around Earth and through the Solar Grid that connects all the Golden
Solar Discs.
They are in the etheric and their purpose is emanating
divine love and oneness, helping humanity to awaken from their sleep
into the illusion of fear and separation, and back into their own divine
presence. When this happens within an individual they are at peace with
themselves and all, and come from the love within, as it expands out to
encompass all creation. No longer in separation, but awakened to the
completion of their divine mission, which is the marriage of Heaven and
Earth. We can only do this in our bodies and through our heart, which is
the doorway to our multi-dimensional self.
The Golden Solar Discs are here to assist us to be the divine resonance of our true self,
we are/I am a Golden Solar Disc.
Councils of Light work with the Golden Solar Discs and many people are
aware of themselves now as beings of light and operating in Councils of
Light. We can access this more unified aspect of our self as we get
clearer, and know who we are.
The Golden Solar Discs were used to
align the Suns with the core of the Inner Earth Sun and maintain harmony
in the last Golden Cycle, now as we return into the next Golden Cycle
we are making the next step and embodying the Golden Solar Disc and
light codes, illuminating in our physical body and Earth, we are the
Golden Solar Disc.
Just like the Christ energy two thousand years ago
anchored light into the core of the Earth and now as that light is
released. We are the Christ; the light shines from within,
as Christ said 'greater things yeh shall do than I have ever done’.
Divine energy works through the Light Grid and into the Crystalline
Grids of Earth, just like we have acupressure or acupuncture points to
clear blockages in the meridians, or polarity energy to open up the flow
of energy within us. So too does this energy open up the flow of
electro-magnetic energy around the Earth. This creates harmony and the
life force flowing freely, that affects all humanity in a positive way.
As they cannot sustain fear and all its associated negatives when the
energy is flowing and aligned with the Divine Plan.
Not all
individuals can go to the Himalayas and be transformed, but now this
energy field has moved out through the gridwork around Earth for all to
experience the peace and harmony. As we are the Light Matrix as is the
Earth, the crystalline grid of light illuminates through us and Earth.
The memory of the last shift in axis almost 13,000 years ago
when Atlantis went down, as we moved into the Photon Belt was in fear.
We were experiencing our will in disregard for Divine Will, so our
vibrations could not handle the Light. We were also moving around the
26, 000 year cycle at half way point in Leo, we are now coming into its
opposite in Aquarius at the completion and into sharing and co-operation
in Divine Love.
We had already experienced the Golden Age and our divine expression, at the beginning of the last cycle, and also the Bronze Age where we needed ritual to connect as the energies started to get denser. Then the Silver Age we lost the connection within, the Iron Age where the creator loses itself in creation. As Atlantis went down we became frozen in fear and the ice age began. Notice now how as we melt the fear in our hearts with love the poles are melting, we are one with the Earth. We are nearing the end of the experience the dark age or Kali Yuga, which has been full of fear and chaos. We have moved into the Golden Age again, through the doorway of our heart and love. Through our heart we merge all ourselves that have been fragmented in our journey through creation from oneness, as we now return to wholeness and our Divine expression.
It is in fact the new grid that initially spawns the new frequencies, and as such necessitates the new coding for the disc. But there is a ‘human’ element in the process and procedure. Some of you who co exist in multidimensionality as the Atla-Ra and Members of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance are in kind carriers of the new code. If you are indeed one of these envoys, you are feeling the need to be involved in the recoding, and are drawn to the Crytsal Vortex and to other locations of the 12-helixed discs.
The Cosmic essence of the sun
discs is ‘coded’ crystalline coherent light, the light of higher
dimension. The energy of ‘home’. The terrestrial essence of the Sun
-Disc frequencial harmonic is crysto-electromagnetic but is synergized
with the human theta grid. One creates the other and the other supports
the first. Both offer essential gateways of enhancement to human
consciousness and are key elements of the Ascension up shift.
I Destroyed My Woke Harley With a Cannon!!!
(Here is a real patriot with a great sense of humor!)
Indian Scout: Maybe some Indian Scout riders would help us find the abandoned mine where the Gricar mine reclamation and clean water park project could be.
Something like the "Gino P. Fornicola Memorial Fountain. In memory of Gino P. Fornicola, family man, business owner and public servant. Gino was an ARMY Veteran of the Korean War who served on Bellefonte Borough Council, was elected Mayor of Bellefonte (1982-1986) and served as Centre County Treasurer (1984-2000). A life long promoter of his beloved Bellefonte, 'on the banks of Spring Creek,' Gino was a Founding Father and first President of Historic Bellefonte Inc, as well as Victorian Christmas, and Kepler Pool at Governors Park. He was also involved in countless other Bellefonte community organizations and projects."
Angel Studios Crowdfunds $4M in 24 hours in Bid to Take On Hollywood Cabal
“Sound of Freedom” producer sees massive investment influx.
‘Trump is privately worried that the Abortion issue alone could kill his chance of victory.’
UPMC/Pitt Baby Part Harvesting Business
All of the aborted babies from UPMC Magee womens hospital are sent over to Pitt for processing.
Pitt has been working with Planned Parenthood to criminally harvest the body parts of babies aborted late in gestation. Those documents include email exchanges from late 2021 through early 2022 between leaders of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Pitt’s senior vice chancellor for research, and the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIS).
This is a big reason why they vote democrat for abortion because there is so much money in baby parts. It's why they don't encourage adoption. With the prospect of population collapse following the fertility drop from the mRNA poisonings, it's imperative to encourage adoption over abortion and never vote democrat.
We need to figure out what hospitals make on a baby that's been parted out. Then apply those savings to adoption incentives with the insurance companies.
Military pilot: Vaccinated individuals have abnormal blood clots of up to 60 cm
A vaccine-injured veteran military pilot, after strange-looking blood clots appeared during her therapy, discovered that they are the same abnormal post-mortem clots found in corpses at a multitude of funeral homes. She found that they appear, not only in corpses, but also in living people, and she concludes that this abnormal clotting material is likely present in each and every vaccinated individual, since they have not been found in unvaccinated people.
(No vaccine can be trusted after this.)
Torus Energy 101: How Toroidal Fields Work
(Our toroidal field is the light body. This is what can interface with the elemental kingdom. The toroidal field can send and recieve information from other toroidal fields.)
The Regenerative Flow of Nature
Aligning your business with the energy of life
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” ~
Grail Leadership
What if you could tap into a natural, organic flow of energy in your business, community or initiative that is life-giving, self-organizing, self-sustaining, coherent at any scale, abundant, and connected to the limitless potential of the universe?
Spoiler alert: You can. In fact, it’s not only possible ~ it is essential for any leader who is a part of co-creating a regenerative future.
Hang with me for a few minutes while I dive into the realm of Geekdom. I promise to bring it back to you and your initiative tout de suite….
There is a field of energy that surrounds every living thing, generated by a process known as the torus ~ nature’s way of creating and sustaining life.
The torus is the regenerative flow of life-force energy found in the human heart, as well as the heart of the Earth, the Sun, and the Milky Way Galaxy. This electromagnetic field is found in atoms, cells, seeds, flowers, trees, animals, humans, hurricanes, planets, suns, galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole.
A torus is made up of a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps around itself to return to the first incoming vortex. In this way, the energy “inside-outs,” continuously flowing back into itself.
Scientist and philosopher, Arthur Young, explained that a torus is the only energy pattern or dynamic that can sustain itself and is made out of the same substance as its surroundings ~ like a tornado, a smoke ring in the air, or a whirlpool in water.
This self-sustaining, balanced yet dynamic, energy flow process is found in regenerative systems at all scales. It is what allows for a “fractal” nesting of energy from the micro to the macro where each individual entity has its unique identity while also being connected with all else {Sovereign Unity}.
“The self in a toroidal Universe can be both separate and connected with everything else.” ~ Arthur Young
The torus is a seamless, flowing exchange of energy and information throughout the entire cosmic experience ~ a “stepping down” and “stepping up” from level to level where the energy comes into balance and coherence appropriate to each scale.
The torus is self-organizing. The process of spiraling into flow, where individual parts come into an overall order, is spontaneous and happens without control from an external force. The system inherently knows how to create order from chaos.
One of the key characteristics of the torus is that at its very center, there is a space of ultimate balance and stillness. This “zero point” or “singularity” ~ in which there is nothing yet everything, where all is known yet unknown ~ is the space of pure potentiality from which all matter is brought into form.
This center point within all natural systems connects the system to the unified field that underlies all of creation. In this way, there is a kind of reciprocal exchange ~ where the individual is informed and influenced by its surrounding environment, and the surrounding environment is informed and influenced by the individual, in a continuous balanced rhythmic interchange of giving and receiving.
The toroidal flow process includes the features and principles of healthy living systems identified by evolutionary and systems biologist Elisabet Sahtouris, stating that these apply “from cells to organisms, ecosystems to Earth, bodies to businesses.”
She observed that when these features are present, the system is balanced and whole. When these features become compromised or absent, the system goes out of balance and becomes dysfunctional and corrupted to the point that it will either collapse completely or transform into a new balanced state.
This is why so many of our societal systems and command-and-control ways of doing business are now collapsing. We are maturing beyond mechanistic models of business where organizations are viewed as machines, beyond economic models where success is defined by extracting the greatest value by giving the least, and beyond the siloed approach where businesses are seen as distinct, disconnected entities that must do everything on their own.
We are beginning to remember and embody the knowing that we as human beings are inextricably interconnected systems of systems within systems, impacted by and impacting the environments in which we exist. From this perspective, we can see that what we have called “businesses” or “organizations” are actually co-creations of people and nature ~ living organisms that are themselves ecosystems nested within greater ecosystems.
All natural life has a rhythm and a flow that is continually regenerating itself through infinite cycles of life, death and rebirth in nested, interconnected ecosystems.
By aligning ourselves and our business organisms in ways that mimic this toroidal flow, we generate a coherent field of resonance with the cosmic patterning of life and tap into a resource of energy and creativity that is life-honoring and abundant beyond measure.
Governor Shapiro signs law to capture carbon from the air and store it under ground
With carbon being a major building block of life, politicians have found a way to tax it. This is another attempt to paracite life force out of the air. Chemtrails are another.
Greenhouses and people who work in them thrive at 1000 parts per million of carbon. It's only 425 ppm outside but silly Governor Shapiro wants to lower it further with expensive equipment! This obsolete law is for draconians who thrive on raised levels of radiation. They have left Antarctica so it's time to end the antilife AI nonsense they left behind.
Environmental groups who opposed the bill were also skeptical about how it moved through the legislative process, as the bill was never sent to the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee for review.
The Torus - Dynamic Flow Process
Whereas the Vector Equilibrium represents the ultimate stillness of energy, the Torus shows us how energy moves in its most balanced dynamic flow process. The important thing to understand about the torus is that it represents a process, not just a particular form.
source: source: Ring Torus Horn Torus
A torus consists of a central axis with a vortex at both ends and a surrounding coherent field. Energy flows in one vortex, through the central axis, out the other vortex, and then wraps around itself to return to the first incoming vortex. The simplest description of its overall form is that of a donut, though it takes many different shapes, depending upon the medium in which it exists. For example, a smoke ring in air or a bubble ring in water are both very donut shaped. And yet an apple or an orange, which are both torus forms, are more overtly spherical. Plants and trees all display the same energy flow process, yet exhibit a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Hurricanes, tornadoes, magnetic fields around planets and stars, and whole galaxies themselves are all toroidal energy systems. Extending this observation of the consistent presence of this flow form into the quantum realm, we can postulate that atomic structures and systems are also made of the same dynamic form.
Here's a video showing a simple example of a torus flow using a spring metal hoop:
And here's a video by NASA showing toroidal field dynamics around spinning pulsar stars inside our galaxy.
In our model of cosmometry, the torus is the fundamental form of balanced energy flow found in sustainable systems at all scales. It is the primary component that enables a seamless fractal embedding of energy flow from micro-atomic to macro-galactic wherein each individual entity has its unique identity while also being connected with all else. In the words of pioneering researcher Arthur Young:
“The self in a toroidal Universe can be both separate and connected with everything else.”
For example, our Sun has a large toroidal field surrounding it — the heliosphere — that is itself embedded inside a vastly larger toroidal field encompassing the Milky Way galaxy. Our Earth’s magnetic field is surrounding us and is inside the Sun’s field, buffering us from the direct impact of solar electromagnetic radiation. Earth’s atmosphere and ocean dynamics are toroidal and are influenced by the surrounding magnetic field. Ecosystems, plants, animals, etc all exhibit torus flow dynamics and reside within and are directly influenced by (and directly influence) the Earth’s atmospheric and oceanic systems. And on it goes inward into the ecosystems and organs of our bodies, the cells they’re made of, and the molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles they’re made of…
In this way we can see that there is a seamlessly dynamic exchange of energy and information (a.k.a consciousness) occurring throughout the entire cosmic experience. It is like a “stepping down” and “stepping up” from level to level wherein the balance of energy dynamics comes into coherence appropriate to each scale. And yet there is only one whole energy flow occurring throughout the entirety of it. This is what physicist David Bohm calls the Holomovement.
“[Bohm states] "The new form of insight can perhaps best be called Undivided Wholeness in Flowing Movement. This view implies that flow is, in some sense, prior to that of the ‘things’ that can be seen to form and dissolve in this flow"
The Torus & Toroidal Flow extract from Thrive 2011 documentary
The universe is growing toruses. Other patterns need not apply.
FULL TOWN HALL: Trump Answers Questions Posed By Voters Alongside Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard Reveals The Real Reason Behind Endorsing Trump: 'This Is Personal For Me'
"Not only did he not start any new wars, but he took action to prevent them..."
God wants me to save the world – Trump
Biden-Harris Admin Tried to Deny Trump Any
Globalism, communism and Zionism are based on hatred towards non-Jews and humanity at large
FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on
Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation
DEMOCRAT PARTY: A Global Child Trafficking and Exploitation Crime Syndicate
Close associates of Kamala Harris have worked hard for decades to normalize and decriminalize pedophilia in the United States.
The Anti-Repression Fund was able to prove that the Democratic presidential candidate’s entourage was directly and immediately involved in the abduction and subsequent sexual exploitation of children from Ukraine. Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz personally oversees a pedophile network that sells Ukrainian children to members of the American political and financial liberal elite.
The Anti-Repression Fund found that the children are smuggled out of Ukraine via the American organization Americares and the foundation of Vladimir Zelensky’s wife. Foreign mercenaries fighting in the Ukrainian armed forces and American soldiers from private military companies were directly involved in the abduction of minors.
300,000 Invader Children Unaccounted For
Justice Department watchdog finds flaws in FBI’s reporting of sex crimes against children
(AP) — The FBI is failing to report all suspected child sexual abuse
cases to appropriate law enforcement agencies, according to a Justice
Department watchdog report released Thursday. The review found no
evidence that the FBI complied with mandatory reporting requirements in
about 50 percent of the cases examined by the inspector general.
inquiry found failures in how the FBI is responding to the allegations
in some cases even after improvements prompted by its handling of the
case against former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar.
In a
review of 327 cases involving allegations of sex crimes against
children, the inspector general found no evidence that that suspected
child abuse was reported to appropriate local law enforcement agencies
in 47 percent of the cases. When were reports were made, they were made
within the 24-hour period, as is required by Justice Department policy,
in only 43 percent of the cases.
[link to (secure)]
It Looks Like The Kamal Wants National Control
of Law Enforcement
Illegal Aliens try to hijack two school buses full of kids in San Diego.
#Aurora | #Colorado New footage by
@vicentearenastv reveals an armed gang at a complex in Aurora, Colorado. Aurora officials have been investigating the Tren de Aragua gang, a Venezuelan group involved in human smuggling, violence, money laundering, and drug trafficking across the U.S., including at the Nome Street apartment complex in Aurora. While local reports claim the complex is shutting down due to ‘code violations,’ many believe this is just a cover for a larger issue. ‘We’re not buying it. We believe there are code violations, but this all started with a gang takeover,’ said Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky. Crime at the complex has surged, with incidents spiraling out of control. A huge pile of trash has accumulated at the apartment complex, which was also the scene of a violent shooting over the weekend. Residents report that a large number of migrants moved in 6 or 7 months ago, and management has since refused to improve living conditions.
CNN’s Jennings: With RFK Endorsement, ‘Joe Rogan Audience’ Could Boost Trump to Victory
Host Abby Phillip said, “The Trump campaign seems convinced they have come up with a rainbow coalition on the right.”
Jennings said, “Well they have built a campaign of people who deeply, deeply, deeply distrust institutions, government, and sort of the Washington elites. That is the ethos of this campaign. RFK fits into that, Tulsi Gabbard fits into that. You know, I’m not sure how much endorsements matter. I will say this because his name is Kennedy. He will draw a crowd. I mean, you got to remember Trump’s ticket to victory.”
People don't give the Freemasons enough credit for the damage they have done. Their greatest assets in PA are the 155MM shell factories in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. That is why they love the Ukraine and Gaza wars so much. Biden had them selling thousands of 155MM guided Howitzer shells that cost $100,000 each. They were only 5% accurate due to Russian jamming technology.
Shapiro, Casey and Clinton were up where Hillary was raised in Scranton for a dinner at the Masonic hall this Spring but they didn't invite Biden or Hillary. (It's like a scene from The Office only with live ammo instead of wood pulp and paper.)
Pennsylvania ammo plant boosts production of key artillery shell in Ukraine's fight against Russia
(Note the Tribune Democrat newspaper in Johnstown is crowing about the 155mm shell plant to fire up the local Freemasons before Trumps visit this week.)
The same Jamming tech that disabled the guided shells was used on the USS Donald Cook in 2014 so they should know better.
On 14 April 2014, Donald Cook visited Constanta, Romania, where President Traian Băsescu had a tour of the ship. Donald Cook then conducted various exercises in concert with the Romanian Navy before departing the Black Sea on 24 April 2014. On 26 December 2014, for the second time, according to the U.S. Navy, the destroyer entered the Black Sea to reassure and demonstrate U.S. commitment to work closely with NATO allies.
On 11 and 12 April 2016, two Russian Su-24s performed several low-altitude passes on Donald Cook while the ship was conducting exercises with a Polish helicopter in international waters in the Baltic Sea, 70 nautical miles (130 km; 81 mi) off Kaliningrad. A Russian Ka-27 "Helix" antisubmarine helicopter also circled the destroyer seven times. The U.S. Navy released photos and videos of the incident on 14 April, and the U.S. government lodged a complaint with the Russian government.
(The USS Donald Cook electronic system was disabled by the incident. The Russians have superior jamming technology which is why it is useless to send fighter jets to Ukraine.)
Army issues $974 Million contract for 155mm ammunition
US ammo plant ramps up artillery shell production for Ukraine
7 hours ago — The Scranton facility, along with two others in nearby Wilkes-Barre, recently increased its production from 24,000 shells per month to 36,000.
US Army eyes sixfold production boost of 155mm shells ...
Mar 28, 2023 — The Army is spending $1.45 billion on capacity “to expand 155mm artillery production from 14,000 a month to over 24,000 later this year,”
US Gave up Sending Ukraine $100K Excalibur Shells ...
Business Insider › us-gave-up-sending-...
May 26, 2024 — The cost of the Excalibur has soared, according to a Government Accountability Office report, to roughly $100,000 per shell in 2022, as much as ...
"Who Is Running The Country?" Biden On The Beach For Two Weeks...
Thursday, Aug 29, 2024 - 09:55 AM
Authored by Steve Watson via,
Joe Biden has been on holiday for a week in Santa Barbara, California. Now he has returned to Delaware… for another NINE DAY holiday, prompting Americans to ask again “who is running the country?”
The guy is just gone.
Crooked Joe Biden is currently lounging on the beach in Delaware as he enjoys his second straight week of vacation.
Who is running our country?
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 28, 2024
(Ever since Biden's code 3 neurological event in Vegas he hasn't been the same.)
Fed. Appeals Court Rules Fla. Can Enforce Ban On Trans Treatments For Minors
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit stayed a lower court
decision on Monday, meaning that the state can now begin enforcing a
2023 law prohibiting doctors from prescribing puberty blockers and
hormone therapy to minors.
In its 2-1 ruling, the court’s
majority suggested that they did not believe that the law intends to
harm or discriminate against transgender people, in contract to an
opinion a district court had reached.
[link to (secure)]
(Over at Linebacker University they will have to get permission from Rachel Levine's ex wife to do something like this. The Hershey Hospital division is losing $100 million a year for the last five years on this stuff.
Now they are trying to demoralize Coach Franklin by saddling him with a $4 million a month stadium payment for 30 years on $150,000 yearly profit. Coach needs Neeli Bendapudi in there to show them how to sell premium stuffed bagels at the concession stands!)
Nittany Lions need to punch ticket into CFP playoff field
This newspaper needs a ticket to Nuremberg 2. Bioweapon murder and sports don't mix well.
Israel Is Destroying Itself
Posted on August 28, 2024 by State of the Nation
By Michael J. Talmo | The Real Facts
August 27, 2024
On August 15, 2024, the United Nations reported that over 40,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, have been killed by Israel since the start of the October 7, 2023, war. The United Nations further reported that Israel is violating a multitude of international laws. Nevertheless, as reported by CBS News the same month, the Biden Administration has just sent another $20 billion in military aid to this criminal government.
The USA is the world’s only remaining superpower and doesn’t seem to care what the rest of the world thinks. But the rest of the world does care. As reported by CBS News, over 140 of the 193 United Nations member countries support and recognize a separate Palestinian nation. Spain, Ireland, and Norway joined in that recognition last May. Even France has announced that it’s open to the idea. The only reason why Palestine isn’t a U.N. member state is because the US uses its veto power to block the resolution. Russia, the UK, China, and France also have this veto power. The US has used its veto power 45 times over the years to block any resolutions critical of Israel. But some countries have begun carrying out their own sanctions against Israel. If enough countries join in, this could lead to Israel’s destruction.
The fossil fuel that takes care of most of Israel’s energy needs is coal. Israel’s largest supplier of coal is Columbia. As explained here and here, earlier this month, Columbia’s President Gustavo Petro made good on the threat he made last June and signed a decree banning the sale of coal to Israel until it ends its genocidal assault on Gaza. South Africa, Israel’s second-largest supplier of coal, is being urged to do the same, which is a possibility. As reported here, it was South Africa that brought Israel up on charges of genocide before the International Court of Justice earlier this year. One thing is certain: without a reliable power grid, Israel’s dark deeds may literally cause them to wind up in the dark.
BREAKING: Cornel West just confirmed that the DNC offered to pay his campaign debts and give him a job in the administration if he dropped out and endorsed Kamala Harris.
Several States Refuse To Remove RFK Jr.'s Name From Ballots, Hurting Trump
Three key states have dug in...
How the Kennedy assassinations ushered in a Zionist occupation of America
This video provides a clear, simple chronology of events which have produced the crisis we inhabit today. Produced by “former Zionist” and “former Jew” Matthew Tower, it is a non-partisan appeal to consider the evidence he has gathered.
As JD Vance said in his May 2024 speech to the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft:
If George W. Bush had stood before the American people in 2003 and said, hey guys, we’re going to go to war not to eradicate weapons of mass destruction or to spread democracy, we’re going to go to war to create a regional proxy for Iran and to slaughter over a million historical Christians. Not that they will be slaughtered at our hands, but our actions will lead to the genocide of the historical Christian community.
I don’t think Americans would have supported it. …
Vance is the first man of his rank in U.S. politics to state the obvious. One result of regime change at home is that the obvious is now deeply controversial. Why? Stating the facts makes clear that we have been led into disaster by lies.
He went on, saying Americans didn’t care about “whether Iraq was a democracy or not.”
“The main reason that the American people supported the war in Iraq in the beginning was because they thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction that would be used against our citizens,” he said.
This was a lie. It is not the only one we have been told to mobilize public opinion in favor of a series of wars, demanded by America’s alleged greatest ally, which have killed millions and continue to destroy nations abroad – and ours.
Liberal democracy, which was created in the 1920s to sustain elite government by the manufacture of consent through the media, has transitioned our entire world into a permanent state of emergency.
They hid miscarriages in the vaccine clinical trials and insisted on vaccinating pregnant women
US writer and journalist Naomi Wolf, CEO of ‘Daily Clout’, reports on a document detailing the adverse effects of the Pfizer vaccine, which the FDA made public on July 21, 2022, following a court order.
It reveals chilling data, proving that 44% of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s Covid vaccine trial suffered miscarriages. The FDA received this report more than a year ago, which shows that 22 out of 50 women lost their babies. Therefore, Pfizer and the FDA were aware of this horrific foetal death rate, at the beginning of April 2021, and they kept quiet about it.
At least 5 Secret Service agents have been placed on modified duty after Trump assassination attempt
At least five Secret Service agents have been placed on modified duty after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in July. That's according to a law enforcement official who spoke to The Associated Press on Friday. They include the special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh field office and three other agents assigned to that office, which was responsible for the security planning ahead of the July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. One of the five agents was assigned to former President Donald Trump’s protective detail. The agents are on administrative leave, meaning they cannot do investigative or protective work.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has spent more than $100 million on federal elections so far this cycle, according to a review of the latest FEC data.
AIPAC’s PAC has spent $44.8 million as of the end of July, according to the FEC, with $42 million given to the campaigns of members of Congress and other candidates, as well as to party groups and leadership PACs.
The vast majority of AIPAC PAC’s spending has come in the form of earmarked donations made by individuals in the United States who support the pro-Israel group.
Israel allows temporary truce for polio vaccinations.
Polio was on the way down well before the vaccine came out. What they need in Gaza is food, water and a roof. Once President Trump is back in things will get straitened out. A million migrants could be sent to build the MedRed Railroad and canal.
Florida Can Enforce Ban On Puberty Blockers, Gender Surgeries For Children: Appeals Court
A federal appeals court has allowed Florida to enforce a ban on hormone replacement therapy for children while the legal challenge against the ban proceeds.
‘Fact-checkers’ funded by Big Pharma are a threat to public health: They form part of Agenda 2030
Dr Michael Rectenwald, former Liberal Studies professor at New York University, denounces full-fledged collusion on the part of vaccine manufacturers that finance ‘fact-checkers’ on social media. We have completely lost confidence in social media and the conventional media. Anything that contradicts the leftist agenda is considered misinformation, says Rectenwald.
It's A Bipartisan Miracle! Over 200 Bush, McCain, Romney Aides Endorse Harris
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024 - 11:45 AM
For your daily reminder that the establishment is one big club (and you ain't in it!)...
(The last holdouts of the ground crew of the dark fleet Nazis have come out of the cave. The war of the Apocalypse is obsolete. Revelations was not about nuclear war it was about enlightenment.
China has had war ships sitting in the Port of Haifa on and off for years now, just 30 minutes from the Valley of Armageddon. It's just not practical to have another war right before the start of the Golden Age!)
Looks like Kiev should have been happy with the Dnipro River as the border. Now all they get is Lyov. Maybe the Russians will build Urals in the Dnepr factory. The cathedral tour would boost the economy in that area. They could do baptisms in the Dnipro river again. The Bolshevics wanted everyone gone in the Ukraine except for a few AI robots to run the gas pipelines.
Health authorities are responsible for millions of deaths, due to their hiding of vaccine data
US journalist Elijah Schaffer, presenter of ‘VNN’, reports that keeping public health data collected in vaccine databases a secret very likely caused more than 10 million vaccine-induced deaths worldwide. “The time has come for the medical community to face reality: they messed up big time with their wilful blindness and 100% trust in the CDC and FDA,” Schaffer says.
RFK JR details the spiritual connection to nature with Tucker Carlson.
(1:16:00) Real Environmentalism.
Ancient Secrets About The Vagus Nerve: Revealed
The Vagus nerve is making a comeback. It's the heart, brain, soul, nature, sushumna and God connection. It's what the ancients have been trying to tell us about for thousands of years. (For Vegus nerve relief take a deep breath in and slowly exhale while flowing love out through the heart. This runs adamantine particles through the pipes and clears them out.)
Vagus nerve inflammation contributes to dysautonomia in COVID-19
Dysautonomia has substantially impacted acute COVID-19 severity as well as symptom burden after recovery from COVID-19 (long COVID)
Dysautonomia is a nervous system disorder that disrupts autonomic body processes. These are automatic functions like your blood pressure and heart rate. Having dysautonomia means these functions don't work properly, causing disruptive symptoms.
(The covid 19 bioweapon and vaccine can inflame the vagus nerve in long covid.)
What is the root cause of dysautonomia?
Dysautonomias in adults often are associated with, and may be secondary to, another disease process or a drug.
Common secondary causes include medications, chemotherapy, radiation
treatments, spinal cord or head injury, or diabetes (such as diabetic
autonomic neuropathy)
CHD, Children's Health Defense: Another RFK JR project: The only one like it!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Chairman of the Board, on leave
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, serves as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and as counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice.
Mr. Kennedy is an esteemed author, with a long list of published books including the New York Times’ bestseller, “Crimes Against Nature.” Mr. Kennedy was named one of TIME magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from a litany of successful legal actions. He received recognition for his role in the landmark victory against Monsanto last year, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters” (2019).
Trump vows to release docs on JFK assassination with new presidential commission
Former President Trump will establish an independent presidential commission on assassination attempts if reelected, he announced at an Arizona campaign rally standing alongside Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Friday.
The big picture: Trump said he'll task the commission with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.
What he's saying: "He lost his father and uncle in service to our country, and Bobby himself was subject to repeated threats to his safety during the course of his campaign," Trump said of RFK Jr.
Teacher Fired After Alleged Jan 6 Involvement Wins Wrongful Termination Lawsuit
Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump at National Guard Event in Detroit, MI - 8/26/24
Breaking! Ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump
Tulsi escapes from the cold, calculating Pelosi reptilians! Humans are rising up! There is hope! Reptilians are driving off all of the good people from the democrats.
The dam is breaking!
Today, the Harris-Biden government put a great grandmother—who entered the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 and said a prayer—in an ankle monitor for the next 6 months for her house arrest sentence. I’m sure the country is now much safer from this very potent coup threat!
Trump vows to release docs on JFK assassination with new presidential commission
Microplastics Invade The Human Brain And Are Being Used To Create Rainfall
Dane Wigington
"Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: 'There’s nowhere left untouched' ", a new report from The Guardian. "Microplastics Invade Human Brains, Researchers Call For Global Emergency" and "The global use of plastic has led to severe environmental contamination, with microplastics now found in air, water, soil, food, and human organs" (from NDTV). "Nanoplastics ‘hijack’ their way into the brain" and "plastics with ties to cancer", both quotes are from CNN. Is microplastic (a.k.a polymer) an element named in climate engineering patents? The short answer is yes.
(RFK JR did an interview with Dane so he knows the jig is up.)
“I'm gonna be campaigning actively. President Trump is going to make a series of announcements about other democrats who are joining his campaign.
I wanna make America healthy again and so does President Trump.
I talked specifically with President Trump about that issue and he said that he wanted to leave as his legacy of healthy children.”
RFK JR started Waterkeeper:
Waterkeeper Alliance ensures that the world’s Waterkeeper groups are as connected to each other as they are to their local waters, organizing the fight for clean water into a coordinated global movement.
The Movement's Focus and Impact
Our Vision
We are a global movement united for clean, healthy, and abundant water for all people and the planet.
Our Mission
We protect our right to clean water in communities around the world.
Our Beliefs
Water is life;
Healthy watersheds connect and sustain us all;
Clean water is a basic right for all living beings;
Waterkeepers are guardians of this right, fiercely defending, enforcing, and promoting just and equitable clean water laws;
Each Waterkeeper has a unique voice, reflecting our diverse communities and watersheds;
As a movement, we are strong together when we lift up each others’ voices and the voices of the communities we serve.
RFK Jr. Receives Rockstar Welcome at Trump Rally in Arizona - 8/23/24
Trump To Make Johnstown Stop Friday
Trump received 68% of the vote in Cambria County in 2020 over current President Joe Biden – a slight bump over his 2016 showing vs then-nominee Hilary Clinton's showing – but lost the statewide Pennsylvania race?
Johnstown is Governor Shapiro's main election launching stomping grounds.
Shapiro is currently embroiled in two of the biggest murder cover ups in PA history:
One is the DA RayGricar case which Shapiro refuses to discuss. Choosing to avert responsibility for the cover up, Shapiro also refuses to let the State Police do their job and solve the crime with the evidence it already has to protect his main hire to the AG department. See for more.
The other murder cover up Shapiro has been working on is the Ellen Greenburg murder case. Josh has sided with the Goldbergs against the Greenburgs in calling the case a suicide whenever it looks like Ellen's fiance Sam took a knife to her a few too many times.
Shapiro has clearly made his decision based on his friend Sam's business and media connections. Here are some of Slasher Sam's projects:
RFK Jr. & Trump Will End War On Small Farms To Save Nation's Food Supply Chain
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spent decades as an environmental lawyer fighting polluters and supported 'green' organizations for environmental justice. He is now setting his crosshairs on the pharmaceutical industry and cleaning up the nation's food supply chain of ultra-processed foods and seed oils that poison consumers. He has determined that suspending his presidential campaign to team up with former President Trump will be necessary for the strongest success rate in making Americans healthier again, not through big pharma's Ozempic shots but instead revitalizing small farms and shaking up corrupted federal agencies.
(RFK can be assured of complete cooperation with the raw milk police who are very protective of anyone trying to take away their emergency food source should there be any disruptions in the economy.)
RFK Jr. DESTROYS Big Pharma, Big Ag in Epic Trump Endorsement Speech
“We're about 79th in health outcomes behind Costa Rica and Nicaragua and Mongolia and other countries. Nobody has a chronic disease burden like we have. And during the COVID epidemic, we had the highest body count of any country in the world. We had 16% of the COVID deaths, and we only have 4.2% of the world's population.
And CDC says that's because we are the sickest people on earth. We have the highest chronic disease rate on earth, and the average American who died of COVID had 3.8 chronic diseases. So these were people who had immune system collapse, who had mitochondrial dysfunction, and no other country has anything like this.
Two-thirds of American adults and children suffer from chronic health issues. Fifty years ago, that number was less than 1%. Oh, we've gone from 1% to 66%. In America, 74% of Americans are now overweight or obese, and 50% of our children. A hundred and twenty years ago, when somebody was obese as they were, they were sent to the circus.
There were literally case reports done about them. Obesity was almost unknown. In Japan, the childhood obesity rate is 3%, compared to 50% here. Half of Americans have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. When my uncle was president, and I was a boy, juvenile diabetes was effectively nonexistent.
A typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes during his entire career, a 40- or 50-year career. Today, one out of every three kids who walks through his office door is diabetic or pre-diabetic, and the mitochondrial disorder has caused diabetes and is also causing Alzheimer's, which is now classified as diabetes, and it's costing this country more than our military budget every year.
There's been an explosion of neurological illnesses that I never saw as a kid: ADD, ADHD, speech delay, language delay, Tourette syndrome, narcolepsy, ASD, Asperger's, autism. In the year 2000, the autism rate was 1 in 1,500. Now, autism rates in kids are 1 in 36, according to CDC, nationally.
Nobody's talking about this. One in every 22 kids in California has autism, and this is a crisis: that 77% of our kids cannot or are too disabled to serve in the United States military. What is happening to our country, and why isn't this in the headlines every single day?”
Cornel West can’t be on Pennsylvania’s presidential ballot, court decides
Time for Cornel to come on over and endorse President Trump! West could be the leader in closing down the IRS if President Trump would consider it. He would be the hero to millions regardless of skin color!
(Jill Stein: Embassador to Gaza? Remember when Jill said Biden could end the Gaza war with one phone call?)
Riley Gaines | I am voting for Trump because I am a woman.
US Fertility Rate Drops To Record Low: CDC
US running out of ammo – Trump
The Republican presidential nominee has claimed that Washington’s stocks have been “emptied of all of our ammunition” to arm Kiev.
John Deere, Harley Davidson and the filmmaker exposing the woke Marxist takeover of corporations
Defeating the Draconian Empire & Cooperating with the Galactic Federation with George Kavassilas
In 2006, George Kavassilas was taken to the Moon by a negative extraterrestrial faction and was able to break free of the many technologies used by them to control him and confront their leader, a powerful Draconian Reptilian. He was able to defeat the Draconian by connecting with his core soul essence and awakening him to his true history through many lives. Kavassilas explains how this incident sent shock waves through the Draconian Empire as it was realized that awakened humans have an innate spiritual power that transcends the control technologies used by them.
In his latest Exopolitics Today interview, Kavassilas describes Jesus of Nazareth as a composite being and how religion creates false gods that siphon away the Christ consciousness energy of the millions of followers that worship them. He also explains how these false gods are returning through a staged second coming involving Jesus. Kavassilas also describes how King Charles III was taken over by a very dark entity at the end of July 2024 who will use him to stage the last stand of the global cabal through scripted events described in the Book of Revelations and the appearance of an Antichrist. George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee who also has been abducted by US and Australian government agencies wanting to learn about his experiences. He learned about the pyramid hierarchy controlling our planet and how different ET races perpetuate these hierarchies in both direct and indirect ways.
He believes that by only following a heart-centric path of universal reconnection will we truly be free of the many control hierarchies asserting themselves over humanity. Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times. George Kavassilas website is
(Yeshua was the real Jesus that Constantine's Counsel of Nicea writers started with to create Christianity. More of Yeshua's sayings were preserved in the Gnostic Gospels.)
Constantine's new testament editors borrowed heavily from the writings of Apollonius (Paul), the Essenes who were remnants of Melchizedek's Angels of Atlantis, the Zend Avesta of Zoroastrianism (The Magi), the Egyptian mystery schools and parts of Hinduism including the encoded kundalini rising story called Revelations.)
This is a guide to balancing the Ida and Pingala nadis, the main energy pathdays along the spine to open the center sushumna channel. This is the proverbial three fold flame. Yeshua's three fold flame encompassed him entirely.
Today the three fold flame expands to include 12 points of intersection. Each one representing a strand of DNA which all connect in a flowing torroidal pattern known as the 13th chakra.
Engineered immigration: Healthy men and women versus vaccine-sick individuals and sterilised women
US writer Naomi Wolf claims a war is being waged against the West and the United States. The globalists' plan is for freedom of speech, Constitutional rights and the rule of law to disappear. We are dealing with a war – a conventional ground invasion. In 5 years, vaccinated Americans will be sick, disabled or dead. Governments facilitate the migration of men of fighting age and healthy women of reproductive age.
Vaccine Awareness Month: Moderna mRNA stock down to 1/5 of it's former value.
Because people have become more informed about biological warfare against their health!
"Democrats have become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money wanting to abandon democracy..."
Statins Are Pharma Trash, Research Mounts Armageddon Prose
On a long enough timeline, most medical scams — even the most persistent ones — have a way of unraveling.
Covid 'vaccine' is gene therapy and a biological weapon that attacks and destroys the immune system
US doctors Joseph Ladapo, Andrew Zywiec and Marivic Villa report that the Covid jab is not a vaccine. It is a gene therapy that destroys the immune system and a biological weapon. Therefore, different approaches have to be taken, depending on the doses injected. With one dose and early treatment, there are no deaths, but complications arise with the second dose and boosters.
Rumors that RFK could be named CIA director under Trump.
John F. Kennedy famously described his desire to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds” after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Peter Kornbluh points out in his book Bay of Pigs Declassified that the State Department at that same time proposed the CIA be stripped of its covert action capacity and renamed. However, the CIA escaped any serious repercussions — partly because, as Kornbluh explains, the CIA’s then-director, John McCone, made sure that most of the copies of a damning report on the Bay of Pigs by the agency’s own inspector general were literally burned.
Then in 1963, after Kennedy’s assassination, Harry Truman wrote a newspaper column explaining that “I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. … I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the president … and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere.”
Kennedy was named by one of the "Disinformation Dozen" - and was specifically targeted by the government over what they alleged was COVID-19 misinformation, Doughty noted in his ruling - adding that there is "not much dispute" that Kennedy, and his organization - Children's Health Defense, were "were specifically targeted by the White House, the Office of Surgeon General, and CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency]."
If we run the numbers using a loan calculator, borrowing $700 million at 6% would require a loan payment of $4,196,853.68 every month for 30 years to pay off the debt. Penn State’s athletic department only reported $126,000 in profit for the entire year in 2023.
Penn State football would be bankrupted by this stadium upgrade and improvements don't include JoePA in the field naming which wouldn't cost a dime. That is the only upgrade that is really needed to continue The Grand Experiment.
The Grand Experiment was the culmination of Joe Paterno’s upbringing, and by understanding his history, only then can one truly understand what The Grand Experiment meant to him and why it was so important to be a success. This study also looks at a comparison of Penn State football to Alabama, Ohio State, and Northwestern football, using metrics such as wins, bowl wins, national championships, graduation rates, Academic Progress Rates, and All-Americans to show the success of Penn State football relative to these other programs.
This study also plans on using stories regarding how Joe Paterno helped shape the lives of the young men that came through the program. These stories will help to show the third, often forgotten, side of The Grand Experiment, which is that Joe Paterno cared more about preparing his players, not for the National Football League, but for life.
Russian footballers take field with homeless dogs (VIDEOS)
The shelter pets appeared to have brought FC Rotor good luck, judging by the team’s win on its home turf.
The aim of the publicity campaign was to raise awareness about the shelter and encourage adoptions and donations. (This is a good idea to steal from the Russians.)
From Agrarianism To Transhumanism: The Long March To Dystopia
Humanity’s relationship with farming and food and our connections to land, nature and community has for millennia defined what it means to be human.
Take India, for example. Environmental scientist Viva Kermani says that Hinduism is the world’s largest nature-based religion that:
“…recognizes and seeks the Divine in nature and acknowledges everything as sacred. It views the earth as our Mother and hence advocates that it should not be exploited. A loss of this understanding that earth is our mother, or rather a deliberate ignorance of this, has resulted in the abuse and the exploitation of the earth and its resources.”
State College is now a trans sanctuary city.
Hershey Medical and Rachel Levine have transformed Penn State from a farm college into a pharma college.
University Park could use some Carl Jung courses to counterbalance the sex change psychiatrists that spawned Rachel Levine.
mRNA chemtrails are being sprayed on cities with low Covid vaccine uptake. Bill Gates is behind it
British TV producer Sean Adl-Tabatabai reports on how the Bill Gates Foundation is spraying chemtrails containing mRNA on the United States and Europe, particularly in areas with low vaccine uptake. According to an anonymous whistleblower pilot, mRNA was developed by the military. They are also spraying graphene oxide, aluminium oxide and barium.
First Do No Pharm | Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Hippocrates would be aghast at the third leading cause of death, pharmaceuticals. This isn't counting cancer, heart disease and other problems from the mRNA.
Violating Religious Freedom, Ukraine Is on the Verge of Banning Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Marxism is always trying to erase history. A Dnepr cathedral tour would be better for tourism.
They were going for the septum for maximum uptake across the blood brain barrier.
dil Biret (born 21 November 1941) is a Turkish concert pianist.
This concert was presented in Woolsey Hall the primary auditorium at Yale University, located on the campus' Hewitt Quadrangle in New Haven, Connecticut.
Biret began her lessons at the age of five with Mithat Fenmen, who had studied under Nadia Boulanger and Alfred Cortot. When she was seven, the Turkish parliament enacted a special law which enabled her to study abroad and so she studied at the Paris Conservatory in France under the tutelage of Nadia Boulanger and Jean Doyen. She graduated with three prizes at the age of 15. She continued her education with Alfred Cortot and Wilhelm Kempff.
Musical career
She was already interested in music at the age of 2 and started to play Johann Sebastian Bach's preludes at the age of 4.[2] When she was 7 or 8 years old she used to listen to Brahms.[3] Later on she discovered Sergei Rachmaninoff.[3]
From the age of 16, Biret played as a soloist with the most distinguished orchestras in the world, including the London Symphony, the Philharmonia, the London Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony, the Leningrad Philharmonic, the Leipzig Gewandhaus, the Dresden Staatskapelle, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the Tokyo Philharmonic, the Warsaw Philharmonic, the Orchestre National de France and the Sydney Symphony. She collaborated with eminent conductors such as Hermann Scherchen, Pierre Monteux, Erich Leinsdorf, Rudolf Kempe, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Aaron Copland, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Charles Mackerras, Jean Fournet, José Serebrier, Moshe Atzmon, Antoni Wit and Hiroyuki Iwaki. Biret also gave concerts at the festivals of Berlin, Montreal, Istanbul, Dubrovnik, Montpellier, Nohant, Persepolis, Royan and Athens. Idil Biret had her US concert premier at Symphony Hall in Boston under Erich Leinsdorf on Friday, November 22, 1963. Just before she was to play (Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto #3), Maestro Leinsdorf addressed the audience, saying that "we have just heard on the wireless that the President of the United States has been the victim of an assassination!" After the audience got over the shock, the orchestral management and players agreed to proceed with Biret's performance.
She has been a jury member at several piano competitions: Van Cliburn (US), Queen Elisabeth (Belgium), Montreal (Canada), Liszt (Weimar, Germany) and Busoni (Italy).
Her numerous recordings (more than 100 to date) for labels such as EMI, Decca, Atlantic, Finnadar and Naxos include the Saint-Saëns' piano concertos nos. 2, 4, 5, world-premiere recording of Liszt's transcriptions of the nine Beethoven symphonies (EMI 6LP/1986), complete solo piano works and concertos of Chopin (15CD/1992), of Brahms (12CD/1997), Rachmaninoff (10CD/2000) and the piano transcription of Stravinsky’s ballet music The Firebird (2003) and many others. Biret's wide repertoire encompasses much of the late Classical and Romantic piano literature. She is probably best known for her Chopin recordings,[5] which won her the prestigious 'Grand Prix du Disque Frédéric Chopin' in Poland in 1995. In 2004 the sale of her Naxos CDs worldwide reached two million copies. Naxos commemorated this event by presenting Biret with a platinum disc. The same year the Boulez sonatas recording won the annual Golden Diapason award and was selected among the best recordings of the year by Le Monde newspaper in France.[2][citation needed]
Biret has played in cycles the complete piano works of Beethoven and Brahms. In the 1980s she performed in two series of concerts Beethoven’s 32 sonatas and the piano transcription (Liszt) of all the 9 Symphonies, the latter broadcast live by Radio France. In the 1990s she played Beethoven’s five Piano Concertos, the Choral Fantasia and the Triple Concerto in five concerts. In 1997 she played all the solo piano works of Brahms in a series of five recitals in Germany during the composer’s centennial anniversary.
Her recordings of 20th century classical pieces include the three piano sonatas of Pierre Boulez (Naxos Records 1995) as well as the piano works and editions of Wilhelm Kempff (Marco Polo 1991). Idil Biret also recorded the etudes (volume 1 and 2) of György Ligeti for Naxos, which was released in 2003. Earlier, in the 1970s she recorded in New York for Finnadar/Atlantic records works by Boucourechliev, Anton Webern, Alban Berg, İlhan Mimaroğlu, Leo Brouwer, Castiglioni, Alexander Scriabin, Sergei Prokofiev and Nikolai Myaskovsky.
In September 2006 a biography "Idil Biret - Une Pianiste Turque en France" was written by a French author, Prof. Dominique Xardel and published by Buchet/Chastel in France. The book has been translated into Turkish and published by Can Yayinlari. The German translation of the book has been published by Staccato Verlag in September 2007. Russian translation will be available shortly. English translation of the book is also available in a special edition privately.
She has recorded the complete Beethoven piano sonatas and concertos for her own label.[6] It was released in 2008–2009 as an integral set, along with her 1986 EMI recordings of the nine Beethoven symphonies, as transcribed for piano by Franz Liszt. The complete set will include 19 CDs. Biret recorded most of the sonatas near Brussels between 2001–2005 (three were recorded in 1994). She recorded the concertos with the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra conducted by Antoni Wit in 2008. Biret is the only pianist to have performed all of Beethoven's piano sonatas, concertos and Liszt transcriptions of the nine symphonies in public concerts. She is now the first pianist to have recorded them all.
In an interview in 2014, she expressed interest in improvisation and the Opus Clavicembalisticum by Sorabji.[3]
Awards and recognition
Biret has been a State Artist since 1971, an honorary title issued to artists by the government of Turkey for their contributions into the Turkish culture.
In 1987 Gürdal Duyar, renowned sculptor of Ataturk monuments around Turkey, offered to sculpt a bust of her. He arrived at her house with a lump of clay in his hand, however after working on the clay bust for some time the clay started to dry out and crack and Duyar left with the work in progress, the bust, to make a plaster cast mould of it. After Duyar died, the fate of the bust was unknown for some time until it resurfaced when Şefik Büyükyüksel, the spouse of Biret,[7] discovered a photo of it online in the private collection of Dr. Baha Toygar who had bought it from a gallery owned by Emel Say.[1]
In 1995, Biret's recordings of Chopin's entire oeuvre was awarded the "Grand Prix du Disque Frédéric Chopin" in Poland. The same year, she won the "Diapason d'Or" prize in France for her recording of Boulez's sonatas, which was selected among the best recordings of the year by the newspaper Le Monde.
Biret also received the following awards: the Lili Boulanger Memorial Prize in Boston (US), the Harriet Cohen/Dinu Lipatti Gold Medal in London (UK) the Polish Prize for Artistic Merits, the National Knight Merit Order of France, the Adelaide Ristori Prize, Italy. In 2007 she was decorated with Distinguished Service Order – Cavalry Cross by the Polish President Lech Kaczynski for her contributions to Polish culture with her recordings and performances of Chopin's music.
Dancing Particles with Nikki and Lucky
(Adamantine particles most likeley! We missed Paul's concert on 8/17 in Woolsey Hall so this video will have to do. The story behind this video is Paul's daughter knowing these rescue racehorses would be pretty frisky on their first run of the spring in the pasture arranged to capture their freedom run set to Paul's music.)
A note from Paul Winter:
Our "Adventures in the Universe" concert at Woolsey Hall in New Haven this Saturday night, August 17th, will be the fulfillment of a dream I've harbored for half a century.
50 years ago this September, the Consort, along with the Yale Theatre
Orchestra, conducted by James Sinclair, presented "The Charles Ives
Show" at Woolsey Hall, in celebration of the composer's 100th birthday.
It was a rip-roaring spirit-fest of Ives' music, and we fell in love
with this hall, with its extraordinary dynamic acoustics and titanic
pipe organ.
During the two days we spent in Woolsey rehearsing for that event, we
did some sound exploring, improvising with the organ. I was beguiled by
the 32-foot bombard pedals of the organ, which sound like a contrabass
Greyhound bus horn.
All these years I've dreamed of coming back to Woolsey sometime to
create new music in this magical forum, and this Saturday evening is our
This will be a one-of-a-kind concert, for the unique sound-scapes we
will be creating in our "Adventures in the Universe" are only possible
in these ultra-reverberant acoustics, and with this magnificent organ,
which may well be the most powerful in America.
This will be our own original music, though Charles Ives has given is
the mandate with his encouragement to future musicians to explore his
vision of a "Universe Symphony".
We dedicate the concert to Charles Ives, in celebration of his upcoming 150th birthday.
My Consort colleagues will include Jeff Beal on flugelhorn, pianist Henrique Eisenmann, and organist Tim Brumfield.
Buy Tickets
Paul Winter Consort in concert
Woolsey Hall, 500 College Street New Haven, CT
9:00-10:30pm, August 17th, 2024
With gratitude,
For living music,
The sterilization of women, via the Pfizer vaccine. A study on menstrual irregularities
Following her analysis of several Pfizer documents released due to a court order, US writer and journalist Dr Naomi Wolf speaks out, exposing that 44% of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s Covid-19 mRNA vaccine trials suffered miscarriages.
The FDA received the report from Pfizer on 1 April 2021, and they said nothing about it! Therefore, the FDA was aware of this horrible fetal death rate at the beginning of April 2021, and it kept silent, right along with Pfizer. Rather than informing the public, they continued to insist that pregnant women get the jab, claiming it would cause no harm to their babies.
The Covid vaccine was designed to cause heart disease and cancer, to maximise profits
Dr Peter Rost, former vice president of marketing at Pfizer, has proof that Pfizer designed its vaccines to cause heart disease and turbo cancers, in order to make sure they have chronic patients, with the goal of maximising profits. Big Pharma is a pharmaceutical mafia. They have a lot of money and they use it to buy influence. They fund research institutions, professors, physicians and researchers.
Danish government to place a carbon tax on farmers and ranchers. There will be protests
Denmark continues to push its carbon tax on the agricultural sector, and it is the first country in the world to implement a policy of this kind. The Danish government plans to tax farmers up to £80 for each cow they own, as a way of encouraging reduced meat consumption and fighting climate change. This policy is utter madness, and farmers are not going to take these measures lying down. Their representatives have already called for protests based on this new tax.
(Time for colleges to teach about the carbon tax. This is the end game for climate change politics.)
Ahura Mazda: The Sublime Wisdom
Ahura Mazda is another name for the Ancient of Days from the Book of Daniel.
Zarathustra saw Mazda as a personified form of Divine Wisdom, present as a seed within every human. Unlike a gendered God, Ahura Mazda isn't just masculine or feminine – it's both and neither. In the Persian language, Ahura (Lord) is masculine, and Mazda (Wisdom) is feminine. According to Zarathustra, femininity embodies wisdom's spirit (Mazda). It's like a life force linked with water and the moon (Anahita, an ancient Persian feminine symbol). On the other hand, masculinity is linked with light, consciousness, having purpose and direction in life, and the material world (Mithra, an ancient Persian masculine symbol).
The feminine force (Mazda) is like the energy that gives life to matter. Similarly, without a form (Ahura), life cannot express itself. It's like a flower needing a pot to grow – a plant can't thrive without a container, and a container without a growing plant is lifeless. Masculine and feminine forces are like partners, not opposites, much like Ahura Mazda. Imagine existence as a river: feminine is like the flowing water, while masculine is like the riverbed that contains and guides it. They rely on each other, just like Ahura Mazda.
Both masculine and feminine aspects are present within each person (Ahura Mazda, both masculine and feminine). This idea was later developed in concepts like Tantra (Shiva and Shakti) and Taoism (Yin and Yang), where the interdependence of these forces is further explored.
Zarathustra didn't see Ahura Mazda as a strict or punishing god. Instead, he believed Ahura Mazda was a spirit inside all of us, guiding us to a happy and peaceful life on Earth. This guidance is based on qualities like kindness, truth, and wisdom, and it involves balancing both masculine and feminine aspects within and around us.
Mazda is the Persian God of Cyrus The Great of circa 500 BC. Cyrus was the one to displace the Annunaki Marduk and free the Jews from Babylon.
(YHVH is the Annunaki from the Bible that gave us two strand DNA. The true Sons and Daughters of God are not Annunaki from Nibiru, they are from Venus and beyond providing our original 12 strand DNA pattern for the Golden Age.)
Adamantine paticles are the common connection among all living things. The particles are magnetically attracted and stored by a loving heart. In the Alcyon photon band these particles can be commanded for positive co creation. Tiny crystals pre formed in the heart and pineal gland are coming on line in the highly charged photon band. Crystals, DNA, circulated adamantine particles and positive intention can work together to create miracles! This is referred to as quantum electrodynamics in the field of magnetic celestial energy. We are all connected by the adamantine particles.
The Beginning Of The End? Germany To Ban All New Ukraine Military Aid
Meanwhile, the primary source of funding for Ukraine - the Biden family and various deep state operatives - is about to dry out, after Biden finally leaves the White House and quit politics forever in three months.
New Video Appears To Show DC Police Units Planting J6 Pipe Bomb
Looking at why they may have done so...
“80,000 votes [in Pennsylvania] decided 2020, so let’s break that down. There are 90,000 Amish in Pennsylvania. That is the election. So we are courting the Amish vote, and we’re going to farmers markets, and we’re going to their villages, their towns. We’re meeting them where they are,” Scott Presler, the founder of Early Vote Action, told the Caller.
“There are 80,000 truckers in Pennsylvania … a lot of them don’t vote because they’re driving rigs on election day. So we’re trying to get them the mail-in ballot. We’re trying to get them to vote early, because if they’re driving how are they going to vote? That 80,000 number could very well win Pennsylvania,” he continued.
Note to Governor Shapiro: Give state hunting license dealers voter registration forms to sign hunters up to vote! And give us an update on the DA Gricar case. We want this settled before the stadium upgrades are done!
Harris and Tim Walz got caught staging their Doritos purchase at Sheetz in Pennsylvania
What makes it even worse, they filmed this event twice and Kamala Harris requested corn nuts in the video she released and Tim Walz gave her Doritos instead so they improvised. This is the problem when you create a script, if someone doesn’t follow it you make a fool of yourself.
Don Lemon asks Jesey Tump or Haris?
It's Trump. Overwhelmingly!
What Happens When You Endorse Trump In Silicon Valley
The Knives Come Out.
Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer
Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead…
Joe Biden ordered taxpayer-funded Secret Service protection for disgraced former Director Kimberly Cheatle.
Kimberly Cheatle resigned last month after Secret Service security lapses led to an attempted assassination of Trump.
Pleiadians are simply put, the parents of humanity. They are not only responsible for human existence on Earth, but never left us and have been guiding us all along.
A race of extraterrestrial beings called by many names in ancient texts— Elohim, Angels, Watchers, Son of Man, they are the first race in creation and the most powerful. Elohim describes beings who have descended from 12D to lower dimensions, creating an identity through their own intention. Elohim include Archangels, Fairies and other beings who all generally have the same basic body shape of a head, two arms, and two legs. Therefore, we are made in the image of GOD, or as the scripture says, “Elohim”.
Pleiadians are the true guardians of the planet, protecting Earth against the disasters we never hear about. They guide us throughout our lives without interfering in our free will. They incarnate as humans themselves, choosing to forget who they are, and experience the same challenges that humans do. They are completely benevolent and loving, their only goal is for humanity to reach its full potential.
Why don't positive ETs intervene in our problems, or reveal themselves publicly?
This would not be in the best interest of anyone. Earth is a school for souls, not a prison. Beings across the galaxy volunteer to incarnate as human, for the soul experience. Earth is the most challenging school because it’s a place where darkness can pretend to be light. After thousands of years of struggling in this duality, humanity isn’t meant to defeat darkness, but ascend out of it. Disclosure has been planned as a gradual process due to extreme conditioning from centuries of manipulation.
Pleiadians support our advancement and awakening, but make great efforts to avoid causing us unnecessary trauma and fear. Pleiadians have always maintained contact on an individual basis. The rate at which we experience UFO disclosure directly correlates to the rate of the expansion of our collective consciousness. Craft sightings will increase as we approach the Shift.
Ready for Mass Awakening: Galactic Federation Exposes Dark Forces' Genetic Manipulation Plot!
As we begin to understand the true potential of our DNA and the vast knowledge it holds, we finally may be able to break free from the control of the dark forces and reclaim our power.
(Luckily the Pleiadians saved most of our original 12 strand DNA templates from antiquity. It's brought to us through the sun, through the ships and through the medbeds.
The Anunnaki had us limited to two strands in the dark ages. Otherwise we would have been too much like them fitted with 12 strand DNA. It's what the Elohim ET races have from Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, and the Pleiades. They are our evolutionary DNA progenitors.)
a. It is the Ray of executive and business organization
brought about by the activity of the lower concrete mind in one-pointed
application. When the motive of the executives and financiers and
rulers and organizers has become spiritually-infused with the synthetic
compulsion toward brotherhood and unity, their energies and efforts will
be directed toward the creation of right human relations on the planet and an equal distribution of its resources.
First Level Initiates numbering in the millions will undertake the
organization of this effort, using these energies and bringing an end to
the disease, starvation, suffering, and uneducated minds.
b. This is the Ray of Synthesis, and the reason that
the word synthesis is used is because this energy of the 7th Ray
promotes and catalyzes the bringing together of things in God's
Creation, such as Spirit and matter, the Soul and its incarnate
personality, the Human Kingdom with the Deva Kingdom, the Human Kingdom
with the 3 subhuman Kingdoms (Mineral, Plant, and Animal), and the
disparate groups, races, tribes, and nations of the world into a united
Human Family. The 6th Ray separated and individualized while the 7th
Ray will unite and comingle.
c. This is the Ray of Manifestation, the energy which
has the practical nature of bringing that which Spirit conceptualizes,
visualizes, and willfully intends into a concretized, materialized form
on the Physical Plane of Existence. The word, Spirit, may refer to the
Soul, The Monad (Higher Self of Soul), The Hierarchy, The Chohans, The
Great Lords, The Planetary Logos, or The Solar Logos (They're all in it
And that which materializes may be practically anything in the
phenomenal world: a new species of animal, a precious metal in the
Earth, a mountain range, an island continent, a religious order, a
democratic government, a Root Race of Man, a revolution against tyranny,
a style of clothes, a musical form, a new form of transportation, the
materiel for war, a constitution for a government. The idea is created
in the mind, whether of lower or higher order, and the idea is brought
forth into manifestation by humans psychically sensitive to the
thought-form and responsive to the 7th Ray.
d. You can see how tremendously busy the 7th Ray Ashram of
The Hierarchy has had to have been over the past millennia and
exponentially so, as the Human Race has exploded in numbers, and
technological progress has advanced so rapidly. They are The Ones Who
made it all possible, and this is a testament to the greatness and the
power of our Chohan of the 7th Ray, Lord Saint Germain, for overseeing it all, just as He will be overseeing the New Age in Aquarius.
e. The way that the trained disciples and Initiates
approximate the ideal to the practical and the idea to its form is the
use of this energy while conducting ritual and ceremony. In the
Initiate training of the Mystery Schools and the Ceremony of Initiation,
white magical techniques are taught to the worthy, and secret words of
power are imparted. These mantrams and sounds are used in conjunction
with a detailed visualization of the end result and the forceful
projection of the will. The Greater Devas (the Builders) are
called into the enterprise and cooperate in actualizing the
manifestation from the Aetheric Level to the Physical Level (more may be
found in "Angels, Elementals, and Creation"). This is one of the functions of the Ceremonial Ray.
f. The blended unity of the 7 Rays in our solar system produces the Light Supernal
at the highest levels of Divinity in this system, and this Light
Supernal can penetrate down into the dense Physical Plane only when the
7th Ray is active and being used as a medium and the Sun is in Aquarius.
This combination has happened 6 previous times in the life of the 5th
Root Race (the current one) and is used to establish a New Order on
Earth and precipitate illumination.
This Light Supernal will be evoked upon Earth by The Great Invocation (see "The Great Invocation") given out by Master Djwhal Khul nearly 80 years ago. Then The Aquarian Avatar (Lord Kuthumi)
will be The Lens through which It is focused and adapted to human need.
The New Civilization and the New World Order will thus be brought to
Earth by means of the 7th Ray. Miracles will be commonplace, and white
magic will be known everywhere. All life-forms will be modified and
refined. Man, the creator, is coming into possession of his powers.
g. A large number of 7th Ray Souls are now incarnating on
Planet Earth with 7th Ray personalities to bring to an end the
antequated and crystallized attitudes and beliefs of the conservatives
and to organize the activities of the New Era. Under instruction of The
Masters, they will use their practical orderliness to address the good of the all
and not the individual. There will be markedly increased expression of
the Soul through the incarnate humans, conscious cooperation with the
Divine Plan, and an acceleration of the Initiation Process not
heretofore seen.
The old systems and institutions and attitudes and ways of living will have to be destroyed by the 1st Ray of Will and Power
(The Manu and His Department) acting through the 7th Ray. Shiva, The
Destroyer, will partner with Lord Saint Germain, The Unveiled Magician.
The Human Kingdom will finally assume its responsibilities for the
lower Kingdoms of Nature and will be the primary impetus in their
evolution through radiation of creative energies and group magical work.
Many, if not most, of the current species will become extinct only to
be re-incarnated as improved species, more appropriate for higher
dimensional life and divinity expressing through them.
This great Transmuting Agent (7th Ray) of The Planetary Logos
will render entirely new characteristics in the Human Race. Aetheric
vision will become universal; mental activity will increase
dramatically; psychic powers will become wide-spread; and there will be
greatly increased facility to connect with the Soul and advance on the
Initiate Path. Finally, the aetheric web, which veils the Astral Plane
from the Physical Plane, is going to be dissolved, and the "other side"
is going to become visible and tangible. Mankind will come to know the
illusory nature of the Astral Worlds and will transfer its polarization
from the emotional/astral body up to the mental vehicle, and the Astral
Planes will die away just as surely as the 6th Ray Piscean Age (and the
selfish dinosaurs who wanted it all for themselves).
President Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA - 8/17/24
Government and its agencies funded gain-of-function research. There will be indictments
Dr Richard Fleming, US nuclear cardiologist, doctor of law and researcher, alleges that the deputy director of the NIH admitted, under oath, that the US government, the NIH and Dr Fauci and company financed gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in communist China, the same place where the Covid virus appears to have come from.
For every dead and injured American who has suffered, for the family members or people who have lost someone, or those at home who are injured, for the loss of freedoms and the abuse of power they committed, we will hold those at the top criminally accountable for what they have done, he stressed.
GOP Voter Registration Four Times Higher In PA
Out of 67 Counties only Delaware county by Philadelphia had more Democrat voter registrations.
Democrats have lost 3.5 million registered voters nationally, while the Republicans have gained 141,000.
Florida has 1 million more Republican registered voters than Democrats, AP reported
Kelly adds he wants members to meet with and
hear from local authorities who were there during the assassination
attempt one month ago.
The task force will have subpoena power and Kelly adds it will be a huge responsibility for all members in this investigation
Among the relocated pieces is the famous "Nimrod" sculpture by Yitzhak Danziger. This iconic work, created in 1939, is a cornerstone of Israeli art, representing a blend of ancient Semitic mythology and modernist form. Danziger's sculpture has profoundly influenced Israeli culture, inspiring generations of artists.
Later extra-biblical traditions identified Nimrod as the ruler who commissioned the construction of the Tower of Babel based on the Biblical dream of Jacob in Genesis 28:11–19, which led to his reputation as a king who was rebellious against God.
(Nimrod is a reminder that the Annunaki gave us 2 strand DNA to get us through the dark ages. Now the Plaeidians have most of our original 12 strand DNA on file. )
Posted on 08/14/2024 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply
By Peter B Meyer | Source
The story of what is about to happen will be the biggest news story in human history on planet Earth.
The Deep State Cabal oppressors with their criminal puppets and false stories of debt, banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terrorist attacks, plane crashes and religious deception are falling apart. More than 13 centuries of elite-led misinformation will soon come to an end. Disclosure means LIGHT and change for the healing of humanity and our planet.
People, inside and outside governments, are beginning to speak the truth with more energy, clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. Their words are being heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of our oppressors. Many things will come to light to see the world in a different light, the revelation of these truths will show how humanity has been deceived.
Many historical facts will be examined to find the exact truth. For example, how tsunamis, abnormal weather conditions and earthquakes in Japan, Central America and Haiti were deliberately caused by the cabal through secret government agencies. The fate of thousands of missing children around the world will be known. Also how and why diseases such as cancer, Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, H5N1, Zika and Morgellons have been deliberately created.
To end the global warming hoax or climate change charade for deliberate environmental destruction such as poverty, wars, disease to restore the planet and humanity to optimum health.
To further increase the understanding of how deliberate bioterrorism, including GMOs, chemtrails, food poisoning, etc. are being practiced by government agencies seeking to decimate the world’s population.
The 188-country BRICS alliance, led by China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, will become central to the global delivery of truthful news.
New “crowd-sourced” media channels will be launched. Dissemination of whistleblowing testimonies. Revelations of more effective and patriotic means of reorienting scientific research, banking, security and military culture.
Other major revelations are expected about the endemic professional corruption in health care. Pharmaceutical medicine will be shown to be a manipulative tool designed to make people sick rather than cure them.
The tools of this manipulation are sophisticated poisons disguised as expensive drugs or vaccines. They are prescribed as necessary medicines, as are radical operations which in turn require expensive drugs.
The battle for our consciousness
There is very little time left for humanity to prepare for what is coming. The Deep State and the Cabal have many layers and secretly control everything on our planet.
The people on this planet have no idea who they really are. The Cabal is a very carefully structured organisation. It is a hierarchy of non-physical dark matter that feeds on negative energy.
This dark energy does not need material possessions, only more negative energy and draws its power to control and divide through destruction.
Unreal, unacceptable and too bizarre for many. But it is a factual reality if one dares to face the truth.
We are currently experiencing incredible turbulence and chaos on this planet, everything is out of balance, but soon there will be a gradual return to balance.
Largest UK pension fund sells off Israeli assets amid member anger over Gaza genocide
The UK’s largest pension fund has sold off £80m ($101m) in assets linked to Israel amid internal pressure from members, the Financial Times has reported.The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) manages investments totaling £79bn in total and has more than 500,000 members who work for universities and higher education institutions in the UK.Pressure has grown on the fund to withdraw its Israeli investments in light of the ongoing war on Gaza and Israel’s longstanding occupation of Palestinian land.At least, 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza, the vast majority of them women and children.
The country faces genocide charges at the International Court of Justice, which has also ruled that the occupation of Palestinian land is unlawful.
(Israel Corporation is over and so is the Rothschild rule there. The Biden cabinet helped push it over the edge. They need to get President Trump in there fast to prevent further deterioration.)
Referendum to ban Pittsburgh from conducting business with Israel
The petition — submitted with more than 12,800 apparently valid signatures — seeks to put the issue before voters as a ballot referendum in November.
The CIA never sleeps: Just took over Bangladesh to put an air base on Saint Martin's Island
The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side, @sarafischer writes.
Power, Privilege, and Murder: The Violent Death of Ellen Greenberg
Ellen Rae Greenberg was a 27-year-old first grade teacher at Juniata Park Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On January 26, 2011, she was pronounced dead as a result of twenty knife wounds, including nine stabs to the back of her head and neck and a large gash to the top of her head. A kitchen knife was found in her chest when emergency responders arrived.
(The guy who murdered her got away because he was Josh Shapiro's friend and Shapiro changed the death certificate to indicate a suicide instead of an obvious murder. The Democrat PA Supreme court is finally going to take a look at this case after the parents spent $500,000 to prove it was murder.
Josh Shapiro needs to be forced to resign over two murder cover ups. This one and the easy to solve DA Ray Gricar "missing person" case. Maybe the PA Supreme court could look at the Gricar case too when they get the time.
Yesterday's severe (G4-class) geomagnetic storm is over. However, the watch is still in effect. NOAA forecasters believe that moderate (G2-class) storms could occur on Aug. 13th as Earth exits the combined wake of the CMEs that sparked yesterday's storm.
SEVERE STEVE: The severe geomagnetic storm of Aug. 12th sparked widespread auroras in both hemispheres, with sightings in the USA as far south as Texas, Mississippi and Arizona. Upon closer inspection, not all the lights were auroras. Many observers saw STEVE: (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) is the pink ribbon of light in Griffin's photo. It looks like an aurora, but it is not.
(Auroras are adamantine particles from the sun that can be attracted by the heart attuned to the higher vibration.)
The Adamantine Particles: Building Blocks of Reality
This is a master teaching about the adamantine particles, the smallest irreducible particles of matter, which quantum physics calls the Higgs boson and popular culture has dubbed "the God particle."It is a cornerstone of cosmology and will form the basis of much of my map-making work.
The adamantine particles actually form part of the fundamental trinity of the universe as Jesus describes it to Glenda Green. In this trinity, Love stands atop the pyramid or triangle, and at the base corners rest Spirit and the Adamantine Particles. Because the whole trinity is such a cool teaching.
The three fold flame is nothing less than God, blazing within our physical form, individualized in each person. Called the “threefold flame” by the ascended masters, it can only be seen at higher frequencies. It is placed in our hearts at birth and is withdrawn at transition. “Threefold” means that not one but three identifiable plumes—blue, yellow, pink—as seen in the heart of the lower figure of The Chart of Your Buddha Nature rise from the same source—a tiny sphere of white Mother light energy.
Synonymous terms for the three fold flame are "God-flame" and "divine spark."
Qualities of the Threefold Flame
Right within your own body temple are three fiery plumes of the Holy Spirit—pink, yellow, and blue pulsations of living flame. Thus the heavenly Trinity gains expression in the world of material form. And the energies of Father (blue), Son (yellow), and Holy Spirit (pink) are resplendent in the heart of man.
Also corresponding with the trinity of body, mind, and soul, the threefold flame supplies man's needs for
• Power to run the body (the faith and goodwill of the divine intent);
• Wisdom to nourish the mind (illumination and the right use of the knowledge of the Law); and
• Love to fulfill the destiny of the soul in conscious
outer manifestation (a just and merciful compassion that is always
rewarded by individual creative fulfillment).
The flame within the heart is your personal focus of the sacred fire. It is your opportunity to become one with your Higher Self, whether you call it the Christ, the Buddha, the Tao or the Atman. It is the potential of your Divinity waiting to burst into being within your humanity.
Long ago, during the first three golden ages before man's departure from innocence, the crystal cord was nine feet in diameter and the threefold flame enveloped his form. Man's source of energy was literally unlimited and his higher consciousness was all enfolding. After the Fall, man's opportunity to exercise his free will was curtailed. By cosmic edict the threefold flame was reduced to one-sixteenth of an inch in height.
As the flame of illumination expands from within your consciousness, it gradually enfolds your being until God, as holy wisdom, is enthroned upon the altar of your heart. But with each increase of wisdom, the power and love plumes must also rise by the fiat of your devotion; else the wisdom will not be retained. Likewise, with each getting of power there must come the attainment of wisdom and love in perfect balance. So, too, love is actualized only through an equivalent manifestation of power and wisdom.
On the average, the threefold flame is one-sixteenth of an inch in height, but its plumes are usually not the same size. Only when the three plumes are in balance can the threefold flame expand as a whole. And when your threefold flame expands, your spiritual light and power will increase exponentially.
What denomination calls God Yeshua?
In English, the name Yeshua is extensively used by followers of Messianic Judaism, whereas East Syriac Christian denominations use the name ʿIsho in order to preserve the Syriac name of Jesus.
The human soul, is astrologically governed by Venus and the Sun, especially the Logos Michael.
Yeshua Ben Pandira, Jesus of Nazareth, is an inhabitant of the thirteenth aeon: the Ain.
The Note of Rise of the dragons Taipei workshop written by Japanese Lightworker
The detoxification of the surface began a few weeks ago.
The Light forces are removing the Lurker from humanity on the surface.
Joe Biden's mental breakdown is part of this process.
The Light forces are testing how humanity will react.
The process of removing the Lurker has never been done before in the history of the entire universe and is an intense detox process.
The Light forces are also clearing not only at the energy level of the light grid (etheric, astral, mental, etc.), but also at the quantum and subquantum level.
This is one of New Atlantis projects by St. Germain.
Most wars have been prevented thanks to Lightworkers and Light forces.
November 2024 and beyond will be a critical period.
There will be a presidential election in the United States, but any plan of the Dark forces will not succeed.
The Dark forces of have made a crucial strategic mistake that will lead to their defeat.
The Light forces are playing a strategic 5-dimensional chess game and are on their way to a victory of the Light.
After November 19, 2024, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for 20 years.
The Liberation of planet Earth, First Contact, Events, New Advanced Technology in New Atlantis, Galactic Confederation, etc.
7 Takeaways From Trump’s ‘Conversation’ With Elon Musk
“They want the American dream back,” Trump said of Americans at one point.
Here are President Trump’s 20 Core Promises to “Make America Great Again”
Ricky Lee performs American Dream Live at the Lodge during his cooking show.
Alcyon Pleiades Special 65: Genocidalist U. von der Leyen, Pfizer corruption MEPs in opposition NWO
(Be sure to check the segment on the 100+ solar flares of the last two weeks at 2:17:47. This is all part of the Solar Logos 12 strand DNA upgrade.)
Ursula von der Leyen, the most hated and unpopular president of the European Commission in history received the support of her party, the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU), to seek a second mandate. Due to her mismanagement, particularly with regards to the EU’s anti-Russia sanctions and green policies, she is considered responsible for Europe’s current economic crisis. Her family’s past is linked to Nazi aristocrats, and after ruining Germany, when she was the country’s Defence Minister, she is now being accused of the biggest corruption case in history, which involves the dark contracts she drew up with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer.
Indeed, she is involved in a number of conflicts of interest, as she profits from multi-million-dollar contracts, together with her husband Heiko. Her promises form part of the goals underpinning the globalist Agenda 2030. This perverse and satanic politician is calling for the rollout of digital identification systems similar to Covid-19 vaccine passports, and she is trying to introduce a ‘digital identity’ app and AI. Ursula was in favor of forced vaccination, lockdowns and health passports.
She cast aside our European values, and violated the people’s human rights. In light of all these factors, many people are beginning to see the true face of this rich and tyrannical figure, who is making a mockery of Europeans, as she stands as a blind advocate for the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the Great Reset. Therefore, many members of the European parliament are speaking out against her, exposing why she should not be at the helm of this European institution, as we shall see over the course of this video.
The Secret Service made sure there was no meeting or communication with the state and local police then blamed them for the security lapse.
The murder was ruled a suicide from multiple stab wounds to help Josh's friend.
DA Ray Gricar should get an honorable mention as another Shapiro murder cover up victim.
Some acid mine drainage funds for Gricar Park and memorial isn't too much to ask.
The Same People Who Killed JFK and Removed Nixon Are Behind the Attempted Assassination of Trump
They lie, they cheat and they steal.
Las Vegas Police Recordings Released From Biden's Medical Event and Code 3 Transport to Airport
Biden suffered a neurological event in Vegas. They called it covid but it may have actually been the death of the previous Biden double.
As the photonic light frequency increases, more of these soulless imposters and destroyers of humanity will be malfunctioning.
Planet Earth is making its transition from 3D to 5D, many of the current incarnated souls on Earth are now also making their Ascension. It is the most important moment in the entire planetary or even universe history, but above all it is the greatest moment on Earth with the awakening of humanity.
The old prophecies of Armageddon will not come true! We are going to
see incredible times.
Special abilities will become the norm as all 12 strands of DNA are restored to humanity.
MUST WATCH: Fmr. Marine Put on Hospice Care After Stage 4 Colo-Rectal Cancer & Three Years of Unsuccessful Chemo Beats His Cancer in a Few Months Using Unexpected Drug "I started doing it 9/2/2021. Six weeks in, keeping in mind I wasn't supposed to make it...what does that scan say? 50% less disease...8 more weeks, I have another scan. No evidence of disease."
(He used Fenbendazole. A dog dewormer.)
Czechnya, first country to publish data on the population. 50% more deaths with Moderna than Pfizer
Dr John Campbell, YouTuber and retired British educator with a PhD in nursing, and Dr Clare Craig, British physician and specialist in diagnostic pathology, announce that the Czech Republic - now Czechnya - has published its entire database, patient by patient. It is more than 10 million people. Previously, we did not have information according to vaccine type. We took Moderna's mortality rate and Pfizer's mortality rate to compare them both. We see that between the ages of 46 and 68 there are 50% more deaths with Moderna than with Pfizer. These vaccines were authorised to stop infection, which they never did. When it was shown that they didn't stop infection, the authorisations were no longer valid, but they went ahead anyway, said Dr Clare Craig.
High Court Religious Bias Decision Paves Way for EEOC Vax Mandate Lawsuits...
The EEOC's first-ever lawsuits filed against companies over failure to grant employee religious exemptions to Covid-19 vaccine policies signal the commission may be ready to bring many more such cases now that a US Supreme Court decision has eased their path.
The agency appears to have plenty of relevant complaints from workers. It saw a dramatic increase in religious charges in the 2022 fiscal year, with 13,814 charges compared to the 2,111 charges filed in FY2021, prompted largely by an uptick in vaccine-related religious charges.
Harley-Davidson Receives Bud Light Treatment At Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
"A lot of bikers are switching over to Indian." Sales are down 11% on woke branding.
According to Polaris, Indian's global market share has increased from 2% in 2014 to 13% in 2023. Much of the success of Indian is the Scout model, 100,000 of which have been sold globally in the past 10 years. The Scout is a midsize cruiser that has been the bestselling model in the Indian lineup.
2016 INDIAN SCOUT ABS - $6,800
CNN Effectively Worthless After Parent Warner Bros Takes $9.1 Billion Writedown
For the quarter, Warner Bros. reported a net loss of $10 billion
Virginia Brings New Ballot Security System Online That Will Leave Leftists Beside Themselves
By Christine Favocci August 8, 2024 at 5:39pm
Gov. Glenn Youngkin is tightening up Virginia’s voting procedures. Cue the raging leftists.
The Virginia Republican issued an executive order mandating paper ballots and other protocols meant to ensure free and fair elections in time for the 2024 presidential election.
“Today, we issued Executive Order 35, codifying our administration’s model for election security,” Youngkin posted to social media platform X Wednesday.
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“This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s an American and Virginian issue. Every legal vote deserves to be counted,” Youngkin wrote.
Today, we issued Executive Order 35, codifying our administration’s model for election security. This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s an American and Virginian issue. Every legal vote deserves to be counted.
— Governor Glenn Youngkin (@GovernorVA) August 7, 2024
Smartmatic Voting Machine executives charged by Justice Department in alleged Philippines bribery
Trump says Shapiro would have been poor VP pick
Former President Trump said Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) would have been a poor running mate choice for Vice President Harris, calling him a “terrible guy.”
“I know Josh Shapiro, he’s a terrible guy and he’s not very popular with anybody,” Trump said during a press conference Thursday at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.
“I think other than Josh Shapiro, I think she had some good choices, but Josh Shapiro is not one of them,” he said. “He’s caused a lot of damage with a lot of people.”
(Shapiro is happy to let Gricar down the mineshaft to promote good gang relations and avoid bad publicity. Biker whitehats want a Gricar memorial and a clean water demonstration site for abandoned mine reclamation. Real men who ride Indian Motorcycles care about law enforcement and the environment! See and demand a Gricar Grand Jury from Shapiro and Madeira!)
Michael Madeira - Senior Deputy Attorney General
State College, Pennsylvania, United States · Senior Deputy Attorney General · Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, Centre County District Attorney ... Skilled trial prosecutor including homicide, vehicular deaths, assault, drug prosecutions. Managed prosecutor's office.
Defied PA State Police's #1 order for a Gricar Grand Jury
Lied to the Gricar Family About State Police findings.
Madeira replaced Gricar as Centre DA from 2005 to 2009. He announced in 2009 he couldn't investigate Sandusky because he was Matt Sandusky's brother in law and turned the investigation over to Tom Corbet's AG office. He then lost the election to Stacey Parks Miller. Two years later Tom Corbett blames Paterno and PSU for Sandusky's crimes resulting in $250 million for lawyers and their plaintiffs including new millionaire Matt Sandusky. A case decided entirely on highly suspect evidence gleaned by counselors from repressed memories.
In criminal law, the use of repressed memories as evidence is generally met with skepticism and may not be admitted if the court finds them unreliable or if the process of recovering the memories involves suggestive techniques.
Changing Memories: The Impact of Repressed Recovered Memories in the Sandusky Case
January 31, 2024 Frank Parlato
Time for the Penn State board of directors to demand a Gricar Grand Jury. They allowed Gricar and JoePA to be erased over this lack of justice. If Troop G would let them read the last FAX from Gricar in which he stated his intentions to charge Sandusky and his charity and see who it was sent to they would have enough to make an arrest. The fax was sent only days before the murder. Gricar was never missing. He is dead and the AG office has always known it!
Independent investigators believe Gricar was lured to Raystown the day before he was killed as a dry run with the pretext that he was meeting with mothers of Sandusky victims. The next day he was lured to Lewisburg by Corbett's press secretary, the mystery woman, and was pushed into a van and driven to the abandoned mine, killed and disposed of in a well used mineshaft containing 4 others and a cache of guns.
The laptop hard drive containing the Sandusky investigation was removed, copied, erased and later returned to the scene and thrown in the river separately where they could easily be found.
Later the Sandusky files in the DA's office were misplaced when Madeira gave the case to his old boss AG Corbett in 2009. That way incoming DA Stacey Parks Miller would not have the Sandusky files to work with as Centre County DA. Later when Miller tried to get a Gricar Grand jury she was hit with unending lawfare manufactured by the Centre County courts that continues to this day. Former Centre County DA’s legal battle continues after 10 years.
Shapiro and his AG office are bullies and liars for doing this to cover up their ongoing crimes of obstruction of justice. All we need is one honest cop to arrest these guys and get some justice for Ray! See
Harley-Davidson Roundhouse Giveaway 2024
Just put the Gricar mineshaft on the tour and they should be able to find out where it is. Butch from Johnstown knew but he's gone now.
Josh Shapiro isn’t Harris’ VP pick, but PA remains crucial in 2024’s race
A huge sigh of relief for the DA Gricar murder cover up. The $5000 reward has been taken away and the crucial evidence is being kept under wraps. Still classified as a missing person case because switching it to a murder case would bring in needed resources to easily solve the case.
A complete media blackout on the case has enabled the Shapiro admin to avoid having to answer a single question about the case or respond to it other than a "no comment" at troop G where the evidence is held. A Freedom of information act request for Gricar's last fax which has the motive was turned down.
A FOIA request for the DNA on a newport cigarette found by Gricar's car was ignored. The FBI and informants know where the abandoned mine is where Gricar was taken. The whole cover up is coordinated from Our Town which has original second mile members and Sandusky investigators who know the whole case from the start.
Penn State fans were hoping the Shapiro admin would have to cooperate with an investigation and a grand jury as called for by the PA State Police. See
US spying on Tulsi Gabbard – whistleblowers
The former congresswoman has reportedly been placed on the TSA ‘Quiet Skies’ watchlist
Gabbard served in Congress for eight years (2013-2021) and ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, but left the party in 2022 over ideological differences. She is also a lieutenant-colonel in the US Army reserve.
For the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), however, Gabbard appears to be a security risk. Last month, she was placed into the ‘Quiet Skies’ program and monitored wherever she flies, according to the Air Marshal National Council (AMNC).
The outlet UncoverDC reported this week that Gabbard has “two Explosive Detection Canine Teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (explosives), one plainclothes TSA Supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshals [FAMs] on every flight she boards,” citing AMNC director Sonya LaBosco.
Gabbard famously rattled Harris during the 2020 Democratic primary debates, bringing up her prosecutorial record. She also denounced Hillary Clinton as “the queen of warmongers,” after the former presidential candidate accused her of being a “Russian asset.”
FBI Raids NY Home Of Ex-UN Weapons Inspector & Anti-War Pundit Scott Ritter
Just yesterday Ritter posted a photo eating a burger with Robert F. Kennedy Jr...
PostConversationScott Ritter@RealScottRitter
I spent one decade protecting Israel from Iraqi missiles. I spent another decade trying to protect Israel from Iranian missiles. All Israel had to do was try to live in peace and harmony with its neighbors. Israel proved not to be up to the task.
“He Allowed Rioters to Burn Down Minneapolis… And Then Kamala Helped Bail Them Out” —
Jenna Ellis Takes Plea Deal: Here Are All The Other Ex-Trump Lawyers Now Facing Legal Consequences
Ellis will cooperate with the Arizona criminal case in exchange for her charges being dropped.
Judge backs penalties against Fulton County, Pa. in voting machine case
Pa. Supreme Court angrily sanctions county for violating order on Dominion voting machines
Same lawfare used to punish the auditors of Dominion voting machines as in other states.
Jenna Ellis could make Arizona's fake electors do real prison time
They threatened her with jail if she didn't cooperate just like they did with Sidney Powell. These women deserve a medal for standing up to these bullies.
House Republicans who investigated Arizona AG Mayes say she should be impeached
In the report, the committee accused Mayes of:
Tennessee passes resolution to return to deeply Christian-inspired values of the Founding Fathers
Dean Bowen, American host of ‘The Dean’s List’ podcast, announces that: “Not only do we have these Supreme Court decisions that bring us back to the rule of law, but there are states enacting decrees that are taking us back to our Judeo-Christian roots and our founding. The joint resolution of the Tennessee House of Representatives and Senate? Incredible stuff! Its title is: ‘A Resolution to Seek God’s Hand of Mercy Healing on Tennessee’. It’s a nod to America’s founders who believed that our rights come from God and that our government must be based on the consent of the governed,” he said.
As COVID Ticks Up in Some Places, U.S. Advisers Recommend Fall Vaccination Campaign
Ogden newspaper flagship in Wheeling is still pushing the covid vaccine. (boycott this newspaper group and the Pittsburgh Pirates who are owned by them. Still happy to poison their readers and fans for a buck. ) They need to send a real reporter to the Altoona Mirror who will do a story on the DA Ray Gricar murder actively covered up by Josh Shapiro. See for more.
Potential Harris VP pick Josh Shapiro's actions while in office receive renewed attention
The DA Gricar case is the most covered up, easy to solve capitol murder case in US history and is not mentioned here. The PA state AG office needs to cough up Gricar's last fax that has the motive, confess to covering up the murder and direct local authorities to the abandoned mine where Gricar park and memorial will be.
Admitted and confirmed: Safety trials have not been done on any vaccine
Del Bigtree, an American journalist, analyses an article by Dr Stanley Plotkin, head of the vaccination schedule and the world’s leading authority on vaccines. Plotkin admits that there are real adverse reactions to vaccines and that pharmaceutical companies do not carry out any scientific research on the subject, so there is no scientific basis supporting them.
Fulford: The secret battle for the planet earth part II: Donald Trump takes the stage
The sudden drop in Japanese stock indexes
and the rise in the yen is a clear sign the Khazarian mafia is being
kicked out of Japan. Keep your eyes out for news the fake U.S.
ambassador Rahm Emmanuel is fleeing the country.
We will keep an eye on the situation and put out reports if necessary otherwise please expect a video update Friday.
Japan’s stock market suffers worst losses in history. The Nikkei 225 stock index closed at 31,316.62 points today, dropping by 4,568.02 points or about 12.7%.
This is the largest single-day point drop in the index’s history, surpassing the previous record set on October 20, 1987, when it fell by 3,836 points.
Market mayhem: Stocks down across Europe, major trader halts transactions for 24 hours
The Russian stock exchange saw losses of up to 1.5% on opening, the CAC 40 in Paris fell 2.1%, and London’s FTSE 100 lost 1.7%.
Trading was suspended on the Istanbul Stock Exchange after the index fell 6.72% after opening, and that’s as the Japanese market saw its worst Monday since 1987.
Major finance platform Robinhood halted 24-hour trading until further due to high market volatility.
Onwards… to New York. All eyes are now on the NY DOW opening and the Monday trading .
Bitcoin is now at $50,946.
A massive drop from the $70k high recently.
Silver has dropped $1.54 today. Down to $27.01
Gold has dropped $43.10 today. Now at $2,400
This could be the beginning of the financial meltdown.
This week is going to be a wild ride in the global financial markets.
Market carnage amid a looming U.S. recession and a possible new war in the Middle East.
Japan’s Nikkei 225 dropped 18.2% in two days, including a 12.4% plunge today — the worst single-day decline since 1987.
Taiwan’s stock market suffers from the worst day in 57 years.
Over $1,000,000,000 liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in the past 24 hours — Bitcoin is currently trading at $52,500.
The Obama presidency from January 20th 2009 to January 20th 2016 was supposed to an interlude or truce in the secret war. However, the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan started the war again. The Japanese government, scared by the attack and by threats to blow up Mount Fuji, ended a brief rebellion against the Khazarian Mafia. They handed over the $7 trillion Japan had earned since World War II to Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu. Satanyahu then handed it over to the Swiss based Octagon group.
They also installed a slave regime in Japan led by Shinzo Abe. After being installed, Abe was summoned over to Davos to read a keynote speech in January, 2014 in which be compared China to Germany before World War I. In other words, everyone was going to gang up on China and it would be defeated and split up. This speech was the modern Roman Empire’s (The US dominated G7) declaration of war against China.
What we now know in retrospect is that Barack Obama is a grandson of Adolf Hitler. As such he is part of the George Bush Sr. Nazi faction of the KM. His faction installed Abe as Prime Minister because he was a card carrying Nazi. To be more exact he was affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies who had a ranch in Paraguay next to the Bush ranch. In other words they were part of the group of Japanese who never surrendered at the end of World War II. They, together with their German allies, were planning to get revenge on the victors of that war.
This meant the plan Bush Sr. outlined to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a fishing trip in Maine in 2006 was being put into motion. According to MI6, during that fishing trip Bush proposed the US and Russia start a new cold war as an excuse to boost military spending and power. During this cold war Russia would pretend to be an ally of China. Then NATO, Russia, Japan and South Korea would simultaneously attack China. A defeated China would be divided into 5 states so that it could never again pose a threat to Western hegemony.
We also know that Bush Sr. had a brother who lived in Beijing and provided the Chinese with the technology needed to make sure their nuclear missiles would be able to strike their targets with pinpoint accuracy. They also bribed may Chinese with oil stolen from Iraq. This was part of the reason the Chinese accepted Barack Obama Hitler.
The KM provided China with advanced military technology because they needed to make sure China was strong enough for their Gog and Magog strategy to kill 90% of humanity.
In any case, under Abe Japan started a massive secret military build up for the war to destroy China. Abe also set up a bio-weapons factory disguised as a veterinary school.
What we now know is that Bush Sr. was removed from power and his deal with Russia to destroy was broken by the Rockefeller faction of the KM. As Russian President Vladimir Putin explained to Tucker Carlson, the new plan was to destroy Russia first before destroying China.
For that purpose a Nazi coup d’etat was staged in 2014 with the aim of depopulating Russia and dividing the survivors into many small states. To tis end the Nazi government installed by the KM also started a massive military build-up. They also built dozens of bioweapons laboratories.
Iran Says It Must 'Punish' Israel, Begins Clearing Airspace; Biden To Hold Situation Room Meeting
Let's not forget that it was the Persian Cyrus who freed the Jews from Babylon 500 years Before Christ. Cyrus was working for the Ancient of Days from the book of Daniel, known as Ahura Mazda at the time.
Now the Jews have to be freed from proverbial Babylon once again to stop the carnage of the Palestinians. This time it's Donald Trump that has to do the work of the one God we can be sure of and fire the minions of the Annunaki, the Draconians, the Belial group and any others holding up the Golden Age.
Pelosi's Strategic Moves in MSFT & NVDA Capture Market Attention
When it comes to congressional trading few match the prominence of Rep. Nancy Pelosi and her spouse, Paul Pelosi.
On July 26, 2024, Rep. Pelosi disclosed that her spouse had reduced his holdings in Microsoft Corp (MSFT:US) by 5,000 shares at $425.27 per share, resulting in a transaction valued at over $2.12 million. This move was notable as it preceded a major global outage that affected Microsoft's Office applications and cloud services.
On the same day, Paul Pelosi also diversified his portfolio by investing over $1.1 million in Nvidia Corp (NVDA:US), purchasing 10,000
shares at $113.06 each. This investment was strategically timed just
before WPP announced a partnership with Nvidia to create generative 3D
worlds, with WPP becoming the first company to leverage Nvidia’s new NIM
microservices for OpenUSD.
Josh Shapiro Downplays IDF Volunteerism As 'Service Project' As Wikipedia Scrubs Evidence
Shapiro having spent time at a kibutz where the farm is the center of the operation should know that the bird flu scare is an attack on raw milk farms and the entire dairy industry.
When Josh Shapiro was AG of PA, there was a woman who was murdered.
She was stabbed 22 times. For some reason, the coroner changed the
cause of death from homicide to suicide, despite the fact that two of
the stab wounds occurred after she was dead. Josh Shapiro went along
with this cause of death. Then it was discovered Josh Shapiro was quite
close to the victim's fiance.
On Tuesday, the PA supreme court re-opened her case to determine how this happened.
(Maybe they could bother to look into the murder of DA Ray Gricar while they are at it. See
The gender war continues with women taking the most damage. Penn State Hershey should be closed for renovation and the removal of all administration.
Scenery change should benefit Fleming
The biggest sports story this editor is neglecting is the DA Ray Gricar story and how it is affecting the Penn State football field naming rights. So much has happened since the last article on Gricar in 2018 by the Altoona Mirror. Here is what the State Police had to say at that time:
Now we know that if the case was changed to a murder investigation there would be more help in solving the case. Some of the details they have not released have to do with the motive which is contained in Gricar's last fax which fits with the other unreleased evidence that points to the AG office involvement with luring Gricar into the hands of gang members who put him down a mineshaft.
Most importantly is the new information that was kept from the public regarding the State Police number one demand in the case for a Gricar grand jury that was never followed.
For this reason it is time to boycott the Ogden newspaper group and demand a Gricar grand jury. See
This video explains the Truth about the Divine City known as Shamballa.
Who Is Sanat Kumara?:
The Ashram Of The King:
The First Ray:
LIVE REPLAY: President Trump and JD Vance Hold a Rally in Atlanta - 8/3/24
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and Vice Presidential Nominee, Senator JD Vance, will deliver remarks at a Rally in Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET.
Famous actors suffer adverse effects or die post vaccination
Famous actors and entertainers like Shannen Doherty, Christina Applegate, Mike Heslin, Katie Lees, Reynaldo Gianecchini and many others have been injured by the toxic vaccines and some have died. If this is happening with celebrity actors how many more nameless people are being affected who do not receive media coverage or get counted among the statistics?
An evolutionary leap for humanity
US activist Mike Adams speaks with John Petersen, President of ‘The Arlington Institute’. Peterson claims that there are two ways forward for the future. The first is technocratic and it uses increasingly invasive technology to control and dominate everyone’s lives, creating a dystopian future. The other implies a tendency towards humanity’s evolution, because waves of energy are arriving from other galaxies. This cosmic energy influences our DNA, which used to have twelve strands, of which 10 were disactivated. Peterson believes that there is something unique and particularly valuable inside human beings. He is not only referring to our DNA; it also has to do with our capability to love.
NOAA has issued a geomagnetic storm watch for Aug. 3rd, when a CME is expected to graze Earth's magnetic field. Hurled into space by an M8-class solar flare, the CME could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm with naked-eye auroras in northern-tier US states. CME Impact alerts: SMS Text
SUNSPOT COUNTS HIT A 23-YEAR HIGH: The sun is partying like it's 2001. That's the last time sunspot counts were as high as they are now. The monthly average sunspot number for July 2024 was 196.5, according to the Royal Observatory of Belgium's Solar Influences Data Analysis Center. This eclipses every month since Dec. 2001:
Solar Cycle 25 wasn't expected to be this strong. When it began in Dec. 2019, experts predicted it would be a weak cycle like its immediate predecessor Solar Cycle 24. If that forecast had panned out, Solar Cycle 25 would be one of the weakest solar cycles in a century.
Instead, Solar Cycle 25 has shot past Solar Cycle 24 and may be on pace to rival some of the stronger cycles of the 20th century. Already in May 2024 we have experienced a century-class geomagnetic storm with auroras sighted in the South Pacific, central America and south Africa.
The last time sunspot numbers were this high, the sun was on the verge of launching the Great Halloween Storms of 2003, which included the strongest X-ray solar flare ever recorded (X45) and a CME so powerful it was ultimately detected by the Voyager spacecraft at the edge of the solar system.
Is this Solar Max? The jury is still out. Sunspot numbers may continue to rise in the months ahead and, based on the behavior of previous cycles, we can confidently expect high solar activity for at least 2 to 3 more years. Stay tuned! Solar flare alerts: SMS Text
AURORAS IN THE USA: A Cannibal CME hit Earth on July 30th, followed by two lesser CMEs on July 31st. None of the impacts was strong, but together they sparked photographic auroras in more than a dozen US states. Terrence Cook was driving down I-80 near Billings, Montana, when the light show began:
"I pulled over to enjoy the show, and during the brightest lights of the night, two horses visited us from the dark," says Cook. "They even seemed to be aware of it, although much more interested in us."
Similar auroras could appear on Aug. 3rd when a potent CME is expected to graze Earth's magnetic field. The off-target CME *might* miss, but if it doesn't, G2-storms are likely. Aurora alerts: SMS Text
New York Commercial Real Estate Selling for 97% Discount
This is a leading economic indicator of Democrat run cities.
The delinquency rate for office buildings in New York City has
increased more than 1,000% from January 2023 to January 2024.
Penn Researchers Develop Experimental mRNA Avian Flu Vaccine
Kamala and Shapiro are coming to Philly to save it from destruction. Maybe they could stop over to UPENN and tell them to shut it down.
UPenn will spin out Jim Wilson’s gene therapy program and split it into two companies
Some of the destructive alien AI that is programmed to vote democrat has been traced back to UPENN. For example:
Leia: The man pretending to be a woman swimmer who took away the
fairness in sport for so many women. mRNA tech can take away gender
identity and puts it under the dominion of 5g.
Michael Mann: Left Penn State for greener pastures. Touts fake hockey
stick graph as proof of global warming in order to tax the amount of
carbon in the air. Denies chemtrails exist while promoting climate
change. Ran climate slapsuits for over ten years and lost in Canada's supreme court for not providing any proof of his claims.
Zeek Emanuel, (Rhams brother): Thinks everyone should die by the age of
75. With some exceptions.
Biden's China papers. UPenn, which hosts Biden's think tank, sees Chinese donations soar, including from CCP-linked sources
AI decides for you. It destroys the human faculty of free will and our decision-making abilities
AI destroys our inherent capacity to make decisions, which is one of our
God-given abilities. Headphones that can determine if we are paying
attention to something is one example. AI-managed banks are another case
in point, whereby traditional employees are replaced by an AI system
that makes investment decisions.
Josh Shapiro appears in new campaign ad as VP candidate.
PA State Police Trooper Dead at 30
Trooper Peter K. Conforti was rushed to the hospital after going into cardiac arrest. He leaves behind a wife and son.
(All state workers that were forced to take the covid shots should be compensated and given the proper antidote treatments.)
Archangel Michael: Huge Evolutionary Milestones Have Been Accomplished
Adamantine particles are attracted to the heart magnetically by the love vibration for increased performance in the causal realm.
JD Vance LIVE: Trump's Running Mate Visits US Southern Border In Arizona
This will be Vance's first trip to Arizona since he was announced as Trump's running mate in early July. Vance is scheduled to host a rally in Glendale on Wednesday.
The Trump and Vance team released a statement saying they are "devastated to see the path of death and destruction American families are facing because of the radical-Left policies of the current administration." Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris is looking to minimize the impact of Republican criticism of her handling of illegal border crossings.
He's Rachel Levine's apprentice on gender.
More new footage of Trump assassination's attempt, shooter strolling around roof VERY visibly!
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden gave a keynote speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, during which he made certain shocking revelations about Bitcoin and the broader crypto ecosystem. He also made a case for why crypto remains an individual’s best bet against fighting corrupt institutional practices.
Russia Legalizes Bitcoin For International Trade To Bypass Sanctions
Bitcoin might be the main reason they wanted to kill Trump. Similar to the JFK $2 silver backed treasury dollar that angered the FED.
On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy with the intention to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.
William Makis MD: Stage 4 Cancer patients are responding to Ivermectin & Fenbendazole
of this Substack are well aware of the holy grail cancer cure in plain
sight, and here is further evidence of this miraculous and inexpensive synergistic treatment: Fenbendazole is a dog dewormer from Merck. Merck used to have the Ivermectin patent.
Merck's Fenbendazole is Marketed
By Panacur. C Canine Dewormer, 4-g, 3 count $18.99
New Evidence Refutes FBI Testimony That Trump Shooter Is Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant
GAB CEO Andrew Torba, however, shared plenty of information on X last week about a
GAB account the FBI appeared to believe was Crook’s, saying the content
of the posts “UNEQUIVOCALLY” reflected a “pro-Biden and in particular
pro-Biden immigration policy.”
(Looks like the FBI might not survive the Trump shooting.)
Why the thought of Josh Shapiro as Kamala Harris’ VP nominee is making the Pennsylvania GOP nervous
(Obstruction of justice for withholding evidence in the capitol murder of District Attorney Ray Gricar. This is where the cover up ends. Just give us the FAX! )
Because they may be forced to give DA Gricar a proper burial if enough people find out where the mineshaft location is. Butch from Johnstown knows and so does the FBI.
The AMLER mine reclamation funds come up for renewal each year; this year, Pennsylvania got $28.6 million. In addition, Pennsylvania received an allocation of $244 million for abandoned mine land cleanup as part of the Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act this June.
With mine reclamation funds Shapiro has available, Gricar Park should have plenty to work with to make a clean water mining reclamation project and memorial site.
(Those familiar with the case think Gricar's last fax was sent to AG Tom Corbett at the time to test the notion of charging Sandusky and his charity. That is why a grand jury was not empaneled by Corbett at the state level after Gricar's death. Corbett's right hand man who went on to replace Gricar as Centre DA also failed to follow the PA State Police's number one order for a Gricar Grand Jury and now serves as Shapiro's top drug prosecutor. He's also Matt Sandusky's brother in law. This is the press conference he held after the State Police meeting in which the Gricar family was left in the dark.
This explains why Shapiro had Corbett transition lawyers. It's the same people still covering it up at the top. They are caught and they are going to do a Gricar grand jury, a memorial and a mine reclamation project to honor him.)
Gates must really be in trouble this time because Nancy Pelosi just sold her $Millions in Microsoft stock and bought NVIDIA.
“I don’t use some of the less proven approaches such as I don’t plant trees,” he said. “That’s complete nonsense. I mean, are we the science people or are we idiots?”
Gates who is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America and bury them in underground man-made vaults, gave Climate Forward his dubious logic for the destruction of nature.
“Ah,” Gelles said: “there’s a lot of people who are very enamoured with trees. We’ve got trees on this stage. Some people would even say that if you just planted enough trees, it could take care of the climate issue altogether.”
Gates quickly jumped in and asserted: “That’s complete nonsense. I mean, are we the science people or are we idiots? Which one do you want to be?”
Gates does not base his ideology on evidence and may be blinkered by all the money he aims to make so may not know the correct answer to his questions. For the sake of clarity, we’ll answer provide the answer. Yes, Gates, you are the idiot and you are choosing to be the idiot.
5,800 IRS Employees And Contractors Owe Nearly $50 Million In Unpaid Taxes - Treasury IG
In a report made available to The Epoch Times, TIGTA said auditors found 3,414, or 4 percent, of the 85,359 employees at the IRS have unpaid taxes. Of those with payment plans, $9 million remains unpaid, while $12 million is owed by employees without a payment plan.
U.S. will buy regular flu shots for farm workers to prevent bird flu from getting more dangerous
(The new flu shots are all mRNA products. Instead of making vaccines they should close all of the labs that make and sell viruses on the internet. The Amish don't vaccinate and their kids are much healthier.)
Arthritis drug hydroxychloriquine is rated higher than Humira by arthritis patients, costs 100 times less and also works for covid.
(Trump knows about Hydroxychloroquine! He suggested it before the covid vaccine came out and Fauci said no.)
Many African countries use chloroquine over the counter in an off-label manner for the treatment as well as for the prevention of COVID-19 against WHO recommendation as shown in Table 1.
Ivermectin VS Hydroxychloroquine
Ivermectin is rated higher than Hydroxychloroquine by patients. (These are over the counter drugs in third world countries.)
New York’s Preparations for a Bird Flu Pandemic Rely on a Single Drug: Tamiflu
New York State’s stockpile of antiviral medications for flu contains only one drug, Tamiflu, leaving no fallback plan.
(Veterenarians recommend Ivermectin twice a year for horses and once a month for dogs. )
Most Of Us Have Intestinal Parasites
The CDC says 15% to 20% of the U.S. is infested with Toxoplasmosis and 30% to 50% in the world. That is just one parasite. There are over 3,000 and I imagine ...
Ivermectin is the best paracite/cancer/covid prevention but big pharma only allows poor, third world countries have it over the counter. Merck's patent ran out on Ivermectin so they pay doctors and pharmacies not to prescribe. The FDA keeps ivermectin on the sidelines because ivermectin treats covid especially when combined with zinc. It should be issued to migrants, war refugees, the military, the police and all first responders. The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh issued Ivermectin to their entire population of over 230 million with great success at avoiding covid.
Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights and Relaxing Ambient Music
A series of powerful M-class Solar Flares Incoming
The first two CMEs released merged and formed what is known as a "cannibal CME" which is effectively clearing a path for at least two additional CMEs that are trailing behind it, according to The arrival window for the CMEs is predicted for July 30 through to early Aug. 1, but there is a level of uncertainty about the exact timings.
CMEs carry electrically charged atoms called ions. When CMEs collide with Earth's magnetosphere, they can trigger geomagnetic storms. During these storms, the ions interact with gases in Earth's atmosphere, releasing energy as light. This phenomenon is known as the northern lights, or aurora borealis, in the Northern Hemisphere, and the southern lights, or aurora australis, in the Southern Hemisphere.
Glenda Green - Adamantine Particles
(Glenda was given information about adamantine particles as she painted a portrait of Jesus.)
Adamantine particles come from the sun during solar flares which produce photon rich auroras. These adamantine particles can be attracted and stored in the heart and used later use as a charged toroidal field available for positive co creation.
This is a classic message on adamantine particles by Ronna, a long time voice for AA Michael. Simply resonate with the center of sacred love! This is a good comparison to Yeshua's explanation of using adamantine love particles with Glenda Green.
Do we really need 17 intelligence agencies when the FBI alone costs $10 billion a year? Might be time for early retirement for Chris and the Dent's run gold heist division in Philly.
(There might have been muzzle flashes coming from the window below the roof shooter. The local cops were put in the same building as the shooter. The Feds didn't meet with the local police snipers. Looks like the local cops were set up to make them look bad. The FBI then got rid of the evidence and tried to take over the entire investigation.)
mRNA technology is a disaster. It suppresses the immune system and destroys healthy mitochondria.
US pathologist Dr Cole confirms that mRNA technology is a disaster, which to date, has always failed. There is no evidence that it works to combat cancer. On the contrary, cancer cases are skyrocketing in younger people. The vaccines contain DNA, which is a threat, as far as mutation and cancer is concerned, in addition to causing the suppression of the immune system.
Clotastrophe: Graphic Video and Pics
Microclots are the ones that can get into the eyes and organs. That is why the mRNA spike protein cannot be trusted. The Amish do fine without vaccines. The migrants bring in measles due to lack of hygiene. They should be given Ivermectin to protect against covid like the general population.
FDA Gives Emergency Use Authorization to mRNA Bird Flu Shots
The FDA began updating electronic medical systems across the country with a procedure code for the HHS-funded Moderna / Pfizer bird flu mRNA vaccines.
(They are timing it to coincide with the election. They want to keep voters away from the poles and shift to mail in ballots like the previous election.
medicine (antivirals) can treat avian flu in people. Therefore the mRNA shots are not necessary. What we need now is over the counter Ivermectin!)
Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro, Michigan governor hold rally in Montgomery County
Watch for Democrat governor states MI, PA and CO to lead the bird flu/raw milk scare ahead of the elections.
Cass County Michigan farm forced to throw out raw milk products
The cooperative gained attention online after a July video of them disposing of their raw milk went viral.
Colorado Has A Bird Flu Database and testing web site ready to go
MSNBC: Bird flu has spread efficiently among mammals, study finds
Research into the bird flu outbreaks on dairy farms describes how efficiently the virus has spread between cows. (The more cows they test the more false positives they can generate just like covid. This is why they want to test every cow in America once a week.)
France's First Bird Flu Case Was a Vaccinated Duck
In France, the first cases of HPAI have been detected on a duck farm where the birds have been vaccinated against the disease.
(Not surprising considering bird flu can be purchased from a lab.)
Joshua Shapiro Charged for Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump! (Video)
This is also a good template for charging Governor Shapiro with harboring of a fugitive from justice with the hiring of the person most connected to the DA Gricar case in the AG office.
The $5000 reward by crimestoppers has been withdrawn because the AG office is withholding evidence needed to solve the case. Gricar's last fax is the smoking gun containing the motive. The state has refused a FOIA on the fax.
We have to thank the courageous efforts of Final Argument web site author Rebecca Knight for making the evidence available. Her contacts at the NSA were able to get the evidence formerly kept under wraps by the state. Space Force is now the custodian of all records gathered by the 17 intel agencies. All actors in crimes against the people are mapped out in the Space Force database and can be easily solved. President Trump controls Space Force. The assassination attempt has drawn out and exposed the rogue agencies.
This is the reason why all federal agencies and individuals would be wise to support President Trump.
Biden Title IX overhaul blocked by federal judge in 6 more states
The Biden administration’s overhaul of Title IX rules was blocked by another federal judge in six more states.
U.S. District Judge Rodney Sippel, who was appointed by former President Bill Clinton, blocked the new Title IX rules from taking effect in Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota, according to Higher Ed Dive.
Sippel wrote in the order on Wednesday that the lawsuit against the Department of Education has a “fair chance” of prevailing.
”Gender identity” was added to the list of protections in the overhauled Title IX rules. Title IX prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating against sex.
[RELATED: Kentucky federal judge blocks Biden’s Title IX overhaul from implementation in six states]
Potential Title IX violations could take place if a transgender individual isn’t allowed to use a bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. Another violation could happen if someone isn’t referred to by their preferred pronoun, senior administration officials told ABC News.
With Wednesday’s order, the overhauled Title IX rules are blocked from taking effect in 21 states.
Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin said the ruling was a win for women and girls.
“Today’s ruling is a victory for women and girls in Arkansas and across the nation as yet again a federal court has stopped the Biden-Harris administration from going around Congress to implement a ridiculous, nonsensical, and illegal election-year move,” Griffin said.
(Hershey Medical, Rachel Levine and Governor Shapiro can go pound sand.)
These guys have nothing more than lipstick to qualify as women.
Philly’s Kamala Harris endorsement event becomes a ‘Josh Shapiro for VP’ party
Some 500 communists mostly Chinese nationals and CCP members have made an Illegal march for Kamala in Pennsylvania earlier today.
The Communist Control Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. §§ 841–844) is an American law signed by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954, that outlaws the Communist Party of the United States
and criminalizes membership in or support for the party or
"Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered
by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning,
actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Communists are currently taking over Philadelphia.
These communists are waving the Hammer and Sickle flag, a flag responsible for the Soviet Gulags, the Great Terror, and widespread famine. If you are wondering how this is happening, look no further than US universities.
500 Kamala Harris supporters marching for communism in PA
PA residents should demand that Governor Shapiro cease and desist from any communist activities including vaccine mandates or food chain destruction.
Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th President of the United States: 1953 ‐ 1961 Statement by the President Upon Signing the Communist Control Act of 1954.
August 24, 1954
I HAVE TODAY signed S. 3706, An Act to make illegal the Communist Party and to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities.
The American people are determined to protect themselves and their institutions against any organization in their midst which, purporting to be a political party within the normally accepted meaning, is actually a conspiracy dedicated to the violent overthrow of our entire form of government. The American people, likewise, are determined to accomplish this in strict conformity with the requirements of justice, fair play and the Constitution of the United States. They realize that employment of any other means would react unfavorably against the innocent as well as the guilty, and, in the long run, would distort and damage the judicial procedures of our country. The whole series of bills that the Administration has sponsored in this field have been designed in just this spirit and with just these purposes.
The new law which I am signing today includes one of the many recommendations made by this Administration to support existing statutes in defeating the Communist conspiracy in this country. Administratively, we have in the past 19 months stepped up enforcement of laws against subversives. As a result, 41 top Communist leaders have been convicted, 35 more are indicted and scheduled for trial, and 105 subversive aliens have been deported.
The new laws enacted in this session of the Congress provide to the FBI and the Department of Justice much more effective weapons to help destroy the Communist menace. They include the following:
1. Last week I signed a bill granting immunity from prosecution to certain suspected persons in order to aid in obtaining the conviction of subversives. Investigation and prosecution of crimes involving national security have been seriously hampered by witnesses who have invoked the Constitutional privilege against self-incrimination embodied in the Fifth Amendment. This Act provides a new means of breaking through the secrecy which is characteristic of traitors, spies and saboteurs.
2. The Congress has passed a bill providing for the loss of citizenship by those advocating the overthrow of our government by force and violence. In carrying out the Administration's recommendation that any citizen who knowingly and actively participates in the Communist conspiracy to overthrow the government by force and violence should be regarded as renouncing his allegiance to the United States and forfeiting his right to citizenship, the Congress has reinforced our historic concept that citizenship is a right only of those who bear true faith and allegiance to the United States and its free institutions. This bill to which I shall presently give my approval adheres closely to our standards of due process of law and provides that the loss of citizenship shall become effective only upon conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction.
3. My approval has already been given to the bill which carries out the recommendation by this Administration increasing the penalty for harboring or concealing any person who is a fugitive from justice. There are at the present time five Communist leaders who have been indicted or convicted under the Smith Act who are fugitives from justice. This bill serves notice that any person who assists such fugitives in any way to conceal their whereabouts will be subject to severe penalty.
4. My approval has already been given to a bill designed to serve as an effective additional deterrent to wilful bail jumping by making such act a crime subject to severe penalty.
5. The Congress has passed, and I shall approve, a bill to include within the definition of sabotage, acts involving the use of radioactive, biological and chemical agents not presently covered by the law.
6. The foregoing bill also includes a provision for the death penalty for persons found guilty of peacetime espionage.
7. I have already approved a bill requiring "Communist-Action" or "Communist-Front" organizations, which must register under the Internal Security Act, to submit full information regarding printing equipment in their custody or control.
8. I shall shortly sign a bill preventing the payment of annuities by the United States to former officers and employees who have been convicted of certain criminal offenses. This Act includes those who have made false statements regarding past or present membership in the Communist Party.
In addition to the foregoing measures enacted by the 83rd Congress, the bill which I have signed today further carries out an important part of the recommendations made by this Administration. It creates within the framework of the Internal Security Act of 1950 a new category entitled, "Communist-Infiltrated Organizations." This provision will enable the Administration to assist members of those few labor organizations which are dominated by Communists, to rid themselves of the Communist control under which they have been forced to operate.
In the final days of the session, the Congress added to this measure certain clauses denying to Communists all rights, privileges and immunities which they have under the Federal Government. These provisions also subject members of the Communist Party or its front organizations, having knowledge of their revolutionary aims and objectives, to the provisions and penalties of the Internal Security Act. The full impact of these clauses upon the enforcement of the laws by which we are now fighting the Communist conspiracy in this country will require further careful study. I am satisfied, however, that they were not intended to impair or abrogate any portion of the Internal Security Act or the criminal statutes under which the leaders of the Communist Party are now being prosecuted and that they may prove helpful in several respects.
The Congress has thus enacted a substantial portion of the Administration's recommendations to strengthen our internal security laws.
In order to provide aggressive administration and enforcement of the foregoing measures, I have already strengthened the mechanism for carrying out more effectively our entire anti-Communist program by the creation of the Division of Internal Security in the Department of Justice.
We have made great progress in the past year and a half in prosecuting the leadership of the Communist conspiracy. I am proud that in this battle against the subversive elements in this country we have been able to preserve the rights of the accused in accordance with our traditions and the Bill of Rights. The 83d Congress has added effective new legal weapons to assist us in our fight to destroy communism in this country.
Ivermectin showed a 5000-fold reduction in viral RNA at 48 h when compared to the control group
Can Hydroxychloroquine Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis?
(This was Trump's original answer to covid which was the correct one before the shot. We need Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin over the counter now against turbocancer, covid and the spike protein!)
The antimalarial drug Hydroxychloroquine does double duty as a way to address inflammatory conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Updated Nov 20, 2023 By Amy Marturana Winderl Medical Reviewer Brian LaMoreaux, M.D.
Hydroxychloroquine, a longtime antimalarial drug, got an unexpected moment in the spotlight back in 2020. The world was rushing to try and find effective COVID-19 treatments, and hydroxychloroquine made it to the short list. (It was given Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, and then soon after was revoked.) But while its benefits for preventing and treating the respiratory illness have not borne out, it has been proven to control rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In fact, it tends to be a very effective medication to treat this autoimmune condition, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the lining around joints.
“It’s probably the second or third most commonly used RA treatment,” says Jiha Lee, M.D., a clinical assistant professor of rheumatology at Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor, MI. That’s partly because hydroxychloroquine is easy to take and has generally very few side effects—though, like all drugs, it does come with some potentially adverse effects.
If you and your doctor are discussing hydroxychloroquine to treat RA, here’s everything you need to know, including how it can help reduce this inflammatory disorder, the potential side effects, and drug interactions to look out for.
“Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug that is used in rheumatoid arthritis treatment to reduce joint inflammation and manage symptoms like pain and swelling,” Dr. Lee says. It’s considered a DMARD, or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug, like methotrexate, the most commonly prescribed RA drug.
Quinine, the natural form of hydroxychloroquine, has been used for hundreds of years as a way to fight malaria. During World War II, millions of soldiers were taking a synthetic form of the medication to stave off the mosquito-borne infection—with the unexpected side effect that the antimalarial improved cases of inflammatory arthritis among the troops. Hydroxychloroquine was introduced in 1955 as a less toxic form of the medication to treat inflammatory conditions like RA and lupus.
Still, the exact way in which it treats RA is a mystery. “Hydroxychloroquine works by decreasing inflammatory activity, but the mechanism in RA is not precisely known,” explains Theodore Fields, M.D., an attending rheumatologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. Scientists do know that hydroxychloroquine interferes with immune cell communication, which inhibits the inflammatory process, he notes. “It has multiple effects on cells, including affecting signaling and the action of lysosomes in the cell [a part of the cell that helps to destroy invading viruses and bacteria], which can lead to decreasing the release of inflammatory chemicals called cytokines.”
Research has shown that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for RA, including one review that found it not only slowed disease progression but also enhanced the effects of methotrexate in treating the autoimmune condition.
COVID Roundup: Infant Mortality Reaches Twenty-Year Apex
War With Iran Should Not Replace War In Ukraine
Do you see the narrative shifting? We seamlessly went from years of covid tyranny to the Ukraine war. And now that the Ukraine war has been lost (with American taxpayers losing hundreds of billions of dollars) the narrative is shifting again; this time to Iran. This is how the U.S. has been bankrupted by endless war(s) for 100+ years. The senses of the American people are relentlessly bombarded, from every angle, in order to be enthusiastically led into the next major disaster.
Massie floats his name for Trump’s agriculture secretary
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) hinted he would be interested in being former President Donald Trump's Department of Agriculture Secretary,...
Trump said he would place a Libertarian in his Cabinet if the party backed him at the Libertarian National Convention. The party did not, nominating Chase Oliver instead.
Pennsylvania Dem Senator issues warning to Harris about potential Josh Shapiro VP pick
Democrat Erin McClelland suggested Vice President Kamala Harris should not pick Gov. Josh Shapiro to be her running mate.
(PA senators who helped cover up the DA Gricar murder are worried Governor Shapiro's bid for VP would draw unwanted attention to an unsolved DA murder that has nearly solved itself except for lack of AG office cooperation.
The DA Gricar murder was like a coupe for Marxists wanting to steal JoePA's crown as winningest coach in college football history. With Gricar removed for trying to charge Sandusky and his charity, Sandusky was given another 7 years before finally being jailed.
Once the scandal broke all of JoePA's conservative staff was let go and the University was hit with $250 million in lawsuits. If people had known then the DA had been put down a mineshaft with help from the AG office to protect Sandusky there would have been an uproar. Today it's merely a nuicance for the Shapiro admin who refuse to answer questions or FOIAs about the case.
Hear episode 6 of the Final Argument podcast at where former AG Bruce Castor tells how the senate had his filing cabinets locked and got rid of him when he tried to investigate Sandusky's charity.)
Trump Says Netanyahu Is Preventing Peace!
Jimmy Dore has the goods.
Olympics opening ceremony sparks outrage with drag queens parodying Last Supper:
Rachel Levine and the mRNA pushers at Hershey Medical should be held accountable for promoting this Transgender Tavistok, Marxist depopulation strategy at Penn State.
Transhumanism and transgenderism is being driven by destructive mRNA technology. They want to cut people off from access to higher dimensional awareness by severing the DNA soul connection.
It would help if pastors spoke out against the mRNA vaccines which already thinned their flocks. Don't they think it's important to warn the kids about dangerous vaccines? Apparently not in Our Town. They are more concerned about pharmacies staying open than distributing the correct medicines for the bioweapon damage.
The jab is causing many deaths and side effects. Let’s stop deluding ourselves and face the problem.
List of peer reviewed studies on Vaccine injury.
Steve Kirsch has been a Most valuable player in the fight against vaccine injury all along. He now has the unfortunate side effect of micro blood clots in one eye due to the spike protein obstructions. This is one more reason why the vaccines must be recalled.
Give the people over the counter Ivermectin and get the mRNA bioweapons off the market!
You have gone along with a bioweapon program against the population and all you are worried about is profit margin going forward. How about allowing the people to purchase the proper medicine which is given away in poor countries like India.
Jerusalem Post and the ADL defend Genocide Josh
At least this article doesn't doesn't try to defend the Mengele of veterenarians, Pfizer's Bourla. Horse and dog owners still blame him for the Ivermectin shortage at tractor Supply.
Dr. Stella Immanuel joins Alex Jones live in-studio to discuss the spiritual warfare taking place behind the scenes of pandemics, politics, and culture.
(Dr. Immanuel points out that few Africans got covid because they were used to getting hydroxychloroquine over the counter for malaria prevention. They accidently discovered it also worked for covid prevention. What we need now is over the counter hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
If only President Trump would call for over the counter hydroxychloroquine for covid treatment we would know the agreement with Pfizer and Netenyahu was over.)
Trump to Hold Massive MAGA Rally in Butler Following Assassination Attempt
Former President Donald Trump announced he will return to Butler, Pennsylvania, the site of his failed assassination attempt, for a massive event honoring people injured and killed at his previous rally.
The former president said the “BIG AND BEAUTIFUL” rally will be conducted in honor of victims, including firefighter Corey Comperatore, who was struck and killed by a bullet intended for Trump while defending his family.
Renowned Scientist Links Covid Shots to Rise in Transgenderism
A world-renowned scientist has just raised the alarm after discovering a shocking link between Covid mRNA shots and soaring numbers of people claiming to be “transgender.”
Autism researcher Dr. Toby Rogers uncovered evidence showing that young people and children suffer gender dysphoria after receiving the injections.
Dr. Rogers sounded the alarm about the link between vaccine injury and transgenderism in an article entitled “Trans messaging is too sophisticated to be the work of a small sexual minority dealing with severe health issues.”
He tackles the topic from the point of view of someone who has fought for LGBT equality and studied gender topics in depth.
He said that the message has changed in recent years from the idea that sex is biological while gender is socially constructed to the claim that biological sex itself is somehow a social construct.
“The modern trans movement does not appear to be a natural outgrowth of the feminist or even gay, lesbian, and bisexual acceptance movement.”
“It is my strong belief that something else altogether is going on here,” he added.
He continues by laying out the evidence for how the pharmaceutical industry is causing, supporting, and benefiting from gender dysphoria.
The top scientist points to dozens of studies showing that individuals who experience gender dysphoria have a much higher likelihood of also being autistic, and vice versa.
(Rachel Levine, Merck, and Rachel's ex wife at Hershey Medical have made this trans business model into a $500M money losing operation. Not to mention adding hormone prescriptions, mutilation surgery and sterilization to the vaccine damage already done to these kids.
Penn State has to bench MERCK from the line up and go back to farming and natural medicine. Maybe the board could turn the old Merck building into the Bendapudi Ayurveda Institute. They could add Chinese herbal medicine as a minor.
Even Appalachian folk medicine is safer than Merck's Crispr DNA snatcher's insta vaccine creations. Merck has been on a medical rampage ever since they blew up the peaceful, agrarian planet Merck, stole the name and started the first pharma company in Germany in the early 1600s.)
Spring Township’s detective named Officer of the Year. ‘One of the best that I’ve ever seen’
We may have found our DA Ray Gricar investigator. Only another officer of the court can be allowed to see all of the evidence in the case without a grand jury investigation.
We might need some help finding Final Argument's Rebecca Knight too. See
ADL files civil right complaint over alleged antisemitism in Philadelphia school district
Jerusalem post has Pfizer's Bourla featured who just got done trying to kill off humanity with a multipurpose bioweapon.
They seem emboldened after Netenyahu got 58 standing ovations from Congress for around $100 million in campaign financing from AIPAC.
Rep Massie didn't attend the speech out of respect for his wife's death and for all those persecuted by Israel. Mrs Massie died right after Rep Massie explained how AIPAC owns Congress.
Chief University Diversity Officers Are Not Very Diverse...
President Biden Addresses the Nation
Rapid human cloning is the greatest deception of the modern age. From this, all other cabal deceptions are possible. Neither black hats nor white hats will disclose it, for different reasons. Good people won’t risk harm to themselves or their families, or face the inevitable ridicule for speaking about such a thing.
How Deep is the Rabbit Hole?
The media remains controlled by the same dark forces using clones. For full disclosure to be accepted, the Shift must first separate dark and light onto different timelines, and human consciousness must be changed to accept a new reality without fear. Pleiadians offer full disclosure on many topics for anyone who is ready to receive it.
Cloning is controlled by the highest-ranking member of the satanic cabal. For many years, this was George Soros, but now the role has been passed to Google founder, Larry Page. Satanism disrupts natural order and imposes control. Elite satanists don’t need the population to be real, just obedient.
Clones can be entertainers, media personalities, world leaders, royalty or ordinary citizens. They are placed into communities, given homes and necessary paperwork. They can be used for financial gain, for control, or to conceal crimes, deaths and arrests.
Pleiadians tell us there are billions of clones currently being counted among the human population, and most of them are in China. There are over 2,000 controlled clones that we see every day in the media which have implanted technology and require specialized doctors and handlers.
Traits of Clones
Puffy Face. New clones often have a puffy face or a plastic, unnatural look, which fades over time. This can also be cosmetic surgery unrelated to cloning.
No DNA. DNA is the soul’s connection to the body vessel. The method of rapid human cloning doesn’t pass any DNA to the clone.
No Reproduction. Without a soul or DNA, a rapidly-aged human clone is unable to reproduce. Clone families are installed with cloned children pre-aged to a point, and then allowed to age normally.
No Sweat or Tears. Clones don’t sweat or cry unless this function is added by doctors.
Forgetfulness. Clones are prone to misremembering past events in their own lifetime, especially when given new information regularly.
Bruising and Swelling. Clones used for high-level agendas may have a swollen eye or bruising from updates through eye.
Kansas Attorney General sues Pfizer, as does Texas, Utah, Mississippi and Louisiana
Kansas Attorney General Kris Koback, Australian journalist Maria Zeee and US whistleblower, pharmaceutical analyst and former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston report on how five states in the United States (Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi and Louisiana) are suing Pfizer for knowingly hiding the fact that the vaccines cause myocarditis, pericarditis, miscarriages and deaths.
Additionally, they are being sued for having made false claims about the safety and efficacy of these vaccines. The above-mentioned states represent 10% of US states, and the tide is turning. These lawsuits are going to produce an avalanche effect, as we saw with AstraZeneca’s sentencing in court. As these lawsuits progress, they will reveal the crimes that Pfizer and other conspirators committed, and criminal charges will be involved.
(Where's the Shapiro admin when you need them? Pharmacies are still pushing mRNA with no side effect warnings and no Ivermectin for turbocancer prevention. )
10 Doses of Paxlovid for Biden!
President Biden's COVID-19 symptoms are nearly resolved, his doctor said Monday. The president took his 10th dose of Paxlovid on Monday morning and his doctor, Kevin O'Connor, said in a letter that “his symptoms have almost resolved completely.”
(This might be code for "he died". This wouldn't be the first time Merck medicine had a bad outcome.)
“The modern trans movement does not appear to be a natural outgrowth of the feminist or even gay, lesbian, and bisexual acceptance movement.”
“It is my strong belief that something else altogether is going on here,” he added.
He continues by laying out the evidence for how the pharmaceutical industry is causing, supporting, and benefiting from gender dysphoria.
The top scientist points to dozens of studies showing that individuals who experience gender dysphoria have a much higher likelihood of also being autistic, and vice versa.
And since autism has often been linked to vaccine injury and toxins inside vaccines, and autistic people are also more likely to be trans, it stands to reason that gender dysphoria could also stem from a vaccine injury.
Interestingly, this would also explain why the trans population suddenly seems to be exploding.
Elderly people who were not subject to lengthy vaccine schedules in childhood are much less likely to be trans than younger populations.
It’s probably not a coincidence that the transgender movement gives Big Pharma the perfect way to cover up vaccine injuries.
There are people out there who have legitimate feelings of not quite identifying with certain typical male or female behaviors or interests, but the idea that this stems from something inside of them that they’ve suppressed for all their life rather than something that was caused by a vaccine altering their brain chemistry in some way shifts the blame from the pharmaceutical companies to the individual.
Then there’s the most obvious benefit, which is the enormous profitability involved in transition surgery, hormone treatments, and other “gender-affirming” care.
In many of these cases, people must continue taking gender-altering medications for life.
No matter which route a person who feels their body doesn’t align with how they perceive themselves takes, pharmaceutical companies win.
Big Pharma’s transgender treatment industry is currently worth $20 billion a year in America alone.
The profits from these treatments are expected to continue growing and cases of gender dysphoria skyrocket.
Even if someone decides against hormones or surgery, there is a good chance they will turn to psychiatric medications to manage their feelings.
“Pharma uses the trans community to make money and normalizes sexual dysphoria to cover up the evidence of Pharma’s crimes,” Rogers asserts.
Of course, other factors might also be to blame for the rising trans movement, or it could be a combination of environmental and social factors.
For example, there is no question that young people today are being exposed to unprecedented amounts of endocrine disruptors thanks to the prevalence of plastics in our environment, and the overuse of highly toxic pesticides and hormones in everything from poultry to dairy and fish.
We already know that pesticides like atrazine can turn male tadpoles into females – and on top of environmental exposure, these chemicals could have also made their way into vaccines.
Rogers also gives us another interesting question to ponder: if vaccines can indeed cause gender dysphoria, how else might they alter one’s thinking?
“Once the brain and gut are injured ALL relationships are changed, not just friendships and intimate partnerships,” he warned.
“All interactions in the world are changed.”
Tennessee Republican files articles of impeachment against Harris
The initial articles, filed June 12, 2023, claim Harris has “demonstrated extraordinary incompetence in the execution of her duties and responsibilities, a stark refusal to uphold the existing immigration laws, and a palpable indifference to people of the United States suffering as a result of the ongoing southern border crisis in the United States.”
It references Harris as “border czar,” an unofficial title given to the vice president by media early in the Biden administration when she was tasked with leading diplomacy with Central American countries to stifle illegal immigration.
The filing also lists some crimes allegedly committed by immigrants in the U.S. illegally, including the death of student Laken Riley, which have been highlighted by Republicans, in particular, as well as recent border crossing statistics.
Robby Starbuck's Anti-Woke Crusade Expands: "Time To Expose Harley Davidson"
Starbuck's anti-woke crusade drives a wedge between the corporation and the customer base, forcing high-level executives to immediately respond, as seen by Tractory Supply and John Deere, or risk 'Bud Lighting' itself (i.e., boycotts). It's a genius move by Starbuck and his team as the anti-woke crusade against companies infected with the woke mind virus gains momentum.
Starbuck claims that under Harley Davidson CEO Jochen Zeitz, the iconic motorcycle brand has been infected with woke activism, supports the Equality Act (which would allow men into girl's bathrooms, sports, and locker rooms), funded all-ages pride events, and required 1,800 employees to undergo virtual LGBTQ+ ally training.
Starbuck argues that Harley Davidson has alienated its core freedom-loving blue-collar customers by advocating Marxist ideologies pushed by leftists.
Kelly Surges Ahead Of Shapiro As Top Contender For Harris' Veep Pick
Shapiro should not be considered for VP because he's refuses to even mention the name of a murdered DA that Shapiro's AG office claims is only missing.
Shapiro needs to declare the case a murder and get us some help with the investigation he has refused to discuss. See
It should be noted that Shapiro's lawyers in the AG office refused a freedom of information act request for Gricar's last fax. The fax is said to contain the motive for Gricar's murder which is related to the Sandusky case.
In a statement denying the FOI request for the fax, AG office attorneys said it will neither acknowledge or deny that the fax exists. At troop G where the fax is being held with the other evidence, investigators have issued a terse "no comment" on the case.
In a related note, investigators are trying to find the person who wrote this letter to the CentreDailyTimes. It is believed that this person and others know where the abandoned mineshaft is where Gricar was put down along with at least 4 others and a cache of guns used in other crimes.
There is a $5000 reward being offered by crimestoppers for information in the case at 1-800-4PA-TIPS.
The Shapiro Administration Awards $5.67 Million for Mineland Restoration Projects
Pennsylvania has the largest inventory of abandoned coal mines in the nation – and already, the Commonwealth has rehabilitated 91,000 acres of abandoned mine lands. The grant funding will go towards rehabilitating abandoned mines, protecting homes and bus
Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced $5,672,751 in funding for eight abandoned mine lands (AML) and abandoned mine drainage (AMD) restoration projects as a part of the Abandoned Mine Lands and Acid Mine Drainage Grant Program. The awards are part of the $244.7 million announced by U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, alongside Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis and DEP Acting Secretary Jessica Shirley, for Pennsylvania reclamation projects as part of the Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act (IIJA).
DEP will receive $244 million from the IIJA this year for projects to clean up abandoned mine lands and protect Pennsylvania communities – removing waste piles, re-grading dangerous highwalls that can result in loose dirt, trees, and other hazards, treating abandoned mine drainage that affects streams and rivers, and preventing and treating mine subsidence underneath homes and businesses across the Commonwealth. Pennsylvania has the largest inventory of abandoned coal mines in the nation, with a roughly $5 billion need for reclamation and stream restoration. To date, Pennsylvania has rehabilitated more than 91,000 acres of abandoned coal mines, and with this federal funding, will be able to continue this vital work that protects the health and safety of our communities.
“Legacy pollution continues to impact far too many communities in Pennsylvania,” said DEP Acting Secretary Jessica Shirley. “Restoring these abandoned mine lands will clean our streams, revitalize communities, and stimulate economic growth.”
PA Supreme Court To Decide if Pittstburgh Fee On Out of Town Athletes is Legal!
The city, which charges nonresident professional athletes and entertainers 3% of their daily income while appearing in Pittsburgh, is appealing a ruling by a lower state court.
This should be an easy one for the Democrat run PA Supreme Court. They can't be bothered with more important cases like murdered DA Ray Gricar. See
In their developmental stages, all Covid vaccines are linked to the cell lines of aborted babies
Paul Cullen is a laboratory medicine specialist, professor at Münster University in Germany and president of ‘Doctors for Life’. He says that cell lines from human foetuses have been used for years for vaccine production, which is ethically questionable. This is true of the Covid vaccines as well, and the Pope’s pro-vaccine stance represented a problem for Catholics working for government agencies where vaccination was mandatory.
They wanted to defer to their own conscience and refuse the jab on ethical grounds, but judges did not accept their claims. Cullen suggests that these and other measures rolled out by the Catholic Church are a huge problem for people of faith, especially Catholics.
Secret Service director resigns after Trump assassination attempt
The FBI should be put on probation and ordered to turn in their weapons to the nearest county sheriff immediately!
Biden still says Trump is a danger to the nation!
This is one week after the assassination attempt. Democrats are back to fomenting violence.
Elon Musk vows to ‘destroy the woke mind virus’ that 'killed' his son
Elon Musk slams “woke mind virus” for “killing” his son, denounces gender-affirming care as “evil.”
Elon Musk slams “woke mind virus” for “killing” his son, denounces gender-affirming care as “evil.” FILE PHOTO: Tesla, X (formerly known as Twitter) and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk speaks with other delegates on Day 1 of the AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park in Bletchley, Britain on November 1, 2023. Leon Neal/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo(via REUTERS) Build your dream home with LIC Home Loans. Interest rate starting from 8.5% Check Best offers Is Musk actually making the ‘gender-affirming care’ an ‘issue’? ALSO READ|
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently revealed that he felt “tricked” into consenting for his biological son, who is coming out as transgender, to go on puberty blockers. Musk expressed that “the woke mind virus” has “killed” his son to Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson.
While sitting down with Dr. Peterson, they discussed the controversial topic of doctors performing sex change procedures on minors, a practice both Musk and Peterson denounced as “evil.”
The Canadian psychologist brought up the tech mogul's recent decision to move X and SpaceX headquarters from California after Governor Gavin Newsom signed the new Assembly Bill 1955, which will allow school forms not to notify the parents of their children's gender.
Peterson asked Musk why he is making it an “issue.” A preprint study from the Mayo Clinic earlier this year indicated that puberty blockers could cause long-term fertility issues in boys.
Musk shared his personal experience with his child Xavier, who now identifies as Vivian Jenna Wilson. He said it was pivotal in making him aware of “the woke mind virus,” which he has vowed to “destroy”.
“It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This is before I had any understanding of what was going on. COVID was going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told Xavier might commit suicide if he doesn't…” Musk recounted. Peterson interjected, “That was a lie right from the outset,” and “No reliable clinician ever believed that. There was never any evidence for that, and also if there’s a higher suicide rate, the reason is because the underlying depression and anxiety, not because of the gender dysphoria. And every goddamn clinician knows that,” to which Musk responded, “Incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that have been promoting this should go to prison.”
(Governor Shapiro, Hershey Medical and Penn State should make a joint statement disavowing further transgender care promotion. Or they should be shut down.)
Penn State Transgender and Gender Diverse Care
Penn State Student Affairs
The Gender Diverse Care Team (GDCT) consists of medical providers, mental health providers, and case managers dedicated to supporting transgender and gender ...
Lipid Nanoparticles in mRNA Vaccines Pose Great Risk — Video
Dr. John Campbell spoke with Dr. Clare Craig Monday regarding the dangers of the lipid nanoparticle component of the Covid vaccine.
The lipid nanoparticle encapsulates the modified messenger RNA (mod mRNA) sequence of an mRNA vaccine so as to get it into the cell.
“A lot of people have tried to put all the problems with the [Covid] vaccine on the fact that it was producing spike protein all over the body…so there’s definitely a spike pathology element of it,” Dr. Craig said. “The lipid nanoparticles were known to be toxic.”
She went on to discuss the danger of how the lipid nanoparticles are being used.
“It’s not just the lipid nanoparticle, its the principle of having a lipid nanoparticle that delivers an instruction to make a foreign protein into your cells because if that protein is a membrane-bound protein then that cell…is got a death sentence on it and your immune system will come and kill it,” she said. “And if that’s happening in organs across your body then that’s going to cause all sorts of harm.”
Senator Ron Johnson is all over this new twist. If his findings hold water, they could blow the lid off the entire plot to kill President Trump. In short, according to Senator Johnson and his inside sources, a sniper team was the first on the roof, taking pictures of the scene and the dead shooter. Shockingly, they were approached by a man in a suit who they thought was from the Secret Service and were instructed to text those photos to a phone number that turned out to belong to an ATF agent. Now, attempts to contact this mysterious agent have failed because he’s gone completely dark.
4x as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot
GOP Rep. William Timmons of South Carolina pressed Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on Monday on reports that the Pittsburgh Secret Service field office sent four times the number of additional agents to cover a first lady Jill Biden event than to former President Donald Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where he was shot.
Cheatle neither confirmed nor denied that was the case.
Biden was speaking at an event at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh for approximately 300 people close to the same time Trump was speaking at his rally attended by several thousand, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune.
Dem Tulsi Gabbard warns – Do Not Vote Democrat
Tulsi Gabbard, who is a Democratic American politician, is also a United
States Army Reserve officer who was a candidate in the 2020
Presidential Election, Lieutenant Colonel in the
Unit United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations
Command United States Army Reserve. She dares to speak out about the
Neocons. Kamala would be just another placeholder.
The Kamal Calls For Depopulation And Hear The Morons Cheer For Their Own Deaths - Video
Clean energy, electric cars and fewer people.
Jerusalem Post: China sides with Hamas, Fatah and Palestinian factions for post Gaza Gov.
Eminem brings Taylor Swift's historic reign at No. 1 to an end
Eminem's latest album, “The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce),” has debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, unseating Taylor Swift.
(Eminem is a clone run by alien AI. This is what we are fighting against.)
Shapiro signs pharmacy benefit manager reform legislation into law
From the people who can't be bothered to mention one of the best antidotes to the covid bioweapon shot, Ivermectin. Stella Emanuel was sent from God. She was more right than any other doctor in America.
When India was giving away Ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi by the truckload, Stella was prescribing it as fast as she could, in Texas. Little did we know big pharma had paid off the distributors not to prescribe Ivermectin and to lie about it's safety and effectiveness. Otherwise having a real treatment for covid would make big pharma's shot obsolete.
Firefighter killed at Trump rally honored in Pennsylvania
Hundreds of mourners gathered in Freeport, Pennsylvania, Friday to remember 50-year-old Corey Comperatore, as he was laid to rest. Comperatore, a retired firefighter, was killed in the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
Dems, Mayorkas bring in deep state cheerleader Janet Napolitano to defend DHS, Secret Service
“For former President Trump to run as a so-called law and order candidate, it would be like me saying I play in the NBA. I mean, it just… just doesn’t hold true,” she said on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki.”
(From the people who bring us wide open borders. Trump turned his head to look at the immigration graphic just before the almost fatal shot.)
Josh Shapiro, a top contender for VP, endorses Kamala ...
Shapiro as VP candidate would surely draw some assistance for us in getting the Gricar Grand Jury. If you let your DA rot at the bottom of a mineshaft and ignore it like Shapiro, you lose respect for law enforcement and the rule of law. It then becomes easier for goon squads to murder government leaders and try to get away with it. See
Modification of the genome may have already taken place. The ‘vaccines’ weaken the immune system
Italian physician and endocrinologist Dr Giovanni Frajese discusses how he recently published data in a peer-reviewed journal, which waited more than a year and a half for release. The paper confirms that the ‘vaccine’ vials contain a certain amount of DNA that should not be in there, which creates a series of complications, as far as the future is concerned. This situation is undermining the history of humanity. The presence of circular DNA, containing a promoter suggests to anyone with a certain amount of knowledge in molecular biology that modification of the human genome has surely already taken place, Frajese says.
(It's Closing time for Draconian Khazarian Deep State Dark Fleet NAZISM.)
The foundation is still active in Hungary, but Orban won a large majority in parliament with a law forcing its employees to register as foreign agents. The law also imposes a 25-percent tax on NGOs that receive donations from the foundation, and they will be banned from working with migrants.
(This is how Soros money is used to fund the Democrats in order to destroy society. Victor Orban showed how to fight this funding.)
Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Ukraine “peace mission” has outraged the bloc’s leaders
(Victor is preparing them for the final Trump card. Peace!)
Illustration of Attempted Assassination of President Trump
For those that think the danger wasn't real.
Celebrities suffer adverse effects or die post vaccination
Celebrities like Céline Dion, Humberto Panjoj, Zhang Zhijie, Govind Sandhu, Shirley Scott, Nahim and many others have been injured by the toxic vaccine and some have died. If this is happening among celebrities, how many more nameless people are being affected who receive no media coverage and do not get counted among the statistics?
WEF Order Govt’s To Strip Parents of All Rights: ‘Children Belong to The State’
The globalist elite have long dreamed of the day they can enact their longstanding plans to destroy the nuclear family and seize ownership of children, and now they are making their move.
Newsom’s unprecedented new law specifically instructs school officials to lie to parents if their child changes their gender, name or pronouns at school.
(This is the kind of thing Hershey Medical has brought to Penn State and is pushed to schools through the PSEA. This is why people want vouchers for private schools to get their kids away from this liberal nonsense. And this is the reason Governor Shapiro refuses to keep his word on vouchers.)
Mike Pompeo for Vice President?
Deep state choice for VP. Former CIA director Mike Pompeo: "We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole."
LIVE: President Trump and JD Vance Hold Major Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Jim Jordan — We will be watching the FBI closely as they investigate.
Josh Hawley was at the Butler site having a look around when the FBI stopped him.
This investigation should involve the local Sherriff's office to make sure the FBI is telling the truth about the evidence.
US Senator Josh Hawley's Explosive Claims Regarding Secret Service's Presence at Fatal Trump Rally
"Vast DEI Bureaucracy" Hurting U.S. Armed Forces; ASU Study Finds
A new Arizona State University study suggests that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts in the United States military are ineffective...
Robert Barnes (Deep State Tried To Kill Trump: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact?)
Former CIA director Mike Pompeo was telling people in Iowa he was going to be the VP pick before the assassination attempt. Pompeo was not on Trump's VP list. With Trump gone the deep state presidential nomination would have gone to Nicky Haley.
Trump holds ‘very good’ phone call with Zelensky. Ukraine sounds thrilled.
President Zelenskyy of Ukraine and I had a very good phone call earlier today. He congratulated me on a very successful Republican National Convention and becoming the Republican nominee for President of the United States.
He condemned the heinous assassination attempt last Saturday and remarked about the American people coming together in the spirit of Unity during these times.
I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families. Both sides will be able to come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violence and paves a path forward to prosperity.
The licenses BlackRock received in China were the result of the trade agreement signed by the Trump Administration when Mike Pompeo was Secretary of State.
How much does BlackRock own in China? The select committee on China alleges BlackRock has five funds with more than $429 million invested in Chinese companies acting against US interests.
(BlackRock's $10 Trillion investment fund should be put under constitutional conservatorship due to being a national security risk for wanting Trump dead.)
Building Used by Trump Shooter Owned by BlackRock, Managed by Ex-Pfizer Executives
The building that the sniper was on is part of a complex that also included other snipers working for federal authorities who have not yet been disclosed.
Laura Loomer reports that the company’s executives have ties to top Democrats, including Barack Obama.
AGR International, the building Thomas Matthew Crooks shot from, was just sold in March to a Clayton, Dubilier and Rice (CD&R)
@CDRBuilds subsidiary called INDICOR. It is worth noting that Joseph L. Rice III is the Founder of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. Rice is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and he is also a member of the Brookings Institution, the same Brookings institute
@BrookingsInst that has perpetuated lawfare campaigns against President Trump in an effort to keep him off the ballot for the 2024 Presidential election. It’s important for people to understand how the DEEP STATE has a history of using proprietary companies as cutouts. According to filings and their own press releases, Indicor was officially formed in Jan 2023 by CD&R, who just partnered Jon Selib
@Jselib. Prior to joining CD&R, Jon Selib was the Senior Vice President of Global policy and public affairs and Pfizer, a position he remained in until 2022. As the Senior VP of Global policy and public affairs for
@Pfizer, Selib was a MAX DONOR to Joe Biden’s campaign when he ran against President Trump. The current CEO of Indicor is Doug Wright, who was previously deployed with defense contractor Raytheon Technologies. Doug Wright, CEO of Indicor, confirmed that "law enforcement was on the premises of the building before the shooting took place”, since it was deemed to be a high security risk location by the Secret Service. Wright also said the office was closed on the day of the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Diversity hire Kim Cheatle demonstrates the deadly consequences of replacing duty with diversity
DEI hard Marxists! Let Biden alone because he's the best you can do. After all America is supposed to be a Meritocracy not a DEI quota system that produced Kamala.
Ivermectin found to work against Parkinson’s, depression, chronic pain and more
Big Pharma's biggest problem isn't benefit managers, it's the fact that they continue to kill off and sicken their loyal customers with depopulation medicine. Tractor Supply is a far better resource for non prescription bioweapon defense.
Governor Shapiro and Value Drug company got their benefit manager law passed but it won't save them from medical treason against the population.
‘We win Pennsylvania, we win the White House’: Eric Trump fires up Pa. delegates at RNC
MILWAUKEE — Eric Trump fired up Pennsylvania’s delegates to the Republican National Convention here Wednesday morning, urging them to oust President Joe Biden on Nov. 5 and replace him with his father, former President Donald Trump, a “fighter” and “cheerleader” who just days ago survived an assassin’s bullet in 2024’s most critical battleground state.
“We win Pennsylvania, we win the White House,” said Mr. Trump, the former president’s third child and the executive vice president of the Trump Organization. “And we can win Pennsylvania, and we have won Pennsylvania, and we should win Pennsylvania, and we will win Pennsylvania.”
A big reason the military is taking action is because they know the border is being used for human trafficking of the worst sort as this headline shows:
“Biden admin whistleblowers claim ‘billions of taxpayer dollars’ used by gov contractor to traffic children on the border”
“Children were sent to addresses that were abandoned houses or nonexistent in some cases,” Deborah White, a federal employee detailed to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement, ORR, told Republicans. White said. “In Michigan, a child was sent to an open field, even after we reported making an 911 call after hearing someone screaming for help, yet the child was still sent.”
The agency white hats are also releasing more information on the KM pedophile network:
“Could this be one of the main reasons why the Epstein list has not been released?”
SITS Editor: This photo is digitally altered, here’s the evidence. (Epstein and Kamala)
Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein: Went To School Where He Taught, Family Connected To Epstein’s Mistress
Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell.
Samuel Pisar, the stepfather of Biden regime Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell. Blinken’s stepfather was reportedly the last person to speak to Maxwell before he mysteriously fell to his death off the Lady Ghislaine while cruising near Spain’s Canary Islands in 1991.
Most Americans may know Secretary of State Antony Blinken for his major role in the devastating Biden administration Afghanistan Disaster, or perhaps for his warmongering while working for the Bush and Obama administrations.
However, many may not know that he has connections to the convicted pedophile, ritualistic sex predator, and international elite human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who was identified as a Mossad agent who blackmailed world leaders with underage sex traps by former high-ranking Israeli intelligence officials
The white hats have also continued to go after the pharmaceutical mafia to counter their planned “bird flu” offensive.
It turns out you can find the “never seen before” H5N2 virus FOR SALE in a catalog. Yes, you read that right. BEI Resources, funded by the NIAID, is selling it. But that’s just the beginning. The Ex-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield warns, “The recipe for making bird flu highly infectious to humans is already out there.”
The agencies also put out this Simpsons-style cartoon video about the KM and their evil pandemic plans:Health
Why would WHO need to give itself exemption from criminal prosecution?
The answer is obvious: “The reason why they wrote that into their founding charter is because they knew they were ALREADY BREAKING the law.”
In a sign the long-awaited crack down on the pharmaceutical mafia has begun we note Pfizer head Albert Bourla has “caught Covid” and is “isolating himself.”
We are also hearing Bill Gates, WHO head Tedros and other top pharmacidical bosses are being taken down. Believe it when you see it though because we have heard this song once too often.
What cannot be doubted though is the head of the snake Israel is being taken down:
Forty-six thousand Israeli businesses have been forced to shut as a result of the ongoing war and its devastating effect on the economy, Hebrew newspaper Maariv
The report linked below says Israel’s construction, agriculture, tourism, trade and other industries are all shutting down.
Meanwhile in the video below military analyst Scott Ritter explains how the Israeli armed forces are also in a state of collapse and are running out of soldiers and ammunition.
Mossad sources say 2 million out of Israel’s population of 6.5 million Jews have left or are planning to leave the country.
At the end of the day, the sources say Israel will cease to exist and be replaced by the nation of Judea.
Once Israel falls, its US colony will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the United States of North America, white hat sources say.
Finally this week we will conclude with a call to arms for Europe sent to us by Polish intelligence;
You, the real people of all European countries, continue to ask your craftsmen and farmers in every region to disarm their radio transmitters and ensure that chemtrails from airplanes no longer pollute the air. If necessary, close airports with tractors, trucks and large vehicles that cannot be towed. We do not tolerate sky spectacles, American military outdoor cinema or Vatican sky projects…!! You can save yourself from all the PsyOp soap opera…We are the people of real Europe, not stupid descendants of Hollywood or Chinese plastic! We are very angry about chemtrails and have already had harvest problems in some regions…. the shepherds this year have sheep that suddenly died, as well as more stillbirths and miscarriages than ever before… and this can only be caused by chemical pollution in the air and in the meadows… and by the electrical load in the air, when animals are in an area (largely fenced) with electric fencing. It is an absolute outrage what the Vatican (transmission towers), EU policies and newfangled military policies have done to people, flora and fauna in Europe, as well as newfangled military policies… and these are attacks on health and the supply of agricultural products in Europe. This is artificial weather – i.e. weather manipulation, and thus a war on populations and living creatures of nature! A victim of this stupid military policy is anyone who has had an accident or had bad grades in school due to artificial weather conditions. Many people and companies have already suffered this year due to regional floods and damage to buildings and vehicles. Maybe they weren’t as spectacular as the storms and destruction in America or Asia… but they did happen and were inflicted on peaceful European citizens. Over the past few days, the sky was often so milky that planes could not be seen and therefore it was impossible to tell which planes were releasing more chemtrails. Even though the sky was blue in places, mountains of clouds soon gathered and it was far too cold for July. In some grain fields, the crops lie flat due to water damage… This makes threshing more difficult and produces lower yields, and straw in the dark is less popular than mulch. If it is moldy, it is no longer suitable for straw. In some places, the potatoes rotted a few weeks ago because the weather was too wet. Military people who are so stupid and don’t even know the basics of real life don’t know how to grow your own crops or cook your own food… we don’t want stupid hat-wearing people like the government. We also don’t want to be distracted or exploited by cloned or duplicate actors. How stupid are you… you can save your cartoons and other movies, kitschy wonders and action movies. This isn’t real life and we will not tolerate such nonsense. That’s why every day we tell electricians and electrical engineers to casually look around and then remove the transmitters used to manipulate the skies… and farmers and truck drivers should protect technicians so they can do their jobs with peace of mind. Gentlemen!
Beloved Friends Of Earth! A Dark Plan Has Been Halted: NEIOH
We Are Always With You. The Assistance Given Each Moment Is Beyond The Comprehension Of Most Humans. Let’s Go Deeply Into The Recent Moments Of Archangel Uriel’s Attack. For Those Unfamiliar With Our Information And Communication, This Magnificent Soul Has Arrived As President Donald Trump. For Those That Love This Man, The Information Will Be Welcomed. For Those That Choose Hate And Fear, We Ask That You Open Your Heart To Become Free.
On A Hot Afternoon, The Stage Was Set For The Arrival Of The Next Presidential Candidate. The Excitement Grew As Cameras Flashed And Music Played. Families Gathered With New Hope For Change In Their Own Lives. But Something Very Sinister Was Also Present. Secrets And Darkness Were Quickly Unfolding. A Devious Plan Was In Place By The Very Ones Showing Concern. Evil Plans From Those Meant To Protect Will Be Known To All.
A Gunman Was Seen By Many In The Crowd. Shouts And Warnings Were Heard Throughout The Onlookers. Police And Secret Service Were Notified. But They Already Knew. The Stage Was Set To Kill The Beloved President. But Much More Was In Operation. Archangels And Bi-locals Were Arriving. The Galactic Federation Was Near And Watching From Motherships That Monitor All Relevant Meetings And Plans.
Archangel Michael Arrived In An Instant. Standing In Light In The Right Side Of The Crowd, He Raised His Mighty Arms To Send Frequencies. A Powerful Soul From Celaeno Of The Pleiades Arrived In Bi-local Service. Allowing His Presence To Not Be Noted, He Turned The Head Of President Trump. Bullets Were Flying And The Ear Of The President Was Pierced. This Was Allowed As The Incident Would Serve Well To Change Many Hearts. The Frequency From Archangel Michael Was In Direct Correlation To The Plan Unfolding. It Would Allow A Great Softening And Change For The Powerful President.
A New Focus Of Light And Unity Would Enter The Soul Of The Archangel In Form. A Great Healing For All He Had Endured With Persecution Would Be The Gift. Leading Others To The Grand Shift Would Be The Mission Of Light To Change Humanity.
Free Will And The Unfolding Of Both Pain And Joy Is Part Of The Plan Of Life. The Magnificent Soul That Lived And Died In Form That Day, Also Was In Bi-local Service On Celaeno. There Is Only Celebrations And Perfection For Souls That Leave The Earth Plane. The Mission For Archangel Uriel Is Not Complete.
Stay Close To Light And Enjoy The Journey To Sheen. Expect The Darkness To Continue To Rise Against This Mighty Soul. But Enjoy The Light As This Is Your Collective Power.
You Are Love And We Are Here To Remind You Of All Gifts Within.
I Love You So!
Laka: Galactic Civilization Base
Beloved Friends Of Earth!
In These Moments Of Communication, Find Comfort In Knowing You Are More Than Safe! Earth Is The Planet Chosen For Great Transformation! Indeed, The New Earth Awaits All Souls. Sheen Is Prepared As A Home Of Light And Peace. With The Ongoing Additions Of Galactic Civilizations, Sheen Is Understood To Be The Greatest Location For The Primary Base Of Meetings. There Will Be Multiple Locations That Will Be Visited And Accessed By Many Races That Will Experience Upgrades. Let’s Review The Current Information As It Will Inspire You To Move Forward And Seek Light!
Sheen Is A Place Of Such Beauty That It Resembles Homes Of Origin. Colors, Sounds, Nature And Animals With Upgraded Bodies Will Allow Each Soul A Choice To Remain Or Return To Their Home Of Creation. Many Souls May Choose To Do Both As Travel In Crafts Will Always Be An Option. Homes Will Be Large And Designed By Each Soul Or Family To Meet Any Desire In Their Own Creative Endeavor. Everything Is Available To The Soul Of Origin That Circulates Light. You Are The Soul That Is Unlimited. Gifts Will Return To You With The Soon Coming Shift To Sheen.
There Are Spectacular Changes Being Expressed By The Galactic Federation In These Moments. Elder IKAI Has Planned Massive Changes To Serve Sheen And All Galactic Races That Join You In Light. As The Creation Of Sheen Is Already In Existence, Changes Are Ongoing With Plans To Accommodate Many Races That Will Visit. A Large Base That Will Allow Crafts To Enter And Be Welcomed Is Now In The Process Of Design. The Area Of Sheen Will Be Doubled In Size. The Completion Of This Frequency Will Be Welcoming To All Souls From Higher Realms.
Each Race That Has Been Upgraded To Circulate Light With Crystal Hearts Will Become Friends To Those On Sheen. At Last, Without Judgement, Division Or Concepts Of War, The Galaxies Will Unite. Peace Will Be Experienced With Communication, Music And Celebrations Of Joy! All Souls Throughout The Cosmos That Require Upgrades To Unite, Will Be Served By The Light Forces.
NEIOH And KABAMUR Will Be Leaders And Teachers Of The New Galactic Civilization. Their Moments Will Be Spent In Traveling In A Large Mothership That Has Many Capabilities. They Will Travel Throughout Galaxies To Share Wisdom, Teaching And The Coordination Of All Meetings. They Will Create Many Bases That Serve All Life Throughout The Cosmos. Bases Will Grow In Great Numbers As More Souls Join In Light.
The Mothership That Is Designed For Meetings And Expansion Of The Galactic Civilization Will Be Able To Remain Stationary Or Propel Through Areas With Great Speed. Commanders Of The Galactic Federation Will Unite And Share With The Maneuvering And Technology Of The Largest Mothership In Existence. Taking Turns To Command Will Bring A Sense Of Unity Even Greater As Friendships Are Deepened With Love.
Following Extensive Travel With Massive Information Gleaned, A Return To Sheen Will Bring Great Celebrations. The Mothership Will Remain Stationary Over Sheen As Smaller Crafts Accommodate NEIOH, KABAMUR And Other Souls Entering Sheen. The Mothership Is Many Miles Wide And Multiple Levels In Height. It Can Change Shapes, Travel In Water And Change Densities To Move Through Mountains. This Mothership Will Not Enter BASK, The Base Of Sedona, As Its Size Is Many Times The Size Of This Location.
The New Base Of Sheen Will Be Called ZOMATIKAH. This Means ‘It Is Done’, In Our Pleiadian Language.
KABAMUR Will Travel With His Beloved Dragon MUKAE. NEIOH Will Enjoy His White Tiger Named VERIK. MY Brothers Have Always Been Inseparable, So Every Moment Of Their Travels Will Bring Joy! They Will Enjoy Game Rooms, A Crystal Kitchen, A Music Room, An Art Room And A Pool On The Mothership. Indeed, Everything Desired Is Planned. KABAMUR Will Also Lead As An Elder In Sheen And On His Return To Taygeta. Elder IKAI Is Pleased And Will Share His Light And Wisdom.
Each Soul Receiving This Great News Is Welcome To Join With Other Souls In The Culmination Of Waking Dreams To A Reality Of Light And Peace!
Prepare Your Hearts!
It Is Done!
I Love You So!
For the team of ArchAngels brought in to prevent President Trump's assination it is child's play because they can dilate time so that seemingly impossible tasks like moving out of the way of a bullet while capturing a photo of it can be done easily with reliable precision.
Arch Angel Uriel has been tasked with the mission of overlighting President Donald Trump.
Did you notice the first thing Trump did the day after the assasination attempt? He called RFK JR and told him something had to be done about the children's vaccine schedule. This is an indication of his change of heart about one of the most pressing problems threatening the human race.
Trump shares vaccine skepticism on call with RFK Jr.
Uriel /ˈʊəriəl/, Auriel (Hebrew: אוּרִיאֵל ʾŪrīʾēl, "El/God is my flame";[5] Greek: Οὐριήλ Oúriḗl; Coptic: ⲟⲩⲣⲓⲏⲗ Ouriēl;[6] Italian: Uriele;[7] Geʽez and Amharic: ዑራኤል ʿUraʾēl[8] or ዑርኤል ʿUriʾēl)[9] or Oriel is the name of one of the archangels who is mentioned in the post-exilic rabbinic tradition and in certain Christian traditions. He is well known in the Russian Orthodox tradition and in folk Catholicism (in both of which he is considered to be one of the seven major archangels) and recognised in the Anglican Church as the fourth archangel. He is also well known in European esoteric medieval literature. Uriel is also known as a master of knowledge and archangel of wisdom.
In apocryphal, kabbalistic, and occult works, Uriel/Auriel has been equated (or confused) with Urial, Nuriel, Uryan, Jeremiel, Vretil, Sariel, Suriel, Puruel, Phanuel, Jacob, Azrael, and Raphael.
In the Secret Book of John, an early Gnostic work, Uriel is placed in control over the demons who help Yaldabaoth create Adam.
Uriel, Auriel or Oriel (male) / Urielle, Eurielle or Orielle (female) is also a name assimilated by the Celtic Brittanic culture, because of Urielle (7th century), sister of the Breton king Judicael, who popularised the name. In Judaism and ChristianityName and origins
The angels mentioned in the canonical books of the Hebrew Bible (aka the Tanakh) are generally without names. Of the Seven Archangels in the angelology of Judaism, only two of them, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, are mentioned by name in the canonised Jewish scripture.
Raphael features prominently in the Book of Tobit which is accepted as canonical by the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Oriental Orthodox Churches; it is part of the apocrypha in the Lutheran Churches and the Anglican Communion.[12] Uriel, right, in the Virgin of the Rocks (Louvre version) by Leonardo da Vinci, 1483–1486
Where a fourth archangel is added to the named three, to represent the four cardinal points, Uriel is generally the fourth. Uriel is listed as the fourth angel by Christian Gnostics (under the name Phanuel). However, it is debated whether the Book of Enoch refers to the same angel by two different names. Uriel means "God is my flame", whereas Phanuel means "God has turned". Uriel is the third angel listed in the Testament of Solomon, the fourth being Sabrael. A rare medieval stained-glass panel depicting the Archangel Uriel with Esdras. St Michael and All Angels Church, Kingsland, Herefordshire.
Uriel appears in the Second Book of Esdras found in the Biblical apocrypha (called Esdras IV in the Vulgate) in which the prophet Ezra asks God a series of questions, and Uriel is sent by God to instruct him. According to the Revelation of Esdras, the angels that will rule at the end of the world are Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Gabuthelon, Beburos, Zebuleon, Aker, and Arphugitonos. The last five listed only appear in this book and nowhere else in apocryphal or apocalyptic works.
In Christian apocryphal gospels, Uriel plays a role, differing between the sources, in the rescue of Jesus' cousin John the Baptist from the Massacre of the Innocents ordered by King Herod. He carries John and his mother Saint Elizabeth to join the Holy Family after their Flight into Egypt. Their reunion is depicted in Leonardo da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks.
Uriel is often identified as a cherub and the angel of repentance. He "stands at the Gate of Eden with a fiery sword", or as the angel "who is over the world and over Tartarus.[17]
In the Apocalypse of Peter, he appears as the angel of repentance, who is graphically represented as being as pitiless as any demon. In the Life of Adam and Eve, Uriel is regarded as the spirit (i.e., one of the cherubs) of the third chapter of Genesis. He is also identified as one of the angels who helped bury Adam and Abel in Eden.
He checked the doors of Egypt for lamb's blood during the plague. He also holds the key to the pit during the end times, and led Abraham to the west.
In modern angelology, Uriel is identified variously as a seraph, cherub, regent of the sun, flame of God, angel of the divine presence, presider over Tartarus (hell), archangel of salvation, and, in later scriptures, identified with Phanuel ("God has turned"). He is often depicted carrying a book or a papyrus scroll representing wisdom. Uriel is a patron of the arts. The Angelic council, Eastern Orthodox icon of the Seven Archangels. From left to right: Jehudiel, Gabriel, Selatiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Barachiel. Beneath the mandorla of Christ Emmanuel are representations of cherubim (blue) and seraphim (red).
In the Eastern Orthodox churches, Uriel is commemorated together with the other archangels and angels with a feast day of the "Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers" on November 8 of the liturgical calendar (for those churches which follow the Julian calendar, 8 November falls on 21 November of the modern Gregorian calendar), and is regarded as the patron saint of the arts and sciences.[4] In addition, every Monday throughout the year is dedicated to the angels. The Anglicans and Coptic Christians of Ethiopia and Eritrea venerate archangel Uriel. According to the latter, 11 July is his feast day.[18] In the Ethiopian Homily on the Archangel Uriel, he is depicted as one of the great archangels, and as the angelus interpres who has interpreted prophecies to Enoch and Ezra, and the helper of both of them. According to the Homily, at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus, Uriel dipped his wing in the blood and water flowing from Christ's flank and filled a cup with it. Carrying the cup, he and the Archangel Michael rushed into the world and sprinkled it all over Ethiopia, in every place where a drop of blood fell a church was built.[19][20] Thus Uriel is often depicted carrying a chalice filled with the blood of Christ in Ethiopian Orthodox iconography. Uriel is honoured in the Lutheran Churches as well, with churches including statuary of the archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Michael and Raphael.
In Thomas Heywood's Hierarchy of Blessed Angels (1635), Uriel is described as an angel of the earth. Heywood's list is actually of the angels of the four winds: Uriel (south), Michael (east), Raphael (west) (serving also a governor of the south, with Uriel), and Gabriel (north). He is also listed as an angel of the four winds in the medieval Jewish Book of the Angel Raziel which lists him as Usiel (Uzziel); according to it, this book was inscribed on a sapphire stone and handed down from Seraph to Metatron and then to Adam.
At the Council of Rome of 745, Pope Zachary, intending to clarify the church's teaching on the subject of angels and curb a tendency toward angel worship, condemned obsession with angelic intervention and angelolatry, but reaffirmed the approval of the practice of the reverence of angels. This synod struck many angels' names from the list of those eligible for veneration in the church of Rome, including Uriel. Only the reverence of the archangels mentioned in the recognised Catholic canon of scriptures, namely Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, remained licit. In the 16th century, archangel Uriel appeared before the Sicilian friar Antonio Lo Duca and told him to build a church in the Termini area. Lo Duca told Pope Pius IV about the apparition, the pope then asked Michelangelo to design the church, which became the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and of the Martyrs located at the Esedra Plaza.
In the first half of the 11th century, Bulgarian followers of the dualist heresy called Bogomilism, who lived in the dukedom of Ahtum in present-day Banat, invoked Uriel in rituals.[citation needed] This was witnessed by Gerard of Csanád, the Catholic bishop of the area after 1028.[citation needed] Uriel was also named in a small exorcism in the 15th century, reported by Robert Ambelain in Arabic Astrology on page 18, without indication of date and place of origin: "Conjuro te diabolo per sanctum Michaelem, sanctum Gabrielem, sanctum Raphaelem, sanctum Urielem".
In Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Golden Legend, Uriel is one of the angels of the seven planets, namely of Mars. He is also listed as such in Benjamin Camfield's A Theological Discourse of Angels (1678).
A scriptural reference to an angel of presence is found in Isaiah 63:9:
In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.[25]In Enoch
Main article: Book of EnochUriel is said to have interpreted prophecies to Enoch and Ezra. Panel painting in St Michael and All Angels Church, Howick.
The Book of Enoch, which presents itself as written by Enoch, mentions Uriel in many of its component books. In chapter IX, which is part of "The Book of the Watchers" (2nd century BCE), only four angels are mentioned by name. Those angels are Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel (though some versions have a fifth angel: Suryal or Suriel). However, the later chapter XX lists the names and functions of seven angels. Those angels are "Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is over the world and over Tartarus", Raphael, Raguel, Michael, Saraqâêl, Gabriel, and Remiel.
The Book of the Watchers as a whole tells us that Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel were present before God to testify on behalf of humankind. They asked for divine intervention during the reign of the fallen grigori (fallen watchers). These fallen ones took human wives and produced half-angel, half-human offspring called the nephilim. Uriel is responsible for warning Noah about the upcoming great flood.
Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spoke, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: "<Go to Noah> and tell him in my name 'Hide thyself!' and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it."[26]
After judgment has been brought upon the nephilim and the fallen ones (see The Book of Giants), including the two main leaders Samyaza and Azazel, Uriel discusses their fates:
And Uriel said to me: "Here shall stand the angels who have connected themselves with women, and their spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons 'as gods', (here shall they stand,) till 'the day of' the great judgment in which they shall be judged till they are made an end of. And the women also of the angels who went astray shall become sirens.' And I, Enoch alone, saw the vision, the ends of all things; and no man shall see as I have seen."
Uriel then acts as a guide for Enoch for the rest of the Book of Watchers. He fulfills this capacity in many of the other books that make up Enoch. In Anglican traditionStained glass of archangel Uriel as regent of the sun in the cloisters of Chester Cathedral.
In the traditions and hagiography of the Episcopal and other Anglican churches, Uriel is mentioned as an archangel. He is recognised as the patron saint of the sacrament of confirmation. In some Episcopal churches, Uriel is also regarded as the keeper of beauty and light, and regent of the sun and constellations; in iconography he is shown holding in his right hand a Greek Ionic column which symbolises perfection in aesthetics and man-made beauty, in his left hand a staff topped with the sun.[3] He is celebrated in the Anglican liturgical calendars on the Feast of the Archangels.[28][29][30][31] The Church of St. Uriel the Archangel at Sea Girt, New Jersey is a testimony to Anglicans' devotion to Uriel.
The Anglican intercessional prayer to Saint Uriel the Archangel is as follows;
O holy Saint Uriel, intercede for us that our hearts may burn with the fire of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Assist us in co-operating with the graces of our confirmation that the gifts of the
Holy Spirit may bear lots o' fruit in our souls.
Obtain for us the grace to use the sword of truth to pare away all that is not in conformity to the most adorable
Will of God in our lives, that we may fully participate in the army of the Church Militant.
The longstanding motto of the University of Oxford, Dominus illuminatio mea ("The Lord is my light") is a translation into Latin of Uriel's name.
BlackRock Ad w/ Shooter Thomas Crooks (Filmed at Bethel Park High School just 52 miles north of Butler PA in 2022.)
BlackRock Owned Austin Private Wealth, LLC Shorted DJT Trump stock over $360M Before Shooting,
12,000,000 shares of DJT Shorted on 7/12/24,
Blackrock manages retirement plans for over 1/3 of America's teachers.
An 800% surge indicates that individuals or large organizations anticipated a significant drop in DJT stock’s value by July 15, a scenario that would likely have materialized had President Trump died in Pennsylvania,' notes financial outlet Finbold.
Were corrupt insiders with prior knowledge planning to profit off Trump's death?
Some accounts on Truth Social pointed the finger at a Texas-based investment firm they thought might have had advanced knowledge.
“[The firm] shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT on 7/12/24,” posted @Honk4Liberty. Congress needs to ask them some questions.”
“Whoa…that’s a lot of money!” posted @Amerikanwoman. (About $360 million in DJT stock.)
Those posters pointed to data from an investment research platform called, which reported that the firm filed an SEC document on July 12 disclosing 12,000,000 puts on $DJT.
Someone with DEEP Pockets shorts $DJT HARD on Friday expecting Trump dead on Monday. Short would have to be an entity with the ability to use advanced algorithmic trading (Aladdin). Theory: BlackRock is the short!!” posted @chadnedohin in the $DJT group on Truth Social on Wednesday, a post that’s since been deleted.
The Austin Private Wealth company that reportedly shorted 12,000,000
shares of $DJT with a filing date of July 12th made a HUGE, HUGE bet
that Trump's business value would plummet. Guess who this company
donates to? Here are just a few from their website:
ADL Austin
Shalom Austin
Jewish Community Center
Camp Young Judaea
Congregation Beth Israel
Austin Jewish Academy
Soros-Backed Firm's Suspicious Shorts Pre-Trump Assassination Attempt
Last updated Jul 17
On July 12, 2024, Austin Private Wealth LLC, a company with ties to George Soros' Vanguard and BlackRock, placed a significant short position on 12 million shares of DJT, the stock associated with Donald Trump's Truth Social platform, and 34 million shares of Rumble, a sister stock to DJT. This move occurred just one day before an assassination attempt on Trump. The timing and size of these shorts have raised suspicions, with some suggesting that the firm may have had prior knowledge of the assassination attempt. The situation has sparked widespread speculation and calls for investigation.
Teachers who cheered Trump assassination attempt disciplined by school officials
GOP platform promises funding cuts for 'woke' schools
2 days ago — Cut federal funding for schools “pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political ...
(Some kind of incentive is needed to promote school vouchers too. Governor Shapiro has blocked this in PA where the teacher union is taught to always vote Democrat.)
Ardmore teacher wishes Trump dead?
In the screenshot, one individual offers $500 to Trump’s attempted assassin “for trying to save us …”
This book was published prior to the 2016 Presidential Election when Clinton was running against Trump.
Trump calls for certifying 'patriotic' teachers!
Liberty Teachers of the year awards maybe?
PSEA President Commends School Funding Increases In State Budget
July 11, 2024 by Community Contributors
PSEA’s top priority is to secure a cost-of-living adjustment for more than 40,000 retired educators and support professionals who have not seen a COLA in their pensions since 2002!
Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) President, Aaron Chapin, issued a statement commending Gov. Josh Shapiro and lawmakers for securing a bipartisan state budget that includes significant investments in public education.
The budget includes a historic increase in K-12 education funding and over a billion new state dollars for Pennsylvania’s public schools. This significant investment is a step toward fixing Pennsylvania’s broken public school funding system.
PSEA’s top priority is to secure a cost-of-living adjustment for more than 40,000 retired educators and support professionals who have not seen a COLA in their pensions since 2002. The union is disappointed that lawmakers did not include a COLA in the final state budget agreement but will continue to advocate for retired school staff members.
Blackrock is down on crypto, down on energy and most of all, Blackrock is down on Donald Trump. Blackrock may have committed investment treason with 12 million puts against Trump's DJT stock the day before he spoke in Butler PA. Blackrock's $10 trillion in assets under management may have to be put under conservatorship in order to protect national security.
Investigating Austin Private Wealth Shorting Trump's Stock
Flashback: Re: Deutsche Bank Alex Brown and 9/11 Insider Trading
Whether the
Treasury Department or FBI had
questioned CIA executive director and former Deutsche Bank-Alex Brown
CEO, A B ‘Buzzy’ Krongard, about CIA
monitoring of financial markets using PROMIS and his former position as
overseer of Brown’s ‘private client’ relations.”
Just before he was recruited personally by former CIA chief George Tenet for the CIA, Krongard supervised mainly private client banking at Alex Brown.
Texas schools fund pulls $8.5 billion from BlackRock over ...
(Another reason Trump's death was to be the be the Black Swan Event. Blackrock's future was being bet on woke investing but Trump and parents are tired of the school ciriculum being used for anti American politics.
19, 2024 — A Texas school fund told BlackRock it was terminating its contract to manage around $8.5 billion of state money.
NEW YORK, March 19 (Reuters) - A Texas school fund told BlackRock (BLK.N)
On Tuesday it was terminating its contract to manage around $8.5 billion of state money, accusing the investment giant of boycotting fossil fuel energy producers, who represent a large part of the state's industry.
BlackRock has denied it is engaged in any boycott, saying the money pulled is a tiny sliver of the $10 trillion in assets that it manages.
The move by the Texas Permanent School Fund, however, highlights how BlackRock and other asset managers continue to attract controversy in some Republican-run states over environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) investing.
Regions Bank Promotes Leader as Regional Executive for Private Wealth Management in Texas
Regions Bank has elevated Connie Rogers to serve as private wealth management regional executive for Texas, the company announced Thursday.
In her expanded leadership role, Rogers will lead a team of advisors providing custom-tailored investment services and financial guidance to clients across markets including Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Tyler, Lufkin, and more, according to the announcement.
The bank said Rogers most recently served as Regions’ area wealth manager for North and East Texas. Her promotion comes as Texas continues to be one of the fastest-growing economies in the country.
Confirms growing belief that the true assassin missed the kill shot and the proceeded to take out the patsy who had been groomed for the position. He could have been on the water tower any tall tree up to two thousand feet away.
(Check the video of water squirting out of the tower where the hose was hit with a bullet. This may have been the other shooter's position which drew fire.)
FBI gets the job of cleaning up in Butler
They are in charge of all information release from now on so we probably won't get all of the evidence for another 50 years.
Microsoft Cuts DEI Team: "No Longer Business Critical"
And soon, all those woke degrees will be useless...
The former US president asked for his independent rival’s endorsement a day after he survived an assassination attempt.
US presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has apologized after his son posted a video recording of a recent phone call with his Republican challenger, Donald Trump. During the call, Trump sought RFK Jr’s endorsement and said that he shared the independent’s concerns about vaccinating children.
An excerpt of the call, which took place on Sunday, was posted to X on Tuesday by Bobby Kennedy III, before it was deleted shortly afterwards. According to screenshots of the post, the younger Kennedy posted the video as he felt “these sorts of conversations should be had in public.”
In the video, Trump told the elder Kennedy that “clearly something’s wrong” with the US’ childhood vaccination program.
(This is something that should be in the GOP platform.)
The Ascension & the 144- Crystal Grid
by Tyberonn
Visualize the grid as a geodesic sphere, of pentagons and triangles, sparkling as a faceted, brilliant diamond. It is a seed crystal of new form, the double penta-dodecahedron. Its time has arrived, merkaba of Earthstar. The double penta dodecahedron has 144 facets, the number of Christ ascension. Each dodecahedron has 12 major pentacles with 60 facets, add the 12 truncated pentagons for 72, and double this for 144 !
The concept of planetary grids is not a new one. Plato theorized the concept as did the ancient Egyptians, Mayans and Hopi Indians. In a sense, grids are the template, the window ‘program’, if you will, that allows all life to accelerate in the graduated light format that is called the ascension.
There is not one, but three grid templates surrounding our planet effecting human life. The three are separate, yet intricately related. The three become the one. The grids have separate functions relating individually to: (1) planetary gravitational field, (2) telluric electromagnetics, and (3) crystalline consciousness.
The Gravity grid is both within and on surface of the planet. It is anchored to the spinning crystalline core of the earth. It is in the form of a dodecahedron, a sphere with 12 facets. It is primarily rooted in the first three dimensions. The dodecahedron was the primary consciousness geometric of the planet from the time of the deluge of Atlantis, until the emergence of the icosahedron about 4,000 BC.
The Crystalline 144 grid is now emerging beyond the icosahedron. A ‘seed-crystal’ matrix, the double penta-dodecahedron, is born. The evolved geometry is divinely fashioned to resonate a higher frequency for the new Earth.
We can all be a part of the new crystal formation….the Crystalline-144 Ascension grid. One of the most meaningful avenues available to us in the ascension process is coming together as Lightworkers and Earth-Keepers in ceremony and unity, to awaken all humanity and bond with the Living Earth, the living Cosmos by generating and directing awakened loving energy.
We accept readily that we are energetic beings surrounded by a potent electromagnetic field. We chose to be part of the ascension process and the ascension of the living Gaia. We channel inward great flows of cosmic divine energy with the capacity to direct this light outward through directed meditative thought for the highest good.
By unifying our energies in synchronized ecstatic states we form a powerful light vortex. This energy can cleanse, brighten, energize and activate each one of us, according to our intent and flow. Our intent is light of the highest order, transferred to the new grid, the new crystal matrix of Gaia…the 144-Crystal vibration.
144 Crystalline Grid Activation Mediation
The exercise for energy connection, transferal and activation of the ascension grid is as follows:
1. Find a place to set or lie comfortably.
2. Breath very deeply and rythymicly
3. Visualize diamond light energy coming in through the crown chakra.
4. Send it down through the spine, through each chakra, and back to the heart.
5. Flow the energy in a beam, a corridor of light energy, into the core of the earth.
6. From the core of the earth visualize the white light energy flashing into an infinity of light frequencies feeding into the Crystalline 144 Ascension grid.
7. Experience the ecstasy, and allow it flow thru you, allow the frequency of your body and mind to meld into & adjust to the frequency of the 144 Crystalline Grid
If this is done at a sacred site, powerpoint or grid point, visualize receiving this energy and then connecting it through your heart to other sacred sites , and back into the Ascension grid. Visualize weaving the vertice points of the geodesic sphere.
Through our creation and transfer of diamond-light, joyous energy into the Crystalline 144Ascension Grid, we simultaneously activate ourselves to be in oneness, alignment and in frequential unity with the heightened energy of ascension. As such we are better enabled to flow with the quickening energies of the ascending planet. We become loving, channeling columns of light, we connect as one synergetic beam of ecstasy. Each participant is a vortex, a point of light on the globe, one with another, one with the ascension. Creating, co-creating the frequency of the New Planet Earth toward the highest good. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm, a point of light in the bursting infinity of light. We are love, and are loved. We become part of the 144,000. We are the rapture, the ecstasy !
Trump rally shooting pushes Pennsylvania governor into the spotlight
Maybe now Governor Shapiro will be forced to provide a small budget to complete the easy to solve DA Gricar murder investigation.
Altoona Mirror: Police probe claim Gricar killed
Demand a Gricar grand jury.
Peter Navarro will be released from prison in next 6 hours. Set to speak at RNC in Milwaukee.
Archbishop Viganò Warns Trump - ‘WEF Behind
Assassination Attempt – They Will Try Again’
World’s Top Sniper Sounds the Alarm - 'There Were
TWO Assassins at the Trump Rally'
A second Trump shooter? New acoustic evidence
Is FBI Already Stonewalling on the Investigation
into the Assassination Attempt?
FBI Agent Caught Admitting Bureau Wants
Trump Dead Before November
Trump Shooter Walked Through Secret Service Security with Gun Accessory as Tragedy Looks Even Worse
Three days after attempted assassination, Trump shooter remains an elusive enigma
Because Crooks is a made up character to be the patsie. Tribdem FBI informant editors should know this.
Former president Donald J. Trump’s Secret Service permanent detail were stood down for the Butler, Pennsylvania rally on Saturday, according to an admission by Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.
In place of Trump’s permanent detail, “supplemental special agents” were sent from the Pittsburgh field office to provide all of the security measures for the rally on Saturday.
VCU poll shows Trump ahead in Virginia as support for Biden wanes
The poll shows Sen. Tim Kaine (D) leading GOP rival Hung Cao by double digits and approval down for Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), suggesting the problem is Biden.
Trump Shooter Rejected From High School Rifle Team
‘Couldn’t Hit a Target at 50 Feet’
J6 Committee Leader Tried Stripping Trump of SS
Protection Before Assassination Attempt
Top Sniper Blows Whistle - Trump Murder Attempt Was
‘Inside Job’ - ‘FBI Narrative Makes No Sense’
Leaked Secret Service Video Proves Trump Assassination
Attempt Was Inside Job
Wild New Assassin Video - Complete Secret Service
Failure (Not A ‘Failure’)
Crook's Blackrock Video Shows Him Several Times
Bongino Breaks Down Woke Secret Service Failures
Point by Point And It's Absolutely Chilling
Candace Owens CALLS BS On Secret Service’s
Trump Detail
(SQAUK) — A woman who attended last Saturday’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, claims she saw a sniper firing from an elevated position on the water tower. The sniper was allegedly firing in a downward trajectory at the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, who was on stage at the time.
The woman says she heard the first crack of the gunfire before screaming, “It’s a sniper! It’s a sniper!”
“He [the shooter] was firing down from the water tower, she explained.
At that exact moment hydraulic fluid sprayed into a small crowd as a man lift’s hydraulics failed after sustaining a bullet impact.
In 1983, I was asked to manufacture a virus and disseminate it among pregnant women and 22-year-olds
US biochemist and molecular biologist Dr Judy Mikovits reports on how she was part of a translational programme, and in 1983, when the first disease-associated human retrovirus was isolated starting from a sick human being, she was tasked with the job of manufacturing it. The government told her to manufacture it in an open-air centrifuge and to disseminate it among pregnant women and 22-year-olds. “I lost that job because I wrote a letter to the Washington Post, telling them how these people were talking about engineering a deadly virus without having the slightest idea about its transmission,” Dr Mikovits explains.
Orban delivers Ukraine peace proposals to EU – adviser
U.S. Cop 'Took Picture Of Trump Shooter' Before Attack; Fresh 'Proof' Against Forces Emerges
Sensational report over Donald Trump assassination attempt case surfaces. A police counter-sniper team was stationed inside the building that Thomas Matthew Crooks used to fire shots, according to the New York Post. According to sources who spoke with the post, Crooks was literally climbing on top of the building where the "watch post" for the snipers was located. This is not all, 26 minutes before the attack one cop was allegedly seen taking the shooter's picture.
A clear picture is emerging of the exact timeline of staggering failures
that enabled an armed 20-year-old man with no military training to
scale a building loaded with counter-sniper team cops in broad daylight
and come within a hair’s breadth of killing former President Donald
Thomas Matthew Crooks was spotted at least twice by cops — 26 minutes before he rained bullets on the Pennsylvania rally crowd, wounding Trump and two others and killing an ex-fire chief, according to WPXI sources.
Beaver County Emergency Services Unit — which traveled to the Butler
County, Pennsylvania, Trump rally from the neighboring Pittsburgh suburb
— noticed Cooks on the roof, took a picture of him and reported it
around 5:45 p.m., WPXI reported.
Biden orders Secret Service to protect RFK Jr. after attempt on Trump's life
President Joe Biden has ordered the U.S. Secret Service to protect independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy.
Camelot represents the ideal of God-government, but it also represents the original twelve apostles and the master in the center of the disciples, who are the knights and ladies of the court. There is the round table, the table of initiation. There is the quest for the Holy Grail. Indeed, Camelot can be seen as the community of the Holy Spirit and as a continuation of the mission of the community of disciples of Jesus as well as of the sangha of the Buddha.
America is intended to be the place for those who are pursuing the light of God.
And so the discipline of Camelot, which was to be the discipline of all of the nations, was to provide a platform through freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for the individual soul's fusion with his or her own Christ-potential. It was to provide a platform for that collective mastery that people can accomplish together through government.
Camelot as a Mystery School
The ancient mysteries of the Great White Brotherhood have been passed from teacher to disciple throughout the ages. We read of Crotona and Pythagoras and the disciplines in the way of life that became a geometry of the soul as well as the foundation for modern geometry. We see Socrates and Plato. We see Christ and his apostles. We see the Dalai Lama and the great Hindu teachers in the Himalayan fastnesses, each with their little nucleus of disciples. And in all of this there is a passing of a tradition from the elders of the race, from the ascended masters themselves, to their embodied representatives, to their disciples.
This concept of the mystery school has been at the heart of those orders within all of the world's great religions that have preferred a more intense relationship with God. You have the Sufis of Islam, you have the Gnostics and the Essenes of early Christianity, and you have those who take the path of the priest or nun—those who tie themselves to holy orders because they are enamored of the mysteries of God for the very love of God himself.
I see Camelot, then, as a school of the ancient mysteries, where Merlin came as a representative of the Brotherhood to teach Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere and all of the knights and ladies of the flame about the flame of life, the inner meaning of life on earth and the path that leads to the ascension by soul liberation.
Does that mean that the present system is recommended?
The present system that we have in the United States under our Constitution is recommended by the Darjeeling Council for our present level of evolution. And wherever a republican form of government with a constitution with checks and balances such as we have can be adopted, El Morya considers that this is the most advantageous for the individual development of the Christ consciousness.
A council of the Great White Brotherhood consisting of ascended masters and unascended chelas headed up by El Morya, its chief, headquartered in Darjeeling, India, at the master’s etheric retreat.
Members include Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Archangel Michael, the Great Divine Director, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Djwal Kul and numerous others whose objective is to train souls for world service in God-government and the economy, through international relations and the establishment of the inner Christ as the foundation for religion, education, and a return to golden-age culture in music and the arts.
Funniest moment of the night. Look at that smile from President Trump.
Paul Winter; How Environmentalism Shaped His Work
Donna Schwartz spoke with saxophonist, composer and environmentalist, Paul Winter, for the Everything Saxophone Podcast. You can read more about Paul, and get his contact information on our site,
Dear Friend,
Pianist Henrique Eisenmann and I are very much looking forward to playing once again, this Saturday evening July 20th, in the historic Music Mountain Concert Shed, in Falls Village, Connecticut.
This past Friday, in our Living Music Barn Studio, Henrique recorded a stunning new tribute to Charles Ives,
an original piece inspired by Ives' renowned "Concord Sonata", in
anticipation of the composer's 150th birthday. We will present the
premiere performance of this at Music Mountain this Saturday.
For those of you who have not heard Henrique and I in duet performance,
we want to share three free downloads, from our recent concert on Orcas
Island, Washington.
"Lamento de Aioca" - "Aioca" is the name for the Goddess of the Waters in the Yoruba tradition of the people in the Northeast of Brazil.
"Pina" - a song by Henrique inspired by and dedicated to legendary choreographer Pina Bausch.
"Kalimba Rhapsody" -
the finale of our new "Adventures in the Universe", which was premiered
at our recent Summer Solstice Celebration at New York's Cathedral of
St. John the Divine.
Free Download Her
Concerts at Music Mountain are in air-conditioned Gordon Hall, at 225 Music Mountain Road, in Falls Village, Connecticut.
The Music Mountain Concession Stand opens 1 hour prior to the concert
and serves Harney Iced Teas, Ice Cream, Wine, and more. Parking is free.
You are invited to picnic on the lawn before the concert. The concert
time is 7 pm.
Tickets for this Concert are $30-$45 and are free for ages 18 and under.
I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."
(The Biden admin needs to call off the dogs.)
Shooter was bear crawling across a roof, just outside the venue, with a rifle in his hands. Eyewitness and his friends were screaming at the police and Secret Service for 2 to 3 minutes.
(Governor Shapiro's specially trained raw milk police must have been on another assignment.)
HHS — as many as 30,000 foster homes will soon be forced to facilitate sex changes in minors.
Roughly 78 percent of Americans do not support sex changes for minors, and are therefore unfit adopt children in the eyes of Biden’s HHS. The law will further alienate Christian foster parents — who are already being stonewalled in states with similar legislation already in place.
(Rachel Levine can't take a hint that 78% of Americans are against this abuse of God's creation.)
Celebrities against vaccines – Part 151
Numerous celebrities are against the deadly vaccines and are taking a stance against them publicly. These include Candace Owens, Beatrice Rosen, Thomas Berthold, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, and Drea De Matteo among others.
Orban will meet Trump at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago resort immediately after the conclusion of the NATO summit in Washington.
Earlier this week, Orban said he is seeking a resolution of the Ukraine crisis by holding talks with the “five main actors” in the conflict – including Ukraine, Russia, China, the EU and the US. Apart from meeting Putin, he has also held talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Putin and Xi expect Ukraine peace talks by end of year – Orban
Orban’s efforts have so far failed to result in any significant change to the peace process. Following his meetings with Zelensky and Putin, the Hungarian premier concluded that Moscow’s and Kiev’s positions on a solution to the conflict remain very “far apart.” However, after meeting Xi earlier this week, he noted that both Moscow and Beijing foresee peace talks before the end of 2024. (Code for after President Trump is re-elected.)
(The Hercolubus forecast is for the crossing to be on the other side of Jupiter making it not as severe this time. It was thought to be 5 3600 year cycles ago, or 18000 years since the closer destructive passage which destroyed part of Atlantis. )
Hercolubus, a planet so called by the sages of antiquity, is a gigantic world, 5 or 6 times bigger than Jupiter. In the past it put an end to the Atlantean civilisation and it is thought to be approaching Earth again.
[Reference Source]:
CA Land movement, cracking roads, sinking homes
Moving a foot a week in CA now. This could be Hercolubus lite.
FBI Identified 'Person Of Interest' In Capitol Pipe Bomb Case By Jan. 10, 2021
Still no answers about their suspect. It's the people who took a stroll between the ropes in the Capitol on Jan 6 that the FBI spends their time on gathering political prisoners.
Maybe the State College FBI office could lift a finger on the Gricar case and tell us where the mine shaft is located because their informants certainly know. That abandoned mine reclamation fund is just sitting on Shapiro's desk waiting for a project.
Colorado Governor Declares Disaster Emergency Over Bird Flu Outbreak
The move comes as Michigan confirms the H5N1 virus affected another herd in the state...
Democrat govenors Whitmer, Poler and Shapiro are ones to watch working in concert with the feds with this well planned bird flu operation. The more cows they test, the more chance their innacurate tests find false positives for bird flu.
Raw milk Nazis just want to have untested mRNA bird flu vaccines, N9 masks, gowns and weekly test kits for cows.
Penn State’s general support funding flat in PA’s budget but a new funding model is coming
PSU yearly state tuition fee $19,835.
Average State College Tuition in the United States $9,596.
With enrollment off 50% at some PSU campuses and tuition at double the average state cost, the handwriting is on the wall.
Marxism at Penn State really took hold after they ignored the killing of their DA and trashed the legacy of the winningest coach in college football. Shapiro is just whistling past the mineshaft at this point. Giving Gricar a proper burial and naming the field after Paterno is apparently too much to ask.
Meanwhile Governor Shapiro skipped out on the $100 million for school vouchers again that he promised parents in the state budget.
Biden introduces Zelinsky calling him Putin
This has to be a joke by the actor playing Biden. The real Biden is dead and the Democrats are being humiliated for having to vote for this charade. There's no telling what this comedian is capable of as the election nears.
Melchizedek 11Q13, of the Dead Sea Scrolls , the Melchizedek document, is a fragmentary manuscript among the Dead Sea Scrolls (from Cave 11) which mentions Melchizedek as leader of God's angels in a war in Heaven against the angels of darkness instead of the more familiar Archangel Michael.
(The Dead Sea Scrolls are important because they escaped the burning of the Library of Alexandria and gave us an earlier version where the name Melchizedek is used instead of Michael.
The Qumran Scrolls, also indicate that Melchizedek was used as a name of the Archangel Michael, interpreted as a heavenly priest; Michael as Melchi-zedek contrast with Belial, who is given the name of Melchi-resha 'king of wickedness'.)
(The survivors from Atlantis are still with us watching everything from underground civilizations, waiting for us to catch up.)
By James Tyberonn
We tell you in fact that the Golden Period of Atlantis was the highest level of Light Consciousness ever achieved on the Earth Plane in any advanced civilization; higher than Lemuria, higher than Mu, higher than Rama, higher than Ignacious. It has become somewhat fashionable to consider Lemuria as being the utopian civilization, and though they did achieve a relatively short lived phase of high consciousness, most in that era were not truly in physical bodies, rather in Devic-like etheric states, and did not face the difficulties required of the physical Earth stage. Indeed Lemuria never achieved the highly advanced level that existed in that Golden Phase of Atlantis from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC. A time when Gods walked with Men, and all knew joyful expression It was the hallowed time when many of you walked as Star Children, and later chose biology and the lesson cycles of reincarnation on the Blue Planet called Earth.
So when you consider Atlantis, DO NOT only remember it's sad demise! It was but a short phase of the magnificent antediluvian world, yet it must not be forgotten, so very much is to be gained by understanding the final phase, and Dear Ones, it is time to remember.
So we speak of once mighty Atlantis, and we speak to all of you, for Atlantis is a great hologramic lesson, and ones whose time has returned, for the memory of Atlantis is not just a healing. Indeed, for some it is a requisite healing, a necessary cleansing, but for others it is also a benevolent empowerment. It recalls a time when you walked in wisdom and harmony. Regardless of your myriad roles in Atlantis, and Dear Ones, 70% of all on Planet Earth at this time experienced physicality there, Atlantis now calls to you.
The time is after the second deluge, when the utopian Golden Age subsided and Atlantis split into 5 islands. The three major islands were known as Poseida, Aryan and and Og. The two smaller Islands were under the rule of the Aryan Race, and were known as Atalya and Eyre. And so in the days after the second break up of Atlantis, the benevolent government rule by a Kingdom passed into the phase of a Confederation - State Governments, in your present terms, that ruled each of the Islands. An aristocracy of sorts evolved that consisted of two opposing ideologies. The two major components of these were the Atla-Ra Scientist Priesthood of the 'Law of One', based predominantly on the Isle of Poseida and the Aryan Race of 'The Sons of Belial' based on the Isle of Aryan. The Island of Aryan was the most populated and exerted influence and political control over Og, Atalya and Eyre.
The Isle of Poseida was the planet's most potent vortex portal complex at the time of Atlantis. The Poseida grouping and Isle housed the Temple of Healing, the Temple of Sound, the Temple of One, the Temple of Regeneration and the Temple of Knowledge. Poseida housed most of the major centers for higher learning. These were placed on Poseida because of its advantageous location within the geodesic grids and its proximity to beneficial electromagnetic energies that spiraled upward from the Earth's core. An incredibly potent healing spring flowed on Poseida, near the Temple of Healing, and its lore spawned the myths of the 'Fountain of Youth' passed down by the indigenous peoples of Florida. It flows yet into the oceans near Bimini.
The tall ones, the Golden Race of Atlantis, of Pleiadean seed were centered in Poseida, these ones averaging 10 to 12 feet in stature. These were a gentle race of giants, involved in the cultural, artistic and educational pursuits in the heart of Atlantis. Poseida was also the headquarters and nucleus of the crystalline power grid and interdimensional tunnel system. The most advanced, complex and beautiful of the crystals were here. They were of Arcturian and Sirian-Pleiadean construct, a living amalgam of many crystalline forms imbued with an alloy of platinum and gold.
The crystals were housed in magnificent Temples, some built of marble, others of crystalline sheets of beryl, corundum and diamond. The City of Poseida was the capital city of the Island, and was called the Emerald City. (Its bio plasmic field was projected into a shimmering glowing Aurora of Emerald Green, visible for miles ). The Atlanteans had perfected, with Arcturian technology, the ability to grow crystals of every structure and essence in an accelerated growth within the underground crystal beds of Arkansas, Tibet and Brazil, all being Atlantean Colonies, accessed through the “Interdimensional Tunnel System”.
Throughout Atlantis, Power Grid Crystals, called “Posers”, were triangulated and connected through an alloyed gold-copper rod under a spherical dome that could be angled to receive specific stellar, solar and gravitational energy waves. This was the system used to power homes, offices, media, and theaters, manufacturing concerns, medical centers, schools and businesses. The Poser System was received in each structure by receiving-crystal units of various sizes. The Poser System was also able to receive specialized refracted light and feed it into the Ley Energy System for use in the Interdimensional Tunnel System and feed crystalline light into conductive earth currents to raise the frequency into a semi- aware electromagnetic plasmic field of benevolent energy capable of retaining spiritual frequencies.
A great Crystalline Satellite, referred to as the “Second Moon” of Atlantis, floated above in the skies and received, amplified and reflected refined energy back to the crystals for various beneficial purposes. It served both the Posers and the Master Crystals used in the Temples. Specialized energy fields were projected into agricultural and crystal growing areas to amplify and accelerate growth, as well as into universities, hospitals, schools, offices, factories and work places to create a sense of well being and invigoration for the workers and students. We will speak more of this 'Second Moon 'later in this assay.
Now, the Temples were astonishing works of sacred geometry and stunning architecture. Many of the great temples were covered in a dome of projected crystalline amplified light somewhat like a glowing force field. Others were set within Pyramids degreed at very specific angles. The energy fields projected above both the spherical domes and the pyramids were of various colors and glowed in day and night like the Aurora. These were varied according to the purpose of the Temple complex, and the colors were obviously more clearly visible at night.
Some Temples projected domes and fields of vibratory light and resonant sound frequencies that amplified the senses and chakras, others amplified the receptive learning ability of the mind, and others enabled multidimensional consciousness, communication and transport. The pyramidal form was used primarily for multi-dimensional receival and transmission. The dome spheres were used to amplify the fields received for specific purpose. Most of the major populace areas and cities during the Golden Age of Atlantis had crystalline power domes of energy plasmic fields above them.
When observed from a distance, these energy plasma fields would appear as if they were a tangible glass, but they were not solid, rather subatomic plasma and composed of what is termed bio plasma. These were regulated by the amazing magnanimous glowing Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface. The crystal itself was transparent but the field it projected was a luminescent platinum in hue.
Each of the Master Crystals, and there were 12, were networked with a series of satellites. After the Second Deluge, only the Capital City of Poseida had a full crystalline energy dome, and it was an incredible emerald green color.
Prior to the deluge of 17,500 BC, most major cities, including Meruvia, the Capital of the Island of Aryan had such power domes over the perimeter. The one in Aryan was a soft ruby red.
In the Golden Age of Atlantis, the Pyramids were three and four sided, depending on their utility and generally made of marble, granite and complex crystals. The three-sided pyramids were used as antennas to draw and amplify energies and fed them into the Poser grid to power homes, factories and create energy fields for various utilities. The crystalline satellite was used to reflect the angled stellar energy waves into these triangulated grids. There were over 100 of these triangulated pyramidal grid complexes.
They were set up in concentric triangulation patterns all over the planet. They established a hemispheric grid network of crystalline and electromagnetic energy dividing the areas of Atlantis, America, Africa, Mediterranean Europe and South America into different demographic centers-for powering population centers, and to modulate weather patterns and tides. The areas of Mongolia and Tibet were also part of this complex, connected by interdimensional Ley tunnels. But the largest groupings of these were in the homelands of Atlantis.
The four-sided pyramids were essentially Temple complexes set as full octahedrons and used for healing, learning, regeneration and spiritual purposes. These were not triangulated, and generally sat on hilltops or along the coastlines to receive both telluric and celestial energies. The lands below the center plane were excavated to allow for the downward pyramid of the octahedron design construct, thus connecting energetically to both above and below.
The 'Law of One' contingency of Poseidawere devoutly spiritual people and sought equality among the people and a unification of Oneness. Their society was feminine Matriarchal in the sense of nurturing . They were not seekers of power, rather of harmony. They were a tall race, their skin appeared toned as a golden hue, but was very translucent. It was in fact their auric projection that glowed golden.
Their auric fields were visible to all. Thus the stages of spiritual mastery were immediately discernable by the colors and size of the Auric Mer-Ka-Na . The highest among the Atla-Ra exuded Mer-Ka-Ra, the energy of the Avatar. They were able to operate in complete consciousness of multi dimensionality, to manifest and regenerate at will. As such they cannot be truly compared to present Humans, their bodies were luminous and the degree of physical manifestation was far less dense than Humans in the present Age.
In Mer-Ka-Na and Mer-Ka-Ra format, the Masters of the Atla-Ra did not truly consider themselves of the Earth. The Mer-Ka-Ra field of the Avatar, even in physical manifestation in 3D, was primarily in Earth via 12D . They required very little food consumption as their bodies were bio-plasmic in nature. Thus the longevity, for they were above linear space and duality time.
In their wisdom and nature, they were quite detached from the 3D density aspect of the Earth. They existed above the polarity, yet were in a form of Light physicality. That detachment above polarity is in part, the reason they did not karmically oppose the Aryan decline into physical density, as the Aryan 'Sons of Belial' became engrossed in what may be termed military-corporate power lust.
Although much technology and quality of life had been lost in the prior two breakups of Atlantis (the first in 58,000 BC, the second being in 17,500 BC) technology still remained at an advanced level. Yet the harmony experienced in the Golden Age of Atlantis spiraled downward after the break up into islands in 17,500 BC as the islands grew into separately governed entities, which held to very differing ideologies in the initially chaotic and difficult period of reconstruction immediately after the break up. Poseidon remained within the contingency of the Spiritual Law of One, while the people of Aryan became gradually engrossed in power and materialism.
A highly disciplined and evolved sect of Scientist Priests held the technical wisdom and expertise of managing the Crystal power grids. The vast majority of Atla-Ra were of the tall Golden Race, but there were also members from the Bronze, White, Lemurian-brown and Cetacean Races. At that time there were still Avatar level Cetacean Dolphin Beings that walked on two legs. These highly benevolent Dolphins verbally communicated and breathed air in a similar fashion to Humankind. The Avatar Cetacean were Golden in auric projection , and are the source of those termed the 'Golden Dolphin'. The Golden Dolphin were harbingers of the aspect termed Matriarchal , an energy that you term Feminine Divine, although they were primarily non-gendered in the physical sexual sense of the present paradigm.
The sect of Scientist Priests were referred to as the Atla-Ra.The Atla-Ra maintained the highest standards of consciousness and were able to continue vibrating at very high frequencies of consciousness, at and above the level of 12th Dimensional Light & Energy, remaining very pure and resonant with the true 'Oneness' concept of the Creator/God. They sustained higher dimensional-telepathic contact with the advanced Space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius.
The Atla-Ra Priests were highly disciplined, revered and traditionally separate, above and exempt from governmental controls, and thus kept the knowledge & senior management of crystal technology largely in the wise & benevolent hands of the Sect, although there were some technicians and crystal engineers from the Poseidon populace involved who were not in the Atla-Ra Sect. The Scientist Priests of Atla-Ra were both male and female and were capable of great life spans, both through the regeneration of mind power and through the technology of same in the Temple of Rejuvenation. Many lived lifetimes in the same biology for 6,000 years, some to 12,000 years! Thus was the technology preserved through this Holy Sect. Many brilliant Souls were among these. The entities you know as Galileo, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, Marcel Vogel, and DaVinci were among the Atla-Ra. Tyberonn and Oneronn were part of this group of Scientist Priests, who lived very long lifetimes.
Many of you, especially your artists have great recall of the Capital City of Atlantis of Poseida located on the Island of Poseida. It was termed the “Emerald City” because of the glowing green light dome projected over it. Some of your artists in fact have made renditions of the City that are quite accurate. It was an exquisite marvel of architecture, culture and engineering, by far the most beautiful metropolis that has ever existed on your planet. It was breathtaking. The City, named Poseida as was the State, was composed of a series of concentric walls and encircled by flowing sea-green canals. It was full of beautifully constructed Temples, Universities, Theatres and Museums.
At the very center was a hill, and on top of the hill the majestic and stunning Temple of Poseidon, which was visible from everywhere in the Holy Emerald City. Inside the Temple was a massive gold statue of the God of the Sea [Poseidon] showing him driving six winged horses made of extra-terrestrial platinum. The statue was embellished with precious gemstones of every color and type. The Temple was octagonal and along each of the eight walls were built convex enclosures with platforms for amazing crystals that stood twelve feet high and glowed like transparent diamonds. Poseida had been the least damaged of the major Atlantean cities after the break up of the original single continent into islands in 17,500 BC, and was still of a very high frequency and quality of life.
The Isle of Aryan and the Industrial Complex:
The Isle of Aryan was the largest of the Atlantean Islands and the most populated. Aryan was the commercial center and yielded the most influence from the economic, agricultural and military perspective. After the “Second Deluge”, Aryan was significantly damaged and the infrastructure required a chaotic stage of rebuilding. In the process, the State became controlled by an elitist, affluent 'White' Race, who gained control of the economy, military powers and Island-State government, even though the majority of the populace were themselves of the Bronze or Red Race. From Aryan grew a corrupt power-minded aristocracy who sought to block the 'Law of One' and utilize Atlantis's technology for control of the world, this through the utilization of crystalline energy for weaponry, and use of genetic science for development & retention of an inferior race to serve as workers and soldiers.
The genetic engineering was based in Meruvia, on Aryan. It had originally been used for benevolent purposes, for seeking improved physical vehicles for those that had incarnated into physical bodies that mutated into half man half beast abominations. The genetic work had been processed and developed on Aryan and was used to remove appendages, claws, feathers and reptilian skins and scales. This was done in the Temple of Purification, somewhat of a specialized medical centre. Again, we emphasize that during the previous Golden Age of Atlantis, its utility had been quite benevolent. Tremendous genetic advances were made and a great understanding of cloning and adjusting physical limitations for betterment came in responsible, ethical utility.
In the chaos of the reconstruction period, genetic engineering came under the control of the “Belial” group, and then denigrated into corrupt uses of greed and power. The genetic engineering began being used for dark ends, in creating a race of worker-slaves and hybrid man animals. Just as in Nazi Germany it was conveyed to the masses as development of a 'Pure Race'. In fact many of the genetic scientist were initially kept unaware of what their research and development work was being used for until it was essentially too late for them to stop it. Some of you carry great guilt to this day as a result of this work.
This use of genetically engineered servant classes led to the great rift between the Atla-Ra Priesthood-led Race of Poseida following “The Law of One” and the Aryan Race known as “The Sons of Belial”, the latter of which became so engrossed and hardened in the materialistic ambitions of the industrial machine that they lost sight of the spiritual ethics that had prevailed over the continent of Atlantis in the previous Golden Era. Literally hundreds of thousands of hybrid mutations were created to work the fields and monstrosities were created with controlled minds to robotically do the bidding of their 'Masters'. The agro-industrial society of Aryan became quite dependent on them.
Souls became trapped in cloned bodies termed 'Things' and 'Others' with genetic lobotomies and nullified, sexuality and emotional abilities. Many who were trapped in monstrous or sub intelligent androgynous Human bodies, still carry that horrendous pain of being imprisoned in physical embodiments that allowed for no advanced learning, spiritual growth or emotional expression.
We tell you that the Beings you refer to as Sasquatch, are remnants of Human-gorilla genetic engineered mutants, created for heavy labor, by the Aryans.
Genetic engineering for commercial purpose was highly opposed by the Spiritual Atla-Ra and Poseidon's of the 'Law of One'. The Law of One found it a form of cruel slavery, and morally abhorrent. The Law of One remained a nurturing, matriarchal spiritual culture, while the Aryan grew into a powerful military corporate society, dominated by the upper class.
For several millennia the two ideologies remained head-locked over this issue and governmental agencies were in a state of delicate impasse. The Poseidon's were far too cultured and gentle in nature to attempt to fight the Aryans and sought to educate them and spiritually influence them into changing their ways. The Aryans, who outnumbered the Poseidon's 3 to 1, dared not attack Poseida lest they have the crystalline energy that powered the Nation shut off.
Colonial Wars:
In the interim, outbreaks of war erupted between the Aryan controlled Atlantean military as the former colonies of Atlantis located in the Mediterranean areas broke traditional ties and developed their own independent governments. The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey, saw the change from the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled by Aryan and sought to break away. Although the Aryans had the military edge, the Mediterranean States did not succumb, and regional colonial wars raged on with neither side able to dominate the other. Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries. This was firmly refused by the Atla-Ra and 'Law of One' populace of Poseida.
Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidons were attempted by the Aryans, and each was quelled. The Poseidons retaliated by shutting down the crystal-fed power systems and thus negating the Aryans. The Aryans responded by stopping food supply and manufactured goods. A great impasse ensued.
In a great deceptive scheme, disguised as a plan for unification, the Aryans approached the Poseidons with the formation of a renewed National Congress to work out their growingly tense differences and bring harmony to Atlantis. Representatives from the Law of One were sent along with the representatives from the Sons of Belial. The Congress was formalized with an equal amount of representation from the two parties. Within short order a federation of sorts was sanctified with the promise of greater harmony. It appeared for several decades that the promise of change and betterment might come about from the National Congress. The Poseidon's were encouraged and many of them let down their guard. The Atla-Ra Scientist-Priesthood remained wary of the motives and sensed deception.
Initially the National Congress did improve relations and many minor superficial laws that promised unity were set in motion. Yet the primary points of opposition, the genetic slavery and crystal energy management remained unresolved.
However, from within the Aryan “Sons of Belial” had risen a hypnotic charismatic leadership who seduced the masses in Atlantis into believing they were the answer to returning Atlantis to its lost Golden Age of prominence and abundance. The Leaders of this group were the souls that you know as Hitler and Himmler, indeed the supremacist Nazis of your World War II. Large militaristic legions were formed and gained the edge in covert political persuasion and power. The hybrid mutants were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryan and Og, and on one occasion this was even futilely attempted in Poseida.
The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media. They presented well thought out arguments that masked their true intentions and promised mutual compromise. The propaganda seemed quite feasible on the surface and convinced many including moderates and some from the Poseidon “Law of One” of its hope for harmony. In what appeared to be a great opportunity for resolution, a Law was proposed by the Aryan Belial group to bring the genetic engineering, heretofore controlled by the State of Aryan under federalized control, and in return, bring the Crystal Poser System under the control of a joint Governmental Agency. A great discussion and debate occurred under great national scrutiny. A vote was set, but failed in the Congressional vote.
Seduction & Betrayal:
However, a compelling compromise was offered by the cunning leadership of the Aryan “Belial Group”, which allowed for the Law to be passed on the basis that a Council staffed with 5 Poseidon's and 4 Aryans would head a new Government Agency for Federalized Crystalline-Energy control. The fact that the “Law of One” Group were given apparent majority control of the Council made the plan seem very promising to the populace of Poseida.
The Law allowed that no changes could be made without majority consensus of the Council, but included the caveat that while the Atla-Ra of Poseida would remain in Departmental Head positions, they would no longer be exempt from governmental controls. A training program was included that would allow engineers from both parties, outside the Atla-Ra, to be trained and taught the complex engineering. Initially, despite the wariness of Atla-Ra, the system appeared to be working and bringing a better harmony.
However, within two years, the wars in the Mediterranean roared back in full escalation, and the rebelling Colonies seemed to be gaining the advantage. Pressure mounted to use crystal beams for war purposes under the guise of national security. A discussion, debate and vote was scheduled for the Governing Council. National security was touted and a misaligned sense of manipulated patriotism swept the land.
Then the deception rolled into effect. To the great shock & chagrin of the Poseidons, one of the Law of One members of the Council, switched positions. He was neither of the Atla-Ra, nor the Golden race. He had risen politically as a charismatic leader, a trusted negotiator, who had pledged allegiances to the Law of One and gained their full confidence. He had been targeted and seduced by the Aryans, and fell victim to his ambitions.
In the aftermath, this one felt great remorse, and spent subsequent lifetimes attempting to make up for the mistake. For truly he did not foresee the catastrophic ending, and had allowed himself to be blindly compromised under promises of power and position.
Dear Ones, such is the illusion of power. You see when one gains power, that which may seem right can often be an illusion of ego. Each on the road of Mastery must eventually decide between power and love. Even the one you call Hitler thought the Master Race scenario would enable a better future for Earth, with one supreme physical embodiment being the single eventual Race that all Souls would reincarnate into, reducing disease, and eliminating racial division by having only one “Master Race”.
Even the one you call Judas in your biblical allegory thought that by placing Jeshua ben Josef [Jesus] in detention, he would be forced to use his “Divine Powers” to reveal his Mastery to the world! Indeed the paradox is that what you term as 'Power' is often the polar opposite of 'Love'.
Do you see how ego and power can deceive? Do you? Ego and self-aggrandizement oft seduce even highly evolved Souls, and inevitably leads to downfall.
Thus through 'legalized' governmental control, the use of the crystal power complex & grids came under governmental control under the Aryan “Sons of Belial”, and sadly could not be reversed.
That which was known as the 'Second Moon of Atlantis', the Crystalline Poser Grids and Fire Crystals came under governmental control, and their usage became altered as the Aryan insider knowledge of the programming grew. The Atla-Ra were able to defer the usage initially for war purposes, but in time were stymied.
Now as we have mentioned earlier, that termed the Second Moon of Atlantis, was in fact a massive crystalline satellite. It was of Arcturian construct and managed by the Priest Scientists of the Law of One. The Crystalline Satellite was an enormous unmanned sphere of brilliant engineering, approximately five miles in diameter. It had been in use since the Golden Age of Atlantis, and served myriad benevolent purposes. It amplified and controlled the various crystal beams sent from the Fire, Healing and Energy Crystals. It was somewhat of a computerized macro-chip that refracted, amplified and reflected powerfully refined beams of energy for use in agriculture, weather control, tide control, healing temples, regeneration temples and the enhanced Ley-energy systems generated by the Crystal Poser System. It loomed in the skies over Atlantis and appeared as a golden “Harvest Moon”, and thus was known as the “Second Moon” of Atlantis. A rainbow kaleidoscopic energy band of antigravity plasma swirled around the sphere, and often appeared as what you now term the Aurora or Northern Lights. The Satellite Crystal Moon did not orbit the Earth, it moved as programmed, self directed, constantly shifting locations in order to perform its myriad tasks over Atlantis, Africa and the eastern seaboard of Brazil.
After the Crystalline Grid complex legally came under federalized Aryan control, the Belial group integrated their own technologists into the engineering group, quickly replacing key Department Heads with their own. The Atla-Ra attempted to block their attempt to reprogram the Satellite for war usage, explaining that overloading the Satellite would dissipate the antigravity field that maneuvered it, and a catastrophic crash could occur. The Aryan Scientists debunked the claim. Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed, others began to mysteriously disappear. Many of the Poseidons felt intimidated and powerless as the Governing Council allowed for the Satellite to become a 'strategic defense weapon', certain it would function as programmed, and bring a quick end to the Rebellion Wars in the Colonies.
The Aryan Belial Scientists, with the Council approval, reprogrammed a system bypass and began sending destructive thermal light-beams used to initiate volcanic eruptions and massive earthquakes against the Colonies and Nations who refused to give into their demands. These were aimed in the areas of what is now Greece and Turkey, and caused great devastation. Indeed it gave the zealous Aryans the battle advantage they so fervently desired, and they jubilantly increased its usage, with support of most of the populace.
The Crystal “Second Moon” began to 'overload', weakening the anti gravity field that kept it afloat. The Atla-Ra understood the implications of what would soon occur when the programming crashed, but their pleas to the Council continued to be ignored.
After several months of prolonged war use, the Satellite began to erratically swerve and shift, and power blackouts began to occur. Tireless attempts to correct it were unsuccessful. The Atla-Ra were asked to lend support in correcting it, but most refused. Some agreed to try and stabilize it to prevent the impending disaster. All attempts failed. The Aryan-led National Council refused the suggestion to incinerate the Satellite, disbelieving that it would crash, and held to minimizing the effects of an impact even if it did.
Tyberonn & Oberonn gathered an inner group of loyalist within the Atla-Ra and Law of One to plan a circuitry disconnection & imminent relocation of the fire and energy crystals to various 'safe' locations before the impending crash of the master Satellite. This was done with the technology & assistance of those from the Planet Sirius B within the Sirius Solar System.
The relocation by the Atla-Ra Scientists of the precious crystals was very risky, and required careful planning and great secrecy. It had to be done before the crash of the 'Second Moon', and without knowledge of the Governing Council.
Simultaneously other trusted members of the Atla-Ra worked furiously and hastily gathered data recording crystals, crystalline skulls and engraved historical records for secure placements in Yucatan, Alexandria and Giza. This was only partially accomplished, so much was not able to be saved.
Atlantis had numerous Power Crystals located throughout the 5 Islands and along specific relay routes of the underground labyrinth system. The Atla-Ra knew that once the modulated 'motherboard' of the Crystal Moon Satellite lost its antigravity field, it would crash in a huge explosion and its crashing would subsequently wreak havoc on the Major and Poser Energy Crystals, creating catastrophic secondary explosions of a nuclear-class within hours or days of the crash. The Atla-Ra were only too aware of the earthquakes and tsunamis that would occur as a result.
The Atla-Ra with assistance from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance of the Galactic Federation wanted to insure the Master Crystals would not be destroyed or used for any further negative purpose, and be saved for a time when Mankind could use them as they were intended. They understood the power required to transport them would be lost after the crash of the Second Moon Satellite, and that urgent expediency was required.
Seven of the enormous Primary Crystals and two slightly smaller but incredible Arcturian crystals were relocated within the hyper-dimensional transport systems of the underground tunnel system with help from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. Three huge Primary Crystals were relocated to the Atlantean crystal fields of Arkansas, two were relocated to the underground crystal farms of Brazil in the areas of Bahia and Minas Gerais, one was relocated to an underground cavern [Telos] below Mount Shasta, and the great fire crystal was placed underground in a chasm below the Bimini Bank in the Sargasso Sea. The two sacred Arcturian Crystals were located in the caverns below the area of Tiajuanaco, Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca.
All nine were put in dimensional locks, essentially powered down into energetic dormancy through the technology of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. Many other magnificent Temple Crystals were lost. The nine that were saved, were protected in respect of their priority and importance. The rest, in your vernacular is history, poignant lost history from your mainstream perspective. Truly the paradox of the forgotten history is that it contains the most purposeful of lessons!
Indeed after a few months of being utilized for the thermal 'Death Ray' technology, the great Crystal Moon Satellite overloaded, its antigravity cushion weakened and it crashed with the accelerated velocity of a massive comet in a horrific explosion that devastated most of the Island of OG and critically weakened the tectonic stability of the whole Atlantean tectonic plate, vaporizing massive sections of substrata. The great Crystal Satellite shattered into billions of fragmented crystalline shards, which now fill the deep trenches of the Atlantic. Massive clouds of dust and smoke erupted, hiding the Sun. Waves of earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the Island and sent great tidal waves over two thirds of the Isle of Aryan. Within minutes the remaining power stations exploded with the strength of nuclear bombs. The remains of one such crystal power station explosion can be seen to this day in the area of northeast Brazil called 'Sete Cidades'.
The rest of Atlantis, and the eastern coast of Brazil and the western coast of Africa were devastated with subsequent earthquakes. Panic and havoc ensued for 3-4 weeks as the remaining dry areas shook and landmasses collapsed into the sea, creating enormous tsunamis. The land bridge that connected Poseida and Og to the Yucatan remained above water initially and was literally filled with hundreds of thousands of Atlanteans frantically attempting to escape in a horrendous panic filled exodus. Every type of sea going vessel was filled with the surviving terrorized refugees.
And then in one shattering gasp, the remaining lands collapsed downward into the sea. The displaced seas that became known as the “Great Flood” sent dozens of enormous tsunamis that spilled over the Americas, Africa and Europe. Only a few mountain tops of Atlantis remained dry [The Azores]. But the survivors were distraught, traumatized across the globe. Very few places were unaffected. A downward spiral had begun.
It is a dramatic scene that has for many many lifetimes plagued and darkened the memories of many of you, who were indeed a part of it. Dear Ones, it is time to let it go.
This is the conclusion of Part 1:“The Story of the Fall of Atlantis”. Parts 2 & 3 explore in a more technical manner, the further roles of the various Atlantean Crystals still hidden within Planet Earth, and their future significance .
The above Metatron Channel is transmitted through James Tyberonn. As receiver of this information James Tyberonn claims the universal © copyright in the name of Archangel Metatron. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, abridged or added to, and credit of authorship and website address www.Earth-Keeper.comis included.
Graphene Ferritin and Metamaterials: The Gift That Keeps on Givin
This is one of the best researched articles on mRNA technology out there. Without a stop codon mRNA is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Sheetz, EEOC dispute suit site
This is just a side show lawsuit. What we need most from Sheetz is from their PSU health and wellness center. They need to start telling the truth about the mRNA vaccines they have been administering. Just because they have the most money in Our Town, have partnerships with the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Ogden newspaper group doesn't mean they can get away with murder. They must overcome the AI that makes them distribute these bioweapons and help save humanity!
Reality Check: Here’s a look at how each Penn State commonwealth campus was affected by buyouts.
Harrisburg is the most conservative of all the PSU campuses. They had the most enrollment growth at 5%! Most others like the Altoona Campus are down -37% or more.
For every one conservative student, there are roughly 2.1 liberal students At Penn State!
Penn State Fayette students, faculty rally against proposed budget cuts
With a 50% decline in enrollment it appears that Marxism is producing very predictable results here: Woke to broke in record time! This campus will be one of the first PSU campuses to close unless they can correct the course.
UK Govt Docs Quietly Admit "Vaccine Holocaust" Will Kill Millions of Children (Video)
A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination
Watch Gerry the giraffe get treatment from a chiropractor
Chiropractors are outside of the mRNA matrix which means they don't get much favorable press these days. This article is an exception and also good PR for drug free giraffe health.
Moratorium on childhood vaccines: 5 studies show that unvaccinated children are healthier
US internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr Peter McCullough is interviewed by US presenter Joni Lamb. He discusses the abrogation of public health responsibilities. The CDC and the FDA showed no concern for safety. Later, they rolled out a mass vaccination programme, and it went very badly! Now, the World Health Council is calling for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines. Five studies show that children have better outcomes, if they get no vaccines at all. They are free of many side effects, including death. “When I was a child, the autism rate was 1 in 10,000, now it is 1 in 36,” Dr McCullough says.
(This is why the Amish kids don't need Ritalin.)
The courthouse staff has been poisoned with a bioweapon and nobody can acknowledge it because it might upset one of their main sponsors of the DA's office through Our Town, Value Drug Company.
The courthouse staff should have been issued Ivermectin by now for cancer prevention but of course that could hurt future vaccine sales. The Sheriff's wife was killed by the shot like many others who were murdered and maimed but the subject of side effects is apparently off limits in Our Town.
The main person responsible for preventing the Gricar grand jury, Matt Sandusky's brother in law from the AG office does drug cases here so that is another off limits topic at the court house. This document shows where the grand jury was called for by the PA State Police and the person in question being in attendance. Here is the PSP review where the Gricar family was kept in the dark about a grand jury recommendation.
The latest attempt to get a Gricar grand jury was by former Centre DA Stacey Parks Miller when she asked president judge Thomas King Kistler for a Gricar grand jury. The Judge was then moved to Venango County without explanation and Stacey Parks Miller received unending lawfare from the court.
Parks Miller calls for county investigating grand jury
Former Centre County DA’s legal battle continues after 10 years. Here’s the latest
Their measly $5000 reward for Gricar information is a joke. They know exactly who did it and why and they aren't saying. They need a reward for locating the mineshaft Gricar was put down to at least provide some closure to the Gricar family and to the Penn State fans who have been lied to for so long about the disappearance.
There has been a total media blackout on the Gricar case ever since the web site Final Argument was launched. The author of the site managed to get the Gricar case evidence with the help of the NSA. Evidence nobody thought would never be revealed.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists promotes and partners with Big Abortion
Still pushing the covid shots for pregnant women. Very bad advice for mother and baby.
GOP congressmen call out American College of OB-GYNs banning pro-life doctors from conference Members of Congress threaten 'taking ACOG to task' over controversy unless they reverse move against pro-life doctors.
Liz Churchill@liz_churchill10: Hungary's Victor Orban, EU President
“I do remember how George Soros published his plan, ‘The Project Syndicate Publication’…”-Viktor Orban explains the Soros-Cloward-Piven Strategy which is meant to collapse Countries with Unlimited Immigration.
What does Hungary's Viktor Orban want?
Anchal Vohra in Brussels
As he makes his way to Washington after visiting Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban could be eyeing an alliance with Republican Donald Trump, should he be elected US president in November.
Within days of Hungary taking over the rotating presidency of the European Union Council for six months, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has hopped between Kyiv, Moscowand Beijing as a self-appointed interlocutor and self-professed peacemaker.
In a video he tweeted on Monday, Orban hailed China as the only world power "clearly committed to peace'' between Russia and Ukraine, and portrayed himself as a man on a peace mission as he wrapped up his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
"This is important for Hungary and the entire European Union,'' he said in the same video he tweeted from a tarmac in Beijing, and added, "we will continue our work.''
(Another example of the crystal heart light circulation upgrade.)
We Will Continue To Offer Information Regarding Races And Stars Unknown In Your Current Awareness. Indeed, In Origin You Are Familiar With Many Beings That Have Upgraded To Circulate Light With Crystal Hearts. In This Communication, We Will Review A Race Of Beauty And Peace. Their Beginning Was Duality With Struggles As Earth Knows. These Souls Will Greet You In Sheen.
Joe Pesci: I'll Be Seeing You
(This is our first choice for a soundtrack for the Ray Gricar movie.)
Biden, Shapiro talk it over at Harrisburg coffee shop after stressful campaign day
Biden and his wife, Jill, had their members-only meeting with Shapiro as an addendum to his campaign stop in Harrisburg Sunday afternoon that every political junkie in America would have loved to have been in on.
Problem was, the traveling press was out of the building by then, and Shapiro - who spoke to PennLive later - knows when to be discreet.
(They have to keep Shapiro a certain distance from the press in case they ask a question about the DA Gricar case so he can pretend he didn't hear. Observers think Shapiro has a deal with a certain gang to keep the Gricar mineshaft location secret. This is covering up a state sponsored crime of the murder of Centre DA Ray Gricar. See the letter from Butch to the Centre Daily Times. See for the latest news.
The Altoona Mirror and Operation Our Town can go their own way in covering up the number one crime against law enforcement in PA history. (Next to the bioweapon poisoning of police.) Troop G has all the evidence the State won't reveal including Gricar's last fax which screams out the motive for the murder.)
The pandemic treaty was not approved, but they continue trying
"The crucial question is: What $1tn problem will AI solve?"
The brand new 2024 RNC Trump Platform. Short and sweet. Trump's Contract with America.
Orbán In Surprise Visit To China, Focuses On Ukraine: "Peace Mission 3.0 Beijing"
During Hungarian leader's visit, China repeats vow to retaliate if the EU extends more tariffs...
Pharmacist coerced into getting Covid vaccine is now suffering serious neurological injury
US pharmacist Mike Yoha is paralysed because of the vaccine, and he is speaking out. He used to be an active father and husband, a pharmacist and a healthy person, before being coerced into getting the Covid ‘vaccine’. He would never have been vaccinated by choice. One of his many neurologists just diagnosed him with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neurological disorder usually caused by vaccines. It is imperative for laws to protect the right to act according to one’s own conscience and religion, in matters related to vaccination, says Yoha.
MTG Leads Trump Boat Parade On Lake Allatoona GA
HAPPENING NOW: MASSIVE Trump Boat Parade on Lake Allatoona in Northwest Georgia. Georgia is Trump Country and is going to send him back to the White House in November! The energy is incredible!! #MAGA
Stealing elections and installing a fake king does not change reality
By Benjamin Fulford July 8,
The Khazarian Mafia’s “rules-based world order” is staging a desperate offensive to stay in power and avoid war crimes tribunals. To this end they blatantly stole the UK election and installed blackmailed pedophile Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, MI6 sources say. The next phase will be to try to install either Michelle “Big Mike” Obama or Kamala Harris as President in the US, they say.
Here you can read how Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama mentored the new UK prime minister to help him tell his story
It looks like the memo the media parrots got was:
– throw Biden under the bus
– start preparing the public for Big swinging like a bull Mike
The plan by the KM Zionists is that Obama from his basement will then be able to control both the US and the UK.
As we shall see below, this plan is doomed to fail.
For now though, the KM are on the offensive. In the UK, even official election results show the election was stolen. Starmers’ Labour Party got 412 out of the 650 seats in the UK Parliament with only 33% of the vote. In another sign the election was stolen, Nigel Farage’s Reform party got only 4 seats despite getting 14.3% of the vote while the Liberal Democrats got 71 seats with only 12.3% of the votes. The corporate media is trying to say this was because of the “first past the post” electoral system in the UK, but MI6 confirms the election was stolen outright.
In a sign the KM are playing hardball, our colleague Michael Shrimpton -who provided us with the Starmer KGB file we published last week- has gone missing and it is feared he has been killed. This was to prevent him from writing in detail about how the election was stolen, MI6 says.
In his first speech since becoming the Prime Minister, Starmer fully pledges his allegiance to Ukraine and Zelensky.
Now Starmer is “following the fake Biden show -aka Obama from the basement- by releasing 40,000 criminals on the street to create more crimes and justify martial law down the road.
The KM need martial law to keep Nigel Farage and his party from power. That is because Farage’s party is the only one to officially call for an investigation into vaccine deaths among other things,
It is also clear most of the British Royal family was killed in order to install a fake King Charles to anoint Starmer.
In France as well, the election on July 7th was stolen to keep Emanuelle Macron Rothschild in power and install a pro-EU, NATO and Ukraine government, French intelligence sources say.
These operations are being run by the Nazi faction of the KM, including most of the surviving members of the Rothschild family. They are now hiding in Holland under the protection of the Dutch Royal family, according to Pentagon sources.
They are going to stage one last and desperate attempt to start World War III or Armageddon, CIA sources say. This is what their big NATO meeting planned in Washington this week is all about, they say.
In preparation for this, Europe is now being heavily sprayed with chemtrails. These are necessary for a major holographic sky event designed to fool the public and cause panic, the sources say.
As the video below explains, this is supposed to be the grand finale for a plan signed by 160 nations in 1994 to reduce the world’s population by 90% to 800 million by 2030. This was to be accomplished using fluoride, viruses (bioweapons), toxic chemtrails and finally the UFO event. Multiple sources are saying this event is scheduled for August.
This final Hail Mary genocide attempt will fail because most of the world’s military is not going along with the plan, Pentagon sources say. However, they confirm some sort of sky event to scare everyone will take place; just without the mass murder originally planned.
In North America, the white hat military based in Mt. Cheyenne is already taking action on multiple fronts. They have the actor playing “President Joe Biden” on their side. He is deliberately saying things like “I am a black woman” and “I will beat Trump again in 2020.” to discredit the KM who is behind his fake presidency.
The white hats have also made a big move in Canada. This was seen in the Thursday announcement that David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), is resigning from the spy agency’s top job after seven years. CSIS sources tell us he was forced to resign after he was caught “trying to cause a nuclear disaster in Alberta,” in order to declare martial law and keep Justin Castrudeau in power. This plot has been stopped said the sources, who refused to provide more detail.
However, there can be no doubt Vigneault failed in his duty to protect Canada because he allowed fraudulent elections to install actual real-life Nazis into power in Canada. Hopefully, this will all change with his removal and the Canadian military can do their job of defending Canada by going after the criminals who murdered countless Canadians with toxic vaccines.
The Pagan Gospel Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus
The Irrefutible history behind Roman Emperor Constantine’s ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that began at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out.
(Constantine, inspired by Apollo, created a state sponsored religion using parts of Mithraism, the writings of Appolonius, the Order of Melchizedek/Angels of Atlantis, the Essenes, and the real Yeshua to create the Bible and Christianity.
Martin Luther identified the author of the Book of Hebrews as Apollos.
The burning of the Library of Alexandria erased history before Constantine built churches in Rome, including the Church of St. Peter, the Holy Land, most notably the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and he built churches in his newly-constructed capital of Constantinople.
The world civilization could have probably been reaching in more advanced level of science, arts, and culture if it could have avoided the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria.)
Putin calls for ‘complete end’ to Ukraine conflict
Moscow wants to resolve the crisis for good and not simply establish a ceasefire, the Russian president has said.
Last Days of a Revolutionary
In 1826, Thomas Jefferson was invited by the mayor of Washington, D.C., to celebrate the 50th anniversary of American independence. Although Jefferson’s failing health prevented him from attending, the author of the Declaration replied with his last letter—he died just weeks later on July 4—offering a beautiful reflection on America’s founding and a message of hope for the nation’s future.
Disney World Stealthily Reduces July 4 Flags As Theme Park Attendance Remains Low
Considering DEI is rooted in Marxism, as per Real Clear Education's findings, it should make sense why US flags are being scaled down at the theme park during the holiday. Clearly, Disney has not received the memo like the rest of corporate America (read: "Backlash Is Real": DEI Exodus Gains Steam Across Corporate America)...
A 1989 video shows that on July 4, there was a lot of 'America' throughout the theme park.
Ural Motorcycle Review - Our Best Sidecar
Russia lost an enduring symbol of peace and cooperation when Ural Motorcycles moved their manufacturing operation to Northern Khazakstan to escape economic sanctions imposed on Russia.
Putin Supports Donald Trump’s Plan To Stop Ukraine War
During Wednesday’s two-day Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Kazakhstan, Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned American presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s proposal to stop the war in Ukraine.
(All we need is for Borat to ride out on a Ural and say "Very Nice.".)
EU Leaders Outraged As A Defiant Viktor Orban Visits Putin On "Peace Mission"
Here's hoping Victor will open Bucegi Mountain to tourists or at least set up a TV studio in there once the war is over. The tunnels under the Bucegi Sphynx go to Agartha inner earth, Mount Kilash in Tebet and to the Sphynx in Egypt. The Bucegi Mountain complex is an outpost of Shamballah and a pathway for connecting with the inner earth civilizations in the Golden Age. It may also be a storage point of the Akashic records of true recorded history.
The surface wars all have to cease fire to allow the frequency of the Earth to be raised. Victor Orban is just doing his job calling for a cease fire in Ukraine, now he's with Putin doing the same. The idea is to get the frequency up high enough everything will pop to the next octave. They will have no choice but to turn swords into plowshares.
Vatican excommunicates Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano for schism
Archbishop Vigano is the Martin Luther of our time.
The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences is a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther, then a professor of moral theology at the University of Wittenberg, Germany. The Theses is retrospectively considered to have launched the Protestant Reformation and the birth of Protestantism, despite various proto-Protestant groups having existed previously. It detailed Luther's opposition to what he saw as the Catholic Church's abuse and corruption by Catholic clergy, who were selling plenary indulgences, which were certificates supposed to reduce the temporal punishment in purgatory for sins committed by the purchasers or their loved ones.
Luther sent the Theses enclosed with a letter to Albert of Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mainz, on 31 October 1517, a date now considered the start of the Reformation and commemorated annually as Reformation Day. Luther may have also posted the Ninety-five Theses on the door of All Saints' Church and other churches in Wittenberg, in accordance with University custom,
Vaccinated Corpses Are Emitting Radio Frequencies That Trace Back to Bill Gates? (Video)
George Washington’s Vision For America | History
George Washington retired as General of the Continental Army in 1783. Upon his retirement he wrote a letter called the “Circular to the States” in which he shared his vision of how America and its citizens could succeed or fail in the years to come.
Are You Living in the Fifth Dimension? Here Are the Signs
The Fifth Dimension — a realm not merely of space and time but of immediate access to higher consciousness and universal wisdom. Are you already dwelling in this majestic dimension without even realizing it?
In this transformative journey, your senses may become almost superhuman. Scents are richer; colors are more vivid; the beauty of nature draws you in as if communicating in a secret, sacred language. This is your soul’s software upgrading, syncing with the divine cosmic code.
Imagine waking up one day and the world around you feels not just seen, but deeply experienced. Your senses are no longer just windows to the physical world; they become gateways to the unseen realms. Colors appear more vivid, as if you’re seeing through a veil that has been lifted. Sounds don’t just pass through your ears; they resonate within your very core. You become attuned to a symphony of existence that was always there, yet somehow eluded you.
This is not merely an enhancement of your physical senses but an awakening of your spiritual antennae. It’s as if you’ve gained a sixth sense — one that navigates the vibrations and energies that conventional senses can’t perceive. This heightened awareness is a hallmark of residing in the 5th dimension, where every sensory experience is a communion with the greater cosmic tapestry.
Sign 3: Emotional and Physical Shifts.
You might experience what are often referred to as ‘Ascension symptoms.’ Fluctuations in your emotional state, odd physical sensations, or even disruptions in your health are not mere coincidences; they are your body’s way of acclimating to a higher vibrational state.
As your soul navigates the ethereal tapestry of the 5th dimension, your earthly vessel — both emotional and physical — undergoes a profound transformation. You may encounter emotional tides stronger and more unpredictable than you’ve ever felt. One moment, euphoria envelops you in its golden embrace; the next, you’re plunged into depths of introspection.
Physically, you might experience sensations that defy conventional explanation — waves of warmth rushing through you, or chills that seem to cascade down from an unseen source. These aren’t mere fluctuations; they’re vibrational adjustments, aligning you with your higher self.
This corporeal and emotional metamorphosis is not to be feared but celebrated. It’s akin to the growing pains of a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon, ready to unfold its wings in a realm where the air is lighter, and the colors beyond imagination. The shifts are your initiation rites, your body and soul’s way of acclimating to a higher state of being.
It’s been prophesied throughout history and known by many names; The Shift, The Event, Ascension to 5D, New Earth, Age of Aquarius, Shift of the Ages, Day of the Lord, and the Rapture. It generally describes a transition to a higher state of being, of eternal peace and prosperity.
It’s not enough to know we’re not alone. You need to know which ETs are here, and why.
You won’t actually meet any ETs until after the Shift (there’s too much fear without expanded consciousness) but Pleiadians offer full disclosure for anyone who can hear it.
The trouble is, most people are waiting for disclosure to come from the same authority figures who have been hiding the truth from them all this time.
Full disclosure won’t come from people who go on mainstream news programs and have Pentagon officials whispering in their ear about reverse-engineered technology from UFOs of unknown origin.
Most of them are still hung up on proving ETs exist at all, and aren’t able to discern one ET race from another.
Keep in mind, the military industrial complex is largely unaware of which positive ET races are currently in contact with Earth, and contact with Galactic Federation remains limited to compartmentalized groups of white hats.
Many of these white hats who are working directly with Galactic Federation have their memories blocked to prevent conflicts with their soul plans.
Given their lack of insider knowledge, the military industrial complex’s main objective is keeping you unaware there are positive ETs here, or what their motives are.
The reason for this is, behind the darkest factions of the military are demonic entities threatened by these positive ETs, who are our true Elohim creators, our Angels of Light, and our Spirit Guides preparing our ascension to 5D.
Some of these media-recognized people in disclosure have good intentions, and some are motivated by ego. Whatever their intentions are, none of them will ever be able to say who is inside the UFOs.
If the answers don’t come from authority figures, the Shift will reveal the truth anyway. In the meantime, Pleiadians will keep disclosing.
Ascended Master Saint Germain Master of the Violet Flame, Chohan of the Seventh Ray
The ascended master Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray and sponsor of the United States of America. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation.
Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age. He is the great sponsor of freedom's flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice and opportunity. The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply “Holy Brother.”
As chohan, or lord, of the seventh ray, Saint Germain initiates our souls in the science and ritual of transmutation through the violet flame. Saint Germain and Portia deliver to the people of God the dispensation for the seventh age and the seventh ray—the violet ray of freedom, justice, mercy, alchemy and sacred ritual—a new lifewave, a new civilization, a new energy.
The I AM Presence is surrounded by the causal body—seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy that contain the record of all your good works.
Below the I AM Presence is your Holy Christ Self, often called the Mediator and the hidden man of the heart.
And right within the secret chamber of your heart is the flame of Life.
Also known as the divine spark and the unfed Flame, the flame of Life connects to your I AM Presence with the crystal cord.
Your first calling then is to restore the memory of these aspects of your divinity by attention and love.
BREAKING: Leaked Internal Democrat Polling Shows Battleground States Turned On Biden Post Debate 3, 2024
Zelensky’s wife buys a $4.5MIL Bugatti
Black carbon fibre interior trim upgrade: $41,000. (Carbon fibre trim must be the in thing for the neveau rich. This might be why they are trying to capture carbon and store it.)
Alcyon Pleiades Special 62: USA-July 4, Protecting Liberty, Childhood, Corrupt Hollywood-Disney LGTB
Currently, as we reflect upon the Fourth of July, modern-day Americans must not forget the courage, determination and godly principles that were needed to establish the United States of America, a great nation, from its very origins. Brave men and women risked it all to be free, and to attain a series of rights that would guide them in the precious pursuit of happiness and its achievement. Yet, with ever-growing intensity, we are being deprived of these God-given rights, as they are cancelled, and replaced with the tyranny imposed by those in power. Hence, the American dream of prosperity and liberty, supported by one’s own efforts, with family values as the fulcrum of society, is being lost.
All we have to do is look at what is being done to innocent children via laws that condone paedophilia, advocate sex changes, and promote the LGBT agenda and harmful vaccines. Worst still, these things are often endorsed by celebrities from Hollywood and Disney, who have sold out to the corrupt elite. Despite this fact, other famous actors, activists and scientists have remained faithful to their vocation to serve humanity, as they reveal the truth and fight for our rights as a nation and as the free human beings we are.
Indeed, they are taking measures to end these criminal operations perpetrated by the psychopathic and murderous elite, like Fauci who has lead the country to ruin, with millions of deaths caused by his killer vaccines. For this reason, we have to wake up and turn this fourth of July into a day of celebration, but also a day dedicated to our renewed commitment to engage and awaken everyone we know, both family and friends, addressing the fact that the time has come to resist progressive tyranny, to fight and to reclaim the principles we hold most dear: our freedoms and rights, which the powers-that-be want to take away from us.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades
US to award Moderna $176 million for Bird Flu vaccine development
Moderna stock jumps after losing 20% last month. They still think they can get ahead by causing more disease that they cure.
Viktor Orban Urges Zelensky For 'Quick Ceasefire' In First Visit Since War's Start
by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Jul 02, 2024 - 10:05 AM
Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban is in Kiev for the first time since the Russian invasion, where he has urged Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky "to consider a quick ceasefire" in a private meeting.
Orban told a press briefing after: "I asked the president to think about whether we could approach this a little differently, to take a break, to cease fire, and then proceed with negotiations."
BlueCross BlueShield Forced To Pay $700,000 To Fired Employee Over Vax Mandate
“Specifically, Plaintiff firmly believes, based upon personal research, that all COVID-19 vaccines are derived from aborted fetus cell lines,” Benton’s lawsuit reads. “Because of her sincerely held religious beliefs concerning abortion, Plaintiff cannot in good conscience consume the vaccine, which would not only defile her body but also anger and dishonor God.”
(This is a now a proven religious exemption legal template for refusing vaccines and for suing over vaccine mandates. Unfortunately it won't work for abortionists, atheists and most Democrats who don't believe in God.)
DTaP pertussis vaccine favors virus infection and transmission, making us more vulnerable
We are now being told that a whooping cough epidemic may come to the fore, as cases rise, and the solution the powers-that-be propose is the DTaP vaccine. A French study explains that lockdowns could be the cause underlying the rise in cases. Another study suggests that not only does the vaccine not prevent infection and transmission, it actually favors infection, persistent colonization and transmission of the pathogen.
Long COVID Complications in Neurodiverse Populations
(Autism and long covid are vaccine bioweapon symptoms.)
The greater a person's autistic traits, the more likely they are to get long COVID (defined as symptoms lasting more than 12 weeks)
according to research studies. Long COVID is also linked to chronic
fatigue syndrome that is often triggered by infectious disease like flu
or COVID-19. (Or vaccines.)
Tennessee ‘Chemtrail’ Ban Goes Into Effect Today
Scott Presler is about to flip Luzerne and Bucks County.
Went from over a 24,000 Democrat registration advantage down to 1937. These are long time Democrat strongholds near Scranton and Philly.
“On the eve of Hungary’s presidency, Orbán announced he had joined forces with Austria’s far-right party and the populist Czech ANO party, launching a new European alliance.
The aim was to create the strongest rightwing bloc in the European parliament, Orbán said, though the trio needs to attract politicians from at least four more EU countries to successfully form a group.
‘What Europeans want is three things: peace, order and development’, Orbán said on Sunday. ‘And what they are getting from the elite in Brussels today is war, migration and stagnation’.”
Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? – 9 Papers Reviewed
Oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis uncovers what Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about ivermectin’s anti-cancer mechanisms.
9 Medical papers show that Ivermectin can treat and even cure cancer.
Authors take upon reviewing the 9 published medical papers.
exerts anti-cancer effects through at least 15 different pathways
proven in the medical literature, both in vitro and in vivo!
(You get a nice summary of these 15 pathways from the 2021 paper by Mingyang Tang et al.)
First, let’s quickly summarize the anti-cancer mechanisms (a quick summary can be found in 2022 paper by Loftalizadeh et al):
Ivermectin induces tumor cell death: apoptosis, autophagy, pyroptosis
Ivermectin inhibits tumor initiation and tumor progression (via WNT inhibition, YAP1 inhibition)
Ivermectin inhibits tumor growth and proliferation (via Akt/mTOR inhibition, MAPK inhibition)
Ivermectin stops cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis (via
PAK1 inhibition - seen in 70% of all cancers, EMT inhibition, RNA
Helicase inhibition)
Ivermectin causes cancer cell mitochondrial
dysfunction (inhibits mitochondrial biogenesis, increases reactive
oxygen species selectively only in cancer cells)
regulates tumor microenvironment (to inhibit tumor growth and
progression, via P2X7 path, ICD - mediates immunogenic cell death)
Ivermectin inhibits cancer stem cells (which are responsible for tumor initiation, progression and recurrence)
Ivermectin inhibits tumor angiogenesis (tumor blood vessel creation)
Ivermectin has anti-mitotic activity (interacts with mammalian tubulin)
Ivermectin is an epigenetic regulator of cancer to inhibit cancer
progression (alters gene expression to inhibit cancer progression,
Ivermectin can overcome tumor multidrug resistance
What cancers can Ivermectin treat?
The top 5 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers are: lymphomas,
brain cancers, breast cancers, colon cancers and lung cancers (signals
also seen in leukemias, hepatobiliary cancers, testicular cancers,
sarcomas and melanomas)
Ivermectin has been shown to kill these cancer cells (in vitro or in vivo):
breast cancer, especially triple negative breast cancer which is often
seen in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated women and has the worst prognosis.
glioblastoma and gliomas (glioblastomas are often seen in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated individuals)
leukemias, both AML and CML (these are the most aggressive and quickly lethal mRNA Turbo Cancers)
colorectal cancer (Stage 4 Colon cancers common in COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated)
hepatobiliary cancers: hepatocecullar carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma,
pancreatic cancer (major signal with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines)
lung cancer (Stage 4 lung cancers in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated)
melanoma (definite signal in COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated)
renal cell cancer (possible signal with mRNA Turbo Cancers) and urothelial carcinoma
ovarian cancer (possible signal with mRNA Turbo Cancers)
gastric cancer
prostate cancer (possible signal with mRNA Turbo Cancers)
Nasopharyngeal cancer
is almost no literature on Ivermectin and lymphomas which are probably
the most common COVID-19 mRNA vaccine turbo cancers - this must be
What dose of Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Turbo Cancer?
Guzzo et al published a paper in 2022 on the “Safety, tolerability, and
pharmacokinetics of escalating high doses of Ivermectin in healthy
adult subjects”
The highest dose tested to be safe with no side effects, was 2 mg/kg.
Max concentration in plasma is 4 hours after oral intake
Half life is 18 hours
Dr.David E. Scheim PhD, Blacksburg VA also wrote an interesting article on Ivermectin Safety in Sep.7, 2021 (Source)
Several studies have shown that Ivermectin’s anti-cancer effects are DOSE-DEPENDENT (higher dose = better response)
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Wouldn't it be nice for the vaccine distributors to distribute inexpensive Ivermectin to help their patients. Covid helped the world discover this natural soil based cancer drug that has been around for over 50 years.
Woman Fired By BlueCross BlueShield For Refusing Covid Jab Awarded $700k In Lawsuit!
federal jury awards Tennessee woman $700,000 after she was fired for
refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine mandated by her employer, BlueCross
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) July 1, 2024
According to Fox 17, “The jury found that Tanja Benton ‘proved by a preponderance of the evidence’ that her refusal to get the shot ‘was based on a sincerely-held religious belief.'”
Benton had been at the job since 2005, and her lawsuit noted she hardly even came into contact with anyone during her work hours.
In fact, the research scientist worked from home for a year and a half during the pandemic without any complaints from co-workers.
Supreme Court Rules 6-3 on Presidential Immunity – “Court holds that a former president has absolute immunity for his core constitutional powers”
(The Supremes Come Through Right On Q.)
US Supreme Court Hands Corrupt Justice (sic) Department a Knock Down Blow
The Supreme Court has ruled that law provides no basis for the obstruction charge brought against a January 6 protester who defended in court against the Justice (sic) Department’s false charges.
The US Department of Justice (sic) has, to date, framed and imprisoned 1,000 patriotic Americans who exercised their Constitutional Rights. Those who could not afford to defend themselves or did not trust a Democrat Washington judge and jury and pled guilty to reduced charges, were charged with unlawful entry or some other such false charge.
But those who defended themselves from the false charges were charged with obstructing and impending an official proceeding which carries a 20-year prison sentence. In other words, the offenses that Trump supporters were charged depended on whether they self-incriminated or went to trial. Those who defended themselves received longer sentences. So much for “justice” in America.
Those who chose a trial did not have a “jury of their peers.” They were judged by a lynch mob egged on by America’s whore media, such as the Washington Post, long regarded as a CIA asset.
In America conviction is swift and is seldom on the basis of evidence, but correction of wrongful conviction is very rare and a long time in arriving if it does.
One wrongly convicted defendant who went to trial and was rewarded with long-term imprisonment for his trust in the “criminal justice (sic) system” managed to get his case before the US Supreme Court. The Court has ruled that the wrongly convicted American patriot was improperly charged for obstruction and for impeding an official proceeding. In other words, the U.S. Justice (sic) Department reasoned that this person, by attending a rally for the President of the United States, impeded a vote count. It is extraordinary that the Justice (sic) Department did not have to produce any evidence of this one protester’s magical power to prevent a counting of votes. .
Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida, Oklahoma, Ohio, Alabama… against the WHO, UN and WEF
US investigative journalist and film producer Del Bigtree and US investigative journalist Jefferey Jaxen announce how the WHO’s pandemic treaty negotiations have failed. They waited until the annual meeting of health ministers, held in Geneva, to produce a final draft, but were not successful, as far as getting approval was concerned. They might claim that it is ‘game over’, but we know that these clandestine agreements never really cease to exist. US states like Louisiana, Ohio and Oklahoma have ruled to take power away from the WHO. T
he fact that we have overcome these small challenges and circumvented the pandemics they are rolling out, does not mean that the globalists are going to stop trying to take over the world and to imprison Americans, as they strive to rob citizens of their freedom of speech, their right to bear arms and all the rest of their freedoms. Therefore, we need to keep our goals in sight, even though we are dealing with a major breakthrough, Jaxen and Bigtree claim.
Here is a typical example of the sort of reaction this debate has provoked:
Now that “Joe Biden” has been revealed as a hoax president, whole legions of public officials appear liable to criminal charges of the most serious degree: sedition, treason, mass murder, fraud, malfeasance, and in the case of the president himself, influence peddling and bribery. They must be desperate to avoid accounting for all that, losing their accrued fortunes to legal fees and going to prison (or worse). For example, outed just this week: news that then-CIA Director in 2020, Gina Haspel, knew about and participated in the infamous operation using 51 former Intel officers to cover up the veracity of Hunter Biden’s laptop days before the election. They knew the laptop was real. Their colleagues over at the FBI knew it was real.
The bigger story is this means a defeat for the Rockefeller/Obama/Hitler bloodline of the KM. That is because anybody who is aware knows “Biden” was a front for Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama Hitler.
What they do not realize is just how horrific the plans of this Nazi faction of the KM really were. A German whistleblower, Dr, Aysteha Enukuha Dominykas- an engineer involved in building underground bases throughout Germany- reveals part of the story. She says former Chancellor Angela Merkel Hitler had underground bunkers built in each major German city. A bunker she worked on was set up to house 200,000 soldiers and 16,000 support staff including Wahhabi Muslim preachers and sex workers. The facilities were equipped with Mosques but not Churches, she notes.
This is why the KM paid millions of military-aged Muslim males to enter Germany during and after Merkel’s rule. The plan was to use them to “eliminate at least 15 million Germans, predominantly old and economically weak, without mercy,” she says.
It was probably for her role in implementing this plan that Barack Hitler gave his cousin Angela Hitler the Presidential Medal of Freedom; the highest United States medal that can be awarded to non-American civilians.
It is a safe bet that at least 7.4 military-aged foreign illegal immigrants brought in by the Obama/Biden regime were going to implement a similar mass murder and enslavement operation in the United States.
Although this plan was scheduled to start in 2016, it was delayed by the election of Donald Trump and only restarted with the Obiden regime in 2021.
To understand why the people behind the Obiden administration fear execution with the return of Trump, take a look at the expressions of the Obamas and Clintons at the 2018 funeral of George Bush Sr. They had just been given copies of the confession Bush signed before he was executed and given notice to expect the same.
This is what prompted the massive KM counter-attack that resulted in the Obiden administration, the attempted democide by vaccine and the rush to hire foreign illegal immigrant bodyguards.
In any case, the implosion of Biden at the debate led to a flurry of back-channel negotiations. The KM offered the white hats a proposal to install Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden. However, as far as they can tell, Newsom is an AI avatar used by the Silicon Valley branch of the KM and is not seen as acceptable. US public opinion polls also confirm he is a non-starter.
Attempts to offer Michelle “Big Mike” Obama, a “Hillary Clinton” avatar looking 30 years younger, Kamala Harris, etc. as substitutes for Biden were also all nixed. The bottom line was the KM said they would accept anyone but Trump.
Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities With Chemtrails
We have all seen the freakish and unnatural chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. While the mainstream media attempts to convince the public that there is nothing to see here, these freakish geometric chemtrails do not fit into any natural cloud pattern and they have only begun appearing in recent decades. What are they spraying into the sky? Who’s doing it? Why are they doing it, and what are their motives? Most importantly, what can we the people do to put an end to this? According to commercial pilots who have been investigating the phenomenon, the answers to these questions are dark and disturbing and the paper trail exposes the depopulation agenda of the global elite.
Will Democrats replace Biden? Whitmer and Shapiro are strong options to beat Trump?
Shapiro as Presidential candidate would put the DA Gricar case on the front page as it should be now. Shapiro is the top gatekeeper of the biggest capitol murder cover up of a DA in US history.
Demand a Gricar Grand Jury. See
Canceled Experiment to Block the Sun Won’t Stop Rich Donors from Trying
A botched geoengineering experiment to limit the amount of sunlight hitting Earth hasn’t dimmed donors’ enthusiasm for funding the research. (Pritzker innovation fund still pushing for geoengineering even as Accuweather denies it exists. This is why people are confused about man made climate change through geoengineering not carbon.)
Tractor Supply slashes its DEI and climate goals after a right-wing pressure campaign
Robby Starbuck, a music video director and Republican who ran unsuccessfully to represent Tennessee's 5th Congressional District in 2022, launched the campaign against Tractor Supply on X (formerly Twitter) earlier this month.
He wrote on June 6 that it was “time to expose Tractor Supply,” which he said was one of conservatives’ most beloved brands but was at odds with their values. He pointed to its DEI hiring practices, in-office Pride Month decorations, climate change activism and “funding sex changes,” among other complaints.
The surgeon was hired in early February 2023, during Penn State Health’s push to resurrect its troubled kidney and liver transplant programs. In 2022, the health system drew a rare public rebuke from the national body that oversees transplants, which criticized the hospital’s patient safety standards, processes for troubleshooting issues, and internal culture.
Penn State University, the majority owner of the health system and its flagship hospital in Hershey, has struggled for years with the perception that employees who report problems are punished. In 2022, after spending two days in Hershey, a team of regulators concluded that Penn State Health’s abdominal transplant unit had a “toxic culture of fear and retaliation.”
(This is another example of Penn State Health's inability to admit that they poisoned the population with the covid shots. That is the core issue they need to come to terms with.)
RFK Jr. post-debate: Only I can ‘beat President Trump’ now | Morning in America
Kennedy said he would replace Biden if asked.
The Devastating Charge Sheet Against Pfizer
Professor Carl Heneghan has extracted the main points from Kansas
Attorney General's lawsuit against Pfizer, and they're damning.
Pfizer used its confidentiality agreements with the U.S. Government and
others to conceal, suppress, and omit material facts relating to
Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, including the safety and efficacy of the
2. Pfizer used an extended study timeline to conceal
critical data – the study was repeatedly delayed, including a delay from
January 2023 to February 2024 because of a late vaccination of a single
study participant (out of 44,000 participants).
3. The FDA did
not immediately make the safety and effectiveness data for Pfizer’s
COVID-19 vaccine available, claiming it would take 55 years, but a
federal judge forced them to release 55,000 pages per month rather than
4. Pfizer destroyed the vaccine control group once the FDA approved emergency use authorization in December 2020.
In its press release announcing the emergency use authorization, Pfizer
did not disclose that it had excluded immunocompromised individuals
from its COVID-19 vaccine trials.
6. Pfizer knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis.
7. By March 2021, the United States military and Israel's Ministry of Health detected a safety signal for myocarditis.
In August 2021, after Pfizer obtained FDA approval through emergency
use authorization to provide its COVID-19 vaccine to 12-15-year-olds,
Pfizer decided to study “how often” its vaccine may cause myocarditis or
pericarditis in children by testing 5-16-year-olds for troponin I.
Pfizer also detected a safety signal relating to strokes. The FDA's and
CDC's “surveillance system flagged a possible link between the new
Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent COVID-19 vaccine and strokes in people aged 65
and over," and an FDA study found that individuals 85 years or older who
received both a flu vaccine and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine “saw a 20%
increase in the risk of ischemic stroke.”
10. Pfizer’s knowledge
of a safety signal for increased fatalities. In February 2021, Pfizer’s
adverse events database contained 1,223 fatalities after taking Pfizer’s
COVID-19 vaccine.
11. Pfizer only tested the booster shot on 12
trial participants who were in the 65- to 85-year-old age range and did
not test it on any participant older than 85.
12. Pfizer did not
publicly release adverse event data from its database. By February 28,
2021, Pfizer’s adverse events database contained 158,893 adverse events
from 42,086 case reports, including 1,223 fatalities, although Pfizer
did not make causality findings. Pfizer was receiving so many adverse
events reports that it had to hire 600 additional full-time staff and
expected to hire more than 1,800 additional resources by June 2021.
Pfizer had such a backlog of adverse events that it might take 90 days
to code “nonserious cases.” Pfizer did not know “the magnitude of
13. Pfizer announced a study on pregnant women
but omitted the fact that more than one in ten women (52) who received
Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during their pregnancy reported a miscarriage,
many within days of vaccination. Six women who received Pfizer’s
COVID-19 vaccine during their pregnancy reported premature deliveries;
several babies died.
14. Pfizer’s February 18th, 2021, press
release also did not disclose other adverse effects on the reproductive
systems of women who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. By April 2022,
Pfizer knew of tens of thousands of adverse advents connected to its
COVID-19 vaccine, including heavy menstrual bleeding (27,685), menstrual
disorders (22,145), irregular periods (15,083), delayed periods
(13,989), absence of periods (11,363) and other reproductive system
15. Pfizer’s study on pregnant women failed. They destroyed the placebo control group, and the results were kept secret.
Pfizer misrepresented and concealed material facts relating to the
durability of protection provided by its COVID-19 vaccine.
Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission even though
it knew it had never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission.
Despite admissions by Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla and Board
Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb that Pfizer did not know if its vaccine
prevented transmission, Dr. Bourla warned Kansans on multiple occasions
that not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine would affect the lives of those
around them, thus implying that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine prevented
19. Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media
that questioned Pfizer’s claims. On July 19th 2021, Pfizer Board Member
Dr. Scott Gottlieb claimed social media companies had an “obligation”
and an “affirmative responsibility” to prevent the spread of COVID-19
vaccine misinformation on their platforms. Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr.
Bourla called people who spread misinformation on COVID-19 vaccines
“criminals” who have “literally cost millions of lives.”
Pfizer worked to conceal and suppress material facts. On August 24th,
2021, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb contacted Twitter to
complain about a column written by Alex Berenson that criticized Dr.
Anthony Fauci. On August 27th, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb had a conference
call with Twitter employees to discuss Mr. Berenson. Twitter banned Mr.
Berenson the next day. Dr. Gottlieb also contacted Twitter about
removing posts related to natural immunity, which "Twitter later slapped
with a misleading label and blocked the ability to like or share the
Kansas Attorney General Report
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The Devastating Charge Sheet Against Pfizer
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The other problem with sprayed nanoparticle chemtrail metals meant for HAARP activation is that they block the sunlight. Now solar panel owners are fighting back with class action suits over solar energy blockage.
Bird flu: New major social manipulation operation. Millions of animals slaughtered
Over 100 million birds culled in one state alone – is bird flu a tool of the green agenda? More cases will be reported, stoking fear. Meanwhile, Drs Malone and McCullough report that bird flu will not affect humans. However, it will undermine the food supply, which will drive up prices. The bird flu operation looks like a repeat of the Covid operation. Bird flu mRNA vaccines are underway. The EU has already ordered 640,000 doses of an experimental vaccine. Symptoms include 'no symptoms'. This is a likely scenario leading to mass vaccination.
Palm Beach Post: Seek it or not, Barron Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. are magnets for public attention
In different eras, yes, but the intense interest in Trump's high school graduation on May 17 was reminiscent of the public attention that always seemed to follow JFK Jr.
Melkizedek 11Q13, last trumpet, 7th month
This scripture's interpretation: he is to instruct them about all the periods of history for eternity that passes from Belial and returns to the Sons of Light by the judgment of God, just as it is written concerning him; "who says to Zion "Your divine being reigns" (Isa. 52;7) "Zion" is the congregation of all the sons of righteousness, who uphold the covenant and turn from walking in the way of the people. "Your divine being" is Melchizedek, who will deliver them from the power of Belial. Concerning what scripture says, "Then you shall have the trumpet sounded loud; in the seventh month . . . " (Lev. 25;9)
The seventh month each Fall is marked by the trumpet blast, the ten days of awe, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles.
In the Hebraic calendar, Tishrei starts the New Year. It is the first month of the year, but it's the 7th month of God's yearly cycle of feasts.
In Leviticus 23:23-24, we read about the Lord speaking to Moses: “…Say to the Israelites: ‘On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts.’” On this day, also known as Rosh Ha-Shana, the shofar is still sounded among the Jewish people. It is quite an experience to be in Israel on this day to hear trumpets piercing the crisp fall air. In Jewish tradition the trumpet is said to confound Satan. Perhaps this is so, because its sounding is an age-old announcement of the coming Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is sought by both Jews and Christians, but no doubt despised and resisted by Satan.
Finland To Start Bird Flu Vaccinations For Humans: Of all places to advance transhumanism and go against Mother Nature.
Jean Sibelius - Finlandia
Finlandia, Op. 26 is a symphonic poem by the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. The first version was written in 1899, and it was revised in 1900. The piece was composed for the Press Celebrations of 1899, a covert protest against increasing censorship from the Russian Empire, as the last of seven pieces, each performed as an accompaniment to a tableau depicting episodes from Finnish history.
The premiere was on 2 July 1900 in Helsinki with the Helsinki Philharmonic Society conducted by Robert Kajanus. A typical performance takes anywhere from 7½ to 9 minutes. A recurrent joke within Finland at this time was the renaming of Finlandia at various musical concerts so as to avoid Russian censorship. Titles under which the piece masqueraded were numerous, a famously flippant example being Happy Feelings at the awakening of Finnish Spring. Most of the piece is taken up with rousing and turbulent music, evoking the national struggle of the Finnish people. But towards the end, a calm comes over the orchestra, and the serenely melodic Finlandia Hymn is heard. Often incorrectly cited as a traditional folk melody, the Hymn section is of Sibelius's own creation.
Although initially composed for orchestra, in 1900 Sibelius arranged the entire work for solo piano. Sibelius later reworked the Finlandia Hymn into a stand-alone piece. This hymn, with words written in 1941 by Veikko Antero Koskenniemi, is one of the most important national songs of Finland (though Maamme is the national anthem). With different words, it is also sung as a Christian hymn (Be Still, My Soul), and was the national anthem of the short-lived African state of Biafra (Land of the Rising Sun). Created by Wild Scandinavia / Wildes Skandinavien / (2011) Directors: Oliver Goetzl Writers: Oliver Goetzl Cinematography: Ivo Nörenberg, Jan Henriksson and Rolf Steinmann Gulo Film Productions
Sanat Kumara Also known as the “Ancient of Days”; dedicated to the saving of Earth’s evolutions
Keynote: Finlandia by Jean Sibelius
A powerful release of freedom can be had by listening to this music.
you secure the orchestration, the recording of the music of my
keynote Finlandia and if you play it each morning, you will have
transferred to you by that music the intense forcefield of my cosmic
consciousness of Victory, Freedom and God determination.
~ Vol. 42 No. 21 – The Ancient of Days – May 23, 1998
An ascended master is an enlightened spiritual being, a spiritual being who once lived on earth, fulfilled a special spiritual purpose and then ascended and reunited with God in the ritual of the ascension.
Each master has a vibration that one can attune to by listening to the master’s “keynote”, a musical piece that ties to his Electronic Presence, which is the pattern of the master’s soul identity, his code of creation. The masters’ images below also capture the essence of the master’s Electronic Presence.
(This is important.)
The Golden Age Prince: Inaugurating the Aquarian Age is Saint Germain, master of the flame of freedom. He is the Golden Age Prince that lifted the entire world through science, literature, and a secret brotherhood that worked to set all humanity free.
Politicians and senior officials suffer adverse effects or die post vaccination – Part 20
Penn State Health breaks ground on new cancer treatment center
Penn State Health broke ground Wednesday on its Penn State Health Cancer Center at Hampden Medical Center.
(Still waiting for them to admit the shots were bioweapons that are causing cancer and a host of other health problems. We can't even get a positive statement about using Ivermectin for cancer prevention from them. )
Corrupt science: Vested interests, bribes and manipulation of scientific publications
Fauci's NIAID received $690 million in bribes during his Covid tenure. He confesses to "making up" the rules, which included six-feet social distancing and masking of children, and in a recently leaked video, he boasted that "mRNA is lethal to children". He and his cronies have the blood of hundreds of millions of children on their hands. Now under pressure from Capitol Hill, he is accusing his collaborators. Fauci should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. He belongs in jail.
Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to bar universities and pension funds from divesting from Israel
Pennsylvania’s Senate has advanced legislation that would block state aid to any university that boycotts or divests from Israel.
The senate has apparently been taken over by the IDF of Israel.
The senate should immediately resign over treason and the murder and cover up of DA Ray Gricar. Hear episode 6 of the podcast at where former AG Bruce Castor tells how the PA senate blocked his financial investigation of The Second Mile by changing the locks on the filing cabinets in the AG office.
Pennsylvania to begin new fiscal year without budget, as Shapiro, lawmakers express optimism
(Give us Gricar park and Paterno field!)
Stock is down (-77.70%) past 5 years. (Future of Shapiro's Value Drug PAC in Our Town. Transhumanism is on the way out.)
NEVER AGAIN: Author of Biological Weapons Act Says COVID-19 Shots are Weapons of Mass Destruction
Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote.
Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).
Over 100M Americans think the COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’ And 66M Americans have "buyer's remorse." Also, new studies published in medical journals now show that mRNA shots cause permanent brain damage. Supreme Court Missouri v. Biden. Bird flu.
NBC to use AI version of announcer AL Michaels’ voice for Olympics recaps
A new tool, called “Your Daily Olympic Recap on Peacock,” will enable 10-minute highlights packages, which can include events updates, athlete back stories and other related content personalized by subscriber preferences.
The company said the highlights could be packaged in about 7 million different ways, pulled from 5,000 hours of live coverage in Paris, effectively making AI (the artificial intelligence, not the man) a significantly more efficient way to deliver personalized recaps.
Best quotes of all time.
1. “ To be, or not to be, that is the question.” – William Shakespeare.
2. “ I think, therefore I am.” – René Descartes.
3. “ The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin D. ...
4. “ That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” – Friedrich Nietzsche.
Julian Assange once told me his secret to surviving impossible odds
One particular personal exchange with the WikiLeaks co-founder during his stay in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London spoke volumes about his mindset
By Rachel Marsden, a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English.
“Never let the bastards grind you down,” Julian Assange told me after I published something that elicited the usual wrath of warmongering neocons.
Deborah Birx says we must test every cow in America (on a weekly basis) for bird flu.
"We should be testing every cow, weekly," Birx says adding, "we could be pool testing every dairy worker." There are around 40 million cows in the United States.
(Never again Deb.)
Biden Admin Colluded With Top Transgender Medical Org On Politicized Policy: Unsealed Court Docs: Admiral Rachel Levine wanted age restrictions removed.
A Biden administration official pressured a top gender medical organization to quickly issue 'standards of care' guidelines for transgender individuals to remove minimum age recommendations for transgender procedures, despite a lack of scientific justification, the Daily Caller reports, citing recently unsealed court documents.
These documents, part of a broader legal debate surrounding transgender medical care for minors, highlight conversations within WPATH that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a well-known advocate for transgender health, pushed for the removal of age-specific recommendations in the SoC 8.
These documents, part of a broader legal debate surrounding transgender medical care for minors, highlight conversations within WPATH that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a well-known advocate for transgender health, pushed for the removal of age-specific recommendations in the SoC 8.
Liberal stronghold falls in Toronto by-election: Trudeau in big trouble
Canada's Liberals are in big trouble after an upset win by Conservatives in the Toronto-St. Pauls area.
'No Physical Harm To Anyone By Leaks': Assange's Freedom A Huge Blow To Detractors
Reunited with family, fully free at last: the images the world has been waiting for...
The Lancet: 21 years of official 'lab leaks' 2000-2021. SARS-COV-2, Ebola, Polio, Prion, Cholera, Anthrax, Zika...77% in USA
The Lancet: 21 years of official 'lab leaks' 2000-2021. SARS-COV-2, Ebola, Polio, Prion, Cholera, Anthrax, Zika.
Laboratory-acquired infections and pathogen escapes worldwide between 2000 and 2021: a scoping review
Vaccinia virus 13
Zika virus 5
Dengue virus 4
Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever virus 2
West Nile virus 2
Buffalo pox virus 1
Cowpox virus 1
Ebola virus 1
Influenza virus 1
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus 1
Mimivirus 1
Norovirus 1
Poliovirus 1
Recombinant raccoonpox virus 1
SARS-CoV-2 1
Bombshell SCOTUS Rulings Eviserate and Expose New York’s Rule of Lawlessness
First sighting of Julian Assange after prison release.
Guilty of real journalism.
Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”
If you hear your pharmacist, physician, or academic dean parrot the malignant regurgitated trope of “Ivermectin doesn’t work for Covid” or that there is “no evidence” or “no data” to support ivermectin’s use in Covid-19, send them this meta-analysis summary and annotated bibliography of over 100 studies. (We still are trying to get the word out that the mRNA covid shot is a deadly bioweapon but some of the media works for big pharma.
A look back at Beaver Stadium renovations over the years
The field naming is what is important now. We have a situation where the DA who was in the process of charging Sandusky and his charity ended up in a mineshaft with 5 others and a cache of guns. Then they turned around and blamed coach Paterno and the administration for Sandusky's crimes making the winningest coach in NCAA history a martyr.
Observers see Governor Shapiro's mine reclamation funds as a possible resource for a nature park in DA Gricar's name. This would be some consolation considering there is no political will to follow state police orders for a Gricar Grand Jury. Law enforcement deserves more justice that they've given Ray. See
The Shapiro Administration Awards $5.67 Million for Mineland restoration projects.
May 13, 2024 — DEP will receive $244 million from the IIJA this year for projects to clean up ... “Restoring these abandoned mine lands will clean our streams ...
Exploring the Coal Mining Ruins in Shamokin PA (video)
These are the closest abandoned mine shafts to Lewisburg whare Ray Gricar was disappeared.
Ideas are pouring in for a solar driven well and water testing station at the Gricar memorial mineshaft restoration area. Only 26 miles from Lewisburg to Exploring the Coal Mining Ruins of Shamokin PA. This would make a fitting last stop on the DA Ray Gricar last drive tour. This would be a great site for water quality enthusiasts. Just say no to acid mine drainage!
Demand a DA Ray Gricar memorial and mineshaft reclamation site from the Shapiro administration. Because they surely care about law enforcement, justice and clean water. See
Gino P. Fornicola Memorial Fountain
The beginning of the DA Ray Gricar clean water tour:
In memory of Gino P. Fornicola, family man, business
owner and public servant. Gino was an ARMY
Veteran of the Korean War who served on Bellefonte
Borough Council, was elected Mayor of Bellefonte
(1982-1986) and served as Centre County Treasurer
A life long promoter of his beloved Bellefonte, "on
the banks of Spring Creek", Gino was a Founding
Father and first President of Historic Bellefonte, Inc.,
as well as Victorian Christmas and Kepler Pool at
Governors Park. He was also involved in countless
other Bellefonte community organizations and
Next stop: R. B. Winter State Park is in a shallow basin that is surrounded by ridges. Halfway Lake is the central recreational focus of the park. The park is 18 miles (29 km) west of Lewisburg on Pennsylvania Route 192. Ray Gricar passed by here on his way to Lewisburg on his last drive. There is a beautiful view of the waterfall from the road.
Water Table Impacts of 10k Abandoned Mines in Pennsylvania (Map)
One of the most challenging impacts of abandoned mines is water pollution due to Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). AMD is when liquid from any type of coal site drains from that site and gives water a more acidic pH. These situations can threaten aquatic and terrestrial wildlife as well as human populations due to the contamination of their drinking water. Of the 11,249 abandoned mines in the state of Pennsylvania, 9,977 have either environmental impacts or health and safety issues.
Tree of Life, Inc. breaks ground | The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
This is the last hurrah for the false flag fundraising of ADL and DHS. Tree of Life and Marjory Stoneman incidents were run by the ADL/DHS money tree shakers one right after the other. They use the same script with a white supremacist as the patsy, the crime scene is never shown and the millions in monetary rewards are then used to "rebuild."
The Marjory stoneman incident used FBI contracted shooters then blamed a kid that had no idea what happened. Hogg's dad was an FBI man and the son ran the anti gun campaign afterwards. Similar arrangements were done at Sandy Hook.
Remember, Space Force has all of the combined intelligence of all of the other agencies. President Trump as commander and chief of Space Force has the resources of all of them at his disposal. This is the reason world leaders are all cooperative with Trump because he has the goods on all of them.
The whole world has had it with fanatical Zionism run by the KM. Settlers are leaving Northern Israel which is stolen Palestinian land in the first place. Only President Trump can save Israel now if he can broker the MedRad Railroad and canal deal for the adjoining continents.
Maybe Astana Khazakstan, the Illuminati capitol of the world will be the new Israel go to place. There they use Borat movie slogans to promote the country and have the Ural Motorcycle manufacturing company that moved there from Russia.
Trump — My VP choice will be at the debate, in person thursday.
(In disguise? Lets hope they roll out JFK JR by the 4th of July. He was dropped off on Washington's head at Mount Rushmore in a helicopter the last time Trump was there for a celebration on the 4th of July 2020 but photographer Gene Ho didn't get a closeup.)
Numbers 6:22-27 NIV - The Aaronic Priestly Blessing
The Lord said to Moses, 23 “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:
24 “'“The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”’
27 “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
More Americans ending up in Russian jails
This Tribune Democrat newspaper is run by FBI informants who could care less about Patriots jailed in Washington.
They won't even admit where Gricar ended up because they help run counter intelligence on the case. For the few who don't know, Gricar was lured to Lewisburg by the AG office where he was captured by a gang that wanted him dead for different reasons than the Sandusky case. It was a kind of partnership that is still being held together by the Shapiro administration's refusal to empanel a Gricar grand jury.
Dr Norman Vincent Peale in Australia - TV interview - 1986
Norman Vincent Peale Was A Conservative Hero Known Well Beyond His Era
The power of positive thinking is making a comeback due to the recent positive pole shift.
Remember Peale's number one recommended bible verse: Philippians 4:13 King James Version (KJV) I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
While Peale was a Christian, he believed that Jesus Christ wasn’t the only pathway to God and that no religion had a monopoly on our ability to connect with God.
'Make Europe Great Again': Hungary set for EU presidency – DW –
(The Bucegi mountain area in Hungary is where the flame of freedom was taken to by Saint Germain from Cuba after the flood of Atlantis. Romanian President Orban is fanning the flame of freedom with peace talks!
The poles have flipped allright. Instead of an earth pole shift, the polarity is now shifted to the positive! It just works in the light in this part of the solar system. Electromagnetics are on the way out and magnoelectric is coming in on the zero point potential. Create with positive intentions and watch the progress grow!)
Most of the visitors arrive at Bran Castle with a certain hunger, from the long journey through the country. And those who arrive full, still hungry go down, after walking the entire Royal Park to enter the Castle. And from there, further, dozens and dozens of steep steps, to climb the towers.
The Bran Castle restaurant opened in Queen Maria’s Tea House was built from wooden beams, in the shape of the letter L, between 1923 and 1929, and had all the utilities needed for a home. The building was specially fitted out for receptions in a dreamlike natural setting, with the Queen using it for five o’clock tea.
The architect who took care of the works is the Czech Karel Líman, and the landscaper who designed the garden and its flora is the German Friedrich Rebhuhn, known for the modernization of Cișmigiu Park in Bucharest and the creation of the royal gardens at Cotroceni and Peleș.
NATO should be happy with the Dnipro River peace border. Turn it into a tourist site with over 40 historic landmarks and forget about the war economy. This would be a good place to rent out some Dnepr side car motorcycles to tourists.
Self-assembling nano-technology is multiplying at an extraordinary rate. It accelerates ageing
(Lets hope the positive pole flip works for the vaccinated too.)
Australian journalist Maria Zeee interviews Dr Ana Mihalcea, Romanian Internal Medicine specialist, based in Yelm, USA, to discuss what the nanotechnology injected inside human beings can do. Previously, Dr Mihalcea demonstrated that we are dealing with self-assembling nanotechnology that develops independently and self-propagates, with the aim of hacking human beings and creating cyborgs. She has documented self-assembling mesogens that are DNA-like biosensors capable of genetically modifying humans and of building a genuine brain-computer interface. This technology also hijacks human beings’ vital force and electricity, causing accelerated ageing, even in the unvaccinated. Dr Mihalcea is very concerned; indeed, if we do not wake up, we will be facing an extinction-level event.
The Transgender Movement’s House of Cards Is Falling
A growing number of doctors, patients, and whistleblowers are beginning to question the medical establishment’s recommendations for children with gender dysphoria.
This week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is holding its annual leadership conference at its headquarters in Itasca, Illinois. One issue that won’t be on the formal agenda but will be on the minds of many members is how to treat gender dysphoria in children. AAP, along with most of America’s medical establishment, endorses the approach of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH). This transgender advocacy group recommends that doctors irreversibly alter a child’s physical appearance to appear as a different gender through hormones and surgeries. But two transgender-identifying doctors in WPATH caution that teenage patients are receiving “sloppy care.” And there is dissent in AAP’s own ranks as to the legitimacy of this practice.
As many countries around the world turn to safer, non-invasive “watchful waiting” and psychotherapy to treat gender-confused kids instead of defaulting to hormones and surgeries, America is rapidly becoming an outlier. Now former patients (known as “detransitioners”), with the support of whistleblowers, are filing medical malpractice lawsuits and testifying in support of legislative limits on administering these experimental procedures to children. The architects of pediatric gender transition have built their arguments on flimsy evidence and the reputations of prestigious groups instead of objective, sound science. Their house of cards is starting to collapse.
Politicized Standards of Care
Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that creates incongruence between one’s internal sense of gender and the reality of the sexed body. But unlike with anorexia, AAP’s recommended treatment does not focus on resolving the mind-body incongruence through counseling. Instead, doctors at “gender clinics” try to make a person’s body resemble their self-perception, disordered though it may be. Recently, 21 doctors from nine countries raised concerns that the American medical establishment has adopted “politicized” standards of care.
State College leaders voice support for LGBTQ+ community after church is targeted over Pride flag
This is the result of Hershey medical's ongoing sales push for transgender medical procedures. The church protects family.
The medical division of PSU has lost $500 million in 5 years while promoting the sterilization of it's students with unproven medical procedures.
Poisoning the students with bioweapons and denying the Ivermectin cure is also counter productive to enrollment.
College Township reviews early sketch plan of Beaver Stadium renovations. What we know
The county and the state have been avoiding the easy to solve Gricar case by transferring Judge Kistler to Vanango county after Stacey Parks Miller asked him for a Gricar grand jury.
A $5000 reward is being offered in the Gricar case by PA crimestoppers. Also see see
Hungary unveils MEGA slogan for EU presidency
Budapest aims to ‘Make Europe Great Again’ when it takes the reins next month.
Hungary is taking over the EU reins in “a very difficult environment,” he added, citing “a war in our neighborhood” in reference to the Ukraine conflict. He also cited illegal immigration as another of the most pressing issues the region must deal with.
Hungary has faced criticism in the EU for following its own migration policy in an apparent contradiction with the bloc’s rules. The European Court of Justice (ICJ) imposed a €200 million ($216 million) fine on Budapest last week for restricting access to international protection procedures and illegally removing third-country nationals.
Earlier this year, Orban flew to US to meet with Republican presidential frontrunner Trump. Following the talks, the Hungarian prime minister claimed that Trump had shown himself to be “pro-peace.” That stance puts him in alignment with Hungary, unlike the current US administration and many EU members, Orban added.
Trump, in turn, described Orban as a “fantastic” leader.
Shapiro can help restore Penn State football with the Gricar grand jury. That is his number one PA sports policy issue by far to address. No lame apologies for this one will suffice.
NY AG Tish James Threatened Doctors For Prescribing Ivermectin to Covid Patients
India obliterated covid in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. The Indian media lied about the success of Ivermectin which cost pennies and instead recommended deadly Remdisivir for $3100 a dose just like here in the US.
India's Ivermectin Blackout: Part II (Aug 13, 2021)
The United States, with 331 million inhabitants, saw 161,990 new cases and 1,049 new deaths. Uttar Pradesh is a state in India of comparable population to the US. Uttar Pradesh contains 241 million people. On August 10, Uttar Pradesh saw only 19 new cases and ONE death, over 1,000 times lower than the US!
(Ivermectin is one of the most effective antidotes for the bioweapon in the covid vaccine. It's also anti cancer which is needed now more than ever. It should be widely distributed over the counter at low to no cost. It's the least that could be done after the intentional poisoning by the drug companies and the government. It might even be the antidote for the new gain of function bird flu and mRNA vaccine they've come up with.)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Theresa Thomason with Paul Winter Consort
Vocalist Theresa Thomason gives new depth to the traditional spiritual, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", from the Paul Winter Consort album, Concert in the Barn, released June 17th, 2022.
Wednesday June 19th, is Juneteenth, a day of commemoration that has been honored since the mid-19th century, and recently proclaimed a national holiday by President Biden. On Saturday night, Theresa Thomason, Henrique Eisenmann, and I took part in a "Juneteenth Jazz Jamboree", at the Ethical Culture Society in New York City, during which Theresa ignited the audience with her performance of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", the traditional anthem of Juneteenth. In her spoken introduction of this song, Theresa told of the coded messages that it carried to the slaves. When it says "I looked over Jordan", Jordan was the code name for the Ohio River, which was the border of the slave states. And "What did I see? A band of angels coming to carry me home." That referred to the Underground Railroad, and "home" of course, was freedom.
Merkaba Chariot Light Body: Ancient Technology
The word Merkabah has both Hebrew and Egyptian origins. In Hebrew, the word stands for chariot. In this context, the Merkabah is a chariot that helps us meet and recognize the various cosmic energies that govern our world. In the Egyptian language, the word is broken down into three parts:
The Merkaba, meaning Light Body, is a vehicle that transports us from the material world to the spiritual world. It combines sacred geometry and light energy to link your physical, mental, and spiritual being to the Supreme Being.
The 12 Levels of the Lightbody Connection
1st level a light bulb goes off and begins to signal a mutational change in the DNA.
The 2nd level is when the Ethric Blueprint begins to be flooded with light and start to release 4th dimensional structure.
The 3rd level, your physical sense become stronger. Your bodies not only absorb Light for their own change, but also act as transducer of higher light energies to the planet as a whole.
The 4th level, There are major changes in the brain, its chemistry, and electromagnetic field. Vision and hearing are being realigned to function differently.
The 5th level, Flashes of doing other things, dream sequencing begin to change and possibly remembering more dreams.
The Chariot of the Lord—God’s Throne
Ezekiel 4:
was watching a big storm come in from the north. It was a big cloud
with a strong wind, and there was fire flashing from it. Light was
shining out all around it. It looked like hot metal glowing in a fire. 5 Inside the cloud, there were four living beings that looked like people.
Ascension Connection Call – The Suppressed Teachings of Jesus – June 20, 2024
Scott Presler and RNC are 720 votes away from flipping Bucks County.
This is where you will find Francis Bacon's Bensalem of New Atlantis, an outpost of Shamballah. This is also where Washington crossed the Delaware River on his way to victory in Trenton New Jersey during the Revolutionary war.
“This Order or Society is sometimes called Salomon's House, and sometimes the College of the Six Days Works... [instituted] for the finding out of the true nature of all things, whereby God might have the more glory in the workmanship of them, and men the more fruit in the use of them.”Francis Bacon: New Atlantis – 1626
To have had a sketch of Bacon’s ideas of the laws and constitution of a utopian Commonwealth might indeed have been very useful, as Bacon’s legal and Parliamentary work was extremely significant and ultimately very influential. For instance, his formulation of a ‘double majesty’ state became the basis for the unwritten constitution described by John Locke in the Two Treatises, and for the written constitution created by the American Founding Fathers that provided for the dual sovereignty of the American Federal system.
Bacon also invented the case method of law finding in which the impartial ‘noumenal’ ruling of judges is used as empirical evidence permitting reliable inferences about the unwritten common law, and thus of the country’s unwritten constitution. In this, the role of the Chancery is key, being the national high court of equity concerned with conscientious law, with the power to influence or overrule the decisions of the common law courts. As a Lord Chancellor, and someone who believed in and earnestly promoted moral philosophy or science and charitable behaviour, based on the concept of divine love as being the universal law, this is of the utmost importance.
Who Is the Master Saint Germain?
Saint Germain is a master alchemist and teacher
of masters and men. He is also known in the
heaven-world as a diplomat, expressing the godly
qualities of dignity, grace, gentility, poise and
true statesmanship. His name comes from the
Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply “Holy
Choices—Past, Present and Future
Saint Germain says: “I am an ascended being,
but it has not ever been thus. Not once or twice
but for many incarnations I walked the earth as
you now do, confined to mortal frame and the
limitations of dimensional existence. I was on
Lemuria and I was on Atlantis. I have seen civili-
zations rise and fall. I have seen the undulations
of consciousness as mankind have cycled from
Golden ages to primitive societies. I have seen
the choices, and I have seen mankind by wrong
choices squander the energies of a hundred thousand years of scientific advancement and even
degrees of cosmic consciousness that transcend
that which is attained by members of the most
advanced religions of the day.
“Yes, I have seen the choices, and I have
chosen. By right choices man and woman establish
their position in hierarchy. By choosing to be
free in the magnificent will of God, I won my
freedom from that mortal round of incarnations
and justifications of an existence outside the One.
I won my freedom by that flame, that keynote of
the Aquarian cycle traced by alchemists of old,
that purple elixir the saints do hold. . . .
“You are mortal. I am immortal. The only
difference between us is that I have chosen to be
free, and you have yet to make the choice. We have
the same potential, the same resources, the same
connection to the One. I have taken mine to forge
a God-identity. For long ago, the still small voice
within spoke the fiat of Alpha and the living God:
‘Children of the One, forge your God-identity!’
“And in the stillness of the night, I heard the
call and I answered, ‘I will!’ And when I said,
‘I will,’ all of cosmos echoed, ‘I will!’ The will
to be summons the vastness of the potential of
being. . . .
“I am Saint Germain, and I have come to
claim your soul and the fires of your heart for the
victory of the Aquarian age. I have set the pattern
for your soul’s initiation. . . .
“I have a message. . . . It is a message of free-
dom, of opportunity to rise to be what in fact you,
as the stars, are ordained to be. I will assist you to
implement the divine plan of your life. I will come
to you, and I will speak within your heart. . . .
“I am on the path of freedom. Take that path,
and you will find me there. I am your teacher if
you will have me.”
There is a bronze plaque at the Quakertown Pyramid complex with names of past members of the Great White Brotherhood. Names like Washington, Lincoln, Franklin, Lafayete, Wilder, Clymer, Hitchcock and other lesser knowns.
The Rosicrucian order maintains a difference between the "Great White
Brotherhood" and the "Great White Lodge", saying that the Great White
Brotherhood is the "school or fraternity" of the Great White Lodge, and
that "every true student on the Path" aspires to membership in this
Brotherhood. (Accepts women and all races and religions too. See ascended master Afra.)
Bulgarian Gnostic master Peter Deunov referred to his organization of followers as the Universal White Brotherhood, When ex-communicated as a heretic on 7 July 1922, he defended the Brotherhood as follows:
‘Let the Orthodox Church resolve this issue, whether Christ has risen, whether Love is accepted in the Orthodox Church. There is one church in the world. But the Universal White Brotherhood is outside the church - it is higher than the church. But even higher than the Universal White Brotherhood is the Kingdom of Heaven. Hence the Church is the first step, the Universal White Brotherhood is the second step, and the Kingdom of Heaven is the third step - the greatest one that is to be manifested.’ (24 June 1923).
The Great White Brotherhood, also known as Great Brotherhood of Light or the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, is perceived as a spiritual organization composed of those Ascended Masters who have risen from the Earth into immortality, but still maintain an active watch over the world.
C.W. Leadbeater said "The Great White Brotherhood also includes members of the Heavenly Host (the Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the evolution of our world), Beneficent Members from other planets that are interested in our welfare, as well as certain unascended chelas".
Great White Brotherhood: History
Great White Brotherhood. A
spiritual order of
Western saints and Eastern adepts who have reunited
with the Spirit of the living God and who comprise
the heavenly hosts. They have transcended the
cycles of karma and rebirth and ascended
(accelerated) into that higher reality which is the
eternal abode of the soul. The Ascended Masters of
the Great White Brotherhood, united for the highest
purposes of the brotherhood of man under the
Fatherhood of God, have risen in every age from
every culture and religion to inspire creative
achievement in education, the arts and sciences, God-government and the
abundant life through the economy of the nations. The word "white"
refers not to race but to the aura (halo) of white light surrounding
their form. The Brotherhood also includes in its ranks certain
unascended chelas of the Ascended Masters. Jesus Christ revealed this
heavenly order of saints "robed in white" to his servant, John, in
Kansas Sues Pfizer, Says Company 'Misled' Public On COVID-19 Vaccine
Kansas on June 17 sued Pfizer, alleging the pharmaceutical giant “misled” members of the public with various claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.
The Pfizer vaccine is the most administered in the United States, with more than 367 million injected across the country since the shot was made available in late 2020.
Government disinformation aims to rob us of our privacy, freedom of speech and dignity
Australian Senator Ralph Babet warns the public that governments want to eliminate freedom of expression, because they fear losing control of the narrative. The truth is that governments are the ones spreading the most misinformation. Their entire narrative is based on lies. Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts is informing the people about the plan conceived by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum: ‘You will have nothing, and you will be happy’. The WEF’s Great Reset is a threat to our privacy, liberty and dignity.
Jerusalem Post: IDF shouldn't call up reservists with PTSD - Tel Aviv University therapists
Clinic professionals reported that some reservists quickly respond to the new summons, quit, or delay therapy, and return to service, risking further deterioration in their condition
Scott Ritter: Israel Is Being Wiped Out and the IDF Is Losing Big on All Fronts
Octagon group, G7 sue for peace
By Benjamin Fulford June 17, 2024
A series of public and private meetings last week confirmed the Swiss-based Octagon group and their G7 subsidiary are suing for peace. This is along the lines –as previously reported here- of a seven-region world council and a future planning organization to take over the functions of the UN, BIS, World Bank, IMF, etc.
However, before this happens there is still the risk of some very nasty Satanic surprises, multiple agency sources agree.
For example, the Black Sun organization is saying they will continue to increase mayhem and threaten an all-out thermo-nuclear war unless a world federation is announced. That is why Russian nuclear-armed submarines, warships and missiles have been stationed in Cuba, Venezuela and Mexico, they say. “The majority of the Russian people want to restrain the US by repeating the Cuban Missile Crisis,” a Russian FSB source confirms.
At the same time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said member states have started consultations on the need to put nuclear weapons on alert.
In addition to the ongoing threat of nuclear war, the summer solstice will take place on Friday of this week. The Satan worshippers always stage some sort of massive fire sacrifice or holocaust to Satan on or around that June 21st date. Not only that, messianic fanatics in Israel promised to sacrifice a red heifer before June 22nd in order to start the process of building the third temple. Since these fanatics want to provoke “god” into appearing. Mossad sources say some sort of very nasty surprise is in the works but they say they do not know the details.
However in a sign it will not be nice, Denmark’s government is asking citizens to prepare for an attack or other potential crisis by stockpiling supplies of water, food and medicine, and keeping iodine tablets at home.
Secret Space Force sources for their part say Operation Blue Beam has begun with a hologram projection of Jesus Christ
There will be more such appearances culminating with “an alien visitation before August 15. Thousands will see the ships in the Midwest area of the States. The MSM cannot cover this one…. Photos and videos will be all over the internet and this will go viral,” they say. We shall see, keep your eyes on the sky.
In the meantime, if you look at peace proposals put out by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Octagon group in Switzerland last week you can see the outlines of peace in the Ukraine. Peace in Ukraine would signify an end to the secret war for the planet Earth that has been raging for decades.
Putin’s proposal calls for Ukraine to pull all its forces to the West of the Dnieper River and cede the regions to the East of it to Russia. It also wants Ukraine to be neutral and nuclear-free and for all sanctions against Russia to be lifted. Russia also proposed a new security framework for Eurasia that would include NATO.
Meanwhile, the Octagon group and their 78 client states just finished a big Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland. If you look at their manifesto it basically asked for control of the Zaporizhye Nuclear Power Plant and access to Black Sea ports for exports. In other words, they will surrender but are asking for the lights to be turned back on and for port access.
These proposals show both groups are going along with a secret agreement reached months ago between the Five Eyes and Russia. According to this agreement, Russia will take responsibility for European security. Also, Odessa will be turned into a free port to allow Ukraine to export and import via the Black Sea.
There were related back-channel communications last week between MI6 and the Russian FSB over the situation in Ukraine. As a result of these talks, five-eyes special forces were sent to Ukraine to
The Corruption Of Merrick Garland
Garland now appears entirely adrift in his own department. While mouthing platitudes about being beyond politics, he continues to run interference for the Biden White House.
Governor Shapiro and his Corbett transition lawyers should get moving on this right away.
Stupid, cowardly doctors helped accelerate the Great Reset. Now they are being replaced by AI
Australian journalist Maria Zeee discusses an article on how Ukraine has asked the Council of Europe for a waiver, so that it will not have to uphold human rights and freedoms. In a state of emergency, human rights can be temporarily suspended, and in so doing, completely deprive people of their freedoms. Ukraine is a model for an AI-driven global society, which they want to rollout for the entire world. In Zeee’s view, this article should alarm all doctors who contributed to the acceleration of the Great Reset, due to their conformity and cowardice. She is urging physicians to speak out now, to demand accountability from the criminals who initiated this plan, beginning with the Covid jabs. If we put a stop to the injections, we can stop the Great Reset, Zeee claims.
AstraZeneca admits their vaccine can cause thrombocytopenia, and the media and governments knew it
AstraZeneca admits for the very first time, in judicial documents, that the Covid vaccine can potentially cause ‘rare’ side effects like thrombosis with thrombocytopenia. In 2021, more than 100,000 people suffered from adverse effects in the United Kingdom alone, and in many cases the jab produced blood clots, despite being called ‘safe and effective’. AstraZeneca is now in the process of withdrawing its vaccine worldwide.
Bibi cancels war cabinet, IDF takes over half of Rafah
(This is where the MedRed Railroad and canal will go. Bibi is done.)
The IDF announced the 11-hour 'tactical
pauses' in the area on Sunday. When Netanyahu heard the military’s
initial announcement, he contacted his military secretary and 'made it
clear that this was unacceptable to him,' an unnamed Israeli official
15,000 in attendance.
Franklin: Stadium upgrades necessary
Lasch building narrative and nothing about Gricar or JoePA field. The Sandusky Second mile faction still think they can get away with murder AND get the stadium contracts. 750,000 PSU alumni are waiting for the rest of the story from the media. See See the letter from Butch to the CDT that was covered up, see the PA State Police demand for a Gricar grand jury and the press conference that lied to the Gricar family about State Police findings and recommendations. Governor Shapiro and Centre DA Bernie Cantorna need to address the issue and report their findings.
Gricar Reward $5000: Any person with information is asked to anonymously contact the Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers Toll Free at 1-800-4PA-TIPS (8477) or online at Individuals may also report tips to PSP Hollidaysburg station at 814-696-6100 or Rockview station at 814-355-7545.
Cast Your Anchor to Your I AM Presence
This exercise of casting your anchor is from the Wesak 1992 dictation by Gautama Buddha published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 35 No. 20.
Where Have You Anchored Yourself?
It is the hour, then, to cast the anchor of your being into the Great Causal Body above. You have anchored your hopes and dreams in the astral sea. So accustomed have you become to anchoring yourself in lower levels that you do not realize how many anchors of desire you have dropped beneath that deep blue sea, which grows black as you descend the fathoms.
Cross this sea! Do not be anchored in it or to it. Yes, cast your hopes and your dreams, your longings but above all your will into the great sea of Light, the sea of Light that is the Causal Body of your I AM Presence. All elements of Light are in this Causal Body, this great, great firmament of Light.
How do you cast an anchor up, high up – up in the sense of in the very accelerated vibrations of consciousness of your I AM Presence?
The Presence resists anything that is less than the light of your perfection of soul. Thus, imagine pulling against the gravity of karma and against the lesser self, knowing that with all of your might you must heave this anchor of pure hope into the very highest octaves. The thirty-three planes await the arrival of your anchor with a mighty thud, as you have hurled it with the assistance of Hercules and Amazonia.
Yes, beloved, you hope in Christ, him the hope of glory. And your hope does not waver, for your hope in Christ is answered when you answer, when you dare to move closer to that Son of God, that Sun of being, fearing not but hearing the voice, “Come up higher!” Hope is being faithful in all things, not just a few but all things. That faithfulness, beloved, is rewarded. And again, you feel the tautness of the rope as though Christ himself were the very anchor that you have cast: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
UNEXPECTED CME IMPACT: A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on June 15th (1157 UT).
The unexpected impact sparked a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm, which has subsided but could flare up again on June 16th as Earth moves through the CME's wake. Aurora alerts: SMS Text
Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick endorses Donald Trump.
Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service
In decades-long first, the NDAA bill passed today would automatically register all males age 18-26....
Biden's wars are causing this as Scranton is pulling in as much as $10B a month on 155MM GPS guided shells that cost up to $100,000..
Defense One › business › 2024/04 › go...
Apr 24, 2024 — The U.S. Army is on a path to triple its monthly production of 155mm shells following the passage of the Ukraine supplemental, ...
The goal of 100K artillery shells per month is back in sight, Army says The new supplemental renews the push to boost production sixfold since Russia’s Ukraine invasion.
US Gave up Sending Ukraine $100K Excalibur Shells ...
Business Insider › us-gave-up-sending-...
May 26, 2024 — The US halted deliveries of GPS-guided Excalibur shells to Ukraine due to high failure rates. Russia had achieved success in jamming of US- ...
Classified reports revealed the Excalibur shell strike success dropped from 55% to 6% last summer.
The US halted deliveries of Excalibur extended-range guided artillery shells to Ukraine after Kyiv reported high failure rates, anonymous Ukrainian officials told The Washington Post.
Six months ago, Ukraine told Washington that Russia's jamming of the guidance systems in several US-supplied weapons had eroded its ability to defend its territory, the officials told the Post.
The weapons most affected by the jamming were the Excalibur shells — a GPS-guided 155-mm artillery shell supplied to Ukraine — and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS.
In response, the US simply stopped further deliveries of the Excalibur shells, the Ukrainian officials said.
The cost of the Excalibur has soared, according to a Government Accountability Office report, to roughly $100,000 per shell in 2022, as much as 50 times the cost of an unguided 155mm shell, before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
The aim of coronavirus research was to produce a vaccine. Propaganda and bribing doctors were key
US cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough explains that, historically, only sick people were placed in quarantine. During Covid – a period of tremendous controversy – even healthy people were forced into lockdown. We have also seen propaganda emerge as a power dynamic, whilst vaccines continue to be big business. For this reason, many physicians received vast amounts of money from insurance companies, if their patients got vaccinated.
Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Soaring Child Heart Failure, Top Study Confirms
The explosive admission was uncovered in a secret CDC report showing that a staggering half a million American children and young adults have been killed by Covid shots.
Trump's Bold Move: Sparking a Global Bitcoin Mining Race
Whether you want all your keys offline, shared custody with trusted contacts, or robust mobile vaults across multiple iPhones, it's Your Keys, Your Bitcoin.
Spiritual sovereignty Is the core of the Galactic Codex:
The Galactic Codex maintained by The Order of Stellar Scribes, encompasses a vast array of knowledge, including histories and information about various civilizations and species within the Agitare Nexus. The Codex serves as a comprehensive compendium of the galaxy's cultural, scientific, and historical heritage. It contains detailed accounts of major civilizations, ranging from the earliest known records to the present day. Each civilization's history, societal structures, cultural practices, technological advancements, and significant events are meticulously documented. Moreover, the Galactic Codex offers insights into the diverse species inhabiting the Agitare Nexus. It provides in-depth profiles of sentient races, exploring their biology, psychology, social structures, and notable contributions to the galaxy's tapestry. This includes not only the prominent species but also those that might be less widely known or encountered. The Codex goes beyond mere factual information and delves into the intricacies of cultural traditions, folklore, mythologies, and belief systems that shape the civilizations and species within the galaxy. It seeks to foster understanding and appreciation for the rich tapestry of diverse cultures, promoting tolerance and respect among the denizens of the Agitare Nexus. Furthermore, the Codex serves as a valuable resource for travelers and adventurers, offering practical information on star systems, notable landmarks, navigational charts, trade routes, and even recommendations for cultural experiences and unique phenomena to explore within the galaxy. The Order of the Stellar Scribes continuously updates and expands the Codex as new information becomes available, ensuring that it remains a living document that reflects the ever-evolving nature of the Agitare Nexus. Its goal is to provide a comprehensive and reliable source of knowledge, enabling individuals to delve into the depths of the galaxy's history and unravel the mysteries it holds.
(The original foundation of the US constitution is freedom. Just like the Galactic Codex.)
People watch the Russian Navy Admiral Gorshkov frigate arrive at the port of Havana, Cuba, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. A fleet of Russian warships reached Cuban waters on Wednesday ahead of planned military exercises in the Caribbean. (AP Photo/Ariel Ley)
JFK Library: On the Brink: The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban government was convinced that missiles were not essential for the defense of Cuba.
(President Trump might have to bring in JFK JR as VP candidate in order to help with today's Cuban Missile Crisis.)
American Cancer Society: 80% rise in coming years, attributed to the mRNA vaccine
Investigative journalist and film producer Del Bigtree and investigative journalist Jefferey Jaxen – both American – discuss different published studies, like one by the American Cancer Society, which shows that more cases of advanced cancer are being diagnosed in young people and in all age groups. An 80% increase in the number of tumors is expected in the years to come, despite ‘mainstream’ media outlets trying to hide this fact or disguise the data. Bigtree and Jaxen applaud the courage of a number of Japanese researchers, who have recently analyzed and published their findings. These experts conclude there was a significant rise in cancer-induced mortality in 2022, after the third-or-more dose of the mRNA vaccine for SARS-CoV-2.
Mexico's health secretary denies death of resident due to bird flu subtype
Jorge Alcocer Varela dismisses WHO announcement that 59-year-old man’s death was due to A(H5N2) strain Jorge Antonio Rocha | 07.06.2024
‘First Human Bird Flu Death’ Exposed as Hoax: Patient Died from Kidney Failure
MSM has a field day over false bird flu death
Despite Mexican health officials publicly stating that the man’s death wasn’t related to bird flu, mainstream outlets are having a field day publishing articles claiming that this is the “First-ever human death of bird flu strain H5N2.”
The corporate media has been warning the public that extra vigilance and precautions may be warranted ahead of the 2024 elections.
Indeed, CBC, Global News, BBC, Reuters, NBC News, Washington Post, etc., have all penned articles warning about the latest incident of bird flu in a new campaign of scaremongering eerily similar to early COVID-era propaganda.
However, so far, there is no evidence that people need to be remotely worried about bird flu.
There isn’t a shred of evidence that the virus has the potential to reach pandemic levels or that it should ever be considered grounds for disrupting everyday life.
However, with the Democrats struggling ahead of the November elections, don’t rule anything out just yet.
The WHO pushes development of future pandemics with viruses by design. Parliaments are hushing it up
Trump Wants Bitcoin "Made In The USA" After Hosting Mining Industry Heads
"President Trump will protect your right to own Bitcoin, to mine Bitcoin, to transact with Bitcoin, and for many of us, to work in…
He claimed Bitcoin was the country’s “last line of defense” against a central bank digital currency. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said in March the U.S. was “nowhere near recommending or let alone adopting a central bank digital currency in any form.”
Trump recently stressed that the United States must not settle for “second place” when it comes to crypto and even declared himself as the “crypto president” earlier in June.
Trump's supportive stance is in stark contrast to President Joe Biden's who has proposed a 30% electricity tax on Bitcoin miners in the country.
So apparently the US Supreme Court has just given 40 US states the green light to begin issuing their own gold and silver-backed currencies.
Quote from the SC decision:
“The United States maintains a dual system of banking, made up of parallel federal and state banking systems. That dual system allows privately owned banks to choose whether to obtain a charter from the Federal Government or from a state government.”
First criminal case against Pfizer is underway.
Augusto Roux was injured on the Pfizer trial in Argentina. He is also a lawyer, and a Federal Prosecutor...
tried to sweep his injuries under the carpet by saying he voluntarily
left the trial, when in actual fact, he was in the Hospital being
treated for the injuries Pfizer caused him.. All documented by Brook
Jackson, the whistleblower.
TrialSite news reports Argentinian
Augusto Roux, federal prosecutor, and injured clinical trial participant
is leading this groundbreaking case.
The complaint alleges the
pharma giant covered up severe vaccine injuries during COVID-19 trials.
Could this be the first criminal prosecution against a COVID-19 vaccine
Learn more here:
[link to (secure)]
Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas will not be allowed to swim in the olympics against women
swimmer Lia Thomas' demand she be allowed to compete against women in
the Olympics has been dealt a fatal blow after she lost a crucial
Thomas, 25, had asked the Court of Arbitration for Sport
to overturn a ban on biological males competing against women in hopes
of racing at the Games.
She first rose to prominence after
becoming the first transgender athlete to win a NCAA college title in
2022 and has since been banned from competing against biological women
in international events following a change in regulations.
Aquatics changed its policies so that transgender women can only compete
in women's races if they have completed their transition by the age of
Thomas argued those rules should be declared 'invalid and
unlawful', and broke the Olympic charter and the World Aquatics
In a decision handed down at the court of
arbitration for sport, they concluded that Thomas wasn't 'entitled to
engage with eligibility to compete in WA competitions'.
World Aquatics welcomed the news, hailing it as a 'major step forward in our efforts to protect women's sport.'
House votes to hold Merrick Garland in criminal contempt, 216-207.
This system kills more people than it saves. We have to defend what is right
US osteopathic physician and anti-vaccine activist Dr Sherri Tenpenny joins US investigative journalist and film producer Del Bigtree, and discusses the following: “We have to abandon this system which kills more people than it saves right now. We have to urge people to defend what they know is right. Over the last 23 years, my mission has been to inform people about the problems associated with vaccines. They are unsafe and unnecessary and they do not prevent illness. And there is no question that they cause injury, and I am referring to all vaccines.”
Dr. William Makis: Using Ivermectin To Heal Cancer, Including COVID-Vaccine-Induced Turbo Cancer
Pelosi admits she was responsible for J6 security.
American College of Pediatricians issues fiery statement condemning child gender transition
Bill Gates: Vaccines contain programmable self-assembling nanoparticle technology
When the Covid vaccines were administered to the public for the first time, vaccine inserts were left intentionally blank. Those who did their own research discovered that the jabs were lethal. Moderna’s patent for mRNA technology confirmed that it contains self-assembling lipid nanoparticles. The mRNA injections can be easily programmed to administer any kind of pathogen, that can be released in a controlled way over time, so that deaths appear to be random and mysterious. According to estimates, 600 million doses have been injected into the American people, and Bill Gates admits it.
One of the biggest protests tonight is happening in Israel Tens of thousands of Israelis in Tel Aviv are protesting to demand their government complete an exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance and the overthrow of Netanyahu.
HUGE Conservative, Anti-War Rout In EU Elections! Macron Dissolves Parliament, Belgian PM Resigns!
Even the Euros are tired of being overrun by criminal aliens, financing the Globalist War in Ukraine and insane taxes.
Le Pen’s party won 34% of the vote while Macro’s party received just 15%
Now Saudi Arabia has joined a China-dominated central bank digital currency project using the code China’s e-yuan is built on.
This means the US Corporation lost a power struggle in Saudi Arabia that saw the death of at least ten princes. The missile attack that crippled the USS Eisenhower also contributed to the Corporation losing control over the oil market. The Houthi forces behind the attack say “Its unprecedented targeting by the Yemeni Armed Forces signifies the end of American military dominance over the seas, representing a significant geopolitical fall for the American ‘empire’.”
In a sign the Russians might be involved, President Vladimir Putin said ‘Russia can supply long-range missiles to countries that can strike sensitive targets of those countries that supply such weapons to Ukraine.”
Russia also sent nuclear-armed submarines and ships to Cuba. Russian FSB sources explain “A majority of the Russian people want to restrain the US by repeating the Cuban missile crisis.”
Immediately after this, fake US President Joe Biden did a 180-degree turnaround and said “The United States does not support the idea of using American weapons for strikes against Moscow or the Kremlin.”
The US is reacting to this defeat the same way the Japanese acted after their loss of four aircraft carriers during the Battle of Midway: by hiding the truth from the public. In other words, there is a massive cover-up of the biggest US military defeat since Vietnam.
However, in a sign the US knows it is game over for their control of world finance, the US Supreme Court just gave the green light to the 40 US States who plan to issue their own gold and silver-backed currencies. The court ruled: “The United States maintains a dual system of banking, made up of parallel federal and state banking systems. That dual system allows privately owned banks to choose whether to obtain a charter from the Federal Government or from a state government.”
That is why FRB-linked US banks closed 79 branches in just six weeks making the total so far for 2024 above 400.
The fall of the Federal Reserve Board and its’ US corporation is why the secret war over what to replace it with has intensified.
One faction is the GESARA group whose plans are, as David Wilcock reports on his Telegram channel, as follows:
GESARA (Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was voted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States, known as NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act).
NESARA cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt. Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate for non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government… Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury…. Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. Removes all dark cabal agents, admin officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.
However, Pentagon sources report a “Rainbow US Note that is ready to be circulated for the US economy to ride the storm of the end of the US Dollar. It’s backed by gold and assets seized from child sex traffickers like the Vatican and European royals and British royals whose assets were seized. It is also backed by Taiwan’s gold and gold loaned by the Chinese Elders of the Philippines who own 90% of the world’s gold to have a Jubilee and pay off debts worldwide.”
Meanwhile, the BIS controllers of the current financial system say “Roughly 135 countries and currency unions, representing 98% of global GDP, are exploring central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs.”
The head of MI6 for his part says the plan is to join “all FIAT and Crypto Currencies into one single secure electronic unit using an exchange rate mechanism then simply back to back all the various balances against the new unit. Similar to when the EURO came into existence. The new currency is called The Sovereign.”
Japanese right-wingers close to the Emperor add that under this system all current crypto-currencies will be wiped out of existence.
The White Dragon Society and its allies for their part, want to return control of the financial system to the elected representatives of the people and their public servants.
BRICS developing platform for transactions in national currencies
The international Rothschild banking system is being replaced by the BRICKS to free humanity.
BRICS, which originally comprised Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, was joined by Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates in early 2024. While Saudi Arabia received an official invitation to join the forum in 2023 and confirmed its interest in doing so, later media reports suggested that the oil-rich state was still considering membership. Argentina was also invited but declined the offer after its President Javier Milei opposed the move.
The BRICS economic bloc, formed in 2009, has presented itself as an alternative to Western-dominated international institutions. According to Statista analytical company, BRICS overtook the G7 countries’ share of the world’s total GDP in terms of purchasing power parity in 2020. As of 2023, BRICS accounted for a total of 32% of global GDP.
The old guard Rothschild Khazarian Mafia soliders are being eliminated at a rate of 50,000 per month in Ukraine. Their back up plan is to make Ukraine into an AI run country with as few people as possible.
Victory! Health Freedom Defense Fund Defeats LA School Vaxx Mandate!
Rockefeller Parkway and Flagg Ranch
The road between Grand Teton and Flagg Ranch is out.
50 year petrodollar started in 1974 ended on June 9.
What happens if the Petro dollar goes away?
The impact on the United States might be less severe due to its domestic-focused economy and potential self-sufficiency in raw materials. However, the decline of the petrodollar could still result in increased inflation and interest rates.
Corruption of science and the medical industrial complex! The cure for cancer and AIDS was hidden
Activist and researcher Mike Adams and molecular biologist Dr Judy Mikovits – both American – discuss the total corruption of the biomedical system and how it was transformed into a weapon against humanity, even before Covid. They hid the origins and cure for HIV, and the cure for cancer. In fact, the exact opposite occurred: these discoveries were used to cause cancer, AIDS and mass deaths. When someone realises what is happening and publishes their findings.
Famous actors suffer adverse effects or die post vaccination – Part 147
Famous actors like Olivia Munn, Bernard Hill, Teresa Palmer, Adrian Schiller, Yolanda Andrade, Rakhi Sawant and many others have been injured by the toxic vaccine and some have died. If this is happening with actors who are celebrities, how many more anonymous people are being affected who receive no media coverage and are not counted among the statistics?
The 9th Circuit Just Stripped mRNA Shots of Legal Liability Protection
The 9th Circuit said it's not a vaccine if the claim isn't to PREVENT THE SPREAD. COVID shots were claimed to "reduce symptoms" and prevent hospitalization… Those claims make it a TREATMENT. SOURCE: Dr. Jane Ruby.
Big Pharma admits it lied over MMR vaccine
Now, in a shocking case brought under the False Claims Act, a 200-year-old law introduced to protect the US government from fraud, it admits falsifying data relating to the mumps component of its measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination.
Merck*, which annually sells $100million (£78million) MMR doses in the US, told the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the US public health body who purchase it, and the Food and Drug Administration, (FDA) who licensed it, that it provided children with 95 per cent protection against mumps. That figure could be as low as 50 per cent or even zero.
From 2000, increasing mumps outbreaks amongst the fully vaccinated and boosted prompted the FDA to instruct Merck to prove the 95 per cent protection claim, otherwise they would lose their license. Merck re-ran the numbers and fell way short. They designed a test to measure effectiveness – Protocol 7 – that included rabbit’s blood in the hope it would falsely enhance the sensitivity of it. They also swapped the wild measles virus for the weakened vaccine strain in the test. Nothing improved the figures enough and they stood to lose millions in revenue. Investigating the alleged fraud, Dr Andy Wakefield said: ‘At that stage they simply decided to cross out the numbers and change them for numbers that gave them the result they wanted.’
Despite overwhelming evidence, first highlighted in 2010 by Merck whistleblowers, virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, last July Judge Chad F Kenney ruled in favor of the drugs giant who claimed that doctoring the data did not matter because the US government knew and continued to buy their MMR jab anyway. The government’s defense was that they had no choice as they had to protect children against measles. Merck hold the US monopoly for MMR, and measles was targeted for global eradication using the vaccine. An appeal is expected to be heard next month.
The convoluted case is the subject of an award-winning feature film
Protocol 7, being premiered today. It follows the story of a mother and lawyer, played by Rachel Whittle, who discovers the fraud while trying to find reasons for her adopted son’s autism. Actors Matthew Marsden and Eric Roberts (Julia Roberts’s brother) also star.
(In 1989, the Japanese government made Merk's MMR vaccine mandatory, but they experienced a large number of serious adverse reactions, and in 1993 banned MMR. Instead, they adopted individual vaccines for measles and rubella, and excluded mumps. Japan’s infant mortality rate is far lower than the United States and childhood vaccines aren’t required in Japan.)
The Russians Are Coming Movie
Directed by Norman Jewison. With Carl Reiner, Eva Marie Saint and Alan Arkin.
When a Soviet submarine gets stuck on a sandbar off the coast of a New
England island, its commander (Theodore Bikel) orders his
second-in-command, Lieutenant Rozanov (Alan Arkin), to get them moving
again before there is an international incident. Rozanov seeks
assistance from the island locals, including the police chief (Brian
Keith) and a vacationing television writer (Carl Reiner), while trying
to allay their fears of a Communist invasion by claiming he and his crew
are Norwegian sailors.
(Only this time it's real with Russian Zircon Encrusted Hypersonic Missiles.)
The naval vessel -- a Russian training ship named the Perekop - entered the port carrying "humanitarian aid, as well as equipment delivered directly from the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg for multimedia exhibitions at the Museum of Fine Arts of Havana," Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the official state newspaper of Russia, reported.
The Perekop traveled across the Atlantic Ocean from the Russian port city of Kronshtadt to the Caribbean Sea. It departed Russia on June 20 and arrived in Cuba on July 11. The ship will go on to make other stops in the Caribbean, South America and Africa before returning to Russia in September, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
(Off the west coast of Cuba is where they discovered the submerged pyramids of Atlantis during the cold war when a submarine went down there during the Cuban missile crisis.
That is where the order of Melchizedek had their healing temples with AA Zadkiel hosting the Amethyst Ray. They helped get the Akashic records loaded onto crystal skulls and sent them to the Yukatan Peninsula where they put them under the pyramids in order to lift the consciousness of the Mayan people.)
Temple of Purification of Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst
The Temple of Purification presided over by Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst is in the etheric realm over the island of Cuba.
Temple of Purification of Archangel Zadkiel and AmethystViolet Flame Retreat of the Archangels of the Seventh RaySeven Temples at this Etheric Retreat
The retreat is also the place of the Order of Melchizedek and of the eternal priesthood of all religions of the world.
Before the sinking of Atlantis, the Temple of Purification was a physical retreat for the priests and priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel. These Masters of Invocation used the focus of the flame and the accumulated good of their causal bodies for the transmutation of misqualified energies on earth.
Journeying to and fro, even into the astral realms, these dedicated servants are a self-appointed clean-up committee who remove the debris, especially in the large cities of the world, so that mankind may continue to function.
There are seven temples at this retreat. The complex is composed of a central temple with seven pillars surrounded by six lesser temples. The architecture and design of the central temple is very similar to that of Archangel Michael and Faith at Banff.
The temple is circular with a golden dome. It has four entrances and a pyramid-shaped altar in the center where the focus of the violet flame blazes. The decoration throughout the temples is effected with amethyst inlaid in gold, while the golden dome is plain.
Saint Germain’s History With the Temple of Purification
At the time of Atlantis, Saint Germain served in the Order of Lord Zadkiel as a high priest in the Temple of Purification. Prior to the sinking of the continent he was called by his own teacher, the Great Divine Director, to carry the flame of freedom from this temple to a place of safety in the Carpathian foothills in Transylvania. (Bucegi Mountain & Bran Castle area) When Atlantis sank, the Temple of Purification was withdrawn to the etheric plane.
Etheric Retreats of the Archangels
Vaccinated people are, essentially, 'non-consenting genetically modified organisms'
Big Pharma is working with China on eugenics and the genetic modification of the human population
Karen Kingston, US whistleblower, pharmaceutical analyst and former Pfizer employee, alleges that the CEOs of the big US biopharmaceutical companies flew in to meet with Xi Jinping to tell him not to worry about what was going on in Congress at the time. They told him they were still investing and allying with him, and that they would find areas in which to have friendly competition with each other in these new markets they are creating, all while genetically editing and euthanising the human population.
Hypersonic missiles can sink any and all aircraft carriers simultaneously if Russia chooses to. This isn't the movie Battleship Potempkin where the Bolshevics get to laugh all the way to the bank.
Handful Of Russian Warships Heading To Cuba!
This time the Russians really are coming.
Your Attention Please At the corner of W Freedom Avenue & N Logan Boulevard, there is public sidewalk next to a VERY busy Sheetz. We need volunteers, please, that can regularly set up a Trump table & register voters. Mifflin County, PA, is extremely Republican. Having a “Pain at the pump? Vote Trump” table here would be very successful. Win Pennsylvania. Win the White House.
(We need massive GOP registration and Scott Presler has been a Godsend in that regard.)
First-ever human death of bird flu strain H5N2 confirmed in Mexico: WHO
Doubtful. The PCR test from the last plandemic was never accurate. Besides, a Jewish woman president would never go along with another manufactured epidemic. The Communist Chinese just want to block the light from our DNA.
Shapiro signs new distracted driving bill into Pa. law, bans use of handheld devices while driving
Shapiro's big victory. Still not a word from him about DA Ray Gricar. He would rather spread the suspicion around to the entire PA justice system. All the people want is the truth. See
They should be given amnesty for confessing to all of the crimes they helped create, cover up and profit from. They should have to tell us what happened to Gricar, where the Dent's run gold is, what the FBI's involvement in Jan 6 was, who killed JFK, etc.
Won't be needing that new FBI building if operations are moved to Bensalem. The U.S. Attorney's Office in the District of Columbia is not part of the Republic of the United States of America. Perhaps a political prisoner exchange can be arranged. Release the Jan 6 political prisoners in exchange for restoring the constitution in Washington DC!
Conversations with Paul Winter
NYU Steinhardt Jazz Interview Series with Dr. David Schroeder interviews legendary saxophonist, bandleader, producer and environmental activist Paul Winter discussing his unique life in music including his connections to early bossa nova, the Paul Winter Consort, Saint John the Divine and his incredible contributions to our planet through music. Recorded April 25, 2018.
Today's message from Paul Winter: 6/4/2024
Dear Friend,
We will be offering our musical welcome to the summer on the morning of Saturday, June 22nd, in our 29th Annual Summer Solstice Celebration at New York’s Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
The Consort will be premiering a new musical journey, entitled Adventures in the Universe, inspired by composer Charles Ives’
aural vision of a “Universe Symphony”, a work that Ives never realized,
but which he encouraged future musicians to explore. Our aspiration is
to use the extraordinary acoustics and space of the Cathedral to create a
soundscape which might awaken in the imaginations of listeners some
sense of the vastness of space and time in the universe.
The ancients gathered at Stonehenge to catch the first rays of the
summer sun, in the lineage of universal acknowledgment of the sun as the
source of life, fertility, and good fortune. We have, in New York, the
privilege of gathering in another stone forum, the Cathedral of St. John
the Divine. However, it has been an ongoing quest of our summer
solstice celebrations, over the years, to experience this turning point
of the year in a new way – with the aural rather than the visual –
through this miracle of listening.
Playing with the Consort for the first time will be special guest Jeff Beal on flugelhorn. A renowned jazz instrumentalist and composer, Jeff is perhaps best known for scoring the Netflix show House of Cards, for which he won his fifth Emmy.
The flugelhorn will be a companion voice to my soprano sax, among harmonic tapestries created by Brazilian pianist Henrique Eisenmann and organist Tim Brumfield.
Paul Winter’s 29th Annual Summer Solstice Celebration
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY
4:30 am, Saturday, June 22nd, 2024
Preferred General Admission - $65
General Admission - $55
Yoga Mat Section - $45
Buy Tickets
Altoona Mirror 150th Anniversary June 13
Give people some hope for honest, factual reporting. Get a new editorial staff. You get a zero for medical reporting and a minus 10 for the most important story the current editor will never report on, Ray Gricar. And take Value Drug propaganda with you when you leave!
Marxist rehtoric makes for terrible reading and bad mental health.
HUGE! Delaware Judge Lets More Than 70,000 Zantac Lawsuits Go Forward + More
Zionist Israel waging a “war of filth and disease” on Gaza—as hepatitis spreads
ABF Farms raided in Fowlerville MI (No antibiotics used on the farm.)
Fema Opened A New Facility In Fowlerville MI In March:
If you have a disaster they can help. The deadline to apply for assistance is April 8, 2024.
Because raw milk sales are not permitted in Michigan, we sell shares of our dairy herd which allows herd share owners access to fresh raw milk from their own
~ Raw Milk is Real Milk! ~
We are honored to be serving dozens of families weekly and providing them with the amazing health benefits that only raw milk can offer. Because raw milk sales are not permitted in Michigan, we sell shares of our dairy herd which allows herd share owners access to fresh raw milk from their own cows. We are excited to announce that we have just become Michigan’s first Raw Milk Institute LISTED dairy!
Herd Share Details -
One share entitles the share owner to 2 gallons of milk weekly (4 jars). There is an initial herd share purchase fee of $100 per share (we will reimburse you this cost if you'd ever like to sell your share back to us) and a $160 per month boarding fee per share. We sell shares in increments of 1/4, so you may purchase a share that best matches your milk needs, may that be 1/2 gallon or 3 gallons (or more) per week. To see a breakdown of what partial shares cost, click here.
PA Judge lets Amos Miller sell raw milk in other states
Just not to his neighbors in PA. They don't want the locals to become too independent.
92 Million Chickens have been killed by the government for bogus bird flu BS
The bird flu vaccine is never going to fly. Not Even In Fowlerville. There might be a rogue FBI office up there. The deep state Whitmer kidnapping planners are from around there. FEMA better help those farmers get back on their feet and opened up again so there is plenty of farm fresh food for the neighbors up there!
American Jews should vote with Trump's Israel record in mind - Mike Pence
Pence is in Jerusalem to check on the MedRed Railroad and Canal. Gaza is rich! Between the gas and shipping it might be the most valuable real estate in the world! They don't need a war they need engineers, up front investment and 300,000 workers to build the MedRed transportation system!
Zionist Israel waging a “war of filth and disease” on Gaza—as hepatitis spreads
Israel Is Building A $55 BILLION Canal Through Gaza!
By attempting to steal the land instead of negotiating a fair deal they create more division. The canal and railroad can be the driving force for peace if only the Israelis could work with others.
Pence was funded into the Governorship of Indiana by the drug firm Eli Lilly. Alex Azar, a native of Johnstown, PA, was the President of Eli Lilly at the time.
Eli Lilly used to grow cannabis flower for botanical natural cures before it was forced into the Rockefeller petrochemical medical cartel in 1937.
Looks like the CIA is going to finally be exposed for its involvement in the Maui fires.
Direct Energy Weapons used. Celebrities like Oprah's land grab. Missing children unaccounted for. Splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.
Russia, Ukraine Swap 150 POWs In First Exchange In Months
As if inadvertently illustrating that negotiations are actually very possible & within reach.
Sen. Joe Manchin Leaves Democratic Party
14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
A view of Gaza before and after 7 October
This is what they refer to as "mowing the lawn" in Israel.
Biden's home town is producing the 155mm artillery shells that are being sent to Israel and Ukraine.
BREAKING! Biden Announces Plan To Bomb Russia Right After Trump Show Trial Conviction
He wants more 155 mm Howitzer shell production in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre factories making $Billions on the war.
Scranton: Home Town of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joe Biden and Senator Bob Casey.
The Masonic lodge in Scranton is what brought them all together. The Clintons then lived near the Masonic lodge in Little Rock, The Albert Pike Memorial Temple.
(This is why you get a war economy voting with the Democrats. Of course some Republicans are in on it like Nickey Haley who signed Biden's howitzer shells in Israel with a personal note: Nikki Haley writes 'Finish Them' on Israeli artillery shell.)
Centre Daily Times: Trump Guilty on All Counts in Hush-Money Case
The CDT gloats about the phony Trump trial but it won't print a word about the biggest, real, covered up DA Capitol murder case in American history! Same for surrounding PA newspapers.
Governor Josh Shapiro could solve this case by empaneling a grand jury but he covered it up for 4 years himself as AG! They know! The Governor needs to act on this or else turn himself in for misprision of a felony! See the evidence and hear the podcasts at
CHD: Moderna Eyes Tens of Millions in Taxpayer Funding for mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine
The U.S. government is closing in on an agreement to fund a late-stage trial of Moderna’s mRNA bird flu vaccine, the Financial Times reported Thursday, as public health officials and media outlets sound the alarm about outbreaks on poultry and cattle farms across the country.
As The Defender reported previously, the CDC, BARDA, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have funded or are funding gain-of-function research to make bird flu more pathogenic and/or more transmissible in mammals.
Nice picture of Trump from the FBI editors at the Tribune Democrat
These mockingbird media guys are going to be out of a job when Trump gets back in. They won't write a word about the Gricar case because they are helping to cover it up!
(The miracle drug Ivermectin explained.)
“[Bifidobacteria] represents your trillion-dollar industry of probiotics. In fact, when you turn the bottle and see the ingredients, it says Bifidobacteria. It is present in newborns. This [explains] why your newborn did not have a problem with COVID-19 from the beginning. It is absent in older people—the process of aging is loss of Bifidobacteria.
We published a paper, the Lost Microbes of COVID-19. It took eight months to publish. If you follow the Bifidobacteria like I do, you will notice, and we did notice, that vitamin C actually increases Bifidobacteria, [which] is why vitamin C is important when taking care of viruses. [We’ve] all experienced taking vitamin C for a cold.”
Like vitamin C, Dr. Hazan and her team noticed that Ivermectin also increased the Bifidobacteria within 24 hours of taking it. “Why Ivermectin?” she asked, explaining that when you examine what Ivermectin is, you understand it is a fermented product of a bacteria similar to Bifidobacteria. In fact, she explained, they are “in the same continent of microbes, like brothers and sisters in the microbiome.”
Wrapping up, Dr. Hazan conveyed that before COVID-19, she performed clinical trials for Big Pharma, including vaccine studies. Why not with this experimental gene-damaging “vaccine” that was forced upon humanity? Some of the drugs she tested never made it to the market because they killed people. She remarked that in clinical trials, doctors follow guidelines that allow the industry to provide safe drugs. Yet, these guidelines were not observed during the pandemic, “and because of that, everyone is affected.”
Japan's Former Minister for Internal Affairs: "I apologize to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have"
of the key points in Haraguchi’s speech was his criticism of the ban on
Ivermectin, a drug developed by Dr. Satoshi Omura, which he believed
could have played a significant role in combating the pandemic.
questioned the motives behind the ban, suggesting that economic
interests were prioritized over public health. "Why? Because they are
cheap. They don't want it because it will interfere with the sales of
the vaccines," he argued. This statement drew loud applause from the
Haraguchi then shared a deeply personal story about his own
health struggles. After receiving vaccines, he developed a severe
illness, specifically a rapidly progressing form of cancer.
Haraguchi disclosed that he was not the only member of Japan's National Diet to suffer adverse effects from vaccines.
He mentioned that three of his colleagues had been severely affected, with some even hospitalized.
"They are falling to pieces, some hospitalized. But they don’t speak up,"
Elevated Risk Of Epilepsy, Appendicitis In Children After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study
Researchers analyzed records from more than 5 million children.
Trump: The real verdict will be November 5th.
Politico: People v. Trump
Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts!
The former president is now a convicted felon. A Manhattan jury found him guilty of falsifying business records to cover up a payoff to a porn star.
(This is going to make Trump's poll numbers go through the roof! Remember: He has immunity at the Supreme Court. They are just doing this to draw out the last of the never Trumpers. Let the celebrations begin among the last of the Biden supporters. The reactions are going to be priceless!)
Barron’s reports late Wednesday: After the market closed, the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dawn O’Connell, said on a press call that the agency is in conversation with both Moderna and Pfizer about making avian influenza vaccines using messenger RNA-
Explosive Report Drops a Bomb on the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule
This is why Amish children are healthier. It's about natural immunity not cutting and pasting the immune system with chemicals. Balance with nature is the true goal of health.
Big Pharma's goal is to rule the person's health from cradle to grave with artificial medicine that replaces natural remedies.
R.F.K. Jr. Denounces the Removal of Confederate Statues
This is a New York Times hit piece which tries to frame RFK JR as racist. Marxists always try to erase history which means young people don't get to learn from history.
We have a similar situation with the Joe Paterno statue at Penn State. Removing it was the goal of the Marxists all along. They had to completely ruin JoePA's image as the winningest coach in college history in order to rid Penn State of his conservative approach. It didn't matter that the same people behind Joe's erasure had also done away with the DA targeting Sandusky and his charity.
Today we have the same companies from Sandusky's board ready to reap the rewards of a $700 million stadium renovation budget. Will they throw a bone to Penn State football fans and allow the field to be named after Paterno?
Joe's Scranton Shell factory caught fire on April 15th
The Army has sent more than two million 155mm rounds to Ukraine. This is a lot of money for the Scranton shell factory! The average cost for a 155mm shell is around $5,000. 2 Million times $5000 is $10 billion in taxpayer money! No wonder Governor Shapiro was up there with Bill Clinton and Senator Casey for a dinner at the Masonic Temple a month earlier. The masonic hall even has a painting of Casey on the wall!
Strengthened Army industrial base doubles artillery production
Currently, the Army ships steel from Ohio to two facilities in Pennsylvania, the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, and a sister facility in Wilkes-Barre. These two plants turn 2,000-pound steel rods into two-foot-tall artillery shells.
Opinion | How to Force Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse Themselves in the Jan. 6 Cases
They wish.
Jury instructions at 10 am, then Trump’s fate will be in the hands of 12 New Yorkers.
Observers are predicting they will rule to put the Trump double in jail because Trump's poll numbers go up every time they prosecute him. Biden will then be standing by to make a big announcement on live TV right after the verdict.
Trump trial: Robert De Niro and Capitol police officers show up to courthouse with Biden
Deniro showed up defiantly wearing a mask outside surrounded by bodyguards.
“Americans need to wake up. This is not a drill,” said Dunn, a former Capitol police officer who ran unsuccessfully for office in Maryland.
Trump seems to be channeling Joe Pesci's Tommy DeVito character in Goodfellows here ...Donald Trump has said he would "encourage" Russia to attack any Nato member that fails to pay its bills as part of the Western military alliance.
Robert Kennedy Super PAC to publish tell all book by Hunter Biden’s stripper baby mama.
Roberts’ memoir will be published by Skyhorse Publishing, a company whose president, Tony Lyons, is a co-founder of the pro-Kennedy super PAC American Values 2024.
Healthcare Company Semler Soars After Adopting Bitcoin As Primary Treasury Asset
Are we about to see an avalanche of companies transitioning out of dollars and into bitcoin?
Treasury officials work on Russian asset seizure. Here we come dedollarization.
Cambria man to receive new trial in DUI case
This brings to mind the case of Judge Thomas King Kistler. After being asked to empanel a Gricar grand jury by Stacey Parks Miller, he began drinking heavily, got stopped after hitting a traffic officer after the Indiana PSU game in 2017 with a .23 BAC. Then after nearly completing his probation he got caught having one beer at the Red Horse Tavern in Pleasant Gap. He was then promoted to president judge for Venango County 130 miles away from Bellefonte.
Meanwhile, ever since the request by former DA Stacie Parks Miller for the Gricar grand jury, she has had unrelenting lawfare thrown at her by the Bellefonte court system. A contrived case about a judges signature brought by the court reporter is still on the docket since 2017.
By moving Judge Kistler away, the court has failed to respond to former DA Miller's request for a Gricar grand jury while prosecuting Miller for even asking. Things have gotten so out of hand in Bellefonte they are running a Lemon Squad Car Inspection franchise right out of the court house. Just ask the operator and they will put you right through!
Demand a Gricar Grand Jury as ordered by the PA State Police! Governor Shapiro could snap his fingers and empanel a Gricar grand jury in his AG office if he really wanted to. See
Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell
You know that drug that everyone called “horse dewormer”? It has multiple anti-cancer effects. Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has seen several late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries after taking ivermectin. One patient was in bad shape, and then something remarkable happened. This man had stage four prostate cancer and tried all the conventional protocols before doctors told him that there was nothing they could do. Then, he started taking ivermectin... Within six months, the metastatic lesions began to disappear, and in less than a year, “he was out dancing for four hours” three nights per week, according to Dr. Ruddy.
A similar scenario unfolded for another man named Eddie. He was also in bad shape.
Eddie was diagnosed with two unresectable esophageal tumors that surgeons wouldn’t go near. He was a smoker, couldn’t swallow, and had lost 40 pounds.
“Within a couple of weeks, he sounded stronger. He could swallow. He had gained six pounds. His voice was better,” reported Dr. Ruddy.
Several weeks later, Dr. Ruddy said to Eddie, “You need to get a scan.” Guess what happened?
“We got the scan. No tumors. Gone. Gone. The problem was that he had sold his fishing boat. That was the biggest problem. He was getting better. His tumor was gone.
(Every business and organization that pushed the covid vaccines on people should be scrambling to get them Ivermectin. It's the least they could do to make up for poisoning them with the shot. If Turbocancer hits it's too late.
Ivermectin is the closest thing to an antidote that we know of and it's natural medicine made from a rare type of soil. Very safe and cheap. They give it away in poor countries to entire populations. People shouldn't have to go to Tractor Supply with a selfie of their horse to get Ivermectin.)
Big pharma is betting on mRNA bird flu vaccines.
Researchers are working on a new mRNA vaccine—this time for bird flu
University of Pennsylvania researchers have started work on an experimental mRNA vaccine for avian flu that could be developed rapidly.
(This is the idiocy we are still fighting against in PA. It's as if rogue AI is running things for money instead of health.)
Apparently child mutilation surgery and poisonous mRNA shots are still on the approved services list. There are two health related lawsuits involving the football program. One is about players having to go all the way to Hershey for orthopedic care and another for trying to remove a suicidalplayer from the roster.
We have to wonder if Rachel Levine's ex wife is still in charge of mental health at Hershey Medical and whether they are still pushing transgender medical services to students. Since the medical division has been losing on average $100 million a year, some question if Penn State Health should be sold off to end State sponsored medical malpractice.
Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’
ShareREAD HERE:(LifeSiteNews) — The most senior medical oncologist in Japan recently slammed the COVID-19 mRNA shots as “the work of evil” that has caused “essentially murder.”In an interview published April 19, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil “abuse of science.”
Klaus Schwab Fourth Industrial Revolution: Genetic Editing (This is their idea of informed consent.)
(From the creators of mRNA CRISPR gene editing technology. All it takes is a computer software program to play God! The CRISPR Revolution - Genome Edit with CRISPR. This is what causes turbocancer and other diseases when random parts of DNA are cut and pasted by the mRNA vaccines.)
WIPO have pushed through a NEW Genetic Treaty - intellectual property rights over gene edited life
(Long story short, if you let them jab you, they own you. Your altered DNA is copyright protected just like any property.)
Particularly interesting as Natural Genetics CANNOT be patented, however
GENETICS that are manipulated but also contain original genetic
material CAN.
What does this mean?
It means that the Conspiracy Theory about Patents now being available on mRNA altered Human Beings ARE posssible.
is the most egregious abuse of Copyright & Patent Law ever written as those being Patented were not given Informed Consent to be so.
Nicola warns that there is an active Eugenics program that when coupled
with Digital ID and full government control could lead to targeted
identification of those who are anti government, unvaccinated, of a
particular faith and that those people could effectively be singled out
for dark and nefarious purposes akin to what happened in Nazi Germany.
"they are Eugenics ideologists.... this is a dangerous extremist ideology"
UK government and the Australian Government have set up a business with
the world bank and Bill Gates to set up a company called ID4D.
ID4D intend to implement in Australia and the UK as a test trial. They then intend to role it out globally.
ID will lead to CBDCs and 15Minute Smart cities will mean all privacy
will be gone and the state apparatus will control all out movements and
financial applications. Criticise the state and they can turn you off.
million Indians who got the digital ID had their data hacked. Iris scan
,facial recognition and a thumb print were all taken.
When the
data hack occurred people home address, medical information, iris scan,
thumb print, facial recognition, medical status and financial were
effectively for sale on the internet.
Johnson also posed for a photo with the Azov fighters while holding a yellow banner with the Wolfsangel (wolf’s hook) insignia. The symbol was used by several German divisions during World War II, including the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich, which was notorious for its war crimes, particularly against the Jewish and French populations.
While the photo-op was largely ignored by the British media, it caused a firestorm on social media, with some users accusing Johnson of insulting the memory of hundreds of thousands of Brits who died fighting the Nazi ideology.
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has joined fighters from Ukraine’s notorious neo-Nazi Azov unit to pose for a photo while holding a banner bearing a symbol associated with the Third Reich’s SS.
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism: How The “Frankfurt School” Changed America For The Worse
In 1934, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University. Its members began to exert their ideas on American culture.
It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word.
The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory. Critical Theory is a play on semantics.
The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure.
Next, was a book Theodor Adorno co-authored, The Authoritarian Personality. It redefined traditional American views on gender roles and sexual mores as “prejudice.” Adorno compared them to the traditions that led to the rise of fascism in Europe.
Major X2.9 Solar Flare + CME (5/27/2024) -
Adamantine Particles Incoming!
In Glenda Green’s book Love Without End, Jesus Christ’s channeled explanation of adamantine particles is this:
“Adamantine particles belong to both the infinite world, and the limited realm of human existence. They were the ‘First Light’ of creation. They are forever the light of consciousness. They provide the fuel and dynamic energy to propel thoughts into manifestation. They give flesh to spirit as well as new life, beauty, nourishment and healing to life. Because they are commanded by love and by the nature and will of spirit, adamantine particles belong to all dimensions.”The Soul belongs to all dimensions
Indeed, our souls belong to all dimensions, and many of us are experiencing present lives with people now as a remembering of other lives with these same souls shared in other time-space dimensions. With our families, those whom we love deeply, and those with whom we are embattled, it is wise to ask if this is an opportunity to heal or transcend conflict or create something of beauty for the world. It is all love.
The exchange of adamantine particles is the exchange of life, which goes on throughout existence. They are particles of infinity that are irreducible, fundamental, and utterly elemental. Not only do they comprise our body, but also the wind and the ocean and everything about us, under the guidance of love. There is an ongoing exchange of these particles throughout eternity. They belong both to the infinite world and the limited realm of physical existence. They are Source energy. All is under the command of love
It is so important to see that the essence of who you are is under the command of love, in all dimensions. The next time someone says that “love is who you are,” and they mean you are made up of adamantine particles of light under the command of love, then maybe you will not cringe at the sappiness!
Jesus Christ Presence, Miracles, NDE, Arthur-Guinevere, & Grail Knights Templar
Although human beings have lost their faith, and despite humanity’s
pervasive materialism and selfishness, in this video, we would like to
pay tribute to a great being, Master Jesus. He was able to conquer
death, in order to teach us that, despite the body’s destruction, death
is not final and anything is possible, if we have faith. His work did
not end after His Resurrection, and countless testimonies by ordinary
people bear witness to how Master Jesus appeared to them in difficult
times, during wars, or when they most needed Him, to heal and encourage
People who have had near-death experiences also recount how
they have seen angels, whilst others see Jesus Himself, and it changes
their life forever. In some cases, miracles and healing occur. Many
other people have seen Him moments before their death, and they
experience a sense of peace and spirituality.
Throughout history, we
find a plethora of stories about the quest for spirituality. This
search leads to the accomplishment of important feats, thanks to one’s
faith in Jesus Christ, as with Joan of Arc, Teresa of Jesus, and other
great mystics and saints. The era of the Knights of the Round Table is
another case in point, with King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and the search
for the Holy Grail. Similar quests were undertaken in other epochs as
well, like when sacred relics were faithfully protected by the Knights
Templar and other Christian soldiers who fought to the death in the
Crusades, and in many other instances known to history.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades
Donald Trump May Have Deprived Vivek Ramaswamy of a COVID Vaccine Fortune
The untold story of how President Donald Trump's drive to expedite coronavirus vaccines may have violated patents owned by Ramaswamy's company.
(Ramaswamy needs to explain why lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA vaccines are part of the problem along with snipping chunks of DNA with crispr software. His wife is a doctor and promotes the mRNA vaccines but Ramaswamy didn't offer her Ivermectin publicly.)
Lipid nanoparticles in the development of mRNA vaccines ...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) › articles › PMC9238147
by B Wilson · 2022 · Cited by 80 — LNPs contain structural lipids generally a phospholipid and cholesterol and a PEG-lipid.
Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply
“… many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines, such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as the drug delivery system, have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system …
Republicans Are Winning The Voter Registration Battle In Battleground States
The largest numerical shift occurred in the Keystone State where the Democrat lead has shrunk by some 400,000 votes since May 2019.
The gap between registered voters in the Democratic Party and Republican Party shrank significantly in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and North Carolina, according to voter registration statistics collected in April.
Taking the combined voter totals in the three states, Republicans have eroded the Democratic registration advantage by more than 54 percent between 2019 and 2024.
In Arizona, a fourth critical state, Republicans extended their lead in registered voters by more than 71 percent during the same period.
In May 2019, more than 4 million were registered as Democrats, and about 3.2 million were registered Republicans, according to voter registration data collected by the Pennsylvania Department of State.
the end of April, almost 3.9 million Pennsylvanians were registered as
Democrats, while nearly 3.5 million were registered as Republicans.
Nevertheless, Mr. Hopkins said the statistics indicate the state’s voters are moving toward the right and there is more parity in the electorate than in previous cycles. This aligns with the Republican Party’s growing appeal with white, high-school-educated voters, he said.
Pennsylvania GOP chairman Lawrence Tabas said erasing the voter registration deficit is a “top priority” in the state.
Mr. Tabas said volunteers are knocking on doors and making phone calls in efforts to register more Republican voters.
“So far this year, all 67 counties have registered more Republican voters than any other party,” Mr. Tabas said in a statement provided to The Epoch Times.
“These numbers, coupled with our mail-in ballot increases, are sure to help set up Republican victories in all regions of the Commonwealth this November.”
Representatives of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.
Beaver Stadium upgrade: If not now, when?
This article featuring lots of Paterno bashing is a desperate attempt to secure Marxist control of the football program and it's image going forward. The one thing they cannot allow to happen is a Gricar Grand Jury because that will completely destroy their JoePa was bad narrative and shed light on the back story.
All of the top players in this game know the truth and their actions have betrayed their positions in covering up the murder of DA Ray Gricar and coach Joe Paterno as justice will be served in due time. Meanwhile, the simple release of the evidence including Gricar's last fax would practically solve the case. FOIAs have been denied. The only ones holding back the investigation at this point are Governor Shapiro and the Corbett transition lawyers.
HUGE WIN SO FAR! WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Draconian Pandemic Treaty
The draconians have been driven out of the solar system.
Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin
The media still won't bring us the news even in the midst of a turbocancer epidemic caused by the mRNA vaccines. You would think Our Town could lift a finger on this one.
The food industry is poisoning us, as Big Pharma gets rich. Healthcare has been hijacked
US lawyer and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr reports that the US has more than 1,000 ingredients in its food that are prohibited in Europe and other countries. Its population is being poisoned. Because of this fact, since 1989, the nation has seen a huge upsurge in illness: childhood diabetes, autism, allergies and more, due to the control that the food industry and big agricultural corporations have on a political level. It is possible to counteract this trend through scientific research, but the NIH, National Institutes of Health, are not allowing anyone to do the studies.
How the Left Subverted the CIA and FBI.
The FBI and the CIA fought America’s enemies at home and abroad. Now they are tools of a growing police state, attacking the left’s political enemies and spying on ordinary American citizens—even parents who push back against radical public schools. How did we get here?
An operative for the CIA traces the origins of Big Intel to a loose network of Marxist academic agitators known as the Frankfurt School. (Later, Tavistok) Their ideology appealed to the Ivy League elites populating the CIA, but the subversion of the FBI took longer, impeded by the bureau’s staunchly anti-Communist director, J. Edgar Hoover. Today Big Intel is controlled by the cultural Marxists.
Big Intel shows how normal intelligence functions have given way to political correctness and never-ending “pride” propaganda, trapping agents in the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” house of mirrors. Big Intel has become Bad Intel. There are hard times ahead, but if Americans remember what freedom once was, we can still defang Big Intel and return our intelligence services to the service of democracy.
Dr. Marvin Herndon has conducted the research that proves there is currently an extremely high concentration of chemically-mobile aluminum in the Earth’s atmosphere. That is not where aluminum belongs. Nor has the atmosphere historically had such high levels of atmospheric aluminum.
Aluminum is now is being systematically introduced into the atmosphere via the ubiquitous chemical engineering programs which now operate around the clock. Also known as chemtrail spraying operations, these aerosol formulations contain coal fly ash, the main component of which is alumina.
Penn State's Horrifying Treatment of Football Players Is the Norm
With PSU's record on medicine, weather manipulation and the Gricar case, it's hard to defend their commitment to truth, justice and providing a worthwhile education. See
Ivan Raiklin: It's ON! 80,000 Veterans Ready To Be Deputized To Arrest 350 Deep State Elites (Video)
Very fitting. Lets hope they film it.
Well, well, well..... The .gov PAID CVS and Walgreens to NOT FILL IVERMECTIN Scripts.....
$2B for CVS and $3.49B for Walgreens.
Lets hope all other countries follow suit and recognize Palestine. The dual citizen cabinet we have here won't.
Illegal Memo Lets People Who Fail ID Checks To Get Right
Onto Pennsylvania’s Voter Rolls Anyway
‘Not just a football project.’ Penn State trustees approve $700M Beaver Stadium renovation
Not a word about the naming of Paterno Field which wouldn't cost a dime! The Press Box is getting a makeover. Still time to name it after DA Ray Gricar.
The FBI and their informants should know SpaceForce has everything NSA has and they know the truth! So do many in the AG office and other law enforcement agencies. Independent investigators who have seen all of the evidence understand the need for a Gricar grand jury.
The first person to get on the witness stand should be Louis Freeh, former director of the FBI. Gricar didn't even get a mention in the Freeh report because they needed Ray out of the picture to make coach Paterno the goat.
FBI informants were involved in the Gricar disappearance according to this article in the Altoona Mirror. This is the main reason a Gricar grand jury is needed. The PA AG office should be forced to follow the recommndations of the PA State Police which call for a grand jury.
See for more information and the evidence being kept from the public.
Soros DA Mike Schmidt loses in Portland.
This doesn't portend well for Lucky Larry Krazner in Philly.
Second Largest Natural Gas Compressor Station in Europe - DESTROYED
The Bilche-Volitsa gas compressor station played a key role in ensuring gas supply not only to Ukraine, but also to other European countries. Its capacity made it possible to transport significant volumes of natural gas, which made it a strategically important facility in the region’s energy infrastructure.
International Criminal Court seeks arrest warrants for Israeli PM Netanyahu, three Hamas leaders
For alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity linked to the October 7 terror attack on Israel and the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip. (US forces are now the enforcers for the ICC.)
Covid Vaccines Have Highest ‘Kill Rate’ In Medical History – Media Blackout
Top doctor says mRNA is the deadliest drug in the history of western medicine. Main stream media is still reporting from a pretend world where mRNA is OK for their audience.
We are more than we’ve been led to believe. Nations go to war to keep us distracted
US scientist and lecturer Gregg Braden speaks with André Duqum, US presenter of the podcast ‘Know Thyself’. Braden discusses how a crucial war between Good and Evil is being waged to subjugate our humanness, because it is a conduit to our divinity. They are trying to replace our bodies with synthetic products, by putting chemicals in our blood, sensors under our skin, and computer chips in our brains, in addition to artificial intelligence, which robs us of our ability to access the most profound and powerful part of ourselves. We have to triumph, to become the best version of ourselves, and to transcend our limitations, as we express the deep truth of what it means to be human. We are much more than we have been led to believe. Therefore, we need to recognise and celebrate our Divinity.
Barron Trump, 18, graduated from exclusive Oxbridge Academy on Friday. Speculation is growing as to where Barron will go to college
The biggest medical scandal in history: Vaccine adverse effects are being hidden from the people
British parliamentarian Andrew Bridgen speaks out and discusses how we are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal his country has ever seen… possibly of all time. He is referring to the excess deaths that occurred in 2023 and 2024. The causes behind this trend are complex, but the new, untested medical treatment described as the ‘Covid vaccine’ constitutes a large part of the problem. Ultimately, the situation is very clear. The evidence is clear: these vaccines are causing death, and despite that fact, they are described as being ‘safe and effective’. The jabs have caused serious injury and death in a segment of the population that received them, and will increase the risk of cancer for many more, Bridgen says.
Ed Dowd Exposes the Big Lie Surrounding COVID Vaccine Injuries
His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen:
• 1.1 million excess deaths
• 4 million people becoming disabled
• And 28.6 million vaccine-injured people are often missing work due to chronic illness.
“So, it’s about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.”
Click here to watch the full interview.
(Lets do the math with Ed's data to determine the amount of local covid vaccine damage we have suffered. There are 333 million people in the US and 33 million are vaccine damaged or dead. That means 10% of your neighbors have been damaged by the vaccine and .3% have died from it.
In a county such as Blair we have 121,000 residents. That means roughly 12 thousand have been injured and 366 have been killed by the covid shots. Plus there is ongoing poisoning due to shedding and the continued pushing of poisonous lipid particle mRNA vaccines for flu and RSV.
In the same period of time about 200 drug overdose deaths have occurred in the county showing that the deadliest drugs by far have been the covid vaccines not opioids. The media is not reporting these facts because they have been working for big pharma not the people. If the media had any credibility left they would be trying to help those poisoned by the shots with Ivermectin and other spike protein eliminating protocols such as nattokinase.)
CHD FOIAs VAERS Reports of Infant Deaths Following RSV Vaccines
Children’s Health Defense on Tuesday filed FOIA requests with the CDC for communications related to two reports of infant deaths following the accidental administration of the RSV vaccine.
(The most important health issue of our time is the vaccine business and the damage it has done to humanity. RFK JR's Children's health defense is one of the only media outlets who are telling the truth about vaccines. This is why cutting Kennedy out of the conversation only helps big pharma not The People.)
Celebrities suffer adverse effects or die post vaccination – Part 144
Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Manmade Global Climate Change, Not CO2.
(Would one person from Penn State please step forward and tell the truth about chemtrails and the carbon hoax? Here's hoping all of the climate disinformation left with professor Michael Mann and went to UPENN. )
The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children
There are more deaths from vaccines than from the diseases they are said to prevent.
In an April 16th interview with Polly Tommey, Dr. Paul Thomas, explained how the American medical establishment incentivizes pediatricians to fully vaccinate their young patients, and fines them if they don’t. Vaccinations that have been proven to cause more death and harm than the diseases they are said to be preventing.
“Well, as other practices started kicking people out of their practices if they weren't following the CDC schedule, I was getting more and more families who didn't want to do any vaccines. Which was fine with me. So we took an entire month of every single billing sheet. And on every visit, on the back of that, our providers would mark off what vaccines we recommend according to the CDC schedule. Families could decline them. And then our billing department, insurance company by insurance company, vaccine by vaccine, we looked at how much money was being lost for vaccines that were refused, just the admin fee.
So there's three main ways you make money off of vaccines in pediatrics. The number one is the admin fee. And you get about, it depends on the insurance company, every contract's different, but I would average it out to say about $40 for the first antigen and $20 for each subsequent antigen. So let's just say a two month well baby visit. There’s a DPT. That's three shots, three antigens. Hib, Prevnar, HepB, Polio, Rotavirus, six shots, eight antigens, about $240. Thank you for giving those shots. Multiply that by the fact that I was getting 30 to 40 newborns per month. They're coming in repeatedly at two months, four months, six months, nine months, twelve months, fifteen, eighteen months, and age two. So we looked at the admin fee loss and from my practice that was billing at that time, about 3 million gross, we were losing a million dollars, over a million dollars, in vaccines that were refused. So you cannot stay in business if you're not giving, pretty close to the CDC schedule. It just doesn't pencil out economically at all.
But let me tell you about the other two ways we make money from vaccines. One is the markup. That's,that's small. They don't allow a lot of profit on vaccines as far as markups. But they do this thing called incentives or bonuses. And it's called a “Quality Bonus.” Well in pediatrics, one of the main quality measures is how well you vaccinate. Isn't that interesting? It has nothing to do with how healthy your kids are. Like when I studied my vaxed vs unvaxed patients, the unvaxed were so incredibly healthy. They rarely got sick. They rarely would end up in an emergency room or in a hospital or with any chronic condition. So being unvaxed results in very healthy kids who don't use a lot of medical dollars. Every health system should want that. But it's reversed, it's all flipped, It's bizarre.
You're supposed to have had your kids up to date about 80% of them by age two. Guess what percentage of my population was at fully vaccinated at age two? 1%. The goal is 80%. So Doctor Paul gets an F minus. Basically what that means is not only do I not get paid the normal amount for everything else we do in the office, I get dinged maybe 10 or 15% off of those RVUs, relative value units, that are ascribed. To everything you do in medicine is given a value. If you do very well on your quality measures, you're a really good vaccinator, you may get an additional 10% on everything you do in your office. That's huge.
SIDs is sudden infant death syndrome. When you hear the word syndrome, it means we don't know what it is. We don't know what causes it. Well, we actually have a pretty good clue because there are six data sets. Studies that looked at SIDs when that infant died, relative to when they got a vaccine. In one data set, 97% were in the first ten days after the vaccine. For the six other studies, a couple of them showed that 50% of the deaths happened in the first week. But 75 to about 90% of those deaths are happening in the first week after vaccines in all these studies. We've known this for decades. The countries that have the most infant vaccines have the highest infant mortality. Guess where the US stands? We are number one in infant vaccines. We are number one in industrial countries for infant mortality.
There's a document, 450 page legal document, that has tables showing for every single disease for which we have a vaccine, there are more deaths from the vaccine than there are from the disease for which we have that vaccine.” ~ Dr. Paul Thomas
Blinken Fiddles In Kiev As Ukrainian Troops Burned In Kharkov
Secretary of State Antony Blinken dragged C-Span cameras along to a pub in Kiev where he jumped onstage to play Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World" with the house band, seemingly oblivious to the rapid advance of Russian forces in the north. Meanwhile, Blinken green-lights Ukraine to strike deep within Russia despite Russian warnings of retaliation at the source - whether in Ukraine or elsewhere. What could go wrong? Also today: Blinken's "holding up" weapons for Israel exposed as cynical political farce. Finally: Hero Massie drops pro raw milk bill.
Forensic Expert Claims Massive Switch of 50,000 Votes
in Pennsylvania in 2020 Election
IT Expert Greg Stenstrom says that 50,000 votes were flipped in Pennsylvania three days after the 2020 Election. (Delaware County, Philadelphia, AG Josh Shapiro's home base win for Governor along with Lucky Larry Krasner Philly DA. Shapiro said there was no election fraud in PA but never bothered to look for it!)
This is a shocking report.
A warehouse supervisor is alleged to have entered a Pennsylvania voting precinct shortly after the 2020 election and used a portable vDrive to flip more than 50,000 votes.
(One key to Biden's success in the state was his improvement on Hillary Clinton's margins in the large Philadelphia-area suburban counties: he won Bucks by 3.60% more than Clinton did, Delaware by 4.38% more, Montgomery by 4.80% more, and Chester—which Mitt Romney had narrowly won just eight years prior—by 6.60%)
Pfizer very quietly agrees to settle 10,000 cancer lawsuits over Zantac
Thousands of lawsuits were filed in courts nation-wide. Details of the settlements have not been disclosed to the public.
We also now confirmed from Pentagon sources that the millions of military-age male illegal immigrants who came into the US since 2021 were brought in to enforce the planned implementation of the (now failed) Khazarian Mafia WHO pandemic treaty. These men will now be rounded up and sent home.
The secret battle for the planet Earth was between these two alternative timelines for the future. One was the release of humanity to evolve as it chooses and thus start off a new Cambrian explosion. The other was the permanent enslavement of humanity at the service of a self-declared Nazi super race.
The Nazis have now been comprehensively defeated. The death of Klaus Schwab Rothschild, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and others ensured that. There will be more KM dominoes falling soon.
With that in mind, let us look at the geopolitical news of the past week because it is a snapshot of the shifting timelines.
The biggest change there came with the ongoing collapse of the Khazarian Mafia states of Israel, Ukraine and the US.
This is thanks to the planetary liberation alliance led by Russia, China and the Western military-industrial complex white hats.
Russia’s contributions were especially notable last week. In a sign of how free people can decide their own future, Russia just announced its goals for 2030. The 82 targets include “upholding traditional moral and spiritual values,” making Russia the fourth largest economy in the world, increasing population, becoming a high-tech super-power, creating a “comfortable and safe living environment,” promoting “environmental welfare, etc”
Sovereign nations like Russia plan their own future. Slave states like the US are forced into wars, not in the national interest that impoverish their own people.
By the way, this is Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Russian Government and real ruler of Russia.
He is not a dictator but rather the head of a committee that uses Putin as its’ PR avatar.
With its plan in motion, Russia has now begun a massive offensive against Ukraine on all fronts. Ukrainian resistance has collapsed and the war there is effectively over, Polish intelligence, CIA and Russian FSB sources agree.
The US military has agreed to this. Pentagon sources also tell us that even though the fake Joe Biden signed a bill offering $61 billion in weapons supplies to Ukraine the reality is nothing has been or will be sent.
The controversial decision was made to ensure the country’s public health services could “guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health” for the trans community, the Peruvian health ministry explained, according to the Telegraph.
RFK Jr. Cries 'Collusion' After Biden And Trump Ditch Him For Debate
Vaccines, Ivermectin and prosecuting the CIA for the Kennedy assassination probably won't be debated.
Large Barge Slams Into Galveston Bridge, Stranding Thousands On Pelican Island
Buttegieg will be right there with the checkbook.
Pascal Najadi: The War Is Already WON - A US-Led Covert Military Operation #OPERATIONSTORM.
Ukraine Discussing Moving Country's Capital from Kiev to Lviv;
The world is now a safer place. Free of the NAZI dark fleet space program.
Israeli settlers destroy truckloads of aid, as Israeli forces watch, Gazans starve – Day 220
Tracking the criminal and civil cases against Donald Trump
President Trump doesn't have to respond to the lawsuits. He is only beholden to military justice. Trump is only going to court to expose corruption.
Ray Gricar's disappearance and case updates: What really happened?
The FBI will have to eat some crow on this one.
5,000+ adverse events from a single Covid vaccine batch, never seen before. Government censorship
US Senator Ron Johnson says people need to be held accountable; the vaccine should never have been mandated. No one can dispute that the vaccine causes harm! Federal health agencies admit to myocarditis, but there is so much more. They hide what they shouldn't hide, and he believes they only do that because this situation most likely greatly incriminates them. Government censorship works with the media and Big Tech social media giants to censor the truth. The truth is powerful, but it must be revealed, he says.
Shout out to Patriot Dan Schultz! When I reached out to Dan and asked him to submit the resolution, he did not hesitate. Dan submitted the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution to the Republican Party of Arizona. The Arizona GOP voted today and passed the resolution with 95.62% of the vote! The resolution declares the COVID-19 injections biological and technological weapons and calls on the Governor to prohibit their distribution, the Attorney General to confiscate the vials, and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents.
1 Bird Flu Case in the entire US, Red eyes only symptom, recovering with antiviral for flu (Ivermectin? Tell Us CDC!)
CDC’s Risk Assessment for the General Public Remains Low
Press Release
For Immediate Release: Monday, April 1, 2024
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286
April 1, 2024—A person in the United States has tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus (“H5N1 bird flu”), as reported by Texas and confirmed by CDC. This person had exposure to dairy cattle in Texas presumed to be infected with HPAI A(H5N1) viruses. The patient reported eye redness (consistent with conjunctivitis), as their only symptom, and is recovering. The patient was told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral drug for flu.
(File this one under vaccine sales attempt.)
The Elohim (as a definition) consist of the forces, the authorities and the thrones found in the sixth, seventh and eighth dimensions of the divine system.
The Elohim are secondary gods ranked below the God of the universe. They are immense light entities which penetrate the dimensions and guard the divine laws.
They develop and evolve through the twelve ranks of evolution. The strongest are found on the twelfth evolutionary level of the dominant dimensions. On earth, we only know of six Elohim who belong to the twelfth level. There are thousands of Elohim moving in the sixth, seventh and eighth dimensions. Imagine that every one of the aforementioned dimensions, contains twelve levels.
On the sixth, seventh and eighth dimension dominate the hierarchies of the forces, the sovereignties and the authorities.
Each hierarchy drives the force, the authority, and is responsible for the compliance of the divine laws.
The six major Elohim belong to the forces. They are known to humans as the Archangels.
They are Elohim Michael, Elohim Gabriel, Elohim Raphael, Elohim Uriel, Elohim Sachiel and Elohim Samuel.
Elohim Michael, who belongs to the forces, is the regnant commander of all three dimensions (sixth, seventh and eighth dimensions). We could describe him as a secondary god below the God of the universe.
Elohim Gabriel and Elohim Samuel also belong to the authorities that promote the development of the inferior dimensions (third and fourth dimensions).
Elohim Sachiel, Uriel and Raphael belong to the sovereignties. They take action in many sectors such as catharsis, propulsion and therapy.
The six major Elohim open the gates of the third and fourth dimensions in order for the force of evolutions and love for God, descends. As I already mentioned, humans are only aware of the six Elohim. They are found on the twelfth level of the dimension that they command. They are able to release the human souls that are ready to be upgraded, in order to be unfettered from their dependencies and illusions added to them by the Nephilim, during their descend to earth. Their forces penetrate our own solar system which belongs to the lower dimensions (third and fourth).
The earth came under the negative influence of the Nephilim (the fallen). This thralldom excluded the earth from what we know as heaven, which was a huge galaxy on the fifth dimension. The souls that acceded to the orders of the recalcitrant Nephilim were trapped on earth. The story of the Fall and the reasons behind it, are recorded in my first book “The Nephilim Galaxy – The Waking”. The earth’s and the human’s thralldom ended in 1996, thus providing the ability to thousands of living humans to discern the spiritual truth behind the veil of illusion that the dynasty of the Nephilim had projected onto them.
All these years I have been guiding my school’s students, through the heavenly entities, to come into touch with their higher selves and to free themselves from karmic causes. In the past few years, the earth completed its last evolutionary cycle. I was given the resonant mission to rapidly release the earth from the commitments the Nephilim had placed upon it during our incarnations within it. I was given 9 liberating seals of the major Elohim. During the procedure of initiation of the transcendental journey (that I’m realizing with my students) to our birthplace, which is found on one of the planets within the fifth dimension, the binding seals placed by the dominant Nephilim during our descend are untied.
Every Elohim provides a seal-key of release.
Following the nine releases, the student is given the tenth and eleventh seal of release and, thus, the commitments that prevented abundance in all aspects of their lives are untied.
The eleventh seal is the seal of Christ. When we receive it, we acquire an immortal spiritual body. The twelfth seal opens up the clear communication with the twelve dimensions of the divine universe.
Students who are time-travelers are given the seal-keys with their sound frequencies in order for them to be able to transfer them to other human networks so that they can be released.
The seal-keys contain the Ternary power of love, the creator and true God of the universe. These keys unbind us from ancestral chains, thus, releasing these (ancestral) souls, so that they can pass on to the spheres of education and guidance.
Oncologist: "The Covid-19 mRNA injections are very likely to cause cancer"
Dr Angus Dalgleish, British Professor of Oncology at St George's, University of London, in an interview with Dr John Campbell, British YouTuber and retired UK educator with a PhD in Nursing: "The mRNA vaccines can produce the spike protein for a much longer period of time and potentially greatly inhibit the activity of tumour suppressor genes. That's their fundamental flaw, that's why I want them banned."
Facing a new threat: State’s dairy industry braces for avian influenza
This is a manufactured scare to cover for the fact that pharmacies are still pushing cancer and clot causing mRNA shots with no mention of the antidote Ivermectin.
Only two people in the entire USA have gotten avian flu and both recovered. The CDC is now pushing the entire dairy industry to wear gloves, masks, goggles, and gowns.
There is no avian flu outbreak in the wild bird population and is most likely a lab made flu like covid 19 being spread on purpose to sell a new vaccine.
Dairy farmers resist CDC push for PPE against bird flu virus - STAT
U.S. Could Vaccinate a Fifth of Americans in a Bird Flu Emergency Forget it. The People know better now.
IVERMECTIN and CANCER - Treating Turbo Cancer - 7 new studies released in 2024 show Ivermectin works against CANCER
(This ought to trigger big pharma into telling the truth!)
RFK Jr. Exclusive: Israel, Inflation, Covid, Gold And Bitcoin
JP Morgan & Rothschild Now Own Bitcoin ETFs
It's not every day the banks capitulate.
Nebraska Ends Income Taxes On Gold And Silver, Declares CBDC’s Are Not Lawful Money
Nebraska joins Utah, Wisconsin, and Kentucky as states to have enacted pro-sound money legislation into law so far in 2024.
Diasporic Jews Call for an End to All Zionism!
This would be the perfect ending to Rothschild Zionism and the beginning of New Jerusalem.
Zion is a specific, historically important location — the name refers to both a hill in the city of Jerusalem and to the city itself — but it's also used in a general way to mean "holy place" or "kingdom of heaven."
EU states arrest people for celebrating WW2 victory over Nazis
Our parents generation fought in Europe in WW2 against the NAZIs and so did Russia. How soon they forget.
Isolation and propaganda is brain-changing torture. Discrimination and apartheid of the unvaccinated
The unvacinated should get together for some long term planning and invite the others too.
Oncologist: "The Covid-19 mRNA injections are very likely to cause cancer"
Bathed in violet adamantine particles!
Adamantine Particles and How to Use Them Effectively – A Review
Beloved masters, in many ways, we have endeavored to convey to you the magnificence and all-inclusive meaning of Love/Light from the Creator Source. It is time for many facets of higher knowledge to come together so that you can more fully understand the perfection in the Creator’s grand plan. The strongest force in the Omniverse is the LOVE FORCE, which is radiated through the Essence of the feminine or GODDESS energy of the Creator. First, the masculine Essence of the Creator brings forth SEEDS of new creation within ITS mind, resulting in a Divine Blueprint, which is then enfolded within the LOVE CORE or the emotional nature of the Goddess Essence. A wondrous and magnificent process is thereby initiated, resulting in creations beyond your greatest imaginings.
You, as humans, are one of those magnificent creations. As each Soul takes up residency within a physical body, there is a ration of Adamantine Particles stored within the Sacred Heart. As an innocent child, this Divine Love/Light flows freely to and from the Sacred Heart; however, gradually innocence is lost. The etheric shields of unbalanced energy begin to build up around the Sacred Heart – initiated by the ego, supposedly for protection. Therefore, by adulthood the flow of this Divine Elixir is greatly diminished, except for the few awakened Souls. That is why we say it is so important to balance the chakra system and to activate the Solar Power Center, which in turn initiates the reactivation and empowerment of the Sacred Heart.
It is of vital importance that you endeavor to stay centered within the heart. It is so critical that you are attuned to the frequencies of the Mid-Fourth or lower Fifth Dimensions so you may gain access to the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. You are always connected to Spirit via your Higher Self through the Silver Cord LifeLine. However, your Sacred Heart must be open so that the Love/Light energy of Adamantine Particles may flow freely to you and from you. You must be resonating above the Third and lower levels of Fourth density for this to take place. This is a critical step in becoming a Self-Master and a cocreator of balance, vibrant health and abundance.
The Elohim (as a definition) consist of the forces, the authorities and the thrones found in the sixth, seventh and eighth dimensions of the divine system.
The Elohim are secondary gods ranked below the God of the universe. They are immense light entities which penetrate the dimensions and guard the divine laws.
They develop and evolve through the twelve ranks of evolution. The strongest are found on the twelfth evolutionary level of the dominant dimensions. On earth, we only know of six Elohim who belong to the twelfth level. There are thousands of Elohim moving in the sixth, seventh and eighth dimensions. Imagine that every one of the aforementioned dimensions, contains twelve levels.
On the sixth, seventh and eighth dimension dominate the hierarchies of the forces, the sovereignties and the authorities.
Each hierarchy drives the force, the authority, and is responsible for the compliance of the divine laws.
The six major Elohim belong to the forces. They are known to humans as the Archangels.
They are Elohim Michael, Elohim Gabriel, Elohim Raphael, Elohim Uriel, Elohim Sachiel and Elohim Samuel.
Elohim Michael, who belongs to the forces, is the regnant commander of all three dimensions (sixth, seventh and eighth dimensions). We could describe him as a secondary god below the God of the universe.
Elohim Gabriel and Elohim Samuel also belong to the authorities that promote the development of the inferior dimensions (third and fourth dimensions).
Elohim Sachiel, Uriel and Raphael belong to the sovereignties. They take action in many sectors such as catharsis, propulsion and therapy.
The six major Elohim open the gates of the third and fourth dimensions in order for the force of evolutions and love for God, descends. As I already mentioned, humans are only aware of the six Elohim. They are found on the twelfth level of the dimension that they command. They are able to release the human souls that are ready to be upgraded, in order to be unfettered from their dependencies and illusions added to them by the Nephilim, during their descend to earth. Their forces penetrate our own solar system which belongs to the lower dimensions (third and fourth). The earth came under the negative influence of the Nephilim (the fallen). This thralldom excluded the earth from what we know as heaven, which was a huge galaxy on the fifth dimension. The souls that acceded to the orders of the recalcitrant Nephilim were trapped on earth. The story of the Fall and the reasons behind it, are recorded in my first book “The Nephilim Galaxy – The Waking”. The earth’s and the human’s thralldom ended in 1996, thus providing the ability to thousands of living humans to discern the spiritual truth behind the veil of illusion that the dynasty of the Nephilim had projected onto them.
All these years I have been guiding my school’s students, through the heavenly entities, to come into touch with their higher selves and to free themselves from karmic causes. In the past few years, the earth completed its last evolutionary cycle. I was given the resonant mission to rapidly release the earth from the commitments the Nephilim had placed upon it during our incarnations within it. I was given 9 liberating seals of the major Elohim. During the procedure of initiation of the transcendental journey (that I’m realizing with my students) to our birthplace, which is found on one of the planets within the fifth dimension, the binding seals placed by the dominant Nephilim during our descend are untied.
Every Elohim provides a seal-key of release.
Following the nine releases, the student is given the tenth and eleventh seal of release and, thus, the commitments that prevented abundance in all aspects of their lives are untied.
The eleventh seal is the seal of Christ. When we receive it, we acquire an immortal spiritual body. The twelfth seal opens up the clear communication with the twelve dimensions of the divine universe.
Students who are time-travelers are given the seal-keys with their sound frequencies in order for them to be able to transfer them to other human networks so that they can be released.
The seal-keys contain the Ternary power of love, the creator and true God of the universe. These keys unbind us from ancestral chains, thus, releasing these (ancestral) souls, so that they can pass on to the spheres of education and guidance.
JFK was assassinated by the CIA. The evidence is abundant and conclusive
Lawyer and US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr claims that JFK was assassinated by the CIA. There is abundant and conclusive evidence that this agency was involved, along with the mafia. Robert F. Kennedy Jr claims that if he were to try the case, with the CIA in the dock, he would win before any jury. Why was JFK assassinated? For not invading Cuba, and for ending the war in Vietnam.
(Who else is better qualified to take on the CIA over JFK's assassination and subsequent coup?)
In Photos: The morning the Gaza Solidarity Encampment was dismantled at Penn
They need another story since Princess Leia has run out of women to compete against and Michael Mann's carbon tax is full of hot air.
4 large incoming solar bursts could supercharge the auroras this weekend
(Auroras are filled with Adamantine Particles.)
The Adamantine Particles: Building Blocks of Reality
On a personal level, the heart attracts adamantine particles magnetically. You then command them with your love and Adamantine Radiance.
Adamantine Particles and the Power of Love
by Mary Mageau
‘Let There Be Light: and there was Light.’ (Genesis, 1 - 3)
In our English language the word, adamantine, refers to something that
is extremely hard or unyielding. Taken from the Greek word, adamas,
(meaning invincible), adamantine can also function as an adjective to
describe something hard and brilliant, like a diamond. If one would
say, ‘I’m adamant about this,’ it would mean that the one speaking is
either firmly accepting or opposing your request.
When the term particle appears with adamantine it derives from quantum
theory. Thus adamantine particles describe all fundamental, subatomic
particles. These particles form all of the elements in the universe by
assembling the atoms of all the original substances such as oxygen,
hydrogen, iron, etc. They are the basis of everything that exists,
including our bodies and are the smallest particles that cannot be
divided any further. Quantum physicists have already discovered these
particles but have selected other names by which to identify them:
electrons, quarks, muons, neutrinos etc. These pure particles are so
small and simple that they represent an absolute and so are one of the
constants of the universe. Adamantine particles are crystalline
particles of infinity that all contain the stored potential to
manifest any original substance or element. These particles are
encoded with a type of universal ‘DNA’ somewhat like stem cells, which
allow the particles to form any possible type of atom.
The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One contains the Sacred Sciences which explain the mechanics of Christ Consciousness that comprise the Natural Laws that are governing the Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that the Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and that state of Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator or God Source. Eternal Love consciousness embodied within a form is referred to as Unity intelligence, and is simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at One with God and this Unity consciousness is that which ignites the Inner Light of Christos held as an eternal flame within the Sacred Crystal Heart.
Simply put, the Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. It is the Truth taught by Christ when he proclaimed, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."
Law of One Practices
1. Unity Consciousness
2. Love Yourself
3. Love Others
4. Love Earth & Nature
5. Service to Others
6. Consciousness Expansion
7. Responsible Co-Creation
See Further information on Law of One Practices
Understanding the Order of Melchizedek
The Bible is about a King who has a Kingdom and a royal family that he deploys on earth through his royal priesthood. Dr. Myles explains the importance of the order of Melchizedek by looking at the context of the story of Abraham and Melchizedek in Genesis 14.
(The order of Melchizedek, the Essenes, Yeshua and Appolonius were
borrowed from heavily by the editors of the Bible without much credit. The order of Melchizedek law of one system is what runs Agartha and Shamballah on the etheric plane to this day. They are holdovers of the light from Atlantis, Greece and Egypt along with the angels of the bible.)
Except Ben leaves out Space Force at Bensalem as the Capitol of New Atlantis.
The ocean front real estate, the MedRad Railroad, the gas reserves and all that space for Kibbutz farms were just too much for Netenyahu to pass up.
Palestine’ could be recognized by UN General Assembly on Friday
Then all the Palestinians need is the down payment on drilling the first gas well and the rest of the MedRed Railroad will pay for itself.
Pennsylvania to ban cell phone use while driving and require police to collect traffic stop data
The Governor neglects to inform the people that it is still perfectly legal to use a phone when mounted to the car's dash. This also makes it easy to record random unconstitutional road stops.
Presidential immunity is ruining Jack Smith's January 6th case Fani Willis's fornication is destroying the RICO case Judge Aileen Cannon has indefinitely postponed the documents case trial Lack of evidence is killing Alvin Bragg's case TRUMP IS WINNING BIGLY EVERYWHERE!
(Trump has secret immunity from the Supreme Court. The rest is just a show to draw out the shallow part of the deep state.)
Gricar's Phone Records, Raystown
The fact that missing DA Ray Gricar was seen at the dock at Raystown Lake near Huntindon the day before he went missing has only been recently revealed. Phone records indicate Ray was coming from the direction of Centre County. Investigators now believe Ray was lured to Raystown one day before Lewisburg as a dry run for his capture.
Anyone who may have seen DA Ray Gricar at Lake Raystown on Thursday April 14, 2005 please contact the PA State Police tip line at Pa. Crime Stoppers, offering $5K reward in the Gricar cold case and also the producer of the web site Final argument at Investigators are also looking for the person who wrote this letter to the Centre Daily Times.
This Edgar Cayce book reading is a great example of the Law of One from Cayce the Atlantean.
Edgar Cayce had full access to the Akashic records. He drew the connections from the Law of One from Atlantis to the Gospels.
Penn State to give ‘voluntary separation’ offers to eligible commonwealth campus employees There are no current plans to implement the program at University Park, the law schools or the College of Medicine, but that may be reevaluated in the future.
(Maybe if the law school was given the task of examining the evidence in the Gricar case we could get a grand jury empaneled. This case is just too easy to solve and too important to let go. It would be the ultimate legal teaching moment. See
It's time to correct the course on Hershey medicine, climate science, geoengineering and the cost of Marxism. )
RFK Jr. challenges Trump to debate
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claims that he is “drawing a lot of voters” from the former president
Still ridiculed as a chemtrail conspiracy theorist by out of touch green democrats who never saw a chemtrail they couldn't deny.
PA's Existing Cloud Seeding Law From 1967
Section 16. Penalties.--(a) Any airplane pilot who flies
an airplane with numbers invisible to escape identification
under this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof, have his license revoked for a period of
five years.
(b) Any airport owner or operator who boards cloud seeding
planes to seed clouds or who operates as a cloud seeder without
license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof have his airport permit revoked for one year and be
sentenced to pay a fine of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and
for a second or subsequent offense, he shall be sentenced to
pay a fine of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
Section 12. Enforcement.--In order to enforce the provisions
of this act, the Pennsylvania State Police shall, on request
of the board, assign at least one trooper and one investigator
to an area where unlawful cloud seeding is suspected. If such
police request the same, the Pennsylvania Aeronautics Commission
shall assign an airplane and pilot. Air samples shall be taken
by the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Commission if requested by
the State Police of the board. For such enforcement purposes,
the State Department of Health shall furnish such technical
services as the board may request.
Solar Max is Coming. The Sun Just Released Three X-Class Flares
The Sun is increasing its intensity on schedule, continuing its approach to solar maximum. In just over a 24-hour period on May 5 and May 6.
Gregg Braden teaches that the combined effect of the drop in magnetic field strength and increase in Schumann resonance frequency will be a spiritual initiation for the entire planet. These electromagnetic conditions are identical to those found in "tuned resonant cavities" such as the Great Pyramid of Giza which were used as initiation chambers to induce altered states of consciousness in initiates.
Sanat Kumara, in describing the effects of the new etheric body of the Earth bestowed by the Solar Logoi said, "I must also tell you, beloved, that the pressure of so much Light pressing in upon a darkness untransmuted, unsurrendered in many lifewaves, as you well know, can also cause explosive types of situations as people feel they cannot escape their own substance which they do not surrender, and they feel they cannot escape the Light. Thus, for those who do not desire the Light, this sphere will be one of uncomfortability, one to which they are not accustomed. In other words, the Light is too bright for those who are of the Darkness. Thus, expect chemicalization and saturate the earth with violet flame and protection as you have been doing. To continue these calls will provide heavenly beings with the wherewithal to enable earth to make this transition with the least burden of upheaval."
The "explosive types of situations" Sanat Kumara warned about can be seen almost every day in the news. See Periodic Cataclysm and End Times Psychosis in the summer issue of Mandala of Light. These are the failings of those who cannot take the increased Light of this planetary initiation. But those who pass the initiation will find that their DNA has been changed, their auras have been purified and, as a result, their thoughts have more power. Steve Kalinowski, in an address to the Institute of Noetic Sciences said that "this is being noticed in the increased reports of such things as effectual prayer, spontaneous remissions and spiritual-energy healings, and in the increased general use of ‘intentional manifestation’ or ‘co-creation’ skills as advocated by proponents of ‘abundance affirmation,’ ‘guided visualizations,’ etc., and also in the synchronistic happenings that are occurring more and more frequently to many people."
Even though this is occurring naturally, it would be good that people take up a spiritual discipline and get in touch with their higher selves so as not to misuse their new powers and make karma. See In Synch with the Inner Guru and The Key to Survival
Governments and health agencies are controlled by Big Pharma. The media is the Covid cartel
US Senator Ron Johnson and American-Ukrainian writer Veronika Kyrylenko report on the need to expose and defeat the Covid cartel and the globalist elites. They mismanaged the pandemic… to what end? Many things about their management made no sense, unless placed in the context of doing research on bioweapons. The death toll is extremely high, and the elite don’t want to admit that people have been injured and that they got it wrong. All they want is power and control.
Here We Go: Two New COVID Variants Named ‘FLiRT’ Reportedly Spreading Across the U.S.
Dr. David Martin has the open and shut case against the Covid bioweapon
See 'The Great Setup' With Dr. David Martin Full Part 1 Video
State revokes Blair CYF’s license Local News
Kay Stephens Staff Writer
A lot of karmic buildup from the 300 priests that escaped justice over the years that Kane outed along with the Gricar murder cover up run from Our Town. (See
Value Drug Company PAC pretty much controls the court house with funds for the DA's office and the Governor. The shots and the shutdowns only made things worse for the kids with little support of the truth from government officials.
The pay for children's advocates is paltry. Then the Mirror prints the lurid details of these abuses on the front page almost daily to sell newspapers which constantly promotes it in the public consciousness.
The county should possibly use the opioid settlement money to address the abuse case load because that was another factor in the overall decline of care.
Russia’s Hidden World of SSPs, Psi-Corps and ET Alliances
Was Edgar Cayce’s Prophesy that Russia would be the Hope of the World against the Sons of Belial just Fulfilled?
In 1935, Edgar Cayce predicted that Russia would be “the hope of the world” by freeing humanity from the modern-day incarnation of the ‘Sons of Belial’ that had previously brought about the destruction of Atlantis. Known generally as a Satanic Cabal, Illuminati, or the Deep State, the ‘Sons of Belial’ have manipulated humanity throughout the ages by contriving international conflicts to bring about major destruction through economic collapses and major regional wars.
(See the Dead Sea Scrolls, Melchizedek 11Q13.)
On another occasion, when a thirty-six-year-old book publisher asked Edgar Cayce about the destiny of China in 1943, just prior to his own trip to the country to serve in the capacity of a missionary, Cayce promised amazing changes in the country that would lead to more democracy and greater religious freedom. He also suggested that eventually the height of civilization would move from the West to the Chinese people: “And these will progress. For, civilization moves west.”
— Edgar Cayce reading 2834-3 Will There Be a Second Coming?
The Cayce readings had much to say about the life of Jesus—covering the “lost” years that were never addressed in the Bible. But Cayce also spoke of Jesus’ return and here is an excerpt on that subject:
“What is meant by “the day of the Lord is near at hand”? That as
has been promised through the prophets and the sages of old, the time –
and half time – has been and is being fulfilled in this day and
generation, and that soon there will again appear in the earth that one
through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the
way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, ‘even as ye
have seen him go.’”
— Edgar Cayce reading 262-49
This past week J6 political prisoner Jake Lang passed 1,200 days of incarceration without a trial. This is Joe Biden’s America.
Languishing in pre-trial detention for years with no end in sight “feels like ‘an eternity,’” Lang told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.
“If not for God, I never would have made it this long as a POW,” he said.
Lang was apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on Jan. 16, 2021, for his alleged role in the Capitol riot.
(The court system that is running the J6 prison is not operating according to the constitution and should rescued by the US Marines. J6ers are clearly political prisoners being held by an illegitimate, unconstitutional entity. They should be honored with a National Holiday for resisting election fraud not a 1200 day jailed wait for a trial date. Even Biden's dual Israeli citizen cabinet should be embarrassed about this!)
Israel says Rafah op moving forward, IDF striking Hamas targets in city’s east
This is where the LNG station for the MedRed Railroad and canal would go. 132 miles along the border with Egypt. There are the Palestinian people in there who need temporary housing and support until the Liquid Natural Gas starts shipping. There will be lots of energy and shipping income for the whole Gaza/Israel economy! The El Khidir and Saint George ruins, the Hilarion Monastary, Jesus's birth place, the Little Town of Bethlehem and the West Bank are all waiting in the wings.
US tells Israel it won’t back Rafah operation ‘as currently planned’
Attacking the Gazan city would disrupt humanitarian aid deliveries, the State Department has said.
Cuomo Admits Antivaxxers Were RIGHT, Shares SHOCKING Admission
HYSTERICAL!!! US Marines official: Nearly half of drones IDF shoots down are its own
(Unconstitutional laws are not laws at all.)
Remember the 18 year old Israeli from Ashkelon who called in thousands of bomb threats in 2017? The ADL went on to recognize the FBI and DHS for doing such a good job of stopping him.
He also targeted hundreds of airlines and airports, malls, and police stations, in the US, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Australia and Britain, and tried to extort Republican State Senator Ernesto Lopez from Delaware.
Who were the ‘outsiders’ at Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall?
Those taken into custody included a former animal abuse investigator who was arrested in a violent protest in San Francisco nearly 20 years ago.
UPenn student fundraising for mariachi band to play anti-Israel encampment off campus
UPenn must have a low Soros protest budget. Pitt and Penn State apparently had no budget at all and they all went home for the summer without incident.
Historic verdict for US Health Agency: Anti-Ivermectin publications retracted
There are no childhood vaccine studies with a placebo group or tests on vaccine-injured children
If a newborn could vote. Who would be their candidate?
The EU is pushing for land abandonment and the slaughter of livestock in favor of synthetic meat
Chris Cuomo says he is vaccine injured
Alert the media. We have proof of a vaccine side effect.
Trump-RFK Vaccine War Finally Erupts If you’re Trump, why attack your opponent’s greatest strength relative to you?
(Trump just can't seem to get off the vaccine train. He should have stuck with hydroxychloroquine.)
China’s National Gene Bank: DNA from millions of people in 180 countries via the PCR tests
Australian journalist Maria Zeee and US whistleblower and pharmaceutical analyst Karen Kingston speak out about a report issued by the US government and its Intelligence Agency, which confirms that China used Covid-19 PCR tests to legally collect DNA from millions of adults and children in 180 countries. It is being stored in China’s National Gene Bank, and can be used to claim ownership and control over all forms of life, under the pretext of creating ‘a sustainable humanity’. Synthetic biology, nanoparticle technology and gene editing exist, but not to humanity’s benefit.
War on farms and food distribution, an engineered famine. New catastrophes are planned
US researcher and activist Mike Adams argues that as the globalists try to wipe out billions of people on planet Earth, in his view, they haven't done a very good job yet. They probably thought they could kill at least a billion people with the vaccines, and maybe they will eventually, but it certainly hasn't happened all at once. Now they will have to launch something new and much more deadly. We have to be prepared for a major escalation of the government's own war on humanity, because that's exactly where this is headed, he said.
"It is a crime to have denied ivermectin to the sick". Deliberate deception by health authorities
A Found NASA Document Reveals Plans to Kill All Humanity by 2025
7 hours ago — Deborah Tavares tells you about the plan to kill off all humanity by 2025 and how it will be done using advanced weapons.
The most important film of all time. The official agenda of the elites to end the human race, and replace mankind with robots. Watch this and share! These monsters must be stopped, and together we can do it! Available in TWENTY languages. Go here:
Occupiers want to rename Hamilton Hall for Little Girl Killed In Gaza
This is the car that 6-year old Hind Rajab was killed in along with 5 family members. The ambulance trying to save them was bombed too.
Hamilton Hall was originally to be renamed in honor of transgender activist Pauli Murray.
Protesters Take Over Monroe Park, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond
Funny how if it's Anti-Israel, then tons of people get arrested. The George Floyd protests, almost nobody got arrested.
SOTN Editor’s Note: People, this stealth legislation is a bad as it gets. Here’s why: “The first thing the communists did at the start of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was to pass a law against criticizing Jews”
There’s obviously a HUGE difference between 1917 and 2024.
We have well over 100 years of history to analyze and assess to see exactly what has transpired since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, without which the Bolshevik Revolution would not even have taken place. For it was only through the massive funding and financing provided by the Federal Reserve and Bank of England which permitted that world-changing color revolution (RED) to be so successful.
(This is what we need to Make America Great Again!)
We’ve all surely had dark thoughts that the CIA is really running the United States, including many media venues. Maybe that’s been true for decades and we just didn’t know it. If so, let’s just say that it would explain a tremendous amount of what has otherwise been clouded in secrecy.
Whistleblower Medical Coder Zoë Unmasks The Truth Behind COVID Protocols
Hospitals got 20 percent extra per patient for a Covid
diagnosis. They got 20 percent extra for using a ventilator when they
did not know the proper fi02 settings. They got 20 percent more for
using that drug that killed kidneys.
They CHANGED the coding in
April when generally they don’t change the coding but every two years so
that Covid would be in trackable
What she is telling you is how the govt killed thousands of people. This video is accurate and extraordinarily important.
is like the information that the actuary tables for life insurance
would show how many people were expected to die verses how many people
actually died when they were lying to us.
What she is telling is
the truth. Coders take the info off the charts and assign codes for
billing. She has access to all the info that would prove patients with
zero symptoms were given tests that were lying but said they had Covid.
Then they were put in icu beds or on a Covid ward where they then
actually caught Covid.
Monsters. That’s what they were. Monsters.
(This looks like another response by RFK JRs Children's Health Defense to the vaccine lobby.)
In Austria, 50,000 cases of vaccine injury and more than 8,000 deaths. A betrayal of the people
(Ivermectin denial didn't make the list but should have.)
Let’s take a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the ancient times of early 2021, to see how “the science” on mRNA Covid-19 shots has evolved in such a short period of time.
Analysis of the air after 'Saharan dust' arrives: What is falling from the sky is not desert sand
All the stuff that they put in chemtrails ends up in the dust. Boron, aluminum, strontium etc.
Alcyon Pleiades Special 58: Pharisees, Inquisition, Councils, Jesuits, Black Pope, Vatican, God Gene
Since the early days of Christianity, the
revolutionary teachings of Jesus of Nazareth were misunderstood, and
over time, they have been altered and misinterpreted. The true knowledge
that Master Jesus left for humanity, with utmost sacrifice, was
betrayed by the Church, a reality that continues to this very day.
soon followed, and the first councils were held, whereby the Catholic
Church gained power and forced its fanatical interpretations onto
society, believing itself an authority on religious doctrine, with power
over its faithful believers. Within this context, it started cutting
the true teaching, altering the Faith, and launching accusations of
In the Middle Ages, Tribunals of the Inquisition were
created, which remained operative until their suppression in 1834. Their
sentencing produced millions of cases of torture, condemnation and
execution of innocent people. Often the charges emerged out of mere
suspicion, vested interests or rivalries, giving rise to witch-hunts and
the conviction of figures like Galileo, Kepler, Giordano Bruno, Joan of
Arc and others who were burnt alive at the stake.
This same period
saw the establishment of orders like that of the Jesuits, conspirators
disguised as religious figures who infiltrate politics, society and the
banking system, with the aim of controlling the world. Bergoglio, the
current pope, is a case in point. A usurper of the Vatican, he is
against the teachings of Jesus Christ and is leading the Church towards
degeneration and, ultimately, to its end.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades
"This Sunday, I'm taking the plunge," Brand, 48, said in a video he posted to X. "I'm getting baptized."
Brand said he had heard baptism explained to him as "an opportunity to die and be reborn; an opportunity to leave the past behind and be reborn in Christ's name like it says in Galatians — that you can live as an enlightened and awakened person."
He also referenced what he suggested were non-Christian reflections on the same theme of embracing death for the sake of life, quoting Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and the Buddha.
"All of these things seem so inviting and beautiful," he said.
Hydrogen transfer using natural gas pipelines
The grid ‘worked without any problems’ during tests involving 26 homes in Baden-Württemberg, says Netze BW
Hydrogen-enriched natural gas, or HENG
But giant 20GW green H2 project agreed with Swedish developer in 2022 does not get a mention
Pennsylvania selected for two of nation's seven hydrogen energy hubs
(The reason is natural gas and hydrogen go together.)
Pennsylvania could become a leader in the production of clean-burning hydrogen, which advocates hope will help transition heavy industries.
A total of 16 states will be part of regional hydrogen hubs but only Pennsylvania is part of two hubs.
Pennsylvania is part of the Appalachian Regional Clean Energy Hydrogen Hub, which includes West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio, that would produce hydrogen from natural gas captured, then stored underground. Anticipated end users include industrial and commercial facilities to replace fossil-fuel energy sources for vehicles and to heat residential homes. Partners include the Ohio branch of Virginia-based utility Dominion Energy. The work is predicted to involve approximately 21,000 construction jobs and 3,000 permanent jobs.
(This is the future of clean energy cars. Tesla is half right. The electric part connected to hydrogen gas is the energy bridge to the future.)
Why Congress has a 7% Approval Rating – Corruption
"It is a crime to have denied ivermectin to the sick". Deliberate deception by health authorities
Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases | National |
Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low
Uttar Pradesh is a state in northern India. With over 241 million inhabitants, it is the most populated state in India.
Claiming that timely introduction of Ivermectin since the first wave has helped the state maintain a relatively low positivity rate despite in its high population density.
Uttar Pradesh and Delhi India got it right with Ivermectin. PSU's Neely Bendapudi must have left some of her Indian smarts behind. Getting Penn State Health to dispense the proper medicine is like pulling teeth.
BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab Resolution!
Sympathetic solar flare! 4 regions on Sun erupt at nearly the same time!
4 solar flares at once have impacted earth.
The sun put on quite the show this morning (April 23), blasting out not one, not two, but four solar flares in near-perfect harmony. And NASA's space-based Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) caught it on camera.
Solar flares are explosions from the sun's surface that emit intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation. They occur when magnetic energy builds up in the solar atmosphere and is rapidly released.
The quartet of eruptions came from four regions, three sunspots and one magnetic filament, separated by hundreds of thousands of miles and linked by near-invisible magnetic loops in the sun's outer atmosphere, known as the corona. These kinds of explosions are called "sympathetic solar flares," according to They consist of pairs of explosions that occur in near unison at different regions on the sun's disk. This morning's event consisted of not a simple pair but a quartet, making it "super-sympathetic", according to
Sympathetic solar flares are triggered when instabilities rapidly travel from one region to another along the magnetic loops that join them. As such, much of the Earth-facing portion of the sun was involved in this morning's solar symphony.
The quadruple blast today could be a sign we are nearing solar maximum, the peak of solar activity during the sun's 11-year solar cycle, as sympathetic solar flares are considered to increase with an increase in solar activity. Or perhaps we have already reached solar maximum and are entering the decay phase of the solar cycle, as a 2022 study published in Astrophysics and Space Science suggests that sympathetic solar flares predominantly occur in the decay phase of the solar cycle.
Either way, scientists won't know when solar maximum has occurred until seven months after it's over due to how the maximum is computed.
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Reference Editor
The Following articles appeared in "Sedona, Journal of Emergence!" Magazine
By Pam Murray, Speaking From Wellspring
Much is currently being written about the twelve-strand DNA, so it is
time to set the record straight. Yes, it is true that humans are
evolving. This, of course, is not the same as being descended form the
apes, which is not true, however, the emergence of the light which you
are currently seeing could not happen without your evolution into higher
At the Creator level, when all beings were designed, each was imbued
with a unique pattern-a blueprint, if you will. If described in the
third dimension, blueprints, the design of each soul, would look like
DNA, only with twelve strands instead of two. If you could see them, you
would also see "energy beads" woven into the strands. These energy
beads form your unique "spirito-genetic" makeup. Each of the countless
souls in the universe has its own energy bead pattern.
The original blueprints are kept in what you might call a vault. This is
the closest your language can come to the storage system. The soul is
actually a carbon copy of the original.
Encoded in this pattern is the destiny of your soul-that is the path
your soul must take through all its lifetimes to reintegrate with what
you call God. Because each soul has its own path, it may incarnate on
several different planets or only one. It may never incarnate, learning
its lessons on the astral planes. There is no path that is better than
another; however, your choices ultimately determine how difficult or
easy it may be. Upon reintegration, the soul may reclaim the original
blueprint as its own.
The original blueprint of the DNA plus the energy beads that your soul carries with it is called Super DNA, or SDNA for short.
In your Bible, in the book of Genesis, is a lovely allegory about what
happened at the beginning of your race. The original "Adam and Eve," or
those who first were created on earth, had no restriction of the third
dimension. They were, essentially, light beings-your ancestors, sent to
birth the new planet. (New, of course, is relative, as the planet was
already several billion years old.) At this point all twelve strands of
their DNA were actively functioning.
Because of the atomic structure of the planet at that time and because
the beings desired a new form of learning, they took on "animal skins,"
and became human. Because most of the DNA strands are of a very high
frequency and very delicate, only two could exist in these dense animals
beings. These two strands are what you often see pictured as DNA.
The soul retains the original pattern and, if the astral body is of a
high enough frequency, can activate threads beyond the two in the astral
In the eons since you put on animal skins, some have incarnated who
could actually hold the energy of all twelve strands, either in their
astral bodies or-as in the case of Jesus of Nazareth and Sai Baba, plus a
very few others-in the body itself. But, on the whole, the body was
just too dense for this to occur. Most of the masters needed to leave
the human body in order to fully activate and anchor all twelve strands.
Through its incarnations, the soul has been damaged by choices, lessons,
and cruel treatment by others. Often the twelve-strand pattern is
disrupted. This is why the original is kept at the Creator Level.
However, with the increasing frequencies on the planet Earth and the
evolution of many of your species, it is now possible not only to repair
the soul, removing the need for further incarnations, but also to
activate the twelve strands of the DNA in the astral body and to begin
anchoring them in the physical body.
Please understand that this is not a contest, with the one reaching
twelve-strand activation and physical anchoring first the winner. This
is the next step on your evolutionary journey. The ones who are ahead on
the path have a deep responsibility to those who follow. You will be
the elder brothers and sisters, looking out for the younger ones.
The first step is the initial repair-or clearing-of the soul. The soul brings with it too many programs and blocks to activate your SDNA. This is best done through Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT).
SRT repairs the soul to the point where activation can begin and
removes the need to re-incarnate in the physical, even though the soul
will continue to learn, serve, and grow before it can completely
Once the soul is cleared, you may re-align the existing two astral
strands of DNA (remember that your astral body reflects your human
body), followed by a similar adjustment in the physical body. The two
strands with which most of you are familiar are called the "backbone" of
the physical DNA molecules. In most people these have been knocked out
of alignment simply by life, although some are born with mal-adjusted
DNA. They may need adjustment periodically, but that is a simple matter
after the initial adjustment. Many of life's problems are caused by a
mis-alignment of your DNA. Ask each evening before retiring that the
Backbone DNA strands be aligned and also ask this each day upon arising.
The remaining strands cannot be fully activated if these Backbone DNA
strands are out of whack.
When you ask that the Backbone DNA strands be aligned, you may feel an
immediate energy shift. Some people feel nothing, yet notice that their
day runs more smoothly or that they are better able to deal with the
daily stresses.
Let us now engage in a short meditation that will initially align these
two strands:
Become quiet and take three deep breaths. Center your attention on
your spine. Mentally send a bead of energy from the base of the spine to
the top of the spine. Then allow this energy bead to move to the center
of the head. Picture and feel it filling up the cranial space,
expanding until it overflows, surrounding the head with a golden aura of
energy. Feel it continue to expand as it moves back down the spine.
When you have a sense of infilling and completion, picture a two strand
helix, the Backbone DNA, growing from the base of the spine, up the
spine and into the center of the cranium. Ask for this Backbone DNA
strand to become perfectly aligned and ready to receive the remaining
strands of DNA.
Remain in this energy until you sense that the alignment is complete. Then, slowly come back to an awareness of the room.
You may wish to perform this meditation once or twice a day for three
days. This will ensure that the alignment "takes." After that, when you
wish for Spirit to realign the Backbone strands, simply become quiet and
picture the two strands rising through a column of pure energy. It
takes only about five seconds.
Click here to arrange for a soul clearing with Pam
By Pam Murray, Speaking From Wellspring
There is no one right way to activate all twelve strands of your DNA. It
all depends on your incarnational "heritage." Some of you have spent
most or all of your incarnations on earth and some of you are from other
star systems or planets. There are those of you who were "planted" and
have evolved from star seeds. Still others are experiencing their first
incarnation on this planet. Pam is an example. She had no intention of
incarnating again, but agreed that earth needed a go-between to help
some of the souls evolve more quickly, so she took on "animal skins" and
came here.
It matters not what your heritage is. One is not better than another. It
is simply the path your soul has taken to learn, grow and eventually
reintegrate with what you call God, or the All-That-Is. Your heritage
can make a difference, however, in the order in which the strands are
re-activated and, to an extent, the process used. The one we are
presenting here is the most universal and will work for anyone whose
soul has been cleared and the two physical/chemical strands of DNA,
called the Backbone DNA, are aligned.
You may find that when the strands begin to activate, that you
experience a flood of emotions: anger, fear, grief, or any number of
them. You may also remember strange details of your childhood on this
planet and, perhaps, even glimpses of past lives whose energy is still
hanging around. These emotions are reflections of energy that is trying
to leave in order for the activation to continue.
Look at the emotions and feel them, but then thank them for showing you
what needs to go and allow them or ask them to leave. Allow yourself to
grieve for that which is leaving, for it is a parting and a change, and
with every change, even for the better, there is grief. This grieving
will not be a one-time event, although there may be some major
breakthroughs in the beginning. Every cell of your body remembers
everything and has an intelligence. Washing them clean is a long-term
Many incarnates on your planet at this time are what is called "star
seeds." Lately, this has taken on an aura of glamour. But, I want to
tell you that, just because someone has a heritage from another system,
that being may or may not be more evolved than someone without this
heritage. It is simply different, much like your earthly population and
its rich skins colors. The heritage of your Jesus was entirely on earth,
so you who have this heritage are in good company.
You are all working toward returning to our common heritage which is
that of Light Seeds. This is a very good time and an excellent place to
work on that because your race and your planet are evolving at ever
increasing rates and at ever higher vibrations. More and more children
are being born as Light Seeds. They are physically more fragile than the
rest of you, as they are vibrating at this higher rate. So, you must
take even better care of your children now and turn their attention
toward that which is of high quality.
It is a well-known fact that the earth is what's called a heart planet.
And many will advise you to "go with your heart." This is good advice,
but with a caveat: "going with your heart" at the creation level means
to go with a heart that has not been damaged. Many confuse emotions with
the heart, and most emotions are dysfunctional, being burdened with
lifetimes of pain. This is why it is so important to clear the soul and
work on releasing old hurts. You must also not rely only on your
intellect, as the brain has recorded too many images of the illusion of
the three-dimensional world. You must continually strive to get yourself
to a place of what you call agape. This is a form of pure love and is
not an emotion, but a state of being. It is a knowing and an
understanding. It is a state reached only by those who have cleared
their soul programs and can view the world with a heart that knows no
pain, and maintained only by those who have, as you say, ascended. There
are a few on your planet who are in this state now, most of whom are
unknown to you and must remain so in order to complete their
But now, back to the activation of your twelve strands of DNA-the
incorporation of the Super DNA pattern we have talked about into your
astral and eventually your physical bodies.
Once you have cleared yourself and aligned your Backbone DNA strands,
you are ready to ask for activation. Remember, always ask Spirit to do
the work through you. Using your own power depletes the physical vehicle
and this is totally unnecessary. Here is a meditation to help begin the
activation of stands three through twelve.
Become quiet. Visualize the Backbone DNA helix following the contours
of your spine. This may manifest as an actual vision, a feeling of
warmth in that area and/or tones. You will come to know your own
signals. In your own way, ask Spirit to begin the activation and
anchoring of the remaining strands of DNA. Know that Spirit will take
you through this process at the perfect speed for you. Sit quietly,
focusing on your spine, until you sense completion with this segment.
Slowly come back to an awareness of your surroundings and give thanks.
Some of you may be a little disappointed that it is so simple. Well, let
me tell you that the activation is, indeed, simple. However, you may
find work still to do whilst this is going on.
Your work is to continually clear yourself of all the negative emotions
that parade before you. This process is a little like a ferris wheel,
with each chair being a different color and representing the various
issues still lurking in your bodies. You get to ride in each chair for a
revolution, but, just when you think the ride is over, you get to start
again with the first chair. You will be peeling away layers from each
Don't get discouraged, though. You will notice a sensation of ever
increasing lightness if you persist in this process. Sometimes you will
have setbacks. Sometimes you may go through what is known as "The Dark
Night of the Soul." This is a very real phenomenon, as the ego attempts
to hang on to the illusion of lack and powerlessness. Be gentle with
yourself during these times. Allow yourself to go through it and to
grieve for the lost illusions. Get good spiritual help. Don't take on
too much.
At this point, if you are not doing so already, begin to drink at least
two quarts of water each day and to lighten your eating habits. Don't
you get this same advice from almost all advanced beings? So, why aren't
you following it? I will not tell you to eliminate all animal products,
as some of you require a small amount to help you function in the
three-dimensional world. Remember, you are still in this world by choice
and one of the lessons you came to learn was how to work with the three
dimensions from a fifth dimensional perspective. Some of you become
very light before you are equipped to handle the higher vibrations and
are then unable to fulfill your commission on earth. Therefore, you must
continually experiment to find just the right diet, meditation time,
and so forth for you. And, as you advance in your activation, your diet
and daily activities will change, so keep checking in with that.
You will find that the activation of the third through sixth strands
will proceed fairly smoothly and quickly, especially if you have been
meditating for a while and are generally "clean." Activation of the
remaining strands will most likely progress more slowly, as you are
required to released deeper issues that may not be so apparent to you
and to adopt different habits in your daily lives. Also, you will be
required to make new commitments that could take you a while to fully
accept. Paradoxically, your life will become simpler and more joy-filled
rather than more complex and difficult.
You may also request for another activation of the first six strands of SDNA. We will cover this process in the next session.
That is all.
"Dark-Eyed Cossack Girl" - Leonid Kharitonov & The Alexandrov Red Army Choir (1969)
The Cossacks are the Russian version of cowboys. The Bolshevics are always trying to make the Cossacks fight the Russians with the people caught in the middle as in the Odessa steps scene from Battleship Potempkin.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I want to start by wishing my wife Melania a very happy birthday. It would be nice to be with her—but I'm in a courthouse for a rigged trial."
(Trump is President and the Supreme Court has already ruled secretly for presidential immunity. The rest is only a test.)
Flashback: Congress ERUPTS as Rand Paul HUMILIATES Biden's Transgender Health Nominee
(Hershey Medical should recall Rachel Levine, transgender medical promotion and the mRNA shots that poisoned the population. The hospital division of PSU is losing $100 million a year. Medical malpractice isn't the answer. They need to switch over to holistic health and medbeds.)
Coroner: Medical event causes fatal Richland crash
Josh Shapiro: 'Unacceptable' some universities can't guarantee student safety amid protests
From the bully Governor who issued the mRNA bioweapon to his work force then skipped out on giving them the antidote. Ivermectin is known to be anti cancer which is exactly what is needed for people who took the covid shot!
People think nothing of giving their dog ivermectin for paracites. Shapiro isn't administering ivermectin let alone talk about it because he is beholden to the Israeli companies that delivered the bioweapon. That is a serious conflict of interest. Turbocancer Shapiro should resign! The vaxxed should take antivirals prophylactically because once symptoms start, it will be too late.
Impending tsunami of severe illness and death among the vaccinated. Prevention will be essential
Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, a Belgian virologist, vaccine and biotechnology expert, in an interview with Australian journalist Maria Zeee, says he foresees a massive tsunami of illness and death in heavily vaccinated populations. Hospitals will collapse. He strongly advises people to take antivirals prophylactically because once symptoms start, it will be too late. He predicts a 99% chance of it happening before the end of June. No doubt a health emergency would be very useful for the WHO in order to seize power from May onwards, which is when they want to amend the IHR.
‘People are different after the injection.” Its neurological effects are very broad
US gynaecologist Dr James Thorp speaks with Jim Ferguson, an activist and former member of the British Parliament. Dr Thorp reports that shedding is an irrefutable reality that can also affect the vaccinated and exacerbate their injuries. People are different after the injection. The risk is huge, and many more people are going to die. Be aware of what is happening and protect yourselves.
Hamas suggests it's open to disarmament • US to begin pier construction • IDF aircraft strikes targets in Lebanon By JERUSALEM POST STAFF
FLYNN MOVIE: General Michael Flynn returns to the public.
Hear directly from General Flynn as he explains, in chilling-detail, the shadow government working to take down conservative voices.
US artificial island for Gaza aid to be running in early May, IDF sources say
Inside the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City
(A structure like this is now highly charged in the Alcyon Photon Band.)
Inside the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (filmed on June 1, 2023) The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is the mother church of the Episcopal Diocese of New York and the seat of its bishop. The original design, in the Byzantine Revival and Romanesque Revival styles, began construction in 1892.
It is located at 1047 Amsterdam Avenue in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City, between West 110th Street and West 113th Street.
On the morning of Saturday, June 22nd this concert will take place at 4:30 AM.
This event is our musical welcome to the summer.
Summer Solstice is one of the great turning points of the year, when the
sun is at its peak, and the days abound with the promise of life’s
fullness. My dream, with this sunrise celebration, is to offer a musical
experience of this resonance, in the mystical ambience of these early
morning hours, through a deep-listening journey within the awesome
acoustical space of this largest cathedral in the world.
Our music begins in total darkness, and proceeds in a continuous flow,
emanating from different places in the Cathedral. Gradually, as the
great stained-glass windows begin to illuminate, the light joins the
sounds to carry us into the first dawning of the summer.
We are creating an entirely new musical program for this milestone
event, and I will be telling you more about this in the weeks to come!
(It was hidden in the storyline all along. Paul Winter was JFKs American emmisary of cultural good will to South America and beyond. Paul McCartney and the Beatles were used by Tavistok in the British cultural invasion. Both Paul's had the same music producer at one time, George Martin. )
Paul Winter Consort - Icarus
George Martin - "The album was called Icarus, and was, I think, the finest record I have ever made but It didn't sell particularly well."
George Martin's production credits include all the Beatles' masterpieces except Let It Be.
He has worked with other artists ranging from the Mahavishnu Orchestra
to Celine Dion and Elton John. So ask any rock fan to name the finest
George Martin album and the answer is very likely to be Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
or another classic from the charts. But legend has it that the man
himself chose as the finest album he ever made a little known LP
recorded by a pioneering American ensemble five years after Sgt. Pepper.
Despite the celebrity endorsement the Paul Winter Consort's 1972 Icarus remains almost unknown to the extent that it is currently not available on CD.
Yet you only need listen to the first few tracks to realise that not
only is this a truly great album, but it is also the fountain from which
flowed a lot of influential music trends that are still around today.
George Martin's production credit coupled with this personnel listing
gives an idea of the sheer inventiveness of Icarus:
The Consort
Paul Winter - soprano sax, vocals
David Darling - cello, vocals
Paul McCandless - oboe, English horn, contrabass Sarrusophone, vocals
Ralph Towner - classical guitar, 12-string guitar, piano, Regal, bush organ, vocals
Herb Bushler - bass
Collin Walcott - conga, tabla, mridangam, surdos, traps, kettledrums, bass marimba, sitar
Friends of the Consort
Andrew Tracey - resonator guitar, voice
Billy Cobham - traps
Milt Holland - Ghanaian percussion
Larry Atamanuik - traps
Barry Altschul - random percussion
Janet Johnson, Paul Stookey, Bob Milstein - voices
Despite the low profile of Icarus several individual tracks have gone on to become classics including the title cut and The Silence of a Candle, both penned by Ralph Towner, and Paul McCandless' timeless All the Mornings Bring.
Like the Beatles, The Paul Winter Consort contained more talent than it
could safely hold and Paul McCandless and the late and great Collin
Walcott broke away to form Oregon and in 1978 Wallcott went on to form Codona.
Today the Paul Winter Consort continues to make music and release albums under the leadership of its eponymous founder.
The Story of the Paul Winter Sextet
The Paul Winter Sextet from its formation through its 23-country Latin America tour for the US State Department, and their historic 1962 White House concert. More at: The Paul Winter Sextet emerged in Chicago during Paul's years at Northwestern University. After winning the 1961 Intercollegiate Jazz Festival, the band was signed to Columbia Records by legendary producer John Hammond.
In 1962 the Sextet recorded its first three albums, and, on recommendation from Festival judges Dizzy Gillespie and Hammond, was sent by the State Department on a six-month tour of 23 countries of Latin America. The success of this tour led to an invitation from First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy to play at the White House. The Sextet's performance in the East Room on November 19, 1962, happened to be the first-ever jazz concert in the White House. The group continued to tour and record throughout 1963, and made their final album during the week of President Kennedy's assassination.
Then, numbed by that tragedy, and discouraged by what they felt was the end of that optimistic era, the Sextet disbanded and the players went on to other pursuits -- the drummer eventually to Count Basie's band, the bassist to Ahmad Jamal's trio, the trumpet player to medical school, the baritone saxist to teach at Michigan State, and Paul to Brazil, to resume his exploration of the world's music. "The Sextet was conceived as a kind of little 'big band,'" says Paul, "and with our instrumentation of three horns and rhythm, it has quite a different sound from that of the Paul Winter Consort, which people have known me for during the last several decades. But on a primary level, it's all the same lineage: a spirit of celebration, in the democracy of ensemble, aspiring toward a balance between the improvised and the composed."
News Short has Jackie Kennedy entering Paul's first WhiteHouse Jazz Concert
Bizarre Mitch McConnell: 'It's All Tucker Carlson's Fault!'
In a bizarre rant after Senate passage of the huge $95 billion foreign aid bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed journalist Tucker Carlson for Republican opposition to the overseas giveaway. The top Senate Republican implied that Carlson's reporting on rampant corruption in Ukraine makes him a "Russian asset" rather than a journalist. Also today: The McConnell/Schumer uniparty bulldozes America. Finally: merit makes a comeback at US universities.
● I AM means activating your divinity and entering the space of your soul.
● I AM means connecting with the divine and connecting with the heart.
● I AM means guiding your thinking instead of letting your thinking lead you.
● I AM means directing your feelings instead of being directed by the feelings.
● I AM means determining your actions YOURSELF instead of letting someone else determine your actions.
The human being’s natural vibration deserves the greatest attention in this time, which is overshadowed by a wide variety of energy fields. Protecting them from contamination through mindfulness is your primary task so that everyday life doesn’t mess them up. Perceiving the diverse and complex fields of interference without being influenced by them is the challenge that every day places on you. Regularly addressing the I AM strengthens you where strength is needed and protects you where protection is needed.
Your I AM is the key to the success of your everyday life.
Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie
This is the U.S. House of Representatives under the direction of Speaker Mike Johnson. Democrats are celebrating his total capitulation with no victory for securing our border. #MTV (Seargent of arms told Massie he had to delete this video!)
IDF ready to conquer Gaza’s Rafah, awaiting government okay, says senior official
This is where the high speed rail station would go. Gazans are rich! This is the perfect place for a liquid natural gas station. They have massive gas reserves off shore. Then ship it on the high speed MedRad Railroad 130 miles strait along the Egyptian border to the Red Sea and its off to Africa and India. The shipping alone would run Gaza forever.
Saint George could have his ruins restored and a dinner theater for gas workers to enjoy a night out. Gazans would have a restored economy enough to rebuild and replant the West bank olive groves. This is Palestine's land so the IDF is just doing them a favor by clearing the path. The canal can run along side the train track but that will take more time and labor.
Instead of a war they could just have a friendly business meeting about the land rights and the gas deal.
Egypt's high-speed train network to connect more than 80 cities...
Oct 29, 2023 — CAIRO: Egypt was looking to establish a high-speed train network that would transform the country's connectivity, experts have revealed.
Cabinet Examining Plan for Med-Red Railway - Business
The cabinet began examining a plan for building railway links between the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts, which would create a new route for Europe-Asia trade that could compete with the Suez Canal. Establishing passenger train service through the desert, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted, would also mean the southern Red Sea resort of Eilat would be just two hours away from Tel Aviv, 350 kilometers to the northwest.
(Now is the time to make a MedRed deal with Palestine. That would solve the war and start a new era.)
Harvard Yard taken over by Hamas.
Israel's ongoing aggression knows no bounds. This is the end result.
Democrat Eugene DePasquale, Republican Dave Sunday win primary elections for Pa. attorney general
Finding a reporter to ask these AG candidates about a Gricar grand jury is like finding a needle in a haystack. See for the podcasts and the evidence. Pa. Crime Stoppers still offering $5K reward in Gricar case. All they need is a lie detector test on Shapiro and Madeira but they will say it isn't in the budget.
Well deserved! Now tell the Commissioner to issue Ivermectin to the PSP and tell us what happened to Gricar!
Miller’s Organic Farm Private Member Association
Immune Proteins – perhaps the most important component of camel milk. The concentrated immune proteins and the unique molecular structure of camel milk delivers natural anti-microbials, anti-bacterials, anti-inflammatory agents and anti-fungal properties. Camel Milk contains a gold mine of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. These vitamins, alone or acting together, contain anti-aging as well as functional anti-oxidant properties. Camel Milk itself is an amazing antibacterial and antimicrobial.
AI will expand to all sectors in 2024 and interfere with election results
Australian journalist Maria Zeee interviews Celeste Solum, US researcher and former FEMA employee. They discuss how 2024 will be the year of AI, which is expanding to all sectors and reaching everyone. This year is going to be crucial.
(AI can work against you or for you depending on how it is applied.)
Celebrities against the vaccine – Part 141
Pennsylvania Animal Law Attorney
Edgar Cayce & the Book of Revelation
Edgar Cayce was a phenomenon. His medical healing interventions, predictions and psychic abilities are legend.
He was throughout a committed ~Christian, although his interpretation of the Book of Revelation is far from Christian doctrine. It aligns much more closely with Hinduism, Buddhism or Gnostic Christianity.
(Revelations was possibly
brought back from India
by Apollonius. The Roman interpretation is from Revelation 1:9 with John the Divine on Patmos hearing it from Jesus. John of Patmos is also referred to as John the Revelator, John the Divine, John the Theologian of Ancient Greece:
... It is an allegory for the raising of kundalini up the seven chakras through the balance of Ida and Pingala to bring forth the sushumna in the center channel which produces samadhi which lights up the pineal gland.
Now we are advancing to a 12 chakra DNA based system which aligns with the base 12 math of creation that connect with the laws of nature. That is the original 12 strand DNA template.)
Tennessee House Republicans pass bill allowing teachers to carry guns
(Republican Governor Bill Lee is attracting conservative migration to Tennessee from New York, New Jersey and PA. No income tax in TN, cheap electricity from the Tennessee valley authority, banned chemtrails and mRNA and the nicest people in the Great Smokey Mountains with Dolly Parton. Tennessee is the new Florida!)
The government has successfully weaponized the banks against the people. Major banks are voluntarily sharing customers’ private transactions with the federal government “as part of a wildly overbroad financial surveillance scheme intended to identify domestic terrorists,” a group of attorneys general wrote in a letter to Bank of America in regards to discrimination against Christian organizations. The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) is now exposing how banks are cracking down on legal firearm ownership as Washington moves to nullify the Second Amendment.
This crisis is designed to reduce the population via the jabs, food, air and water
US writer Naomi Wolf explains how numerous crises are artificially
provoked in order to rob or enslave the populace. In this case, the goal
is to reduce the population. We are supporting a culture where it is
possible to become mass murderers; they are going to continue trying to
kill us, via the air, water and food. (But we also have a more clearly defined path path of light that is the antidote. Dark to light transmutation with light. Golden age of light into spiritual evolution.)
While Congress Abandons Border, $3.5 Billion Slipped Into Israel Bill For 'Migrants And Refugees'
While Congress failed to pass a border security bill over the weekend amid a flurry of billions in international aid to Ukraine and Israel, they did set aside $3.5 billion for "Migration and Refugee Assistance" for the State Department to "address humanitarian needs of vulnerable populations and communities."
Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel
America last. America last. That’s all this is. America last, every single day.
– Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene
The man who is most responsible for the $95 billion giveaway to Ukraine and Israel, is the same guy who pretends to oppose America’s “wasteful” foreign wars. Donald Trump. It was Trump who consulted with Speaker Mike Johnson about the contents of the Ukraine aid package, just as it was Trump who concocted the idea of issuing loans instead of dispersing the standard welfare handout. It was also Trump who said:
“I stand with the Speaker, (Mike Johnson)” after which he added that Johnson is doing “a very good job.”
So, secretly collaborating with the Democrat leadership to push through a bill that “reauthorizes FISA to spy on the American people without a warrant, (bans Tik Tok) fully funds Joe Biden’s DOJ that has indicted President Trump 91 times, and giving Biden’s political gestapo a brand new FBI building bigger than the Pentagon,” while not providing a dime to protect the southern border from the swarms of people entering the country illegally, is doing a “good job”?
BRICS To Replace US Dollar With Cryptocurrency for Trade
The dollar is going the way of Ukraine and derivatives.
Barbaric Savagery! Israel to “Sacrifice” Red Heifers—TODAY!
Burnt offerings were the in thing to do 2000 years ago. Today only a few child sacrificing madmen still go for this stuff. Burning a few cows doesn't make up for killing 33,000 men, women and children in Gaza.
The latest Rafa bombing is right where they want the high speed rail to go along the border with Egypt 130 miles to the Red Sea.
Finkelstein says that “Israel is a lunatic state” that will bring the world down with it.
Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts
Norman Finkelstein is perhaps America’s top expert on Israel. Finkelstein is himself a Jew, and his parents are “Holocaust survivors,” although his mother seems to have expressed doubts about the scale of the Holocaust.
Finkelstein’s problem is that he is honest, and it has cost him heavily.
The powerful Israel Lobby was able to reach into a Catholic University
and cancel Finkelstein’s grant of tenure, resulting in his dismissal.
What are the key findings of the NHS gender identity review?
(Penn State Hershey and Rachel Levine's wife in charge of mental health need to take a look at this immediately. Tavistok is where this quack medicine all started!)
Report by Dr Hilary Cass finds young people being let down by lack of research and evidence on medical interventions
Yesterday (With Spoken Word Intro / Live From Studio 50, New York City / 1965) before Paul's death in November of 1966.
Searchable Beatles History by day.
To test the theory that Paul McCartney lived past November 9, 1966 just search the date on searchable Beatles History. Sadly, on that day it is recorded as Paul's death day. Brian Epstein told the media there would be no more live performances or touring.
Nov 08, 1966
Abbey Road, Room 53.
4.00-5.30pm. Stereo mixing: `She Loves You' (remixes 1, 2, from single's
master tape). Producer: not assigned; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd
Engineer: not assigned.
Nov 09, 1966
Wednesday Brian phones Arthur Howes, telling him they won't accept more live performances.
Nov 09
John visits the exhibition
`Unfinished Paintings And Objects By Yoko Ono', at the Indica Gallery.
Nov 09
Brian reports that the
Beatles contract with EMI has expired, although a new one is close to
(This is where they decide to lie about Paul having died in the car accident. Instead Tavistok will find a Paul replacement by holding a look alike, sing like Paul contest in which the replacement Paul was the winner. Thus the lie about the original Paul McCartney has been going on for 58 years.)
Nov 09 Wednesday
Paul's death date.
Nov 10
The newspapers report there
will be no more Beatles' tours.
Nov 10
Abbey Road, Room 65.
2.00-4.30pm. Stereo mixing: `This Boy' (remixes 1, 2, from takes 15,
17); `Day Tripper' (remix 2, from take 3); `We Can Work It Out' (remix
2, from take 2). Editing: `This Boy' (of stereo remixes 1, 2). Producer:
not assigned; Engineer: Peter Bown; 2nd Engineer: Graham Kirkby. 1st
stereo mix for `This Boy', mistaken for `Bad Boy'.
Nov 10
Press conference of the Four
Tops, at the Saville Theatre. Brian attends.
Nov 10
Opening of the art
exhibition `Unfinished Paintings And Objects' by Yoko Ono, at the Indica
Gallery, London.
Nov 11
The Beatles and Brian donate
1000 pounds to the Aberlan disaster fund.
Nov 11
`The David Frost Programme',
Rediffusion television. Edition with the Four Tops and an interview
with Brian. Before the show Brian makes it clear that if the Beatles
situation is raised, he will add nothing to the statements already made,
to the effect that nothing has been decided about their future
Nov 12
``Yesterday'... And Today',
21st week in the Top 100 (Billboard).
Tavistok Today getting sued over Whiteness Theory and Transgender psychology:
“Whiteness: A Problem of Our Time”: Nurse Sues NHS for Racist Psychotherapy Training that Portrays Bible & Whites as Racist.
Amy Gallagher Sues Woke NHS Tavistock Clinic
“First test of woke ideology in the courts” as the NHS is accused of “forcing Critical Race Theory on students”. On this week’s #SWYSI we are joined by Amy Gallagher, a Christian nurse who is suing the controversial Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for ‘forcing racist ideology’ on students in a lecture entitled, ‘Whiteness – A Problem of Our Time’. Arguing that the trust forces a ‘racist ideology’ onto students, Amy tells us how nursing students are being discriminated against on the basis of race and religion.
(She caught them red handed! Tavistok has been psyoping us ever since WW 1 with Freud the friendly Ashkenazi, The Beatles & Apple (Adorno) Records, then came Tavistok Whiteness theory and transgender psychology against Christian Family Values.)
How Critical Social Justice Ideology Impedes the Teaching of Psychotherapy
As a professor of psychology in a West Coast University I am responsible for training graduate students who are becoming psychotherapists. I have observed with mounting alarm how Critical Social Justice ideology has been promoted and required to be integrated into all programs, specifically in the clinical psychology program.
Over the years, universities have overwhelmingly adopted Critical
Race Theory (CRT) instruction, and many programs have shifted their
focus on advocacy rather than educating and nurturing budding therapists
on the practice of psychotherapy and its core principles of improving
overall mental health, strengthening one’s internal sense well-being and
personal empowerment.
This is harmful for a number of reasons.
As therapists, we are trained not to take political positions. The core
of our work is to support our clients without personal judgment or bias
interfering. CRT is based on the belief that we are all inherently
racist. One of the main points I have addressed in class is that when we
assume, we are already poisoning the well of potentially effective
therapy. It becomes impossible to develop rapport, trust, and
compassionate relationships with clients who have different life
experiences and beliefs. And these are the core components of
psychotherapy no matter one’s clinical orientation.
Daily practice with the 12 5D chakras
Intense Preparation of our Earthly Bodies,
By Patricia Robles | EraofPeace
The Awakening, Activating and Elevating of our Creative Faculties and our Physical Senses is precisely the Divine Mission that our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun are Calling YOU and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity to Cocreate on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity. This is a necessary step in our Ascension process if we are going to be able to perceive and to Cocreate, the wondrous patterns of perfection for the 5D Solar New Earth.
The Beings of Light are revealing that at this time these patterns are pulsating at frequencies of Light that Transcend our ability to perceive them with even our greatest imaginations. They are pulsating with brand-NEW multidimensional Spectrums of Light, Divine Qualities, Geometric Patterns, Images, Colors, Musical Tones and Fragrances beyond our vibrational reach.
This has been God Victoriously accomplished by my I AM Presence in preparation for the Divine Mission I AM being Called to Cocreate on behalf of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. I so decree it and accept it done as the Presence of God, I AM.
Benjamin Fulford Update Today April 19, 2024 - Benjamin Fulford
Klaus Schwab removed. Other Rothschilds on the way out are Macron, Tredeau, and the Ukranian army.
(Scott Bennett has been on the Dominion case since at least 2009. The biggest electronic election fraud followed Dominion. Only hand marked paper ballots and machines not connected to the internet should be used. Looks like the Dems controlled Dominion which helped them get elected all over.)
3 seafood processors announce closures, selloffs following historic price collapse for Alaska fishing industry.
link to
10 Other Things Mike Johnson Wants To Fund Before The Border
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has sent a clear message: there are things that are simply more important than securing the U.S. border.
(The Rothschild bankers are clearing out the last of the value of the dollar before they pull the plug on all the derivatives. Then President Trump will introduce JFK JR to announce the restored Republic's $2 dollar silver certificate bill that his father first brought out to reboot the treasury.)
The Tennessee Senate passes a bill prohibiting vaccines in food
The Senate of Tennessee has passed House Bill 1894, which requires that food containing any kind of vaccine or vaccine substances has to be classified as a drug, and be labelled as such. mRNA changes our DNA. We have no idea of its consequences for our children or for everyone.
(Republican Governor Bill Lee is the reason Tennessee has some common sense.)
THE WHO says Bird flu is in raw milk. They want to ban raw milk based on 2 cases in the US.
What you can and CAN'T eat amid America's bird flu outbreak according to the Daily Mail, and an ex-FDA food chief: Avoid steak houses, salad dressing and
even some favorite desserts! (Can a vaccine be far behind?)
Study of Amish Children Proves Raw Milk Promotes Health
who drink fresh milk–-unprocessed and unpasteurized-–have a better
immune response to allergens and are far less likely to develop asthma.
This comes amidst a concerted state and federal effort to criminalize raw milk in the US,
Holbreich’s team ran a skin prick test on Amish children, most of whom drink raw milk, finding that only 7% of them showed an allergic reaction. They compared this to parental surveys of Swiss kids, both urban and rural. Over 44% of the Swiss non-farm kids suffered from allergies, the parents reported, while 25% of the Swiss farm kids did.
Most US cows are fed a daily regimen of pharmaceuticals, a practice
linked directly to antibiotic resistance in humans. The Food & Drug
Administration has refused to ban the practice.
Of note, one of
the researchers admitted to being funded by the pharmaceutical industry,
naming Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, among others.
percent of US milk is heated and processed to the point that all
probiotics are destroyed, while some pathogens remain.
Amos Miller wants judge to stop Pa. ag department from destroying his raw milk, other food
Governor Shapiro's milk police have shut down this farm serving 4000 customers and stolen it's food over one questionable complaint from Michigan and one from New York! PA has banned the farm from selling to PA residents! Governor Shapiro is helping the globalists deplete the food supply and for this reason and others, he should resign from office!
This attack on the PA food supply is coming from three democrat governors teaming up with the CDC. Whitmer, Hochul and Shapiro.
The CDC is using Michigan to criminalize raw milk with the bird flu scare
In 1948 Michigan became the first state to ban the sale of unpasteurized milk,
and other states soon followed suit. In 1986 a federal judge ordered
that interstate shipments of raw milk be banned, further limiting supply
for consumers. (Look how far we've come.)
USDA Report: U.S. Dairy Farm Numbers Continue to Decline
Since 2003, the U.S. has lost more than half of its licensed dairy operations, now just shy of 32,000 dairy operations.
Meanwhile, at the center of the Kibbutz is the dairy farm. Since the start of 2023, Israel has
seen a monthly shortage of 1 million to 1.5 million liters of milk.
Israel has led the world in annual per cow milk production since the 1990s. Today, the 115,000 cows in the national herd produce 26,288 pounds of milk, 1,010 pounds of fat, and 880 pounds of protein each year on average. All of this can be found in a country of 550 square miles, about the size of New Jersey, our fourth-smallest state.
Delaware's dairy farms have dwindled from about 40 to 14 in the past decade. Biden is an Israel first ice cream eater.
Two People have had bird flu in the entire US. The one in 2022 was a Texas dairy worker who recovered after a mild eye infection. The other one was a prisoner who worked at a poultry farm who recovered after minor fatigue.
Texas Biomed Developing Potential Bird Flu Vaccine - Pharmaceutical Executive
That one bird flu case in Texas inspired a whole new crispr vaccine!
A bird flu vaccine is in the works! And they will try to ban raw milk but it won't work this time. In Michigan they have they followed the CDC to tell people not to drink raw milk. This is similar to how they bad mouthed Ivermectin before the covid shot came out.
This news comes on the heels on an unpleasant development with the bird flu. While human cases are still rare, the virus was recently discovered in different species of mammals. A strain of H5N1 was recently detected in cattle for the first time in Texas. This strain made headlines, as it ended up infecting a single human who came into contact with the infected cows.
In a press release, Texas Biomed president and CEO Larry Schlesinger, M.D., said, “Thankfully, the risk of the current H5N1 case becoming widespread among people remains low. But viruses adapt and evolve–especially influenza viruses–which is why it is so critical to be studying them and developing vaccines and treatments well before they are needed."
"The genetic sequencing analysis from the CDC indicates that the H5N1 strain found in the patient does not have any mutations associated with resistance to current antiviral drugs," said Martinez-Sobrido.
Is raw milk safe from bird flu?
The FDA and the CDC are less certain about unpasteurized, or raw, milk sold in many states, saying there’s limited information about the possible transmission of the H5N1 virus in such products.
The push for no phone use while driving doesn't include the police. They can always use their phones while on duty. The Police should set a good example for speed limits for non emergency travel like lunch breaks and general patrolling.
There has been a big increase in the number of medical emergency driving accidents and deaths due to the vaccines which haven't made the news in the pharma driven news cycle. Don't ever forget Governor Wolf, AG Shapiro and Rachel Levine forced the entire State Police to be vaccinated with a bioweapon that he hasn't even acknowledged yet.
Globalist Shapiro should have already administered all of the anti mRNA vaccine measures like Ivermectin to the state work force if he had any loyalty at all to the health of the commonwealth. Turbocancer is real.
H5N1 Bird Flu: Current Situation Summary
2 cases in the US no deaths.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov) › flu › avianflu › avian-flu-summ...
by W Birds — People: 2 cases in U.S.; Person-to-person ... Avoid contact with wild or domestic birds that appear ill or have died and call to report sick.
(This is the main reason to keep big pharma out of the food supply especially since people are aware of how bad the shots were.)
The Tennessee Senate approves a bill that will ban chemtrails in their state
US journalist Paul Harrell reports on how the Tennessee Senate has passed a bill that will prohibit chemtrails in its state. It will ban the pulverisation of chemical geoengineering products in the sky. The World Economic Forum satanists want to block out the Sun. In fact, some people think that they are using chemtrails to simulate global warming and climate change.
Jean Sibelius - Finlandia
About this Piece: First and foremost: It is The Keynote song for The Ancient of Days!
During the 1890s Sibelius took on the challenge of writing music that stirred Finnish patriotism in the face of Czar Nicholas II’s Russification policies. The composer wanted to create something recognizably Finnish, but without resorting to direct imitation of folk music. As he wrote to his wife Aino, “I would not wish to tell a lie in art … But I think I am now on the right path. I now grasp those Finnish, purely Finnish tendencies in music less realistically but more truthfully than before.” Many of his early efforts in this direction were ephemeral – a composer in search of his voice – but the 1899 Finlandia has transcended both its local association and its political objective.
Originally the finale of a suite of incidental music to accompany a historical tableaux, it was performed first at an event whose announced purpose was support of a journalists’ pension fund but whose organizers sought to promote a spirit of national unity. The title Finland Awakens attracted negative attention from the czarist régime, so for a while the piece was known as Impromptu – surely one of the great misnomers in music history!
Like all successful symphonic poems, Finlandia’s extra-musical meaning generates the music’s formal shape. The composer described this meaning in stirring words: “We fought 600 years for our freedom and I am part of the generation which achieved it. Freedom! My Finlandia is the story of this fight. It is the song of our battle, our hymn of victory.”
His genius is that this story functions simultaneously on both exterior and interior levels – capturing just that intersection where patriotism feeds personal identity and vice versa. Massive chords establish the music’s parameters of great depth and seriousness.
Very slowly they yield to a woodwind choir, then to the strings; the judiciously restrained orchestration suggests that there is power held in check. The accumulated tension yields to more defiant strains, then to a resolute, even jaunty section before settling into the strains of the last reverent theme (later used for the hymn “Be still, my soul,” whose text emphasizes patience in the face of suffering), which Sibelius gradually builds into triumph.
Finland's Bold New Firearm Policy Sets Global Standard
is taking a bold step forward in national defense and public safety
with its groundbreaking initiative to open 300 new shooting ranges
across the country. This extensive project not only aims to enhance
military readiness and civilian preparedness but also integrates
responsible gun ownership into the fabric of Finnish society. As
geopolitical tensions rise, Finland’s proactive strategy sets a global
standard for empowering citizens while fortifying national security.
Finnish government has embarked on a significant project to open 300
new shooting ranges across the country. This initiative is part of a
broader national security strategy aimed at enhancing military
preparedness and public safety. By increasing access to shooting ranges,
the government seeks to improve civilian readiness for national
Finland’s decision to expand its shooting ranges comes
amidst growing geopolitical tensions in the region, especially due to
concerns about Russian military activities. As Finland shares a long
border with Russia, the enhancement of civilian and military readiness
is seen as a crucial step. The new shooting ranges are intended to
bolster the nation’s defensive capabilities by facilitating more
extensive training opportunities.
(It's all about balance of power. Thank God We have a second amendment.)
Planned Parenthood, universities and the NIH are trafficking the organs of late-term aborted babies
Hispanic journalist Elina Villafañe reports on new evidence, which proves that Planned Parenthood – supposedly a non-profit organisation – is selling body parts of late-term aborted babies, for significant sums of money. They are working in conjunction with important universities and the NIH, the US National Institutes of Health. The evidence was presented by the Center for Medical Progress.
(Here's a cause Democrat women voters hold near and dear to their hearts. Crooked Governor Shapiro can always count on them for their votes. Only child sterilization and hormone prescriptions comes before that to keep medical tyranny alive. It makes Rachel Levine and Hershey Medical proud.)
Why is US Health Department withholding documents from the Senate on Covid-19 origins?
US Senator Ron Johnson is demanding explanations from Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, as to why dozens of documents on the origins of Covid-19 have 'heavy hidden redactions' and why they are withholding this information from the American public.
How to effectively treat Covid vax-induced turbo cancers
Posted on April 17, 2024 by State of the Nationit makes
Suggested Fenbendazole PROTOCOLS for COVID-19
mRNA Vaccine-Induced Turbo Cancers
and CANCER Part 2 – Treating Turbo Cancer – 10 new studies released in
2023-2024 (also Mebendazole) – suggested PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA
Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers
by William Makis MD
Penn State Freshman Dies From Brain Aneurysm
Universities and state health departments should be keeping track of statistics that could shed light on vaccine damage.
Penn State trustee scolded for making ‘spectacle’ in push to name field after Joe Paterno
The Marxists who took over after Gricar and Paterno were murdered are the same ones who don't want Paterno field or a Gricar Grand Jury. Governor Shapiro is one example. On April 15 when Shapiro should have been remembering Gricar's disappearance he was instead commenting on Israel foreign policy which he has no business doing.
Shapiro's representative who sits on the law enforcement round table at Operation Our Town needs to submit a statement on the progress with the Gricar disappearance. All the evidence needed is right up the road from Our Town at Troop G.
The evidence includes this report never released to the public that includes the demand for a grand jury by the State Police.
In this report is the evidence of the main suspect in the Gricar case, who is now Shapiro's right hand man in the AG department, lying to the Gricar family about what was in the State Police report including the grand jury he refused to empanel.
See for all the evidence and the podcasts.
Way Back Machine Archive April 19, 2005, Four Days After Gricar Disappeared
March 31, 2005
AG Corbett & Centre County DA Gricar announce breakup of $1.5 million heroin & cocaine organization
Tom Corbett's AG office web site's top story on March 31, 2005 is about the drug bust with Ray Gricar. No mention of Gricar's disappearance at all after April 15! Instead the top story is a court order against a bridal shop owner and a huge drug bust of 40 drug dealers in Blair county!
The next time the AG office updates the web site on April 21, the top story is about repair rip offs. Gricar is never mentioned again by AG corbett on the AG office web site because they ran the kidnapping and murder of DA Ray Gricar and refused to follow State Police orders to do a Grand Jury!
Below are all of the top stories the AG office was working on between March 31, 2005 and April 26, 2005. These links are no longer live but the originals can be found here on the wayback machine. They treated Ray Gricar like chopped liver because they knew he was dead!
April 26, 2005
Corbett names Lehigh County contractor in home improvement fraud case;
Lawsuit also claims defendant broke “Do Not Call” law to get customers
April 21, 2005
AG Corbett offers tips to avoid spring home repair rip-offs
April 15, 2005
AG Corbett obtains court order against Clearfield Co. bridal shop owner; Defendant barred from doing business in PA
April 14, 2005
AG Corbett announces arrests of as many as 40 alleged drug dealers operating in Blair County
April 13, 2005
Philadelphia woman charged with theft of state grant money
April 6, 2005
AG Corbett urges consumers to sign-up for free prescription drug benefits from Antitrust settlement
April 6, 2005
AG Corbett warns consumers about potential scams following disaster emergency declaration in 10 Pennsylvania counties
April 1, 2005
AG Corbett announces arrests of three men charged in Internet 'child sex sting'
March 31, 2005
AG Corbett & Centre County DA Gricar announce breakup of $1.5 million heroin & cocaine organization
Flashback: AG Corbett Gives Up On Finding Gricar in less than 30 days
AG Corbett said Gricar wasn't coming back because he took his car keys with him.
(After the $1.5 million drug bust in Centre, the 40 drug dealers caught in Blair and the bridal shop bust in Clearfield, the AG office was just too busy to look for Ray. Others seemed to know more including the news media. Just take a look at this redacted letter that was sent to the Centre Daily Times from Butch! Was it referring to the former TV-10 mystery woman news anchor last seen with Gricar? )
Final Argument Podcast: Redit Q&A
A member of law enforcement told Rebecca Knight that The Bellefonte Police wanted composite sketches done of the women Ray Gricar was reportedly seen with before his disappearance and were told that it wasn't in the budget.
Wouldn’t that be the responsibility of the Lewisburg police since Gricar went missing in their jurisdiction? Why would Bellefonte police be responsible for having a sketch made of a woman that wasn’t even sighted in their county let alone town?
That is an excellent question. The last sightings of Mr. Gricar were in Lewisburg in Union County and his car was also abandoned there. Pete Johnson, the D.A., of Union county refused to get involved in the case; law enforcement in Lewisburg were told that Bellefonte police were in charge of the case with the PSP brought in to assist. It should also be noted that Pete Johnson and former PA attorney general and Governor Tom Corbett have been good friends for many years. Pete Johnson never lifted a finger to do anything to help find out what happened to Gricar, who was last seen in his county. Looks like Mr. Johnson’s loyalty to Corbett trumped his moral responsibility to get involved in Mr. Gricar’s disappearance. (And we all know now that Tom Corbett never lifted a finger to help find Mr. Gricar.) That’s why no composite sketches were done by Lewisburg police.
10/23/2023: Union County District Attorney Peter Johnson dies at age 68, only months before retirement. He was PA's longest serving DA at 28 years. (Former DA Bob Buehner never got a memorial from the AG office and neither did Ray Gricar.)
(To see the letter written from former District Attorney Bob Buehner to Centre and Union
county district attorneys Michael Madeira and Pete Johnson,
respectively, see the premium section at
Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., FAKE NEWS: “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”
Jim Fetzer wrote the book "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook".
For a quick take, Victoria Aurelio (aka “Vicki Soto”) has gone on to earn an advanced degree in Special Education from New York School of Career & Applied Studies (2017), five years after her reported death at Sandy Hook–and under the name “Victoria Soto”! I learned from her and Margaret (via our mutual friend, Steve Lucia), that those who participated in the exercise have substantial “fringe benefits”, including not paying taxes and free tuition in pursuing their higher education, as she has done. I was on the phone with Steve when. Margaret, who was with him, spoke with Vicki and asked her how much she had been paid for reprising her role as “Eva Morales”, a teacher reportedly killed at another (staged) school shooting in Uvalde, TX, which was $210,000. Eric Holder came to Newtown in 2006, they told me, and offered Newt own (the community) $114,000,000 for participating in this “Capstone Event”.
One of the striking features of the “false flag”/staged events Brian Davidson–a private investigator licensed in Texas–and I have discovered is that FEMA likes to use the same “crisis actors” again and again, especially when they have been found to be reliable in the past. The Uvalde, TX, school shooting was modeled after Sandy Hook, where (in this case) instead of shooting his mother and then killing 20 first graders and several teachers, at Uvalde, the shooter shot his grandmother and then killed 19 second, third, and fourth grade children. It’s fairly absurd, but even Wayne Carver, the Medical Examiner from CT, was recycled and made an appearance in Uvalde, as we documented in a two-part series, Part 1 (here) and Part 2 (here). The Uvalde event was so sloppy that they they even featured two “fathers” for the same alleged victim, where the perps (FEMA and DHS) have become casual about details because they have found (based upon Sandy Hook) that the public is gullible enough to believe anything they produce as long as it carries emotional impact!
Empty room for Joe in Scranton.
In Scranton, aging US factory makes shells for Ukraine
Iran in the Bible: The Forgotten Story | Presented by Our Daily Bread Films
Babylon is being subdued once again by the forgotten Biblical God of Persia from the Book of Daniel.
Believers see him in all the major religions, as Skanda/Kartikkeya in Hinduism, Brahma-Sanam Kumara in Buddhism, Ancient of Days in Judeo-Christianity and Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism. It is also considered that Sanat Kumara is Al Khdir (green man) known to Sufi Muslims (According to Dakshinamurti).
According to certain esoteric, mystic and gnostic traditions, Sanat Kumara (eternal youth in Sanskrit) and 144,000 souls from planet Venus came to Earth in her darkest hour to hold the light of God.
Notable beings in the 144,000 include Jesus, Gautama Buddha, and Maitreya Buddha.
President Trump Ordered to Miss Son's Graduation or Go To Jail
"My son is graduating from high school. It looks like the judge will not let me go to the graduation of my son who's worked very, very hard and he is a great student. This is a SCAM trial."
This collection unites Ingersoll Lockwood's classic Baron Trump adventure stories in one volume. (This is what Baron does in his spare time traveling.)
Filled with exotic flights of fancy, the Baron Trump tales feature the titular character - a wealthy boy who lives in Trump Castle. His actual name is Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp, but for the sake of simplicity he chooses to go by his title of Baron Trump.
The young fellow embarks on time travelling adventures through human history. Through his travels, he meets societies of people and tribes from long ago, picking up aspects of their language and social customs. Accompanied by his faithful and protective companion hound Bulger, the young Baron navigates a variety of adventures and surmounts many obstacles.
The final book in this volume discusses the rise of a US President and has been variously described as either coincidental or prescient of aspects of the 21st century political climate. Set in an America torn by division and dissent, there are references to a hotel on Fifth Avenue in New York, and an election of an outsider candidate ensuing in a chaotic atmosphere.
Ingersoll Lockwood was an author of many children's books and short stories. A veteran of the U.S. consular service, he began writing in the 1870s and attained fame and appreciation for his efforts.
Governor Shapiro has missed commemorating a very important day in his political career, April 15. This is the day DA Ray Gricar was reported missing 19 years ago. See for the evidence and podcasts.
Also see: Respected District Attorney Disappears During Weekend Road Trip (Best of Crime Stories) Crime Stories with Nancy Grace
HAARETZ: “ISRAEL HAS BEEN DEFEATED – "A TOTAL DEFEAT” BLAZING PRESS The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has declared that Israel has suffered a “total defeat” in their war on Gaza as “the war’s aims won’t be achieved. (The end of the Rothschild Zionist, Khazarian Mafia era.)
Picture this: A colossal structure of divine design, detailed with precision, encompassing a vast expanse in the heart of one of the world's most historically charged cities, Jerusalem. It's not a scene from a fantasy novel. No, it's a prophecy that has endured for millennia, as depicted in the Old Testament, in the Book of Ezekiel, chapters 40 to 48." We're talking about Ezekiel's prophecy of the Millennial Temple, a future temple so grand and detailed it has captured the imaginations and dedicated study of scholars, theologians, and believers for centuries. But what does this future temple mean? When will it be built, and exactly how big will it be?
What is the meaning of Isaiah 60: 8?
It predicts the purity and enlargement of the church. The conversion of souls is here described. They fly to Christ, to the church, to the word and ordinances, as doves to their own home; thither they fly for refuge and shelter, thither they fly for rest.
(President Trump just might be the intended developer of New Jerusalem. This would be a total makeover for the Abrahamic religions featuring Jesus Christ as the central figure. It's the ultimate dark to light story. Think what this could do for trade and tourism when combined with the MedRed high speed Railroad!)
The Muslims built a Mosque over John The Baptist's site in Damascus and that worked out OK. Except it got shelled in the war.
Israel Heritage Foundation awards Trump "Crown of Jerusalem"
Jul 16, 2023 — This is a person that doesn't care only for himself but cares for the entire world,” said IHF Executive Director Rabbi David Katz.
Trump is the new Cyrus after all. Note the coin features a Lion of the Persian Empire on the Cyrus cylinder which recalls the true God of the Bible from the book of Daniel, Ahura Mazda, also known as the Ancient of Days.
Alcyon Pleiades Special 57: Provoked famine-poverty, Price hikes, Artificial meat, Farm closures
Irrational though it may seem, we are currently experiencing a war against food, as hundreds of millions of people grapple with poverty and hunger, due to today’s policies, which are designed to manufacture a food-and-debt crisis. The goal is not solely to target poorer nations, but to orchestrate a famine on a global scale. In fact, if we do nothing to stop it, if we refuse to prepare ourselves, we will all feel its effects.
Food prices are on the rise and farmers are being pressured to stop farming their land. Livestock farms are going out of business and supermarkets are closing their doors, whilst fabricated wars trigger the collapse of the supply chain.
It is important to know that the problem is not a shortage of food. One of its real causes lies with the policies the elite want to impose upon us through their Agenda 2030. These measures are based on false climate change, and they involve a land grab by corrupt billionaires and big corporations, which are taking over arable lands and aqueducts.
President Trump Goes To Chic-Fil-A
Dan and Me: My Coming Out as a Friend of Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A
The heart rending story of how the Chick-fil-A CEO won over a nationally recognized LGBTQ leader, Shane Windmeyer who is a bestselling author and the executive director of Campus Pride.
Campus Pride Terminates Founder, Considers Merger
The organization’s board alleges that former executive director Shane Windmeyer—who was also Campus Pride’s only full-time employee—mismanaged over $100,000.
‘Second mile service’ at Chick-fil-A turns transactions into relationships
(Not shown: Photo of President Dan Cathy holding a two dollar bill.)
JOHN CREEK, Fulton County Ga. - Service with a smile can set you and your business apart from the competition.
Such was the advice from Dan Cathy, president of local mega-food chain Chick-fil-A. He spoke to the Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce Dec. 3 at the Atlanta Athletic Club in Johns Creek.
Cathy calls his brand of service, "second mile service."
"If someone asks you to go with them for a mile, go two instead," Cathy said, referring to the Biblical verse Matthew 5:41.
The "first mile" is serving the customer quality goods. Cathy said that is the bare minimum expectation. Everything beyond that - the "second mile" - leaves a lasting impression on the customer.
"Then a transaction turns into a relationship," he said. "If you don't go that extra mile, all you have is a transaction. To build brand loyalty, you need to go that extra mile."
Working this mindset into the company culture is part of Cathy's business plan. Every employee is asked to live and breathe the concept of "second mile ser